A2-I j ‘.V Lancaster, Pa. Monday, March 14, 1994 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goats Monday’s Auction 856 48 434 1208 549 Last Monday 1031 68 447 888 392 Last Year 34 429 964 239 CATTLE: Slaughter steers firm to SO higher, instances 1.00 higher; slaughter heifers firm to SO higher, cows steady, instances 1100 higher; bullocks steady, instances 1.00 lower; bulls fully steady. Supply included 58% slaughter steers, 21% slaughter heifers, 13% cows, with the balance bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1015-1425 lb 72.00-74.25, few 74.25- 74.85; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1180-1425 lb 74.00-76.10; few Choice 3-4 1425-1550 lb 70.00-72.25; Select and low Choice 2-3 1050-1450 lb 67.00-71.25. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1160-1630 lb 62.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 950-1250 lb 67.75-71.85; few Choice 2 1150- 1225 lb 72.50-73.00; couple lots Choice 2-3 900-950 lb 64.10-65.85; Select 1- 2 900-1125 lb 63.00-66.00. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-3 48.00-51.00 51.50-52.50 Commercial 3-4 43.00-47.00 Cutter A Boning Utility 1-2 45.50-48.50 48.50-50.50 Canner A low Cutter 40.00- 43.00-46.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 1100-1375 lb 72.00- Select 1-3 1050-1350 lb 61.75-65.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200-1900 lb 62.75- six head 1375-1855 lb 71.00- 75.00; Yield grade 2 1000-1500 lb 58.75- CALVES; High Good and low Choice 180-300 lb steady. VGALERS; High Good and low Choice 180-300 lb 60.00-8000. RETURNED TO FARM; Few 90-120 lb Holstein bulls 110.00-130.00. HOGS: Barrows and gilts 1.00-1.50 lower, sows under 500 lb mostly steady, weights over 500 lb not comparable. BARROWS AND,GILTS: US 1 220-2451b46.00-47.00. US 1-3210-2601 b 44.00-44.60, One lot 280 lb 41.25. SOWS: US 1-3 300-500 lb 35.00-37.50. Few 43.00-43.75. BOARS; All Weight! 30.00-32.00. SHEEP: Wooled lambs weak to 5.00 lower; new crop lambs 5.00-10.00 higher, slaughter ewes steady to 5.00 lower, instances 10.00 lower. Supply included 50% wooled lambs, 25% new crop lambs, with the balance slaughter ewes. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 2-3 90-110 lb 65.00-72.00, 80-90 lb 70.00-75.00, 60-80 lb 75.00-85.00, few 110-135 lb 50.00- NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice 1-2 20-40 lb 120.00- 40-60 lb 100.00-120.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Choice 2-3 S % : B&R CATTLE CO. I • RD 1, Marietta, PA J • 17547 • 2 Office Phone: 2 • (717) 653-8164 • I Specializing in • I Stockers & • ! Feeders S • JOHN BOWMAN • • Ph. (717) 653-5728 • : RON ranck : • Ph. (717) 656-9849 J % HAY, STRAW & CORN A - SALE - Please Note New Sale Time! Sale Starts 10 AM Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION RD No. 4 Ephrta, Pa. 717-738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of Slalo Buyere-Caah or Certified Cheek Only : Lancaster County Livestock Market Auctions Vintage Livestock Auction Paradise, Pa. Tuesday, March 15, 1994 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 857 948 2 5 Last Tuesday 1005 1093 1 3 Ust Year CATTLE..USDA.. Supply included 32% si. steers and 57% cows ..Compared withTuesday'smarket; si. steers fully 1.00 higher, insunces 2.00 higher, heifers steady, cows firm to 1.00 higher, bulls ful ly steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1075/1500 lbs. 72.75-76.00, mainly 73.50- 75.25, Choice and Prime 2-3 1100/1475 lbs. 75.25-77,00, 10 head 