E36-Unc*»nr Famine. Saturday, March 26,1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication Horse Auction Consign- SAT. APR. 30 -10 AM, ment Sale, Hack, Horses. Public Auction Of Wood- Farm located'/« mile off Rt working Equipment And 414 7 miles from Towanda, Tods, Lumbar And House- Pa. Hugh Cole, auct. hold Goodr Lo 'ted At J9L-. £°° ds - -p°«' . „ SAT. APR. 30 - IPM, 8.7 630 A BrunnaviHe Road, 2 Acre Snyder Co. Famette Blocks From Lilitz. Warwick Lg . colonial Brick 3 Bed- Lancaster County, room Home. With Open Pa. Owners, Larry E. and stairway & Fireplace Man- Charrnaine Royer. Snyd- , e | s Located MHes ers Auction Service. From Selinsgrove & Sus- SAT. APR. 30 -11 AM QuohannaUniversity. Quarter Acre Farm, Spring Located On The Property Is A 75x45 Bank Barn & 48x32 Com Crib & Imple- SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1994 At 9:30 A.M. Located: Rheems Exit, Rt. 283, Elizabethtown, PA • IH 1466 Tractor IH • 856 Tractor #164 Serial #IISOSSY (narrow front wheels) • 706 Tractor #147 Serial #24O3SY (narrow front wheels) • 735 IH moldboard plow 5 bottom • 1300 IH 3 point mower • 489 NH haybine • 462 NH disc mower • 55 NH hay rake • 55 NH hay rake • 55 NH hay rake • 283 NH baler • C-80 Woods mower • C-80 Woods mower • NH 489 haybine • Hydra Mac 8C skid loader 48" bucket • Olathe model 18 wood chipper w/18 HP w/4” drum • Oliver model 252 transport disk • NH 791 Spreader • IH 56 planter 4 row • NH 450 3 pL hitch • IH 175 C Crawler new engine 4 & 1 bucket • NH 1002 auto bale wagon • Gehl 940 forage box roof 3 beaters • NH #6 forage box • IH 5100 grain drill press wheels 21x7 • JD FB-B drill • IH 550 spreader • IH com binder • NH 310 baler w/thrower • Oliver transport disc • IH manure spreader • Grain cart • 3 pt. 2 row cultivator • 1980 9 ton 3 axle trailer • Case 18358 diesel skid loader WAGON LOADS OF PARTS AND TOOLS SEVERAL LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS This Is Only A Partial Listing of Equipment. Some Items Could Be Sold Prior To Sale. Lunch Available Not Responsible For Accidents sale Conducted By: MILLERS AUCTION SERVICE, AU6I7L Raymond Miller 683-8762, Jim Hershey 665-7284 ment Building. Beautiful Scenery. Great Place For Horses. Also 3 Bedroom 2 Story Home Located Adja cent To Farmette On 1 Acre Of Country Beauty. Hasslnger/Courtney, Aucts. MAY SUN. MAY 1 - IPM How ard. New York, Friends of Howard Annual "Old Fas hi nod Days' and Fund Raiser Auction. Pirrung Aucts, Inc. TUBS. MAY 3-7 PM, Feed er Cattle Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction. TUBS. MAYS-BPM, Feed er Cattio Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Turn South Off 1-81 At Exit 12. IH 56 4 row com planter NH 275 baler w/thrower IH 175 Series C crawler loader, good condition JD 400 grinder mixer Hydro Mac skid loader Cub Cadet 1250 w/mower IH 315 combine 13* grain head 2 row w/comhead 3RN comhead IH 1466 w/cab Amoco 12* Disc Wilrich 22* field cultivator 16’ bale wagon IH 9A disc Forage box 10*x45* 2 axle house trailer Hog feeders Bam cleaner Fox blower JD hay rake NI 310 1 row com picker Ford 2 row 3 pL com planter IH MF grain drill JD 55 combine, 12’ grain head McCurdy gravity box w/running gear Lamco silage wagon NH 363 LH tank spreader Several wagon loads small items NI 323 1 row com picker 30- 12 ft. Amoc disk (Zimmerman) Grain, cart 500 bu. w/auger Case 18168 skid loader w/fork & bucket Wil-Rich 22 ft. field cultivator (mower) NH 489 haybine JD hay rake Deutz Allis hay tedder 3-Hay rack wagons WED. MAY4-sPMHousa- 26 in Centre Co. Sal* by hold items 6 real estate, i Harold 6 Jana Henry, Auc sojy home, sale 4 miloa S. ts Ron J. A Ron S. Qiigan of Slate College, Pa. on Rt. «AU33M. « #A2223L. “HOLLINGER’S LAWN & GARDEN” ' INVENTORY REDUCTION PUBLIC SALE OF LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT BROWNSTOWN, PA TUES., MARCH 29, 1994 AT 4:00 P.M. Located at 4126 Oregon Pike, Brownstown, Lan caster Co., PA. Directions; Located along Rt. 272, approx. 