PUBLIC SALE SAL, APRIL 16, 1994 At 9:00 A.M. Household Goods, Woodworking Equipment, Antiques and Collectibles Directions: From Ephrata, PA take Rt. 322 East to Blue Bail. Follow 322 East to East end of Town to fire com pany on right. (Sale In Fire Hall) ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES 1908 Lancaster County map, PA relief map, Lane. County four legged cast iron trough, 1918 mantle clock. Lane. County and Phila. bank bags. Lane, county hotel Brunswick mail bag, large assortment of scales, early milk bot tles, dinner bell, brass kettle, early tin baby botde warmer, early tin toys, sleigh bells, asst, bells, loose handle milk cans, flail. Grand mother’s flower garden and log cabin quilts, railroad lantern, Iran set. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND TOOLS Early roll top desk, rocking chair, foot stools, old phone, baskets, garden tools, axes, weed eater, extension cords, asst hand tools, asst, micrometers, fireplace set, chain saw, anvils, vises, birdhouses, small metal lathe. WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT Smith Shop Lathe (S in one tool), work bench with vise, band saw, jig saw, shaper with collects, wooden screws, clamps, lathe chisel set, wood panes, and many more items. AUCT. NOTE: This is a sale of excellent items! Don’t miss it! Not responsible for acci dents. No out of state checks without bank let ter. Refreshments will be served. Terms by: EDNA Z. NEWSWANGER Aucts. Sylvan Witmer AUOOIBO7-L (717) 933-5328 Ben Habecker PUBLIC SALE Saturday, April 2nd, 1994 10;09 AM. Located 7 Mile South Of Everett, 1 Mile North Of Clearville, Off Route 26, Bedford Co., Pa., At The Boyd Bussard Farm. Farm Machinery And Real Estate 5610 Ford tractor diesel (wide) 3 yrs. old., Int. Farmall 706 diesel (narrow), Int. Farmall 560 Gas, Dunham Loader, John Deere rake, N.H. 357 Mixer Grinder, Ind. 241 Round baler, Fox 2200 harvester com and grass head, Int 93 combine. N.H. 620 manure spreader, 469 N.H. haybine, Int 13 hoe drill, Winco generator (trailer) PTO Kell bras gravity bin, Emco gravity bin. 5 ft. bush hog, shaver post driver, Mayrath 24 ft elevator. Hostler 56 Blower, 458 white chisel plow, Int. 4 bottom plow 16", 4 bale wagons, Int. 56 4 row com planter, John Deere 10 ft. transport disc, J.D. 12 ft. harrow, NH 315 hay baler, Int 46 baler, post hole auger. Grove forage wagon, loader for M or H tractor. New Idea Mounted com picker, 1976 Chev. 1 ton cattle truck/roof 1964 Ford dump truck. Fork bale lift J.D. 26 Forage wagon, bale spear, 3 pt mounted sprayer, Int. 203 combine (parts only) 2 Int 16 harvesters (parts only), cow clippers, dehomers, forks, gates, shovel, chains, lumber, stoves, many misc. items. Real Estate Offered At 12:00 Noon, If Not Sold Before Day Of Sale Consisting 13S acres of land, approximately 72 acres tillable, balance pasture and wood land, 26 tie stalls, milk house/pipcline milker, bulk tank (400 gal.), bank bam, new machine shed. 16’xSO* and 10’x45’ silos with unlqader, 2 story frame house. 