77.25-79.00. few Choice 3-4 1175/1450 lbs. 69.25-72.75, Select and Low Choice 2-3 1100/ 1475 lbs. 69.00-73.00. HOLS TEINS: Choice 2-3 1240/1425 lbs. 62.00- Select 1-3 1200/1300 lbs. 60.75-61.00. HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 1030/1200 lbs. 67.50-70.50, couple Choice 2 1100/1150 lbs. 72.00-72.75, one lot Choice mostly 4 1365 lbs. 64.85. COWS; Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-3 bulk 47.50-51.00, high dressing 51.00-52,50, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 low dressing 45.00- bulk 47.00-50.00, high dress ing 50.00-53.00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 low dressing 39.00-43.00, bulk 43.00- BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1200/2000 lbs. 62.00-63.75, No. 2 960/1400 lbs. 58.00-62.00. CALVES...High Good and Low Choice 70/100 lbs. steady. Supply included 825 in graded sale of which 93% sold to return to farm. VEALERS: few High Good and Low Choice 70/100 lbs. 45.00-Sl.OO, Standard and Low Good 60/85 lbs. 21.00-40.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 45 head 120/125 lbs. Holstein bulls 112.00, 105 head 110/115 lbs. 115.00-122.00, 175 head 90/105 lbs. 121.00-132.00 and 45 head 85/90 lbs. 95.00-110.00, 175 head small frame 90/115 lbs. 97.00-112.00 and 55 head 70/85 lbs. 42.00-45.00; 110 head 80/120 lbs. Holstein heifers 190.00- 242.00 and IS head small frame 70/75 lbs. 130.00-150.00. SHEEP...lnsufficient volume for a market test. GOATS...No market test. 35.00- Utility and Good 1-3 25.00- GOATS; All goats sold by the head. BILLIES: Bulk 75.00-100.00, 25 head 100.00- few small 50.00-75.00. NANNIES: Bulk 55.00-65.00, few 45.00- YEARLINGS: Choice 45.00- Good 40.00-45.00. KIDS: Choice 35.00-45.00; Good 25.00-35.00; Utility 20.00-25.00. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Rt. 22 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Flea Market Auction every Tuaaday at 12:30, Toola, Egga, Produce, etc. Buyera & Sellars Welcome Wednesday’s market report has been discontinued until further notice because of Insubstantial receipts. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Auction Lancaster, Pa. Wednesday, March 16, 1994 Receipts: Today 318 Last Friday 33 Last Year 124 TREND: DEMAND GOOD FOR THE 225 HEAD 700-950 LB. STEERS. STEERS; MEDIUM A LARGE #l, 38 HEAD. WGHTD. RANGE 733-736, PRICE 75.50-81.50, WGHTD. AVER AGE 735, WGHTD. PRICE 80.42; 120 HEAD. WGHTD. RANGE 806-883. PRICE 74.50-78.25, WGHTD. AVER AGE 849, WGHTD. PRICE 76.99; 40 HEAD. WGHTD. RANGE 907-967, PRICE 75.75-77.50, WGHTD. AVER AGE 942, WGHTED PRICE 76.56. MEDIUM #l-2, 9 HEAD, WGHTD. RANGE 828, PRICE 74.00, WGHTD. AVERAGE 828, WGHTD. PRICE 74.00. SMALL A MEDIUM #l. 7 HEAD, WGHTD RANGE 610, PRICE 86.75, WGHTD AVERAGE 610, WGHTD PRICE 86.75. HEIFERS; MEDIUM A LARGE #l, 5 HEAD, WGHTD RANGE 465, PRICE 70.00, WGHTD AVERAGE 465, WGHTD PRICE 70.00. CATTLE 335.. PDA .. Supplied included 188 Daily cows ..Compared to last Wednesday's matket..sL cows steady to .75 lower. HOLSTEINS: Select 59.00- Standard 53.75-59.75. HEIF ERS: one Select Holstein 53.00. COWS; Breaking Utility and Commercial 47.00- couple to 51.00, Cutter and Bon. Utility 46.00-49.50, Canner and Low Cutter 40.00-40.00. Shells down to 36.