Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 26, 1994, Image 171
Sale Reports STRAYER SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment was held March 14 by Larry and Leon Strayer, R.D. 1, Shaw’s School Rd., Brogue, York Co., Pa. Some prices included; Farmall 1466 tractor $7200, Farmall 786 tractor $7500, J.D. 3020 tractor $5OOO, J.D. 330 wing disc $6OOO, Brillion cultipacker $5OOO. J.D. 7000 com planter $5OOO, 2 bale wagons $lOOO each, Farmall 340 tractor $3OOO, elevator $7OO, White tractor $ 1500 and trailer $5500. Bob and Tom Sec hrist were the auctioneers. GREENLEAF SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment was held March 17 by Mr. and Mrs. David Greenleaf, 6 miles north of Somerset off RL 601 on Critch field Road. Some prices received were: M.F. 1130 trac tors $5500 each, A.C. 185 tractor w/loader $B5OO, A.C. Dl7 tractor $2900, Gehl 970 forage wagons $5OOO & $5350. N.H. 411 hay bine $B5OO, N.H. 890 A A - A. - . - » • A*A . PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY - BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 9 AT 10KK) A. M. LOCATED IN MIFFLIN COUNTY, 14 MILES NORTH OF LEWISTOWN, PA. OR 3 MILES SOUTH OF McCLURE, PA., TURN WEST OFF ROUTE 522 (AT MAIL POUCH BARN), ONTO WHISKEY ROAD, 2 MILES TO FARM LANE. BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT Hobart no. 5212 band meat saw, Wells splitting saw, U.S. scales, Stillard scales, Hobart I h.p. grinder, Holly-matic grinder, Hobart model 6 patty maker, tenderizer machine, sausage stuffer, 7 iron butchering kettles, dippers, hooks, pans and misc. butchering items. MODERN FARM MACHINERY AND TOOLS N.H. no. L-250 skid loader run 750 hrs., I.H. no. 784 dsl. tractor 1230 hrs., I.H. no. 2250 hyd. loader, round bale fork for loader, and 3 pt. bale fork, Ford 5000 dsl. tractor 2735 hrs., Ford 3-14 in. plow, J.D. 4-14 in. 3 pt. plow, Ford 3000 dsl. tractor w/3525 hrs., M.F. no. 65 dsl. tractor w/N.I. 2 row mounted com picker, N.H. no. 351 grinder mixer, J.D. no. 7200 Max Emerge 2 planter, 4 row, (new, planted 12 acres), J.D. no. 335 round baler (used 800 bales), N.H. no. 310 baler w/thrower, N.H. no. 479 haybine, N.H. no. 256 rake, F.M.C. 5 ft. rotary mower, Kewanee 24 ft. elevator, round bale flat wagon, 2 good bale rack wagons, 2 large gravity bin wagons, J.D. no. 714-A forage wagon w/roof (like new), N.H. no. 518 beater spreader, Baltic 3 pt. spinner spreader, harrow, disk, J.D. heavy duty 3 pt. blade, Ford 3 pt. post hole digger, two 10 ft. feed troughs, 2 metal round hay feeders, platform scales, Sanborn 5 h. p. upright air comp.. Walker 4 ton floor jack, large bench vise, 3/4 h.p. bench grinder, acetylene torch w/cart and tanks, 2 anvils, 10 in. power mitre saw, Craftsman 40 in. radial saw, 2 Rem Line tool chests, assorted hand tools, sockets, screwdrivers, chisels, etc., log chains, binders and misc. farm items. THIS IS A VERY GOOD UNE OF MACHINERY! , SALE ORDER: WAGON ITEMS, butchering eq, machinery around / NOON. ( Terns - CASH OR GOOD CHECK j Food stand / GEORGE AND CAROL LEACY ' 717-543-5952 Mark Qllek - Auctlonaar AU-349-L forage harvester $2900, J.D. 216 forage wagon $lOOO, N.H. 256 rake $950, Taylorway 11 shank chisel plow $7OO, J.D. pressure washer $125, alfalfa hay $97 per ton and straw $BO per ton. Merle Mishler and Claycomb were the auctioneers. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment was held by Mel Stoltzfus, '/ mile west of Rebersburg, Centre Co., Pa. Some items sold tfere; N.I. manure spreader $ll5O, mower $l4OO, buggy $2025, Int. silo filler $9OO, Case tractor $3900, N.H. hay rake $lOOO, elevator $lOOO, hydraulic power unit $6OO, plow $475, culti vator $6OO, new wagon & bed $llOO, Farmall 460 tractor $l2OO, driv ing horse $1550, mules $9OO to $2600, Hop long Cassidy milk bottle $l6O and 1 quart Yearick milk bottle $2lO. Mark Click and Robert Martin were the auctioneers. Shire sale A Public Auction of real estate was held March 11 by Luke and Kathryn Shirk, 2 miles north of Mifflinburg, Pa. on Buffalo Road. The 13.6 acre farmct te and 3 building lots were sold for $140,000 to Menno Reiff. This included a 2 'A story brick house with a 2 car garage. C.W. Shirk Auction Service conducted the sale. GUEST SALE A Public Auction of farm and industrial equipment was held March 19 by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guest, of Windswept Farm, intersection of Kauff man and Guitner Roads, 3 miles north of Green castle, Pa. Some prices were; Model T Ford Depot wagon $6OOO, 1971 Karmann Ghia coupe $l5OO, train bell $4OO, 1953 truck tractor $225, J.D. 140 mower $650, Int tractor & backhoe $3400, truck crane $525, Ford Jubilee trac tor $3BOO and Ford Jubilee tractor $2825. J.G. Cochran Auc tioneers & Associates LTD. managed the sale. AUCTION GOING OUT OF BUSINESS FRI., APRIL 7, 1994 10:00 A.M. Auction of silk screening equipment, supplies, office equipment, T-shirts & hats. Auction by Mld-Stfcte Graphlx. Located at 3006 Research Dr., Cato Park, State College, Pa. From Rt. 322 turn onto W. College Ave. (Rt. 26) go 2 miles to Jethros Rest, make left - WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGN. AUCTION CONSISTING OF: Richardson Conaire Model 1200 A Electric Dryer -12 ft long -30 Inch Belt (1 14 yrs. old), Richardson 6 Color - 6 Station w/micro registration & oversize pallets & all heads down printing (1 yr. old), Richardson 6 Color - 6 Station all heads down printing - (IV4 yrs. old), Jacket Hold Down for 6 Color Station - 6 Station, National Elec. Dryer w/Extension 14 ft long 24 inch Belt, Richardson 4 Color 1 Station w/rotating Hat Attachment (S Months old), Athletic Die Cut Machine w/Greek Fonts, Insta Heat Press, Richardson Spot Dryer 14 inch x 16 inch. - (1 yr. old), 8.8. C. Black Flash Spot Dryer to oversize Pallets 17” x 22”, Jennings 1 Color Hat Attach. - 2 yr. old, Squeegees. Approx. 45 Buckets of Ink, Atlas 5-Way Exposing Unit w/1000 Watt Bulb, Wooden Screen Drying Racks, 5 Gal. Bucket of Emulsion, Approx. 80 Screens Many w/Penn State (Mainly 110 Mesh), 110 Air Compressor, 5 ft. aluminum Step Ladder, 1200 CFM Exhuast System w/2 Hoods - Fan & Pipe, Zim Pulsar 101 Spot Removal Gun, Casio Stereo System w/2 Cassette tape - record player & speakers, Nuarc VV-1418 Vertical Camera, Nuarc Diffusion Transfer Processor, Many Desks, Office Chairs, Stools & assorted tables, 3 Drafting Tables, 2-11 drawer Lateral file cabinets, UPS Scale, Phone System, Pitney Bowes M-120 Copier (As Is). MANY XL 100% Cotton T-Shirts - Miss Prints - Several Dozen Camo-fluorescent Orange Bali Caps & Others. NOTE: EQUIPMENT IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITION. TERMS: Cash or Check - Day of Sale. Auctioneers: Ronald J. & Ronald S. Gilligan