4 bedrooms, bath, wood coal and electric heat, well water, land in good state of cultivation. TERMS: Personal property Cash or approved checks, out of state checks letter of bank credit Real Estate 10% down day of sale, balance on delivery of deed. MR. & MRS. BOYD BUSSARD 814-784-5447 Stanley Claycomb and Associates Auctioneers AU-000-155-L LUNCH Public Auction Register ClMing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of aadi week’* publication FRI. APR. 8 - SPM, Annual Qooda. Antiques & Tools. At 2885 Lincoln Highway & Fishing Equki, boating, East, Ro nk# Lan C C 0 . trapping, spoiling goods Pa . Near Millie Smorgas nrnh?n me MiiJ°*ul e . d bord - * Kathryn A ®ra h * m - Bober* £. & Jef- Centre, Bethel, Pa. frey R. Martin, auct. APR A 9 R ‘ VaM viLahte FRL APR - 8 ’ SPM * -SAT. ESTATE OF FRANCIS SMITH complete! dispersal THURS., APRIL 7, 1994 11:00 A.M. Warsaw, NY Auction to be held at the farm 6106 Rt. 20A (Perry Center Rd.), Warsaw, NY, 3 miles east of Warsaw, 3 miles west of Perry Center. REAL ESTATE PARCEL #1: Selling will be approx. SO acres together with 14 room farm house and 80 cow tie stall bam. Also included *re two Harvestore 20x70 silos, 20x40 Harvestore, 20x60 cement silo, and 16x40 cement stave silo, 2” around the bam pipeline w/units, 1000 gal. bulk tank, two gutter cleaners and silo unloaders, 50x80 clear span steel truss tool shed. Sells at absolute auction for any amount over $75,000, PARCELS #2.3 and 4: open land parcels ranging from 40-80 acres of highly productive tillable land w/an abundance of road frontage. These parcels sell at absolute auction for any amount over $2OO/acre. Financing will be made available to qualified parties prior to the auction. Upon acceptance of the highest bid, a deposit of $12,000 will be required in cash or cashier’s check on Parcel #1 and $5,000 each on Parcels #2, 3 and 4, OPEN HOUSES: SATURDAY. APRIL 2 from 11 am - 1 pm and TUESDAY, APRIL 5 from 11 am -1 pm. Contact Don Yahn or Howard Sinclair at 494-1880. 135 HEAD CATTLE Selling will be 86 tie stall trained cows in all stages of lactation. Herd is apprx. 50% regis tered. This is a good young herd w/lots of potential presently averaging 60 lbs. per day RHA is 18,800 m. Also selling will be 12 bred heifers. 9 breeding age heifers and 30 calves to open heifers. Cattle will be vet checked for pregnancy, inoculated for shipping fever. FARM MACHINERY White Field Boss 2-150 diesel tractor w/ cab; White 2-110 Field Boss diesel tractor w/ cab; Oliver 1755 diesel tractor; Oliver 770 gas tractor, Oliver 77 gas tractor; Oliver 70 gas tractor; Hesston 7155 Held harvester w/hay head and 2 row com head; Kinze 2000 4 row com planter w/liquid fertilizer, ex. cond.; N.H. 315 hayliner baler w/kicker; N.H. 489 hay bine; N.H. 258 rolabar hay rake; 2 Gehl 920 3 beater SU wagons w/roofs; 2 Bale King basket wagons; White 549 6 bottom 18” spring reset plow; Dunham Lehr 4 row cultivator w/liquid fertilizer tanks and squeeze pump; J.D. BWF transport disc; McConnell fold up drag; New Idea 243 manure spreader. J.D. 8300 disc grain drill; Killbros 350 gravity box wagon; Zimmerman 48’ hay and grain conveyor; Little Giant 28’ hay and grain conveyor; N.H. 30 silo blower. Fox silo blower; Harsh 200 sta tionary feed muter w/scales; 18.4x38 duals; Lamco feed wagon; New Idea snow blower; Harvester roller mill; Weaverline electric feed cart; Agway bedding chopper; Poly Turf feed cart; semen tank; many misc. items; PRODUCE Selling approx. 