E3o>Lancaatar Fanning. Saturday, March 26, 1994 Bail. Follow 322 East To East End Of Town To Rra Company On Right. (Sale In Fire HaH). Terms By. Edna Z. Newswanger. Syl van Witmer, Aucts. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 16 - 9:3OAM Public Auction Of Lot, Good Working Tools. Anti ques, Riding Mower, Lum ber. Located At 29 E. Main Street, Reinholds, Pa. For Ruth Fasnacht. Snyder's Auction Service. SAT. APR. 16 - B:3OAM 21st Annual Equip. Auc tion. Held at Garden Spot Auto Auction, 1605 Apple St. (1 mile W of Ephrata along Rt. 322). J. Omar Landis Auction Service. SAT. APR. 16 - B:3OAM, Valuable Real Estate. Located 1163 Penn Grant Rd., Lancaster, Strasburg Twp., Pa. Dr: From Stras burg Take Rt. 741 W Past Strasburg Menno. Church. Turn Loft On Penn Grant Rd. Approx. 1 Mile, Sale On Right. SAT. APR. 16-9 AM Annu al Spring Consignment Sale. Held at Juniata Mark ets. Farm Machinery, Build ing Material, Vehicles and etc. Long's Auction Service. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM Anti ques, collectibles, house hold, farm machinery, butcher tools. 2 miles E. of Red Cross and Rt. 225. in Red Cross turn East, go '/• mile, right at red brick church, 2 miles to sale site. Owners: Earl K. and Daisy L. Bordner. Mark J. Jones, aucts. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM, Spring Consignment Auc tion Of Farm Equipment. Located 12 Miles North Of Lewistown, Pa. (Mifflin Co.) Along Rt 522 At Village Of Wagner. Blaine N Rentzel & Assoc. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM Real estate, antiques, house hold goods & tools Browns town. Located at 127 & 129 E. Main St., Btownstown, Lane. Co., Pa. For Abram R. Shrom, Thelma Shrom, & Kathryn S. Mellinger. Horst aucts. SAT. APR. 16 - 9 30AM Cohocton, NY. Pirrung's Twentieth Annual Spring Auction of Farmer Owned Equipment! Pirrung Aucts., Inc. Wayland, New York. 716-728-2520. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM Wil liam Boyer Estate. Anti ques, household, traps, hunting & trapping, Memor abilia, old penodicals, sev eral thousand books. RD #2, Box 2562, Leb., Bethel Two., Leb. Co., Pa. Nelson L. Ebersole, auct. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM Real estate, personal property, antiques A collectibles. public — Auction 185 ACRE FARM REAL ESTATE LOCATION: RD 2 Annville, N. Annville Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. From Rt. 422 in Annville -N. on Rt. 934f0r 3.7 miles to Bellegrove - bear left at Y onto Blacks Bridge Road and go .8 mile to farm lane on right. From 1-81 Exit 29 Indiantown Gap - S. on Rt. 934f0r 3.7 miles to stone church on left - turn right onto Hosteller Lane to Blacks Bridge Road - turn right to farm land on right at sharp curve. FARM REAL ESTATE -185 +/- acres with over 1 mile of road frontage along Rt. 934, Blacks Bridge Road & Valley Glen Road. Gently rolling to level land w/some contour fanning in various stage of cultivation. Large frame bank bam w/stalls for 45 cows • milkhouse - silo-various asst, frame storage buildings. Large 2 'A story 3 bedroom frame house. Spring fed stream and many other particulars not mentioned. A tremendous opportunity to purchase a large tract of farm real estate in the heart of Lebanon Valley. Call auctioneer or owner for inspection appointment. 10% down payment auction day w/balance due at settlement within 90 days. Other terms and conditions to be given on auction day by attorney. Further described in deed book 4F-380. JOHN D. ENCK, Attorney (717) 272-7637 HARRY H QACiIM/VPS- hmmt’lMimt, fk 17M» (717) M7<lM Located From Harrisburg Travel North On Routes 11 & 15, Just North Of Liver pool, Turn Left Onto Route 104 And Continue Into Mid dleburg. At Stop Sign Turn Left Onto Route 522 South. Proceed To Beavertown. At Robert's Chevrolet Turn Right Onto Hetrick. Auction 1/4 Mile Ahead. For the Estate of Stella Hetrick, Beavertown, Pa. Hassinger/Courtney, aucts. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM, Annual Benefit Auction Of Quilts, Crafts, Baked Goods, Furniture, Etc. Located At The Belleville Mennonlte School, Bellevil le, Pa. Glick, Gibboney, Click, Aucts. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM Valu able Household Goos & Antiques. In Strasburg at 36 Lancaster Ave. turn off W. Main St. at Y on Lane. Ave. or (Strasburg Pk) Lane. Co., Pa. by Verna H. Parrel. Robert E & Jeffrey R Martin, auct. SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM, Anti ques & Collectibles, Household Goods, Wood working Equipment. Located From Ephrata, Pa. Take Rt 322 East To Blue Bth Annual Pieffer Hill Consignment Auction Lawn & Garden Equipment & Related Items Saturday, April 16, 1994 Location: From Exit 21 Pa. Turnpike take Rt. 272 South to first traffic light Turn left onto Church St then Reamstown to Red Run Rd. Turn left go 1/10 ml. turn left onto Steffy Rd. Approx. Vi mile on right. Watch for Auction signs. There will be approx. 100 or more lawn & garden tractors at this auction. A lot of good used J.D. lawn tractors. If you have a tractor or mower you no longer need turn it into cash by consigning it to Pieffer Hill Consignment Auction. Call Ervin Fox at 717-336-7949 or Noah Horst at 717-336-3695 to have your item advertised, deadline March 22. Terms by PIEFFER HILL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Auction Conducted by Randal Kline, Lloyd Krelder Roy Good, Jr. • Auctioneers AU-2116 717-445-4309 AUCTIONEERS Auction By HERBERT NAGLE (717) 867-1317 SAT. APR. 16 -10 AM, Farm Equipment, Truck, Antiques, Etc. Located Between Allentown & Ham burg, Exit I-78 At New Smithville & Rt. 8635, Travel 1 Block E On Old Rt, 22 To Ist Lane On R. Lehigh Co.. Pa. Selling For, Mrs. Pauline (Cleon) Kist ter. Ralph W. Zetdemoyer Auction Co., Inc. SAT. APR. 16 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From RL 23 In New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sals On The Left. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rd. 2.5 Miles To Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. To Sale On Left Mel Hoover. Auctioneer. SAT. APR. 16 -10 AM 1 Mile N. of Pillow, watch for auction sign along Rt 225 at Bings Road between Pil low and Mandata, 15 miles S. of Sunbuiy. Farm Equip. & Trucks, Household Items, Antiques & Collecti bles. Benjamin M. Shaffer & Alma M. Shaffer, owners. Delbert, Mike & George, aucts. THURSDAY MARCH 31, 1994 1:00 P.M. FARM MACHINERY AT PUBLIC AUCTION The undersigned will sell on their farm located at 9602 DUBLIN RD., NEAR WALKERSVILLE, MD. From Rt. 15 North turn right on Devliblss Bridge Rd. straight to 2nd stop sign & turn right on Dublin Rd., straight approx. % mi. to sale on: SAT., APRIL 2, 1994 At 10:30 A.M. 7 TRACTORS: OLIVER 1750 diesel w/ CAB, NEW TIRES, new overhaul on eng., 550/1000 RPM; OLIVER 1750 diesel (no cab), good rubber, 550/1000 RPM; OLIVER 1600 diesel w/manure loader; OLIVER 880 gas w/3 pt. hyd. outlets; OLIVER 770 gas; OLIVER 550 gas w/wide axle; Schwartz man ure loader; FARMALL H w/33A manure loader. HAY & SILAGE EQUIPMENT: N.H. 461 haybine; N.H. 273 baler w/kicker; 3 flatbed wagons; 1 pipe & 1 wood side hay wagon; Smoker 36 ft elevator; J.D. #5 mower; N.H. #3B flail harvester; N.H. Super 717 harvester w/wide 2 row com & direct cut grass heads; J.D. silage blower & pipe. MISC. EQUIPMENT; Oliver #253 disc; M.M. 4x16 auto reset plow; Brillion double cullipacker; Brillion fold-up springtooth har row;_J.D. 1240 (4) row conv. com planter; J.D. 3 pt (2) row com planter; N.I. 217 hyd. tail gate manure spreader; N.l. 217 spreader (rough); Grove 3 pt box scraper; 3 pt. post hole digger & more. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Girton 400 gal. milk tank & compressor, DeLaval 20 stall pipeline system & misc. items. 