PA Licensed & Bonded «AU339L & #AA2223L Member Pa. Auctioneering Association 814-237-0189 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible in case of accident. YODER SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery was held March 17 by Jesse and Martha Yoder, R.D. 3. Selinsgrove, Snyder Co., Pa. Some prices were: N.H. 36 flail chopper $325, Gehl forage self unloading wagon $l9OO, Calumet manure pump $1250, Badger 3300 gal. liquid manure spreader $8650, J.D.. tandem axle manure spreader $2400, J.D. l 2 ft cultimulcher $l7OO, , J.D. 3 pt. cultivator $795, J.D. 7000 com planter $2600, J.D. tan dem axle disc $2050 and I.H. 3 pt 3-bottom plow $450. Bryan D. Imes was the auctioneer. COBB SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held March 14 by Frank S. and Teresa M. Cobb, south of Red Lion, Pa. on Route 74. The 48 acre poultry and vineyard farm with a house and 2 chicken houses was sold for $190,000. Rentzel’s Auction Service conducted the sale. REDDING SALE The Redding Auction Service held their annu- al spring gun and print art auction Match 19 at Redding Auction Ser vice, V 4 mile north of Gettysburg, Pa. on Table Rock Road. There were 300 regis tered bidders at the sale. -.Some prices included: Fox Sterling worth 12 gauge double gun $3OO, German 8 mm gun $2lO, 4 Winchesters Mod. 88 up to $llOO, Browning 12 gauge shotgun $4OO, Remington 760 & 270 ,cal. gun $290, Rem. 1903 30-06 gun $220, Win. model 94 $2BO, Springfield 4570 cal. $370, pair Browning mod. 71 gun $lO5O each, Win. model 12 gun $350 and pen knives up to $95 each. Some prints included: Ned Smith print “Testing the Wind” $425, Ned Smith “Emperor of China” $340, R.C. Kray “High Country Cats” $240, R.C.- Kray “Secret Crossing” $2OO, R.C. Kray “Winter White Tale” $620, Ned Smith “Mallard Morning” $330, Carl Brender “Fox Family” $4OO, Paul Calle “Almost There” $220, R.C. Kray "Working the Cat Tail s’’ $350, Ned Smith 1983 duck stamp $9lO, 1991 Pa. trout stamp $5lO, Ducks Unlimited gun cabinet $625, Ned Smith “Closing In” $825, Ned Smith "Wild PUBLIC AUCTION i i , —' METAL SHOP EQUIPMENT - REPAIRS • SUPPLIES FRIDAY, APRIL 8 AT 9:00 A. M. LOCATED IN CLINTON COUNTY, 5 . MILES WEST OF LOGANTON, PA., OR 2'A MILES EAST OF TYLERSVILLE, PA., TURN SOUTH OFF ROUTE 880 ON LOGAN MILLS ROAD, 'A MILE TO SHOP. IRON WORKING MACHINERY Farmall M tractor on steel w/fork lift and winch, Lister 4 cyl. (60 h.p.) dsl. engine, Stanford 24 watt generator. 20 G.P.M. closed center hyd. pump, 100 gals. hyd. reserve tank, Kondia milling machine w/4 ft. table, a lot of cutters and milling tools, Sebasllan metal lathe w/12 in. chuck and 6 ft. spread, assorted lathe tools, Buffalo no. VA iron worker machine, cold cut off saw w/water pump, Central metal band saw, Lincoln 250 amp. stick welder, Century and Miller mig welders, welding tables. Arbor press, iron bender, 14 in. steel roller, 16 in. metal brake w/2 cyl’s., hyd. cyl. press, pipe vise and threader comb., 2 ton chain hoist w/dollie and beam track, cutter knife sharpener w/water pump, hyd. hose press and a lot of hose fittings. THIS EQUIPMENT IS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER W/MANY EQUIPPED W/HYD. MOTORS. PARTS AND SUPPLIES Large steel rack, assorted steel, several bolt bins w/a lot of bolts, PTO yokes, hubs, wheel centers and spindles, bearings, roller chains, roller