AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 54 Acres Lane. Co. Farm w/Stream Historic CA, 1717 Irish Built Log Cabin Sat, April 23, 1994 1:00 pjn. LOCATION: #250 Klnseyvllle Rd. Little Brit lan Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. 800’ Frontage on Honeysuckle Rd. See large sign. TERMS: Sold Absolute w/Minimum Bid of $150,000.00 10% day of sale; Bal. 45 days. Sold “AS-IS” By Order: ROBERT N. CHADWICK Owner Harry w. & Jeffrey E. Whiteside AU-1006 & 2368 (610) 932-2291 or 2114 4th Gen. Serving Tri-State Area J NOTE: Call for Full List; Also, Antiques. Machinery, Tools, etc. 2 ABSOLUTE AUCTIONS-SAME DAY COMMONWEALTH OF PA/FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY DUMP TRUCKS/EQUIPMENTS SURPLUS ITEMS SAT. APRIL 2, 1994 9:00 AM A UCTION #2 - Located at PENNDOT maintenance Bldg, at Rt. 22 Bypass & 17th St. Hbg., PA. From 1-81 take Farm Show Exit 23 (Cameron St.) go to 3rd traffic light, turn left to next light. Turn left to Auction site. Follow signs, TRUCKS/TRAILERS 1986 Ford 8000 diesel, single axle dump truck w/7 SP trans, snow plow & spreader; 1985 Ford 8000 diesel, single axle dump truck w/ 7 SP trans, snow plow & spreader; (3) 1981 International S-2SOO diesel dump trucks w/auto trans; 1980 Rogers Lowboy 64,000 GVW 23’ deck trailer; 1978 International S-1600 flat bed truck; 1977 Mack diesel tractor, conventional Uft axle; 13 SP Roadranur; (2) 1975 Mack diesel tractors, conventional lift axle; 13 SP Roadranger, 1968 Chev. C-60 van body truck; 1967 Ford flat bed truck; 1967 Ford F-600 cab 4 chassis; 1960 Rogers Lowboy 44,000 GVW IS’deck trailer. OFF ROAD EQUIPMENT 1976 Midland motor asphalt paver; Warner Swasey Gradal excavator; Hough loader; Case icrawler/loader (parts only); Flaherty stone chipper; Gallon tandem roller; Huber roller; 8 Essick walking rollers; 5 Chausse tar kettles; 4 Poweray asphalt heaters; Arrow post driver; Protect-O-Flash floodlight; Sweepster hydraulic sweeper; Joy air compressor; Walters snow blower; Chausse oil tank &' tack coat unit; Pionjar breakers; chain saws; 2 welders; 40 ton Manloy press; valve grinder; sand blaster; utility body for P/UP truck, 2 hydraulic kits. TERMS: No out of state checks! All sales subject to 6% PA sales tax unless exempt & form signed. 3.5% buyer premium applies to I«// purchases. Inspection day of auction 8:00 \AM. 1 week removal time. AUCTION #2 ■ 11:00 AM Federal Surplus Warehouse located at 22nd & Forster Sts., HBG., PA directly behind State Street Beer/Soda Warehouse @ Commonwealth of PA Vehicle Auction site. Just a few blocks from Auction 01. Come to both!! SURPLUS ITEMS 137 pair extreme cold weather boots, Military type; 250 pair trousers; shovels; wrenches; hardware; medical equipment; paper supplies; office furniture; cabinets; bags; asst, tools; computers; tow-motor; fire hose; tape; 1600 strap ties; electrical supplies; tool boxes; barfd saws; paint; tables; chairs; fittings; clamps; files; ammo boxes; nuts; bolts; hoses; pumps; jacks; 360 intercom boxes; scales; wooden handles; plus hundreds other items!! TERMS: No out of state checks! All sales subject to 6% PA sales tax unless exempt & form signed. 10% buyer premium applies to oil purchases. Inspection day of auction 8:00 AM. I week removal time. WATSON FARM - EST. 1936 MILKING HERD DISPERSAL AND / FARM MACHINERY THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1994 (BHmurd Date, Tuaoday, April 12, 1994) AUCTION AT 10 A.M. LOCATED] la Bradford Comity, US Route 14, M ml north of Troy, PA, 14 ml. South of Elmira, NY. Known ai Wat,on Flail. 100 REGISTERED JERSEYS 100 Blood A TB mud, nody for irtemate, yno- do, vaec. for afaipying ftvor, collhood vice., not an DMA. Qaaliqr animate te ovary raapact. 