E3B-LancMtar Famine, Saturday, Marcti 26, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM Household, antiques & tods. Turn off Rt. 23 in Leo la on 772 E. go 3 miles to sale or 3 miles W. of Inter course on 772. On corner of Hess Rd. & Newport Rd. Lane. Co. Pa. By Enos K. Zook Estate. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, Randall L. Ranck, aucts. SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM, Very Fine Antiques & Persian Rugs, Hepplewhite Furni ture, Cherry Comer Cup boards & Tall Clocks. Located For Farmersville Fire Hall. Auction For, John Hugh MacDonald Estate. Executrix, Jennifer Pdeski. E.M. Murry Assoc., Aucts. SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM, 19th Annual Consignment Sale For The Cumberland Valley Amish School. Quilts, Crafts, Shrubbery, Lawn Furniture, Farm Machinery, Lots Of Good Food. Please Try And Bring Consign ments Before Sale Day. Held At Jacob Floyd Farm, 2 Miles W. Of Newburg, Pa. On 641. Steve Petersheim Auct. & Others Welcome. SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM, IH 1947 Truck, Old Engines, Parts, Guns & Some H.H. Located In Mifflin Co., Turn East Off Route 322 At Burnham, Pa. (Holiday Inn), 12 Miles On Old Stage Road (Belltown), Or 5 Miles S.W. Of McClure, Pa. Own er, Harold B. Riesman. Mark Click, Auct. SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM, 2 Tracts Real Estate, Sands tone Dwelling, Antiques, Household Goods, Car, Coins. Located At 445 Reinholds Road, East Cocalico Township, Lane. Co , Pa Directions' Rt 272 To Zmn's Diner, Turn West Onto Hill Road Onto White Oak Rd . Left Onto Rein holds Road. Terms By, Katie Daub Estate. Horst Aucts SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM. Real Estate (Brick Ranch House) & Personal Proper ty. Located 950 East Main St , Ephrata (Ephrata Twp). Owner, Barbara H. Sensenig. Kline, Krelder & Good Aucts. SAT MAY 4-9:3OAM Real estate, antiques & house hold goods, 210 Rosedale Drive, Bausman, Pa. Lam bert Steinbaecher Estate. E.M Murry Assoc., Aucts. SAT. MAY 14 - 9 30AM Savona, New York. JoMar Farm Dispersal. Beef Herd, Machinery, Tools, Lives tock Equip, and Building Supplies Pirrung Aucts 50 th Selling 52 Registered Angus 25 Open Heifers 7 Cow/Calf Pairs 6 Herd Sire Prospects 4 Bred Cows 3 Bred Heifers Pennsylvania Angus Association; Pros., Harry Bachman • Vico Pros SAT. MAY 14 - 9:3OAM Tools & Roofing equip, like new household goods, 20 guns. 2-366 V 8 dump trucks & real estate. Sale on Qreensvalley Rd., Centre Hall, Pa. Centre Co. Aucts: Ron J & Ron S. Gilli gan, #AU339L & AA2223L. SAT. MAY 14 - IPM Real Estate, 54 Acres Lane. Co. Farm w/Stream, Historic Ca. 1717 Irish Built Log Cabin. #250 Kinseyville Rd., Little Britian Twp. Lane. Co., Pa. Robert N. Chadwick, owner. Harry W & Jeffrey E. Whiteside, auct. MON. MAY 16 - 3PM, Anti ques, Paper Items, House hold Goods. Located At 566 Martindale Rd., Martin dale, Lane. Co., Pa. (Rt. 322 East Of Ephrata, Turn Onto Martindale Rd. At Hinkletown Red Light.) Terms By, Dale B. & Ruth L. Mellinger. Horst Aucts. TUES. MAY 17 ■ Feeder Cattle Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Turn South Off 1-81 At Exit 12. TUES. MAY 17 - 7PM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction WED. MAY 18 & THURS. MAY 19 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc. At Our Place Of Busi ness Six Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. And One Mile East Of Marion, Pa Owners And Mana gers, Marion Auction Ser vice, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambersburg, Pa 17201. FRI MAY 20 - 1 30PM, State Graded Pig Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction, West minster, Md. FRI MAY 20 - 7PM, Horse Sale Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc, 101 W Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM Per sonal property & real estate for the Estate of Dorothy G. Malloy, 17 Margerete Ter race, Winfield. Pa. Coins, Pa. House Furniture & household goods. Hassinger/Courtney, auts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM Farm real estate, antique auto, antiques and household goods, 140 E. Woods Drive, Lititz, Pa. Walter Carpenter Estate. Bank of Lancaster county, Execu tor. E M. Murry Assoc, aucts of tVve Pennsylv, 1:00 p.m. • Saturday April 9, 1994 Pennsylvania Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, PA in conjunction with the Beef Expo SALE DAY PHONE (717) 787-4160 Sires Represented CH Stacker 7040, Ginger Hill Duster 89, TC Dividend, R&J Maxima, WK Future, TC Stockman, Minerts Fortune 2000. CONSIGNORS: Clrcla Oak Farm, Hanovar Mountain Vallay Annus, Lilltz Crank Hill Farm, Lltib Pann Stata University, University Park ErRaR Hill Farms, Frladsns Rains Annus, Marcsr Green Pastures Farm, Graen Park Saimaa Acres, Mt. Joy Conrad Grove, Downingtown Stockade Farm, Dayton Indian Crank Farm, Stahlstown Twin Oaks Farm, Quarryvilla Roxanne Hirst, Frodorlcksburg Weavorland Valley Farms, Haw Holland Koolspring Farm, Marcer West Winds Farm, Kimbartoo Greg Krusgar ft Family, Gnatsvilla William Dam Cattle Services, Volant Tim ft Haney Livingston, Dover Work Land ft Cattle, Unlontown McCullough Farms, Marcsr i„ Dal* Rains • Sac., Barb Waavar • Troas., Traci Thompson Dairy and Livestock Sales SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM Sale tor Mary Marinkov, Freder icksburg, Pa. Dwight D. Miller, auct. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM, Real Estate (1 V» Story House), Plumbing & Bldg. Tools £ Equipment, Personal Prop erty. Located 2376 North Penryn Rd., Manheim. Owner, Harold & Arlene Kleinfelter. Kline, Kreider & Good, Aucts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM, 87 Acre Farm, Antique Furni ture & Collectibles, Antique China & Dishes, Household Goods, Hay, Tin Roof Shel ters, Yard & Hand Tools. Located Approx. 3 Miles East Of Klingerstown In Upper Mahanoy Twp., Northumberland Co. Turn North On Boyer Road Pro ceed Approximately 1/2 Mile To Sale. (Watch For Signs). Owner,. Bessie Clark. David Deiblar & Ed Shoop, Aucts. SAT. MAY 21 -11 AM, The Opportunity Sale —Semax East Located At Lampeter Fairgrounds. Managed By Don Welk A Kris Knutsen. WED. MAY 25 » 7:3OPM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Four States Lives tock Sales, Hagerstown, Md. FRI. MAY 27 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. SAT. MAY 28-9 AM, Small Farmette Containing 10 Acres, More Or Less. Household Goods. Located In Middlecreek Township, Snyder County, Pa. Travel 1/2 Mile East Of The Vil lage Of Kreamer, Pa. Leav ing Kreamer Going East On Route 522 Go Over Bridge Then Take First Black Top Road To Loft At The For mer Fisher's Diner. Go 2/10 Of A Mile And Make Right Onto Church Road And Travel 1/2 Mile To Auction Site. Estate Of, Sara I. Ben ner. Roger A. Lauver & Dean E. Longacre, Aucts. SAT. MAY 28 -10 AM, Toy Auction. York Fairgrounds. Harry’s Auction. JUNE FRI. JUNE 3 - I:3OPM, State Graded Pig Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction, West minster, Md. SAT. JUNE 4-9 AM, Quilts. Crafts, Furniture, Tools. Located At The Stevens Fire Co. Grounds. Auction By Woodcrest Retreat Asaoc. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 4 - 9AM'Heavy & Light Construction and Excavating Equpt., 3451 ANNUAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT SAT,, APRIL 16 ■ 9 a.m. Sale held at Juniata Markets, Juniata Co. To consign items - Ph. 717-527-2405 or 4458 or 436-9294. Machinery & farm related items, vehicles, construction equip. & building supplies. Long’s Auction Service AUOOI7O2L Red & White Sale 6 P.M. Saturday, April 9 Timonium, Maryland Exit 17 Off 1-83 North Of Baltimore • 30 Fresh & Springing Cows • 15 Bred Heifers • 30 Open Heifers & Fancy Calves • 6 Deep-Pedigreed Bulls *lO Elite Embryo Packages Something For Everyone At Farmer Prices! CATALOGS OR INFORMATION RWDCA, Box 71L, Crystal Spring, PA 15536 Phona: 814-735-4221 Fax:Bl4-735-3473 15th Annual Consignment PUBLIC AUCTION of Farm Machinery, Tractors, Tools, Lawn & Garden. Etc. 100+ Head of livestock Including Beef Cows & Calves Stk. Bulls, Steers, Heifers SAT., APRIL 2nd Fulton Co. Pa. Located Just off of Rt. 655 5 ml. South of Rt. 30 or 5 ml. North of Rt. 522 on upper Timber Ridge Rd. For more info, call Charles W. Leese 717-485-9476 or Vernon B. Leese 717-573-2302 Consignments Accepted Dally Auctioneers Floyd Davis, John Downln AU-000231L % Meadow Spring Road, Lan caster, Pa. (Landisville) General area. Adam Fel singer Sr.. Owner. E.M. Murry Assoc., Aucts. ANGUS MANA6EMENT TEAM Fw Catalog and Intormatior TYKBSA[ES MANAGEMENT WC JOHN! TYNER 400 2nd St South VIMiV fiinultn MN 5&371 fTn patii,- Auctioneer: Tom Gammon COMMERCIAL REPLACEMENT BRED HEIFER SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1994 AT 7:00 P.M. 13S BLACK ANGUS 35 CHAR X 160 TOTAL HEAD All are Ist calf heifers, Bangs and TB tested 30 days prior to sale. Approx, half will have calves at side by sale date. Remainder to calve April and May. All bred to black bulls. All heifers coming from one local farm. All heif ers have been pregnancy checked. Heifers will be sorted into small uniform groups. Sale to be held at: FARMERS LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE, INC. RT. 50 WEST - JUST OFF 1-81 WINCHESTER, VA. 22603 AUCTIONEER: GARY VANCE FOR INFORMATION CALL: 1-703-667-1023 OR 1-703-465-3274. TERMS OF SALE: CHECKS ARE ACCEPTED FROM PREVIOUS BUYERS,, NEW BUYERS MUST HAVE A LETTER OF 1 CREDIT, CASHIERS CHECK, OR BANK DRAFT. PUBLIC AUCTION MARTIN BROS. Bth ANNUAL HEIFER DISPERSAL 200 ~ HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE ~ 200 Located on the Carson Martin Farm, 4 miles SW of Kantz, PA, 4 miles S. of Selinsgrove. Watch for auction arrows off RT 35 (first road W of Kantz) a Martin’s Farm Market or off RTS. 11 & 15 bypass. Friday, April 8, 1994 Sale Starts At 11:00 A.M. 200 ★ HOLSTEIN DAIRY HEIFERS ★ 200 Consists of 50 from Shortbreds to Springers. 100 from 500-800 lbs. and 50 from 300-500 lbs. 30 Day Health Charts • Interstate Shipment 95% Calfhood Vacc. Preg. Checked • Shipping Fever Shots Dairy Sale Under Cover Three month old bull calf by Choice from a Bel with over 30,000. The Martin Boys have put together an exceptional group of cattle for this year’s sale. If you need replacements, don't miss this sale. Also big strong heifers, just ready for pasture. Still accepting a few choice acclimated consignments. TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale. Out of state buyers must have current bank letter of credit guaran teeing funds. TERMS BY: Ethan & Carson Martin RR 3, Selinsgrove, PA (717) 546-6907 Licensed & Bonded - Lie. #RY-71L RR 4, Box 328, Muncy, PA 17756
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