450 ton com silage; approx. 200 ton haylage 2nd and 3rd cutting; approx. ISO ton high moisture com; approx. 700-800 bales Ist cutting hay. TERMS: Cash or good check day of auc tion. Nothing to be removed until settled for. SALE ORDER; 1) Real Estate promptly at 11 am; 2) machinery 3) produce 4) cattle. Estate of' FRANCIS SMITH, Owner lawn chair. In Weat Faltow field Twp.. Chwter Co. held elong Rt. 41. WlO mil* north of Cochranwille, Pa. & 8.3 mile* eouth of Gap. Pa. By Elva B. Clark. Leary, auct FBI. APR. 8 - TPM. Com mercial Replacement Bred Heifer Sale. Located Far mers Livestock Exchange, Inc., Rt. 50 West- Just Off 1-81, Winchester, VA. 22603, Gary Vance. Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - 7 Beef Cows, 2 Bulls, Farm Equip ment, Carpenter Tools, Etc. Located 450 Yeakley Rd., JCist Off Hilltop Rd. North Of Myerstown, Leb. Co. Owner, Woodrow H. Yeak ley. G. Harvey Weik, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - Annual Spring Machinery Consign- CLINTON-IV ANKO VICH CATALOG AUCTION SAT., APRIL 2, 1994, @ 9:00 A.M. (Inspect: Apr. 1, 5:00-7:00 P.M. & 1 hr. prior to sale) WARWICK TWP. FIRE CO. BANQUET HALL RT. 263, JAMISON (BUCKS CO.), PA. i«th c. Period furn.-pa. Chippendale WALNUT SLANT FRONT DESK (post. Chester or York Co.); PA. Chlpp. cherry tall chest w/unus. chip carved frieze; Chlpp. cherry riant front desk; 19th C. FURN.; GERMAN PINE PAINT DEC. DOWER CHEST (IMS w/orig. paint, iron lock & key); EAST LAKE WAL. DAVENPORT DESK w/cabriole legs and hairy paw ft., Renaissance Revival wal. CANTER BURY; Set of 4 L ft JG STICKLEY MISSION OAK SIDE CHAIRS; 19th C. CHICKERING CONCERT GRAND PIANO; ACCESSORIES; AMERICAN IN DIAN PCS.; REGINA MUSIC BOX #38857; SAMP LERS; ORIENTAL RUGS; LANDSCAPE PAINT ING BY FERN I. COPPEDGE, 100+ PAINTINGS & PRINTS. TERMS OF SALE: Cash or Acceptable Checks Only. Outstanding display of antiques & collectibles •** Call for FREE 6 PAGE FLYER *** W| CLINTON-IVANKOVICH M ■II AUCTION CO, INC. B H PO. Box 29 * Ottsvllle, PA 18942 I I (610) 847-5432 • AY-000093-L "ALL LATE MODEL MACHINERY ” •••SHERWOOD FARMS*** COMPLETE FARM MACHINERY DISPERSAL!!! FRI., APRIL 8, 11:00 a.m. (Blizzard Date, April 12) ULYSSES, (POTTER CO.), PENNA. Sale to be held tl the fanner Bennett Potato Farm alle off Loucka Mllla Road 2 mllee aouth of Ulysses. (Loucka Mllla Rond rune between State Route 49 In Ulysses and US. Route < at Weal Pike which la 5 mllaa wcat of Galcton.) Watch for signs! (Ulysses, PA la 39 mllaa waat of U.S. Route 15 at Lawrcncevllle, PA; IS mllee northeaal of Couderaport, PA; 40 mllee northwmt of Wcllaboro, PA; 30 mllca aouth of Wellsvllle, NY; or 45 mllea aoulhweat of Corning, NY. Sherwood Faima, e diviaion of Sherwood Trucking and Foreat Producta, u a “hobby” of the owners Harold and the late Shirley Sherwood. Having juat sold the cioplanda, everything will be sold at public auction to the high bidder. You can expect to find a beautiful line of late model machinery cared for and operated by Mr. Buck. SIX JOHN DEERE TRACTORS AND ACCESSORIES; J.D. 4250 MFWD, Sound Guard cab, air and heat, power shift trana, 2 hyd. outlets, 20.5-38 rear robber and 16.9-26 front robber, 4910 hr*.; I.D. 