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 1 1270/1570 lbs. 54.50-60.35. CALVES 95..VEALERS: Standard and Good 70/100 lbs. 49.00-54.00, Utility 60/80 lbs. 30.00-47.00. RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein BuUs 90/125 lbs. 80.00- couple to 125.00, No. 2 80/120 lbs. 60.00-80.00; one No. 1 Hols tein heifers 90 lbs. 132.50. Few beef cross bulls and heifers 70/100 lbs. 60.00-97.00. HOGS 36.. BARROWS AND GILTS; few US 1-2 235/270 lbs. 44.50-46.10. SOWS: few US 1-3 440/500 lbs. 32.00- FEEDER PIGS 76.. Few US 1-3 45/65 lbs. 46.00-55.00. -- per head. SHEEP 34.. Choice 40/85 lbs. Spring si. lambs 65.00-100.00. Slaughter sheep: few 20.00- GOATS 10... Few Large 47.50-87.00, few Medium 40.00-49.00. per head.* HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS $700.00-1350.00. - per head. Replace Your Bulbs And Save Electricity WITH SCREW IN FLUORESCENT LIGHTS • Save Energy-Replaoes up to 75 wilt Incandescent • Easy Installation • Economical-Lasts to tlmos longar than standard bulb • Fewer Lamp Changes ■ Lowor Maintenance Cost • Durable Polycarbonate Housing • 45,000+ Hour Ballast • 10,000+ Hour Lamp Lite •Air Coated • Water Reetstam BallMl • 120 Volt • Ratcheted Braes Socket • Medium Base ■ Starting Temperatures O’ 5-7-9 Watt $5.49 each 13 Watt $5.79 each N*w SuM Canter Mountl H • Msdt In USA 1000 1200 1(00 1700 Pcniuylvmlii'i Aulhurl/vd Mmler Ibilrlbiilor ■ Northeast Agrl Systems. Inc Hiway •>«»»<• Pat jioaMoun M ;»»«» M !39AW«*f AMpOitßood Sal lODtaNoon mm UlitzM 17543 MHt/OayitapwSMtc* |j|| Ph (?17) 569 2702 I ■BOO-673-2580 p fBSSfj Lancaster Livestock Auction Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, March 16,1994 Report Supplied by PDA IS WATTS 40 WATTS SO WATTS 75 WATTS SO WATTS 2SO 400 ■OO •00 IMP New Holland Livestock Auction Lancaster, Pa. Thursday, March 17, 1994 Cattle Calves Sheep Goals Today 1551 516 435 518 Last Thursday 1408 603 161 241 Last Year 1144 784 197 100 CATTLE: Slaughter steers 1.00-2.00 lower, slaughter heifers steady to weak; cows 1.00-2.00 lower; bullocks scarce; bulls steady to 1.00 lower. Supply included 53% slaughter steers and 34% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 2-3 few 4 1075-1450 lb 70.75-74.00, few 74.00- 74.50; Choice and Prime 2-3 1075-1375 lb 74.00-75.25, five head 76.00- Choice moitly 3 few 4 1450-1550 lb 68.50-71.60; Choice 3 to moatly 4 1 ISO-1450 lb 68.00-70.50; Select and low Choice 2-3 1100-1425 lb 67.75-71.00, few 1475-1600 lb 63.00- HOLSTEINS; Choice 2-3 1145-1550 lb 61.00- few High Choice and Prime 2- 3 1230-1550 lb 64.75-67.00; Select 1-3 1000-1400 lb 58.00-61.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 9SO-12SO lb 66.75-69.75; couple loti Choice and Prime 2-3 1160-1250 lb 71.35- few Choice 2-3 900-950 lb 65.35- 66.75; Select 2-3 950-1150 lb 63.00- COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-3 46.00-49.00 49.50-51.75. Commercial 3-4 42.00-47.00. Cutter & Boning Utility 1-3 44.00-46.00 46.00- 49.00-50.00. Caimer A low Cutter 40.00-41.00 41.00-45.00. BULLOCKS: Few Choice 2-3 1200-1450 lb 66.75-68.00; couple Select 1-2 1150- 1450 lb 64.00-65.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1265-1900 lb 61.75-68.00, couple 69.50-73.75; Yield grade 2 1050-1500 lb 57.50-62.00. CALVES; Vealers steady. Demand good for Holstein bulls and heifers to return to farm. VEALERS: Few Choice 170-355 lb 90.00- high Good and low Choice 170- 400 lb 75.00-90.00, 80-105 lb 45.00- few 105.00-115 In 54.00- Standard and low Good 65-85 lb 30.00-45.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-125 lb Holstein bulls 120.00-137.00, few 137.00- 145.00; small frame 90-115 lb 90.00- several 75-85 lb 65.00- bulk 85-120 lb Holstein Heif ers 175.00-235.00, couple 235.00-245.00; small frame 75-105 lb 100.00-155.00. SHEEP; Wooled lambs steady; new Crop Lambs fully steady; slaughter ewes steady. Supply included 20% wooled lambs, 65% new crop lambs, mainly 20-60 lb sold to the Easter Trade, with the balance slaughter ewes. WOOLED’LAMBS: Choice 2-3 80-105 lb 73.00-86.00. 