24 fiadt, • a (nay now Mug tead for Dac., balance brod for July thro No*. Two aarvico dm ,MACHINKBY| TRACTORS- 4230 JD 4-poal yaad-na*a diaaal, 20Ja3t, 2 byte, 2 yte'a. 2,174 tea.; 4030 JD 4-yoat yud-mga diaaal, U4a3l, 2 teda.2 pu'a. 1 A7O tea.; 40(0 JD d-yoatiyiad-imoa diaaal, 114x31,2 hyda., 2m , a.2.002tea.,2|r. war am< 3020 JD diaaal w/daaaaoaand load rattan; 3M Ctea hackhoa loadar. I 'TILLAGE A PLANTING. TOGO JD 4-m» mi. dU. diac dry Art plnmr,' Knowlm 20' aan hensw (row *93); 4 A Shan. JD 143 aand-noiiaud plow* .Kooadaa 10* kailar child plow; 430 URjr 1 -T. Art apnadar. 300-|al. in-Una Bald ayrxyor. HAK VESTING* 7300Whin aonAiaa, diaaal w/13' grain piufam; CBIO6O "Odd undam ode teay herviater, dec. Mia. A cay. control, hyd. In-haad. tadte aharyapar, 323 NI com ylrter, (3) Kiltenc 300 ynhy homo on Odd OMM trigone; Shamoar A teiyaa 20 1 feadac waganc; 1219 JD 93" matrarl ccndMoaar, 43* JD 3d' elevator; JD N aiclda-har mower, 7' po drive hay, ladder. MISCELLANEOUS. 1972 FORD P 230 4a4 ylak w> anek w/32000 actaal< adlae;43olP hydra yaahrymdarw/hyd. and sale; 202x30 McCordyT-Bir jay m daalr, Aiaeo TOO any portable waiter, 2,000-watt gaunter, 14'' alien, yemhla acafltald; 4'xS' ndUty aL; Unto- 34", 42", 4g"; bale apaat for loadar badM; DO) iboa - 1»4034,202x30, 114x30; (14) JD Brat wtx.; ayyrwt. 200 Ana* yoau; 3-pt. k. 30" ham aaw; (torn taoonted hem an;' .wooden Aadar wagon; 430 aa Weaveriioa had can; cow lift; S by. MTD net motel lawn mower, wait hahind madllai; Bara will ha atana antall ndae. 'nODUCE- now almbmt Mriyntt ha r, M'aW aUo Ml of ootn •I ImIA It A* fMsai far this nk. Ths Wmnd Anily am atcesaflil fannan A wsll fawwn for thsir mpsrtiw Maaantas lamy catds. MacUnwy was ytrtmsi m« always stars* timid* A wsß mafedaim*. TERM* CASH OB GOOD CHECK SALE DAY. LUNCH TENT OWNER, HAROLD (DUTCH) WATSON, I " AUCTIONFF.RS** 7» /.. mlJrn\ | tinlia St. Tiny. PA 16917 Ancllwifei* • IJcnwctl • Rondcil *371 pgfi' n, Rub Shsylot 717 297 3271 > Rob flattlson 717 297 3871 RICHARD TEBBS POTATO FARMING AND GENERAL EQUIPMENT AUCTION WED., APRIL 6,11:00 a.m. WILLIAMSPORT, PENNSYLVANIA Sale to be held at the farm Juat outside the Village of Niabet. From U.S. 15-220 and I-U0 ute Maynard Street Exit, cross the river and tarn right onto State Route6s4 West, follow 4 mild to “Y” In road and bear right onto East Village Road and follow through Nisbct 1/2 mile to farm site. Niabet Is off Rte. 654 about midway between Duboiatown and Oval, Penna. la Snagnebanna Township, Lycoming County. Mr. Tebba hai devoted hia entire lifetime to a very rucceitful fanning and marketing career. Now retiring, he haa aold out to hia aona who will continue in general farming. Selling will be everything aaiociated with the potato farming buaineaa aa well aa aome equipment used in their beef cattle operation which alto it being i terminated. .Setting on April 6th to the high bidder will be: SPECIALIZED POTATO FARMING EQUIPMENT Lockwood 4 row model 6200 pull behind potato planter (pick type) with dry fert. hoppen, box exteniioni, and Candy applicalon. Planted only 500 acres in its lifetime since purchased new by Mr. Tebbsl Hassia two row potato-artichoke (and other root crop) Harvester, all belted chain, full width primaries, four row axle, only SO acres lifetime use); Lockwood conventional two row potato windrower; J.D. 30 two row potato digger, 1978 Haines 22 ft. conventional bulk body with grain pan, original owner!; Haines 14 ft. conventional bulk body with grain pan, original owner); Haines swivel type potato seed unloading conveyor for bulk bodies; Two (2) Ziggy 14 ft. and 16 ft. bulk bodies each on tandem axle trailers; Weigh O Matic double station automatic small pack bagger with “Swift Weight” over-under scale heads; Hamer SO lb. round wire bag closing machine; Hamer small pack round wire bag closer, Two (2) tubs of new round wire in 12 and 14 ga.; Diltz Wetzel spool type seed cutler; Haines auger type seed treater; Haines 16 in. wide 10 ft. long flighted belt conveyor; Advanced 16 in. wide 18ft. bag conveyor on scissor legs; Advanced bin stacker with 24 ft. boom; Boggs wooden 18 in. brusher, McGlenn 3 pt. p.Lo. 4 ft. rolovator; 8 rolls of John Bean digger chain for a harvester. TRACTORS-BVNK FEEDER - TRAILER - TRUCKS: J.D. 4020 dieiel tractor with two hydraulic outlets, 16.9-38 rubber; Fold 8N tractor, A.C. “G” manual set tractor; Eager Beaver tri-axle construction type equip ment trailer with pintle hitch, and ramps, 14 ft. flat deck plus 4 ft. beaver tail; 22 ft. flat bed for truck; Oliver 13 disk grain drill (hydraulic set) with dry fert. and grass seeder; 6 in. x 26 ft. transport grain auger, Sun Master S ft. 3 pL rotary mower, Caldwell 6 ft. 3 pi, rotary mower (needs gear box); Two (2) Gandy applicators for 14 and 12 ft. disks; Schwartz model 130 single axle forage feed wagon for bunk feeding, like newl; Ten (10) sections of concrete “J" bunk; Three (3) steel round bale feeders; Agri bunk feeder, cattle headgale; 3 calf feeders; 1972 Ford 7SO cab over single axle truck, 5/2 trans., with aux.; 1972 Ford 600 Louisville cab single axle truck, 4/2 trans.; A good little sale here with some dean, hard to find items I Lunch on site! Terms: CASH or honorable check sale day. Accept able ID required! Owned By: MR. AND MRS. RICHARD TEBBS 717-326-3974 Auction Conducted By: James P. Plrrung PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. Way land, New York 716-728-2520 PA Lie. #1672 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication THURS. APR. 14 - 3PM, IVi Story Brick Dwelling, Real Estate, Antiques, Lititz Memorabilia & Household Goods. Located At 25 Market Street, Lititz, Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By, Kathryn Stark. Horst Aucts. TOURS. APR. 14 -3:3OPM Antiques, furniture, house hold Turn off Rt. 42 at the Blinker Light in Numidia, Pa. Travel 3.7 miles pass ing through the vilalges of Newlin and Mlllgrove, turn right on Old Reading Road and travel 1.2 miles to the Bodman Farm. Seller: Ger ald F. Bodman. George J. Henry, George R. Henry, aucts. THURS. APR. 14-7:3OPM Spring Promise show calf sale. Lebanon Area Fairg rouns, Leb. Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. FRI. APR. 15 - Meat Pro cessing Plant. Located Cedi Co. Md. R.C. Burk heimer & Assoc. Aucts. FRI. APR. 15 & SAT. APR. 16 • SPM, Sat.- 9AM. Two Short Notice auction FARM EQUIPMENT, GRAIN IRRIGATION 81 TOBACCO EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 10:00 A.M. ESI Location: 875 Donorvllla Rd., Millarsvlllo, Lancaster Co., Psnna. Directions: From Lancaster Pa. Follow Rt. 30 West To Rt. 741 (Millers villa Exit) Proceed (Left) on Rt. 741 West, 3.6 Mile To Rt. 999 Travel (Rt.) West On Rt. 999 2.4 Mila Turn Left On Donsrvllle Rd. Continue 1 Mils To Auction SKa. MASSEY FERGUSON TRACTOR 2805 MFWD, DUALS WITH TRIPLE REMOTE, JOHN DEERE TRACTOR 4055, SG. CAB, 15 SPEED POWER SHIFT 3 REMOTE, ALLIS CHALMERS TRACTOR DIESEL. JOHN DEERE 3020 WIDE FRONT. POWER SHIFT. 