E4O-Lancwt«r Faming, Saturday, March 26, HM Dairy and Livestock Sales Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. JUNE 18 -10 AM, ’ublic Auction Of Driving Horses, Antiques, HH Soods, Blacksmith Tools, Carriage. Located Along St. 897 In The Village Of Springville, Lane. Co. Pa. : or Jonas & Elizabeth Beil »r. Snyder's Auction Service. . : RI. JUNE 24 - I;3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Jvestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. 717) 249-4511. JULY WED. JULY 1-7 PM, Horse Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. FRI. JULY 6 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market. Inc. Exit 12South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. SAT. JULY 16 - 9AM, 106 Acre Farm, Personal Prop erty & Antiques. Located 140 Weaver Rd„ Manheim, Pa. Owner, Harry C. Roh rer Trust, Lila & Corene Rohrer Trustees. Kline, Kreider & Good, Aucts. FRI. JULY 22 - I:3OPM, Stats Graded Feeder Pig CHESTER COUNTY 4-H CENTER FUND-RAISING DAIRY SALE Saturday, April 2 11:00 a.m. Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryvllle 40 Registered and Grade Holstelns, Ayrshlres, and Jerseys; bred heifers, calves, semen, and dairy-related Items. FEATURES SELLING CURIOUS BRED HEIFER, due in June to Tesk; Dam has three records over 21,000; second dam over 29,000; third dam over 34,000 STARBUCK BRED HEIFER due in the Spring; dam has 22,800,3.9%, second dam 2E-91 with 160,000 lifedme. AYRSHIRE SHOW CALF bom in December; sired by Maple-Dell J R; dam VG-87 with 20,500,4.1% fat, 3.6% protein; second dam VG-87; third dam VG-89. JERSEY SHOW CALF bom March ’94; dam a two-year old, winner at numerous Pa. fairs; second dam 86 pts; from a deep, show-winning pedigree. LINEBACK CALF bom March *94; Sired by Rocky; Dam at two years has 11,500 4.0% fat. From the DUNWOOD GOLDEN FAMILY, a March show-age calf sired by CRACIN ROYAL from a GP-83 BLACKSTAR with 22,300. Nine month old SKYBUCK from a GP-83 dam with 23,600. September ASTRE STARBUCK from a two-year old LEADMAN; sec ond dam by SECRET with 23,500, 3.4% protein. November ELVIN from a two-year old BLACKSTAR with an M.E. of 26,700; second dam by SECRET. November BELL JOY from a REX with 22,300. December SHOW-AGE CALVES sell sired by CUBBY, MASCOT, and SWD MARK from high producing pedigrees. More from top sires such as LEADMAN, MANAGER, WISTER, RAMBO and BATMAN. TESK SON from a VG-88 Valiant with 32,000 milk, bom Sept. ’93 SEMEN SELLING Over 80 units sell including; Slocum, Aerostar, Oscar, Cracin Royal, Luke, Flip, Mark Adam, and Fond Reliance; Also services to Mascot, Leadman, and Belltone. DAIRY-RELATED ITEMS SELLING Calf Starter, Milk Replacer, Teat Dip, and Bam-Dri. For catalogs, call or write: Tom Barlow R.D. 2, Box 46-A, Cochranvllle, PA 19330 Phone: 610-932-5274 All cattle and items for this sale have been donated, and all proceeds go toward the building of the Chester County 4-H Center. Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. AUGUST FRI. AUG. 5 • TPM, Horse Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St. New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. THURS. AUG. 11 & FRI. AUG. 13 - Martin's Annual Auction Of Carriages, Sleighs And Antiques. Located Lebanon Area Fairground, Lebanon, Pa. Martin Aucts. (717) 768-8108. FRI. AUG. 12 - I:3OPM. State Graded Feeder Pig PIGS STATE GRADED SALE FRI.. APRIL 1,1994 1:30 P.M. AT WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wattmimtsr, MO Phone (410) 848-9820 BULL CALF SELLING Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. - SAT. AUG. 13 • 6PM Arnold Hog Production sale, Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Leb„ Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. WED. AUG. 17-6 PM Per formance Tested Boar Sale, State College, Pa. Harry H. Bachman, Auct. SAT. AUG. 20 -9AM, Hols tein Dairy Heifers, Field Crops 8 Farm Implements. Located Midway Between Fivepointville & Bowmans ville, Brecknock Twnshp., Lane. Co., Pa. Directions; From Bowmansvllle 625 South, Turn Right On Pleasant Valley Rd., Turn Left On Long Lane Rd. From Fivepointville, Take RL 897 South. At Goods Mill Turn Left On Long Lane Rd. Terms By, Henry & Sarah Laid. Leßoy S. Horst & Paul W. Horst, Auct. PUBLIC AUCTION OF BEAL ESTATE |HHL (Ni» 12-Ac re Farmette), IcajsaW Farm 4k Lawni Equip., Power 4b Tools, Houaegooda 4k Fum. SAT., APR. 23,1994 0 9:00 AJ«. Loc.: 1680 Robert Fulton Hwy., East Dru mora Twp., Lanoastar Co., PA. (Approx. 5 ml. S. of QuarryvlKa along Rta. 222). R.E.: Opan houaa: Sat, Apr. 2 from 1 to Noon. 10% down. Sattla 40 days. R.E. sold & 1:00 P.M. Sale By: JOSEPH H. AND ROBERTA L. SCHNEIDER CHARLES FOLTZ HERR, Attorney ROY A ERIC PROBST, Auots. AUOOO73OL, Ph. (717) 464-3190 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, April 30, 1994 At 9:00 A.M. Located approximately 4 miles north of Clarks Ferry Bridge along Route 147, Reed Township, Dauphin County. Only 12 miles from Harrisburg. REAL ESTATE 37 ACRE GENTLEMAN'S FARM IN BEAUTIFUL POWELLS VALLEY Real Estate will be offered at 1:00 P.M. • l’/i Stray Brick Bungalow With Wrap Around Cemented Porch* Ist Floor-Kitchen, Living, Dining (2) Bedrooms & Full Bath; • 2nd Floor - Large Bedroom, Lots of Storage Space; • New Roof & Spouting, New 200 Amp Service; • New Oil Hot Water Baseboard Heat (Ener Royal Boiler); • New Septic Sys tem, Drilled Well; • Outbuildings - 30’x30’ Cinder Block Garage/Workshop, Cinder Block One-Story Bam. Storage Shed; • Land - 37 Acres, Approx. 21 acres tillable. Balance Woodland. 2,600’ Hard Road Frontage on Rupp Road, Road Fronatage on Route 147. TERMS: 10% Down, Balance 60 Days. Additional terms Day of Sale. For inspec tion Call 896-8406 or 896-8620. CAR & TRUCK YARD & FARM MACHINERY, HORSE DRAWN EQUIPMENT MECHANICAL, POWER, GARDEN, HAND MACHINERY & TOOLS ANTIQUE FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES GLASSWARE, DISHES & CHINA HOUSEHOLD GOODS AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Auctioneers will split and sell at two locations at same time beginning at 10:00 A.M. TERMS: Cash or approved PA check by Auctioneer. Estate of: HARRY & ARLENE PECK Executrix: Carolyn A. Foerster Executor: Robert H. Peck Attorney: Allen Shaffer AnrflAnAAft* David Delbler 896-8530 AU001213-L Ed Shoop 896-8305 AUOOOA42-L 37 Sycamore Ave., Halifax, PA 17032 Lunch Stand Reserved Dav« Dclblcr Sheep V t\t \ PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE (± Farmette w!2 Dwellings) jdgfffigqß Farm MachJEquip. & Tools, WmMßjm Butchering Toots, Antiques & Collectibles SAT., APR. 30, 1994 £ 9:00 A.M. Loc.: 1147 Scalpy Hollow Rd., Drumore Twp., Lancaster Co., PA. (Dir.'; Rte. 272 South of Lan caster approx. 