ABSOLUTE AUCTION FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS TUES., APRIL 5, 1994 . ... , Auction Tim# 10 A.M. Location: From Bt 14 In Canton taka Pit, 414 Eaal to Eaot Canton toßuiukl Oaalaran Ml nextraad righttocraaaraad. Turn Mt onto SouthoMo M. go appro*. 1 mL ta farm an ML From Towanda ttka M. 414 Wm« appran. M ml to Eaal Canton Mtikad- M Church on right nont raad Ml Laray Townohlp, Bradtord County. N^ N EA^.^TSS^a ONO QA "° C *“’ * C * HEAT ' - “we 41W TRAC. MDE CONBOLE W/CAB. A HEAT. 1 OWNER. SJKaSS 1 JDIOIO CRAWtei wfLOADER. T, !^° i !? l4 ’ a, "«' t4' FM CuHlvaor WWlnga; AVCO NEW IDEA *-s®Sf *° •* MIL OORNFLANTBR W4NBECT. DRY FERT- MO “™" ‘. A S^ COUWT “<»* "•*)! *H 47. 2* !r rThn y ,f » Liquid Applicator; NH 2SB Hay R*o; Grimm PTO Taddar: JO 0040 POWER MMERHARVEBTORjWtRN COWWHO. A HAYPtCKUF; NH 21 Whirl-A-Faad 4 8 A BEATER FORAGE WAGON w/lOT TANDEM GEAR (Uka Naw); N 144 Tamtam Aula (.1 Tan 2-OaNar Manure Bpraadar wfEnd Gale; Farmaa 10* Bala Elava ton FORD NH 100 V-TYPE TANDEM MUVrLmM (UKE NEW); (2) 11- A (1) ir Pkra Rack Hay Wagon* *NHQom* MW ™ y*9°!!i N ) iM a "N CornptekwaaflMlMGdndarUrti JO « Pull Typa Comblna wW Grain Tabta; 1? Cukkwckor; JD FBI? Grain Drill ar/Alf SM Boa; WINNOWER IMWALTERMTM; 10' 40 “ •"*> Cocptof Plow; 3 SMbn JD Spring Harrow; NH S Flail Choppar; Shaw Hyd. Poat Drhrar; 3 Pi PTO Bun Saar; NNmajrar 3 Pi. Fad. Bpraadar; 300 Gal. Pul Typa Flak) Sprayer. 10‘ Grain Auger r WEM. Motor. WC Bedding Chopper WHonda Engine; Feed Carta; 4’ Bam Fan; Gandy *ptaM' wttand A alaol. Motor; Cow Clppan; Mihhouaa M Aar Caddy; AQWAY BREEDING CONTROL CENTER; 40 , V^ od u-d *L i S» a - F * x » OM Wood Workbench; Bench Vtoa: Orll Ptaaa wfBAD H • OrR; Mice. Hand Tool.; ShoWa; Fork.; Bolt Aaaonmam; pkra many other Kama. Note; Oonl mha this Auction If you are In naad of good dean wall cared (or equipment! Al of the above farm aqupmant accept (or 2 or 3 pea. waa purchaaad now by tho Wilcox Broa. Auction will atad wtom. w .*B° n »P ,, ».(ollowad by (arga oqupmom. Everything aatla to hlghatt blddarragatdlaac cl prtcal Tarma are caah or good PA check. No out ol I!?* eh T d^unl *** • 00WT1 P"lad by bank Mtor of credit addraaaad to thla particular auction. Food aland. • Ttrmt By Wilcox known as Valley View Farms 717-673-8143 Auction conducted by Randal Kline, LJoyd Kreidcr Roy Good Jr. Auctioneers AU2IIOL 215-445-430* |. KUNE, KREIDER & GOOD AUCTIONEERS AUCTION ROBERT N. OLIVER FARMS WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING FARM MACHINERY AND RELATED ITEMS. SALE LOCATED IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY, Approx. 14 Miles West of State College, Pa. on Rt. 45 or 4 Miles West of Ag Progress Days. Watch for Auction Signs. FORD TW-20 DIESEL 4 WHEEL DRIVE - Wide Front TRACTOR W/Year round CAB, Dual LRemote Outlets, 3 Pt. Hitch, Rear Weight Kit • 3200 hrs. FORD 7710 DIESEL WIDE FRONT TRACTOR W/Year round CAB, Dual Remote Outlets, 3 Pt. Hitch, Duals Available - 2000 hrs. ALUS CHALMERS 7000 DIESEL WIDE FRONT TRACTOR W/Year Round FARM MACHINERY JOHN DEERE 7000 6 Row Com Planter - No Till - Dry Fertilizer - Good Cond., NEW HOLLAND 855 Large Round Baler (NEVER USED), NEW HOLLAND 800 For age Harvester W/1000 rpm Shaft, 1083-NEW HOLLAND ■ f - „ 802 Metalert Forage Harvester W/Electric Controls & •**-* ’ v** 1000 rpm Shaft, NEW HOLLAND 824 2 Row Adjustable Corn Head to Fit Either 890,892,790,782, or 900, NEW HOLLAND 409 12 Ft. Cut Hay bine W/Hydraulic Drive -1 yr. Old, SPERRY/NEW HOLLAND 855 Round Baler W/Liquid Applicator, NEW HOLLAND 308 Tandem V-Type Liquid Manure Spreader W/2400 Gal lon Capacity, WIC TANDEM Liquid Manure Spreader w/Rear Unloader - Approx. 