2 REMOTES. HEINIKER CABIN CLOSURE. NEW OVERHAUL & TIRES, JOHN DEERE 148 LOADER. FARMALL 200 W/CULTIVATORS NEW TIRES & PAINT, ED-40-3 FT. HITCH. FARMALL SUPER C WITH CULTIVATORS. JOHN DEERE B CYCLONE WITH CULTIVATORS. FARMALL A REAR & FRONT TOBACCO HOERS, JOHN DEERE 7000 6 ROW CONSERVA TION PLANTER W/DRY FERT. MONITOR. JOHN DEERE 3 PT. SCRAP ER 8' MODEL 88. JOHN DEERE 48’ GRAIN ELEVATOR, (3) Holland Transplanter Units (10 pockets), New Holland 791 Manure Spreader, Bad ger 8N950 Tandem Forage Box, John Deere 567 Wheel Rake, 16' Flatbed Wagon, 1714 Foot Allis Chalmers Transport Field Cultivator With Midwest Buster Bar, Bin Wagon With 10' Fert Auger, Brillion 15' Stalk Cutter, Pequea Mod 910 Hay Tedder, Singer 500 Gal. Tandem Sprayer, J.D. T4O 4 Row Cult., 15,000 Gal. Steel Tank Subject to prior sale, 1000 Gal. S.S. Rectangular (Chester Jenson) Milk Tank w/Agitator, H.D. Livestock Gates (s’-14’) p Hyd. Stationary Truck Lift Dumper, 2 Ton H.D. Mineral Bin. 9 Ft. Stake Body w/Sides, 40' H.D. Cage Ladder, 18’ Fan Jet, Cattle Scratcher, Scrap Steel, 5 HP 2’ Water Pump, 3 HP Air Comp., Band Saw 14’, 7" H. Cut, Large Children Swing Frame, Lincoln 250 amp welder, Etc. TOBACCO EQUIPMENT 7 Single Ladder Wagons On Rubber 20’-24', 1 Double Ladder Wagon 20', Minnich & Greider Tobacco Presses, Etc. IRRIGATION & GRAIN HANDLING EQUIP. (2) Stationary Field Irrigation Guns on Rubber, 10’x40' Stationary Auger Stainless Dump Hopper, 7500 Lb. Hopper Scale B'xB’, Eccentric Conveyor 12"x32’ I Super FB 7" Drag Conveyor, 3 Phase Gear Drives. U Trough Gear Boxes, Misc. Gear Boxes & 3 Phase Motors, 1 'A -15 HP, Bucket Elevator Drives, Shutoff, 6’ Elevator Buckets, 2& 3 Way Valves, 150' 8* Bucket Ele vator Grain Pipe, Forage Moisture Tester, Flex Auger Drives 500’ 3" Tubing & Flex Auger, Etc. Please Arrive Promptly & Thoroughly Inspect Your Items Of Inter sst Prior To Auction. Ws’rs Offering Many Top Value Items For Auc tion Marketing. Set Your Mark To Win. Terms: Cash Or Check In Favor Of J. Robert & Lobta J. Haverstick, 717-872-2781. Auctloneer/Appralser/Realtor 717-354-8453 Paul K. Landis AU-1275-L 49 N. Farmeravllle Rd., Ephrata, Pa. 17522 UnoMtw Farmftig, Saturday, Marcti 28, IM4-E2B Day Annual Farm Equip. Contractor’s Equip., Vehi cles, Hay, Straw, Sm. Row Items, Furniture, House- hold, Consignment Auc tion. Located Miller's Auct. Center, Bethel, Pa. Dwight D. Miller, Auct. FRI. APR. 15 - 1 ;30PM, (This Change Is Due To Good Friday). State SAT. APR. 16 - Brandy- Graded Feeder Pig Sale, wine Cattle Co., Spring Located At Carlisle Lives- Angus Bull & Cow Sale - took Market, Inc. Exit 12 Doe Run, Chester Co., Pa. South Off 1-81. Left Onto Harry H. Bachman, auct. m™l r 4 Road SAT. APR. 16 - Peiffer Hill : 2 - Consignment Sale of Lawn FRI. APR. 15 - I:3OPM, & Garden Equipment & State Graded Pig Sale. Tractors. Located Church Located Westminster St. thru Reamstown to Red Livestock Auction, West- Run Rd. Turn Left to Steffy minster, Md. Rd. Tum Left to Auction on FRI. APR. 15 - TPM Club Mho. KWdar, Good. pig sale - 100 head, Cam- bna Co. Fairgrounds, Keith SAT. APR. 16 - 9AM, Anti- Bard. Harry H. Bachman, ques & Collectibles, auct. Household & Misc. Items. giT app ic UAHjim Located 445 Union St., Mil* P.rm iLrhinfn,' Pa. Estate Of between J D e 0 a " Sundry 4 Snyderton. n C *?*?°" berfler & Owner Joanna M. Mum- 0 ' Aucts. FARM EQUIPMENT Food Available To Purchase fMf - Bryan D. Imes, auet SAT. APR. 16 - Wickad Brothers Consignment Sale, 100 head of Feeder Cattle. SAT. APR. 16 - Bth Annual Pieffer Hill Consignment Auction, Lawn & Garden Equip. A Related items. From Exit 21 Pa. Turnpike take Rt. 272 S. to first traffic light. Turn left onto Church St. then Reams town to Red Run Rd. Turn left go 1/10 mi. turn left onto Steffy Rd. Approx. 'A mile on right Kline. Kreider, Good, aucts. - 1994 UliStllkK AIWU)' , AWTHING, -VU)HERE. '
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