3150 MFWD, Sound Guard cab, air and heat. Quad Range trana., 2 hyd. outlets, 18.4-38 rear robber, 13.6-2 S front robber, 1729 hra.; J.D. 4240, Sound Guard cab, air and heat. Quad. Range trana., 2 hyd. outlets, 11.4-38 robber, 4047 hra; J.D. 4040, R O.P.S Canopy, Quad, Range trana., 2 hyd. outlets, 1t.4-31 rubber, 4351 hra.; J.D. 2440, open station, 15.5-38 robber, J.D. 2150, open station, 16.9-28 rubber, 2369 hra. J.D. 141, all hyd. front end loader with bucket; J D. 175, all hyd. front end loader with bucket; J.D. dozer blade for tractor complete with aubfrtme; Sets of 38 inch double ring chains; Various J.D. suite case weights; Snap on 20 8-38 duals; Two (2) pair of used 20.8-38 tires. 1991 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham, 4 door, black color, loaded and only 11,000 miles; 1991 Penskie2B ft. gooseneck atockcar trailer, (sth wheel) single car unit with electric door, cabinets, counter, lighting, electrical and air, like brand new); 1989 Chevy 30 4WD dually 1-ton, gas, auto, trana., with dump box and hoist, low mileage); 1988 OM.C. 3500 2WD, (3 plus 3) dually 1-ton pickup, 4 door crew cab. gas, auto, trana., Sth wheel attachment, low mileage; 1982 Ford 150 V-6 standard 2WD pickup; 19751 H ISO 4WD pickup; 1987 Custom Fab 16 ft. tandem axle livestock trailer, “Rascal Cart” electric buggy for handicap person; Yamaha ladies scooter with only IS miles); Yamaha Shadow and other Yamaha motorcycle, both low mileage); Brand new Snap On big roll around tool box. GENERAL MACHINERY AND LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: J.D. 8250 grain drill (18 diak) with grass seeder and never used dry fen. hopper, J D. 7000 6 row com planter with dry feit. hoppers and monitor, Nil 316 baler with *7O ejector, like new); JD. 1360 diaebine; N.H. 144 windrow inverter. Four (4) EX Trail 9x16 steel kicker racks (2 on EX Trad wide track gears, 2 on J.D. gears) all with flotation ureal; N.H. 55 rake; Zimmerman 40 ft. and Utde Giant 40 ft bale or grain transport elevators; Two (2) skeleton elevators; Jet Flow 6 m. x 50 ft transport auger. Three (3) small grain augers; J.D. 503 3 pt 5 ft. rotary mower, Treason 3 pt. broadcast seeder; J D 12 ft. lime sower with grass seeder, CT ISO gal. poly tank boom sprayer, J D. 3970, chopper with 2 row narrow com head and 7 ft. wide hay pickup head; Richardton 1400 dump wagon; Richardton 1060 stationary conveyor (blower-silo tender)'like new); Two (2) J.D. 6500 blowers. Older Case blower, Winco 35000 wau p.Lo. alternator on cart; N.H. 358 grinder mixer, used 4 months; Calumet 3250 tandem axle liquid manure tank, used twice); Houle AL-L-R 32 “Agipump” lagoon pump on wheels, used twice', Three (3) nice NJI. 520 manure spreaders with end gates; Two (2) nice J.D. 350 manure spreaders; J D. 450 hydapuah manure spreader, like new); Jameaway 20 ft. ring dnve silo unloader, Patz 14 ft. silo unloader, Four (4) nearly new 48 in. portable alley fans; Sevan (7) bales twine; Four (4) bags Doebler's 370 A com, Qty. of square balsa oat straw; Throe (3) Westfalls bucket milkers; Various livestock care and feeding accessories!; Hyd. cylinders; Parts; Shop tools; etc.) Lg. qty. of 8 in. Masonite siding with pnmer coat. TILLAGE: (Field Ready!) J.D, 2600 5 bottom sami-ml. plow, spring reset; J.D. 1350 5 bottom aemi-mL plow, almost new); J.D. 3 bottom semi-mi. plow; Deulz Allis 20 ft. hyd. fold transport disk; J.D. 1610 3 pt. 12 tooth chisel plow; Miller 12 ft. offset plowing disk; Taylorway 57014 ft. transport disk, used on 50 acre field once; J D 970 14 ft. danish tine roller harrow, new last summer; Brand new McConnell 3 pt. (lift-pull) 16 ft. harrow, 12 ft. cultipacker. NOTEr You won’t find a nicer line up anywhere! Mark your calendar for Fri. April Sth, it will be like going to a farm show where you will determine the price) Motels neatby-Small Craft Airport at Wsllsville, N.Y. Lunch by local 4-H Club. Portajohns on site. Term: CASH or hononble check day of auction. Acceptable ID. required) Owned By: Sherwood Farms/Mr. Harold Sherwood For Info, call Ihc offlce deyr t:00 A.M. to SIOO P.M. tl4-MS-7(21. Auction Agent: Jerry Plrrunfc Hour# M 14445-7401 or Barn #SI4-MS-7257. Auction Conducted By: Jaime P. Plrrung PIRRUNC AUCTIONEERS, INC. Waytond, New York 7U-725-2520 PA AucL Lie. #1(72 and «1(4( uncwtw tOTrtinfl, Siturtiy, torch 26, i#f«» ment Auction heW at the *2^’ Cowfiecoua Valley Live*- SgL.9S: f?n i2ji«L«! tock Market, Route 49. l*y!..^U. n _ Knoxville, Pa. Tioga Co.. W*^ 1 3' Clyde Beard, Knoxville. Pa. Uc. AU-000051-L, Phone T^S^nSkS^ •ale on R 9 820 Aldinger Rd. Melvin Hainea, Ralph Brenneman, Rucaell Wright, aucta. SAT. APR. 9 - SAM Fine collection of antiques, col lectibles, brass & cast iron pieces, books, antique tools, guns, toys. 2475 Ore gon Pike, Lane. Pa. Approx. 3 miles from Lane, on Rt. 272 N. (Oregon Pike). First (arm on right past Landis Valley Rd. across from Landis Valley Museum. By Agent (or Owner. Miller A Siegrist, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - B:3OAM For the Howard & Effie Shaw Estate. Antiques, collecti bles, house items, gun, rid- VEHICLES-TRAILERS; I SAT. APR. 9-B:3OAM Anti ques, household goods, electrical tools A supplies. Held in the Chanoeford Community Center, Brogue Pa. Rt 74 SE from Red Lion to Brogue Post Office, turn right, 'A mile to hall on left From MD Rt. 165 N. and onto Rt. 74 to left turn at Brogue Post Office. Har old E. Groin, Owner. Bob A Tom Sechrist, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 6:3OAM Rawlinsville Volunteer Fire Co. 26th Annual AD Day Auction. 2172 S. to truce, turn right onto Truce Rd, go to stop sign, turn left, sale on right. By Rawlinsville Sale Committee. Local A Well known aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Con signment Sale Tractors & equip., mowers, tools, toys, misc. Jefferson Community Center, Jefferson, Md. from Frederick take Rt. 340 W to Lander Road. MC Skip Zimmerman, Dan Poole, Walter Gordon, Emory Ahalt, Gene Franklin, Jack Downin, George Lease, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Anti aT| 5 335 w rS °Marfet P St! York. Pa. Anna E. Knaub, owner. Jacob A. Gilbert, Brian L. Gilbert, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM, Liqui dation Of Kell Construction Company. Located Vi Mile East Of Elizabethville, Pa., Along Route 209. Owner, John 0. Kell. Dockey, Dockey-Romberger & Deppen, Aucts.
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