60-80 lb 79.00-90.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice 1-2 20-40 lb 120.00-150.00, few 150.00-180.00, 40-60 lb 100.00-135.00, with 20 head 20-35 lb 172.00-200.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 2-3 24.00-40.00. GOATS: All Goals sold by the Head Billies: Large 70.00-90.00, couple 97.00- Nannies: Bulk 45.00-60.00. Yearlings: Choice 35.00-55.00; Good 25.00- Kids: Choice 50.00-60.00; Good 35.00-50.00; Utility 20.00-35.00. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE Selling Feeders Every Tuesday _ At Approx. 2 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: L. ROBERT FRAME, SR., PRESIDENT BUS (717) 442-4181 BUS (717) 768-8204 HOME (215) 458-8518 IRWIN MARTIN. FIELD REP, (717) 733-7434 KENNETH E. HERS Lancaster County Weekly Lancaster, Pa. Friday, March 18, 1994 Cattle Calves Thii Week Last Week Last Year CATTLE: Slaughter steers uneven, clos ing tales mostly steady, although tales dur ing the week 1.00-2.00 higher; slaughter heifers mostly steady; cows closed I.<o-I.SO lower, bullocks steady, instances 1.00 lower; bulls steady to 1.00 lower. Supply included 43% slaughter steers, 8% slaughter heifers, 31% cows, 4% bulls, with the balance feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1075-1450 lb 70.75-74.00, several 74.00- 74.75, couple lotr early to 76.00, Choice and Prime 2-3 1100-1371 b 75.25- 77.00, 12 head 77.00-79.00;.Choice 3 few 4 1450-1550 lb 68.50-71.60; Choice 3 to mostly 4 1150-1450 lb 68.00-71.00; Select and 100 Choice 2-3 1050-1440 lb 67.00- few 1475-1650 lb 63.00- HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1145-1630 lb 61.00- few High Choice and Pnme 2- 3 1230-1550 lb 64.75-67.00; Select 1-3 1000-1400 lb 58.00-61.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 950-1250 lb 66.75-70.50. few Choice and Prime 2-3 1100-1250 lb 71.00-71.85; cou ple Choice 2 1100-122 S lb 72.00-73.00; Choice 2-3 900-950 lb 64.10-66.75; Select 1-3 900-1150 lb 63.00-66.00. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-3 46.00-50.00 50.00-25.50 Commercial 3-4 43.00-47.00 Cutter & Boning Utility 1-3 44.00-46.00 46.00- 49.50-51.00 Canner & low Cutter 39.00-41.00 41.00-46.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 1100-1450 lb 66.00- couple 72.00-73.25; Select 1- 3 1050-1450 lb 61.75-65.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200-1900 lb 61.75-69.25. eight head 1273-1855 lb 69.50- Yield grade 2 1000-1500 lb 57.50- CALVES: Vealen Heady. Demand good for Holitein built and heifen to return to farm. VEALERS: Few Choice 17-355 lb 90.00- hogh Good and low Choice 170- 400 lb 60.00-90.00, 80-105 lb 45.00- few 100-115 lb 54.00-60.00; Standard and low Good 60-85 lb 21.00- RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-125 lb Holstein built 112.00-137.00, few 137.00- 145.00, 85-90 lb 90,00-110.00; tmall frame 900.00, with 50 head 70-80 lb 42.00- Bulk 85-120 lb Holstein heh fen 175.00-242.00, couple 242.00-245.00; small frame 70-105 lb. 100.00-155.00. Ida; 7:30 P.M. CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS * GET CALVES IN EARLY - OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 1:00 P.M. TRUCKING SERVICE 3650 1520 3444 1767 2355 1379
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