3500 gal. capacity & 540 PTO, NEW HOLLAND Tandem Liquid Tub Spreader W/1000 rpm Shaft - Good Condition, 3 - H & S Super Tandem Axle 10 Ton Forage Wagons W/triple Beaters and Roofs - Good Condition, CENTURY 500 Gal. Trail Type Sprayer W/45 Ft. Booms & Extra Set of Nitrogen Booms, 2 • NEW HOLLAND MODEL 258 Hay Rakes, NEW HOLLAND 354 Grinder/Mixer - Good Condition, BADGER 8N1254 Grinder Roller Mill - Good Condition, 2 - KILLBROS. Mod. 350 Gravity Wagons, FOX-BRADY 722 Flail Chopper w/High Throw • Excellent Condition, BRILLION 12 Ft. Culti-Mulcher, MILLER 10 R. Plow-Disc, HAS 9 Ft. PTO Hay Tedder, BRILLION Surestand 10 Ft. Seeder - pull type - Good Condition, NEW HOLLAND MOD. 28 Hopper Blower, INTERNATIONAL 600 reconditioned Hopper Blower, BADGER BN 184 Liquid Manure Pump • Approx. 30 Kr * * PUBLIC SALE Of Real Estate - Sheep & Farm Machinery 27.6 Acre Farm - 26 Sheep & Farm Machinery Saturday, April 9, 1994 AT 9:30 A.M. Located in Franklin County 5 miles West of Chambersburg off Route 30 West, turn right onto Coble Rd. thence 1/10 mile, turn left in lane at Cemetery. (Auction Signs posted sale day). 1 Real estate to be offered at 12:00 Noon con sists of 27.6 Acres (more or less) slate land farm. 20 acres tillable & 4 acres woods 6 room brick & frame 2 story House w/large foyer, well insulated. Heated by either baseboard electric or 2 coal stoves. Modem kitchen. Full basement 2 car garage & workshop. 2 ground bams. 2 wells. New windmill in crate. Terms 10% down when property is strink en down by auctioneer. Balance in 30 days upon full settlement. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any & all bids. Inspection by appointment call (717) 369-5662. J.D. 850 Diesel tractor, WFE, 512 hrs. (one owner) w/JJ). 75 loader; HIC 3 pt. Rotary Mower; Ber-Wac 766 five ft. 3 -pt. snow Blower (new). (Note Owner relocating to another state). Auctioneers: Art. Rife Auction Service Lic.#76BL Ph. 776-3645 And Brian J. McGinn Lie. #AA002125 Ph. 264-2597 David W. Rahauser, Attorney MODERN FARM MACHINERY THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1994 9:30 A.M. (Owner) James R. Mellott 176 Coble Rd. Chambersburg, Pa. 17201 TRACTORS SAT. APR. 16 - 9:3OAM, Harpster Annual Consign ment Farm Auction. Located Rt. 45 On Hunting don & Centre Co. Line, 9 Milec South Of State Col lege, Pa. Aucts. Ron Gilll gan & Son #AU339L & AA2223L SAT. APR. 16- 11AM. 117 Farm w/80 Acre* Till able. Located In Washing ton Township, Snyder Co., Pa Go 3 MHaa Southwest Of Selinsgrove, Pa., On Route 35 To Marlin's Farm Market Sign. Then Make Left Turn And Continue On That Road For 2 Mites Until You Come To Roosters Comer Sportsman Club. At Roosters Comer Sports man Club Make A Right Turn Onto Neitz's Valley Road And Travel 1 1/2 Miles To Auction Site. Watch For Auction Signs Day Of Auction. Owner, Mrs. N. Lave me (Dottie L) Longaere. Roger A. Lauver & Dean E. Longaere, Aucts. SAT. APR. 16 - 12:30PM, Lawn Equipment Auction. Located Enfield Equip ment, Inc., Rt. 165 & Wheeler School Rd., Whiteford, Md. 21160. Rig don Aucts. SAT. APR. 16 - 2PM Real estate known as 297 rolling terrace (Potest Hills) Leola, Pa Upper Leacock Twp, Lane. Co. By Robert W. A Emma W. Good. Samuel H. Stoltzfus, auct. WED. APR. 20 - 9:3OAM Judy Breeden Estate com plete (arm dispersal, 170 head of Holsteins, com- MON. APR. 16 - 3PM, plete line of farm machin- Househokf Goods & Tools, ®ry. vehicles, produce, Located Dover Township tool*, barn equip, and even Fire Hall Building On toe complete household! Davidsburg Road. Seller, Andrews Settlement, Pa. Robert A Joyce Caplinger. Plrrung, Aucls., Inc. Rentzel's Auction Service. 