13 miles, V* ml West on Oregon Hollow Rd., veer left to auction.) REAL ESTATE: 2’A -story frame house w/2-stoiy add., mod. kilch., eat-in din area, liv. rm. w/lot windows. 2nd FL w/1 bath + 4 bedims w/hdwd. firs. Full day-light basement w/hot water htr., well pump, wash area, V 4 bath. Septic A well sys. Propane gas space heating. Includes 3 or 4 util, outbldgs. TENANT HOUSE: 2-story w/1-story add., w/3 rooms Ist floor, Ig. bdim. ft bath 2ndfL Separate well ft septic. Parcel of land lies along both sides of Scalpy Hollow Rd. Lg. percent tillable. Pasture land w/stream. Open House Dales; Sat, Mar. 26 and April 9,10 to 12 Noon. 10% down. Settle In 60 days. R.E. to be sold at 1:00 PJd. Food served. No out of state checks Sale by: MRS. ELIAS (REBECCA W.) MILLER DAVID HOMSHER, Attorney ROY & ERIC PROBST, Aucts. - AUOOO73OL, Ph. (717) 464-3190 i PUUKAUCTION \ tot 3.2 ACRE FARMETTE WITH Tf \ STONE HOUSE / | HOUSEHOLD GOODS • FARM \ *1 EQUIPMENT • TOOLS A A MON., APRIL 11, 1994 * T 4:OOPM r | LOCATED: West of York, PA. 4 Miles \ jl Along Rt. 234 * East Berlin Rd. •On Left, Jk g 6:00 PM REAL ESTATE S V 3.2 Acres in Jackson Township, York Co. If \ improved with a 2 story stone house, f I frame bam with steel siding and 2 car pole V Jl building. House has kitchen, dining room, n| g living room, bath and closed-in porch on iS V the Ist floor, 3 bedrooms on the 2nd floor. I) \ Cement basement, oil hot air heat and f f wood stove, all replacement windows and \ jl carpet in bedrooms. 231’ Road frontage m s* on Rt. 234, fenced in fields. 2* I# TERMS: 10% DOWN DAY OF SALE, I? \ BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. I I SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT •PHONE V (717) 792-2528 Q d Massey Ferguson 135 Gas, 3 Cylinder lot with 600 hours, 3 pt. Power steering • If \ Purchased New; M.F. 2x16 Trip Back f | Plow, 3 pt. 2 Row Culti., Black Hawk 2 \ j§ Row Com Planter * 3 pt.. Drag Disk, m Spring Harrow, 2 New Idea 12A J? |U Spreaders, Bale Elevator w/Electric Tf \ Motor, 3 pt. Post Hole Digger, New I t Holland 68 PTO Baler, Int. 3 pt. Dyna i jl Balancer Mower, Int. Mfg. S’3 pt. Rotary yk VJi Mower, 3 pt. 6’ Scraper Blade, Co-op Hay A Rake, 3 pt. Hitch Arps Snow Blower, "T* \ Straw Shredder, Echo Weedeater with / ■ Brush Head, Home-lite XL9O3 Chain Saw, \ if New Polan 1800 Chain Saw, Used Polan Jk vj. Chain Saw, 2 Rotary Mowers, Blacksmith \S A Tools, Long Handle Tools, Gas Tank & Pump, Farm Gates, Fencing, Electric P S Fencer, Tire & Tow Chains, Cable, Horse f -f Culti., Shallow Well Pump, Misc. Lumber, jl Dog Kennel, Hand Clover Seeder, B&D Q A Hedge Trimmer, Buck Saw, Hudson fs x Sprayer, 2 Man Saw, Stewart Clippers, 3 P « Western Horse Saddles and Bridles, Misc. 9 # Horse Gear, Metal Cattle Rack for Pick- \ Up, Wrenches and Tools, Etc. Q A Philco Refrigerator, Admiral Electric Stove, Maytag Wringer Washer, Double V 2 Tubs, Kitchen Cabinet, Footlocker, f ,f Window Air Conditioner, Kerosene Light, V Golf Balls, Hanging Light with red shade Q A & prisms, Misc. Household Goods and other items of interest. P ) TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK I if SELLER: V Elwood L. & Ruth N. Rohrbaugh 2 Ct R.D. #6, Box 20, York, PA Tf A 717-792-2528 / J AUCTION CONDUCTED IY 1 4. Rental's Auction Service 3 fit Emigsville, PA, PA Lie. 4 ’6l T \ 784-6 112 I * t
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