Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 1

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Vol. 39 No. 21
Joey Neff, 3-year-old son of Dean and Doris Neff,
Washington Boro, and Pigonia 11, the object of the Kiss A Pig
contest for the American Diabetes Association, greet Jim
Huber, Lancaster County Commissioner chairman, who
won the contest last year. See story page A 25. Photo by
Everett Newawenger, managing editor.
Poultry Progress Day
Addresses Industry’s Concerns
Lancaster Farming Staff
LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.)
North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) and Genual
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) will have long-term posi
tive effects on the poultry industry,
according to Dr. Milt Madison of
the USDA.
Madison spoke to about 200 per
sons who attended Poultry Prog
ress Day at the Farm and Home
Center on Thursday. He said that
after a two- to three-year of short
term negative effect from restric
tive quotos that are gradually relax
ed, they should expect a four to six
percent increase in products. The
downside of the trade agreements
is that poultry feed may increase in
cost because of grain exports.
The annual event is a day for
Lancaster County Poultry Associa
tion members to And out what’s
new in the poultry industry, exa
mine government regulations,
costs, disease control, and other
aspects that affect the industry.
For those who could not attend
60e Per Copy
the Southeast Poultry Show, Dr.
Paul Patterson of the Penn State
poultry science department
reported on strides in development
of equipment to make the produc
er’s job easier. One of these is a
new device to toe-trim turkey
poults so they don’t scratch each
other. It is actually a microwave
that zaps the turkey toes as they are
being vaccinated. The toenail
drops off within a 7- to 10-day per
iod with no pain and side effects
and considerably less labor
involved in the process.
For meat type birds, Patterson
Daylight-Saving Time
Starts Sunday
The time to push the clocks forward one hour has come.
Daylight-saving time officially starts at 2 o’clock on Sunday moil
ing, April 3. While many people can simply make the clock adjust
ment on Saturday night before retiring, dairy farmers will need to
change their milking and feeding schedules more gradually.
Numerous cows now give more than 100 pounds of milk per day,
and a slow change in milking schedule is necessary for both cow
comfort and the maintenance of top production.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1994
Pennmarva Young Cooperators Chosen
York Co. Correspondent
Co.) Outstanding young
farmer-members were honored
last week by three regional dairy
cooperatives as the finals of the
Pennmarva Federation’s Young
Cooperator Program, March 23
and 24 at Willow Valley Resort
and Conference Center.
Highlight of the annual confer
ence of education and fellowship
was the naming of Young Cooper
ator winners by federation mem
bers Atlantic Dairy Cooperative,
Southampton, Maryland and Vir
ginia Milk Producers. Reston, Vir
ginia and the Middle Atlantic
Division, Dairymen, Inc., Sykes
ville, Maryland.
Atlantic Dairy Coooperative
John and Julie Mayer, Taney
town, Maryland, were named the
Conservation Learned
At Early Age On Feidt Farm
Lancaster Farming Staff
Co.) When 3'/4 -year-old Jordy
Feidt entered the tiestall bam, he
looked back quickly at his grand
ma, Delons Feidt, and said,
“Grammy, cows!”
Jordy knew what to do, and
asked to “scoop poop,” picking
up the shovel and pushing the man
ure off the floor into the alley
It didn’t take long before Jor
dy’s I'A -year-old brother Nicho
las saw what Jordy was doing and
said there is a new cage system in
the works in which the birds are
caged and the droppings are dis
posed by conveyor belt When the
birds are ready to market the bot
tom drops down, and the birds geta
free ride on the conveyor belt to the
loading truck.
For pennies, new products can
be added to feed to keep the birds’
acid levels stable and reduce the
risk of bacterial that increases the
risk of food poisoning. Patterson
said that these products will not be
mandated but will appeal to the
(Turn to Pag* A 36)
outstanding young coopentors for
Atlantic Dairy Cooperative. They
arc the sole owners and decision
makers at their Stony Point Farm,
which includes 145 Holstein,
Brown Swiss and Jersey cattle and
Delaware, Mid-East Merge,
DHIAs Change Nationwide
Lancaster Farming Staff
COLUMBUS. Ohio —There
have been a number of mergers
and realignments of dairy herd
improvement associations across
the nation in recent months as
changes in national rules and fees
have opened up a number of
options, and. at the same time,
have forced some isolated herds to
seek out new alliances in order to
decided to pick up some grain tygl
begin feeding the cows some
thing he has been doing from an
“early” age, according to his
mother, Teresa.
Teresa, husband David and
David’s hither, Eugene and wife
Deloris know the importance of
Nicholas Feldt, IV4, helps feed the cows—something he
has been doing from an “early” age, according to his
mother, Teresa. For education and compliance with conser
vation techniques early on, the Feldts including Nick’s
father David and grandparents Eugene and Deloris —were
recently honored as the Dauphin County Conservation Far
mers of the Year. Photo by Andy Andnws
Rvt Sections
279 acres in com, barley, hay and
pasture. Herd average on the Hoi*
steins is 20,204 milk and 711 fat,
while the colored breeds average
13,950 milk and 652 fat
(Turn to Pago A2O)
decrease and spread out costs.
According to Phil Dukas, CEO
of National DHIA, the reorganiza
tion of DHIA on a wide-scale basis
is the result of trends in the dairy
industry and the wide use of elec
tronic data gathering and
With the use of computers and
telephone line links, geographical
boundaries are no longer the deter-
(Turn to Pago A 23)
the children early on
about what is important to dairy
ing. Along with knowing how to
care for cattle, already the sons
know that other work is just as
important, also, especially in light
of approaching planting season.
(Turn to Pago A 24)
$19.75 Per Year