1 mile south of Rt. 222, Rt 272 & Rt. 772 Intersections. TRACTORS 10 HP Wheel Horse; 12 HP Simplicity; 10 HP Wheel Horse; 12 HP Gravely; 8 HP Simplicity. RIDING MOWERS WALK BEHIND MOWERS BUSH CUTTERS STRING TRIMMERS TROY "HORSE” TILLER MISC.: Foley Reel Mower/Grinder; 11 Section Room Divider; MANY MORE ITEMS TO BE SOLD! (Many items sold as is - subject to prior sale.) No out of state checks unless accompanied by a current bank letter or prior arrangement with auc tion service. Terms By: Hollinger’s Lawn & Garden, Inc. 738-1131 Horst aucts. * W 1 AU43BL T. Glenn (717) ISt-1331 - (717) 735-3 MO Timothy G. Fax < (717) 731-2132 Thomas A. -VOICES OF EXPERIENCE PUBLIC SALE SAT., APRIL 9, 1994 At 9:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE, FARM EQUIP. BUTCHER EQUIP., TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 3 GRUBER WAGONS Directions: From Myerstown take Rt. 422 East to Womelsdorf, turn left on Rt. 419 go North on Rt. 419 approx. 5Vi miles to sale on left. REAL ESTATE Approx. 4S acre farm with approx. 1370 ft. of road frontage along Rt. 419 situated thereon is a large 214 story fiame house with 4 rooms and bath on second floor. 3 rooms and kitchen on first floor. Full basement. Also there is a workshop and 2 storage sheds on property. To see property call 717-933-5328. NOTE: This property has many possibilities. FARM EQUIP. Farmall M with loader, Farmall H with cult, mower and snow plow, Farmall Cub with mower, 3-Gruber wagons (2 on rubber 1 on steel) 2 & 3 bottom pull type plows, 9 ft disk, 10 ft cultipacker, hyd. log splitter, buzz saw, old milk cans, many more items. BUTCHER EQUIP. Scalding trough, large kettle with stand, meat grinder, sausage stuffer, bench, pans, spoons and stirrers, etc. TOOLS Anvil, Electric Forge, bench and hand grin ders, ac torch reg. hose and tip set mill saw sail, router, A , 'A , 3 A drive socket sets, pipe wrenches, bolt cutters, 36 ft, 20 ft and 16 ft. ext ladders, hammers, shovels, picks, axes, etc., asst, lumber items. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Blanket chests, chest of drawers, other items and asst kitchen items. Order of sale. Household items, tools, butcher equip., farm equip., real estate at 12:00 Noon. 10% down. BAL. UPON SET TLELEMNT WITHIN 60 DAYS. Terms by ELWOOD AND DOROTHY LUTZ Aucts. Sylvan B. Wltmer AUOOIBO7-L Ben Habecker Atty. John Wertz Not Responsible For Accidents Out Of State Checks Need Bank Letter Aucnoi PUBLIC AUCTION OLD & NEW TOY FARM TRACTORS &. IMPLEMENTS LIONEL - AMERICAN FLYER - MARX -H O TRAIN COLLECTION & ACCESSORIES WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30th, 1994 AT 4:00 P.M. AT KLEINTELTER’S AUCTION ROOM. 105 CHAPEL ST., LEBANON, FA. 17046 LOCATED BETWEEN 7th ft Bth STS. orr willow st. Approximately 350 Lots, Farm Toys (From The Collin Shuey Estate). Including - Oliver, John Deere, Case, Ford, Massey Harris, International, Farmall, White, Allis Chalmers, Fordson, Large amount of tractors new in original boxes, lots of old trac tors & implements, literature, manuals, adver tising signs & promotional items, limited edi tions, True Scale, Ertl, Tonka & Structo Trucks & carriers, construction equipment, Nylint, Hubley, Promo cars, Lumar trucks, lots of tractor parts, decals, accessories, umbrellas, hats. This is a large collection of farm toys & trucks. Items can be previewed Wednesday. March 30th beginning at 1:00 p.m„ Sale starts at 4:00 p.m. with tractors. Approximately 200 Lots Of Trains To Be Sold After Toy Tractors, Approximately 8:00 P.M. Including • Lionel Engines #2330, #1666, #2026, #1655, #736, #2036, #2037, #2032, #2023, #8602, #8704, #8625, Lionel tin set, #6O Rapid Transit, #456 Coal ramp set, #397 Coal Lender. #3927 Track Cleaner, #5511 Tie Ejector, #6828 Construction, #6650 Rocket, #6561 Coil, #3520 Search light. Box cars, Coal cars. Cabooses, Transformer, displays, lights, etc. American Flyer #3I2AC, #3O2AC, #282, #326, #BB, Box cars, cabooses, transformers & accessories. Marx #1666E set, #1998 set, #1666, silver bullet set. Tenders, box cars, cabooses & Accessories. H O Trains S.F, #350,5707, Fire Fox set, 20 diesel, 7 steam engines, Tyco, Bachman, Life like, houses, displays items etc. PLUS LOTS OF UNLISTED ITEMS. Items can be previewed from 1:00 p.m. till sale time AUCTION day. Terms cash or approved check by Auctioneers. KLEINFELTER’S AUCTION, Clayton, David, & Ralph Kleinfelter Auctioneers - 717-272-7078, Lie. #RH-000029-L Food Available lEERS
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