716-728-2520. ALUS CHALMERS 170 DIESEL WIDE FRONT TRACTOR W/Rear Weight Package, Dual Remote Outlets, 3 Pt. Hitch & LIKE NEW TIRES. ALLIS CHALMERS D-14 GAS WIDE FRONT TRACTOR W/New Rebuilt Engine - 80% Rubber. CAB. 3 Pt. Hitch, Dual Remote Outlets, 75% rubber on Tires • 4220 hrs, Ft. Long for Pumping Pits, CASE 3 Pt. Hitch 7 Ft. Sickle Bar Mower, BUSH HOG 3 Pt. Hitch Chisel Plow - Ten Tooth, KING-WISE 26 Ft. Hay Elevator, 15,000 WAT Portable Generator-PTO on Trailer, Heavy Duty 9 Ft. Stock Trailer, FMC Air Tire Changer W/Air Compressor, 3 Pt. Hitch Post Hole Digger, Homemade Utility Trailer, Homemade Roller, 3 Pt. Hitch 2 Row Cultivator, Several Sets of Tractor Chains, CENTURY Sprayer Trail Type (as is), Crosscut Mantle Saw, 3 Pt. Hydraulic Bale Carrier W/Extendable Hydraul ics, Homemade Round Bale Hauler - Pull Type - 5 Bale, 2 Farm Scrapers, 3 Pt. Hitch Post Pounder, 10 Ft. Harrow. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: All Equipment was used on Mr. Oliver’s Farm and was well maintained. Please be on time as there will be a few small Items. ALL ANNOUNCE MENTS DAY OF SALE TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER WRITTEN ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS: CASH OR CHECK • DAY OF AUCTION. OUT OF STATE BUYERS WILL NEED LETTER OF CREDIT FROM THEIR BANK. OWNER: ROBERT N. & CAROL OLIVER 814-632-9598 FOOD & PORTA-POT ON SITE AUCTIONEERS: RONALD J. & RONALD S. GILLIGAN, PA LICENSED & BONDED. #AU339L & #AA2223L. Member Pa. Auctioneering Association. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication MON. APR. 18 - 4PM, Hubley Toys, Winross Trucks A Other Collectible Toys A Baseball Cards. Located In The Former Relnholds Elementary School Banquet Hall, Rt. 897, Village Of Relnholds, W. Cocallco Twp. Terms By, Eugene Leisey Estate. Art Pannebecker, Aucts. THURS. APR. 19 - 9AM, Real Estate, Store Eq„ Inventory A Supplies. Located Windy Acre Store, 14 Mile East Of Madison burg, Pa., Or 3 Miles West Of Rabetsburg, Pa., Along Route 192. Owners, Ben S. A Naomi Fisher. Mark Click, Aucts. THURS. APR. 19 - 7PM, Greek Easter Lamb Sale. Located Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 South Off 1-81. THURS. APR. 19 - 7PM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction. WED. APR. 20 A THURS. APR. 21 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc. At Our Place Of Busi ness Six Mies South Of Chambersburg, Pa. And One Mia East Of Marion, Pa. Owners And Mana gers, Marion Auction Ser vice, 5174 Horst Rd.. Chambersburg, Pa. 17201. 20 IOAI t Machinery, truck A van, orchard equip., packaging equip, green house. Located in Blair Co., Pa. 1 mile 8. of the Blad Eagle stop lighten the Old Rt. 220 S. or 2 miles N. of Tyrone, Pa By D A A Orchards. Ronald J. A Ronald S. QlHi gan, aucts. THURS. APR. 21 - 9AM, Antiques. Household Coeds, Tools. Located 42 W. Oregon Road, Lititz, Pa. From Lancaster Take Rt 501 North Co Through Neflsville Square To Next Traffic Light, Turn West On Oregon Rd. To Ist House Left Terms By, Dora C. Reichard. Aucts. Kreider, Kline A Coed. FRI. APR. 22 - B:3OAM, Antique China, Glassware, Primitives, Pottery, Late 20tb Cent. Western Art, Indian Artifacts, L. Breinin ger Pottery. Antique Furni ture, Quality Reproduction Furniture By Lane. Co., Pa. Craftsmen, Oriental Rugs, Etc. Located At Horst Auc tion Center, 50 Durtach Road (Comer Of Rt 322 A Ourlach Rd., West Of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lane. Co.. Penna. 17522. The Late Walter Himmelreich A The Late Robert F. A Amy Lausch. Horst Aucts. FRI. APR. 22 -10 AM 11554 Ac. Berks Co, Farm, Farm Machinery, From Reading Rt. 61 N. thru Lassport turn left onto Bel leman's Church Rd. follow Bailsman's Church Rd. to Tower Rd. turn right onto Tower Rd. to term on left. Centre Township, Berks Co. Sallie T. Mitchell, sell er. Kline, Kraider, Good aucts. FRI APR. 22 -11 AM Pfunt ner Farm Auction Of Mostly John Deere Machinery. Located Belmont, N.Y. (At Intersection Of M 7 And State Route 19). Pirrung Aucts., Inc. iM
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