1973 Chevrolet C5O w/A 12’ Dump Grain Body. SMALL ITEMS: Many small items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash or Good Check on day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Nothing removed until settled for. MR. & MRS. CLARENCE "DICK" WOLFE, JR. Owners 9602 Dublin Rd. Walkersvllle, MD 21793 301-898-3581 SiMCSU* liTrout; I Auctioneers, Inc.J “Experience Doesn’t Cost • It Pays” 15 North Court St., Frederick . 301-663-1555 Food & Facilities Available public /fiction THURSDAY DANVALE FARMS 7, 1994 UREBRED HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL 11 =OO A.M. LOCATION; 45 Wintersville Rd., Richland, Tulpehocken Twp., Berks County, Pa. From 1-78 Bethel Exit - S. on Rt. 501 to stop sign in Bethel - R. on Rt. 501 to stop sign -L. on Rehrersburg Rd. .3 mile -R. on Wintersville Rd. 1.2 mile to farm on left. From Rt. 422 between Myerstown & Stouchsburg at traffic light - N. on Wintersville Rd. 4.4 miles to farm on right. 140 Purebreds 10 ID Grades 75 Mature Cows 12 Bred Heifers 63 Op&n Heifers and Calves MOSTLY SIRE POWER HERD Kinglea Leader, Wister, Tesk, Trifecta, Ares, Bell, Mandingo, Chairman, Vanguard, Blackstar, Ambition, Manager, United Nick, Beautician, Melvin, Mark, Bell, Pete Tidy, Count, Bell Troy, Levi, Elden, Tong, Frontier, Concord, Bova Glow. Service Sires Oscar, Mountain, Leader, Ambitious, Definition, Vanquish, Frontier, Voltage, Curious, Ares, Bova Glow, Ryan, Mike, Concord, Jag. Brutus, Manager, Secret. Calf hood vaccinated - Auction in tent - Catalogs available after April 1- Health charts - DHIA records - Pregnancy checked. NOTE: These cows have definitely not been pushed for top production. Limited amount of feed available. Well bred w/top At sires used. Well grown heifers raised in Virginia style barn. Milking parlor herd. Pre sale inspection invited. Heifers will not be clipped. To be sold before cattle - LUCK NOW #220 mixer wagon w/electronic scale; Agway breeding wheel & semen tank w/balance of semen. VETERINARIAN: Dr. Lynn Sammons - Willow Creek Animal Hospital (717) 866-7522. HORACE BACKUS - Pedigrees DON WELK - Rlngman • 808 LENTZ (315) 963-3763 (717) 687-7475 (717) 933-8211 TERMS: CASH or approved check - full payment auction day • Food & toilet facilities. • ATTEND THE FOLLOWING SALE CIRCUIT: April 7 - Danvale Farms, Richland. PA; April 8 - Pa. Showcase, State College, PA & April 9 -Int. Red & White, Timonium, MD. AIN Auction for LILLIAN HARNISH AvtfHiT!nnS7RH7oo3 (717) 933-4637 (7I7IWMIW 150 HEAD H RHA 17,456 3.6 629 • 3.2 550 ESTATE REAL ESTATE AUCTIQN SAT., APRIL 30th, At 10:00 A.M. Sharp LOCATED: At Cross Roads Boro., York Co., PA From Rt. #24 North of Stewartstown, turn right at Sammls Chevrolet go to Cross Roads, approx. 1 mile straight on Main St. on right, signs posted. Cross Roads Boro, York Co., PA zoned Agriculture. 4 PARCELS 2 - SOLD ABSOLUTE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER PARCEL #lO TA Acre Farmette, pond, outbuildings & a nice Farm House, outstanding setting, take a look. OPEN each SAT. starting March 19th 10 to 2 & April Each Sunday 1 to 4 pm. Except Easter Sunday. PARCEL #1 48 Acre Tract w/approved building site, approx. 30 acres tillable. Ready to build. PARCELS 5 & 6 Two 1 Acre building lots parcel #5 perked for a standard sewage system, both ready to build, cleared and level, plot plans at farm in site box, also someone will be available at open house to show each property. Want to buy some nice lots, be here they want to settle the estate. Lots will be sold absolute. TERMS: Lots 10% down, balance in 60 days. Lot 10 & 110% down and balance in 90 days. Other conditions read at auction. Farmette sold with clear title but in its “AS IS” condition. *** SORRY, Executor Sold 6 Lots prior to auction. GERALDINE E. SMITH Estate Executor: Jack W. Smith Attorney: George L. Eveler Auctioneer, Bradley J(. Smith, CAI Accredited Auctioneer Real Estate Associate PA Real Estate Broker Lie. #AUB6O-L Ph: 717-927-6949
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