276 Maw Holland baler $250. Int. rate $4OO. Ford two row cultivator $125. Chester Co. 610-276-2828. Dis. wood & coal stove, big saddlebred mare, traffic safe & sound, good family horse. Evenings 7-7:30 p.m. 717-548-3215. Reg. Eng. springer spa niels, shots and wormed, ready Apr. 9 5 females, 3 males $250 each. Hunt. Co. 814-542-5481 anytime. Manure spreader PTO dri ven, call after 6 pm $2OO. Carroll Co. 301-829-1634. IH bale throwers (com plete) *lO $550, or *l5 $BOO (ex) your choice. MF 3 pt. chisel plow, 7 shank + parts, $lOOO. Grove PTO chuckwagon, good cond. $9OO. Carroll Co. 410-848-0711. Lavelle 23' ft. transportable conveyor, single chain, good cond. $2OO 080. Lane. Co. 717-484-2254. Black angus cows with calves, Honda ATV 4 wheeler in very good cond. Wanted to buy ear com. Lane. Co. 717-7384)570. Farmco 24' feeder wagon, JD 24T baler with #3O thrower. Centrifugal man ure pump, all good cond. Leb. Co. 717-272-0034. Dry poultry layer manure 38-44-32 per ton analysis: $4.00 per ton, delivery available within 10 miles of Lititz. Lane. Co. 717-626-1467. NH 762 forage harvester, grasshead 2+ row corn head, elec, controls, dean, orig. knives, sharpened field ready $5200. Lane. Co. 717-548-2451. Farmall A with plow crank start, also trailer disk and platform $BOO. Chester Co. 610-273-2491. wse^ mmm |H 42Q ba(or Leb C() Christ Esh, 870 N. College WANTED WANTED St. Myerstown, PA 17067 3 pt. hitch to fit 450 Int. fast Cast Irdn R*