chain sprockets, 5 endless belts, assorted V belts, plow parts, shears, moldboards, etc., mower parts, rake teeth and a large inventory ot parts and supplies not listed. THIS IS A VERY WELL STOCKED OPERATION! Terms - CASH OR GOOD CHECK Amish lunch LOGAN MILLS WELDING Ben S. Stoltzfus R. R. 2, Box 237 Loganton, Pa. Mark Qllck * Auctioneer AU-349-L Turkey” $283 and Weatherby Vanguard $525. C. David Redding and Douglas D. Red ding were the auctioneers. STARKER SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery and household goods was held March 19 by Dean and Ruth Stamer, 1032 Meadow Branch Road, Westminster, Mary land. There were 250 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices were: oak dresser w/mirror $l3O, oak high back bed $550, marble top buffet $325, Victrola w/ oak case $3OO, 4 horse wagon $l6O, 1 horse sleigh $450, doctor’s wagon S2SO, bob-sled $6O, A.C. 7000 tractor $7OOO, A.C. 5050 trac tor w/loader $5600, Oliver 550 tractor $3200, Oliver 5-B plow $6OO, Oliver 2-B plow $325, Oliver disc $BOO, 14 ft. transport harrow $575, A.C. no-till plant er $4OO, 2 Myers silage wagons $2750 each, N.H. forage harvester $5600, N.H. sickle mower $1350, N.H. manure spreader $3OOO, N.H. 488 haybine $3OOO, N.H. 315 baler $3600, N.I. elevator $BOO and hay wagons averaged $325 each. Nevin E. Tasto was the auctioneer. YODER SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held March 18 by Samuel S. and Lena S. Yoder, 2 miles north of Mifflinburg, W. Buffalo Twp., Pa. The 90 acre dairy farm with a house, bank bam, Harvestore silos and equipment shed was sold for $302,000 to John Rischel, R.D., Mifflinburg, Pa. C.W. Shirk Auction Service conducted the sale. LAPP SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held March 19 by Paul B. Lapp and Lena S. Lapp, 2 miles southeast of Compass, West Cain Twp., Chester Co., Pa. The #2 parcel of 65 acres of farmland with 50 tillable and 5 of woodland was sold for $275,000. The #1 parcel of 22 acres with a stucco over stone dwelling, bank bam, broiler house, silo, garage and equipment shed was sold for $350,000. The #3 parcel of 4 acres of interior build ing lot off Sandy Hill Road was sold for $56,000. Homing Farm Agen cy, Inc. conducted the sale. HORST CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Sale of fine antique tools, machinist tools and Stanley planes was held March 19 at the Horst Auction Cen ter, west of Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 2SO registered bid ders at the sale. Some items sold were: E.W. Carpenter plow plane with patented handles $4050, ivory-tipped file plane $BOO, Stanley tools and accessories: #l3 com pass plane $9O, tool catalog $125, dowling jig in original box $4OO, #55 plane $260, #239 plane $l4O, #lOl4 plane $l9O and oak tool cabinet $3lO. Other prices were: signed P.E. Will of Pen ryn iron grafting tool S2OS, signed E. Cald well plow plane $2OO, signed David Heiss molding plane $360, signed A. Wheaton molding plane $230, signed Thomas Grant molding plane $2lO, Sargent number 227 plane in box $l6O, San dusky plow plane $l2O, G. Goldsmith plane SI9S, set of Buck gauges $l3O, signed Bauder of Manheim plane 5375, two dove tailed tool chests $175 & $250, oak machin ist’s chest $lOO and wooden wheel hub taperer $2OO. Auctioneers were T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst.