Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 19, 1994, Image 1

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Vol. 39 NO. 19
Dairy Future Committee Moves On Plans To Unite Industry
Managing Editor
Co.)—ln an effort to bolster the
image of the Pennsylvania daily
industry and provide a more uni
fied voice to consumers and gov
ernment entities, a group of dairy
leaders met Tuesday at the PDA
building to make plans fora special
forum to be held in early June. The
meeting was an outgrowth of the
The Romano 4-H Center Dairy Sale, of which the St. Johns are donating three
calves, Is scheduled Saturday, April 2, at 11 a.m. at the Solanco Fairgrounds In Quar
ryvllle. The St. Johns hope that the sale draws together the farmers in the county for a
common cause—promoting and continuing the4-H program. From left, J.R., Kathy,
Krystal, Kasey, and John SL John. Photo byJUtdy Andrews
Chester 4-H Renter Benefit
Sale Set Frir April 2
Lancaster Farming Staff
NEW LONDON (Chester Co.)
To lifelong dairy farmers John
and Kathy St John, what’s more
important isn’t necessarily the
money generated from an upcom
ing sale to help pay for the costs for
a new Chester County 4-H Center.
It’s the attempt to bring unity to an
industry and a way of life that is
fast fading from the countryside in
New Reader Involvement
In response to readers’ ques
tions, a new column debuts this
week in Section B, Page 19.
Titled “You Ask You
Answer,” the column is for those
readers who have questions but
don’t know who to ask for the
answers. In the past many readers
sent non-cooking requests to
Cook’s Question Comer, a col
umn also located in B section.
Page 8. Cook’s Question Comer
will continue, but it is only for
questions that pertain to cooking.
“You Ask You Answer" is
600 Per Copy
Pennsylvania Dairy Industry
Future Committee that has met
several times since July 1992, in
an attempt to bring together the
many different segments of the
Pennsylvania dairy industry that
are involved “from cows to con
sumers,” as Boyd Wolff, state ag
secretary, likes to say.
Wolff and Lamartine Hood,
dean, Penn State University, co
chair the committee, and the scope
a rapidly urbanized area. -
The Romano 4-H Center Dairy
Sale, of which the St. Johns are
donating three calves, is scheduled
Saturday, April 2, at U a.m. at the
'Solanco' Fairgrounds in
The St. Johns hope that the sale
draws together the farmers in the
county for a common cause
promoting and continuing the 4-H
for non-cooking questions. The
concept is the same: When a read
er sends in a request question, it
will be printed in the paper. Read
ers who know the answer are
asked to respond by mailing the
answer, which will then be print
ed as soon as possible in the pap
Questions and answers for
both columns should be sent to
Lancaster Farming %Lou Ann
Good, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 19,1994
of the effort to unify the slate dairy
voice continues to grow as the
committee’s direction becomes
mote focused.
In opening the planning meet
ing, Sec. Wolff said prices for milk
have been stable, but the costs of
production have gone up. “We
must find a way to keep the dairy
industry viable in Pennsylvania,”
Wolff said.
Concerns raised by the commit
“Some of those who have con
tacted us were members of 4-H in
Chester County and have moved to
Lancaster and other counties,”
said John St. John. “They have
expressed an interest in donating
animals for sale.”
To the St. John family, 4-H has
helped promote education for the
youth, who in turn pass along the
education to others about how
essential and interconnected fum
ing is to other livelihoods.
Together with wife Kathy and
son J.R., IS, and daughters Krys
tal, 12, and Kasey, 11, the fourth
generation farm milks about ISO
registered and grade Holsteins,
with about 120 replacement stock.
The St Johns farm about SOO acres
(320 acres on the home farm) and
grow all their own feed.
The three Holstein calves they
are donating to the sale, to help
defray costs of the new Romano
4-H Center on RL 322 near Honey
Brook, range in age from four to
seven months old. All three are
grade. Farmers are welcome to
(Turn to Pag* AM)
tee include loss of competitive
advantage; fewer non-fanner sup
port industries, and the large
investments needed, both in farm
and processing enterprises.
Wolff said we have the markets
and the processing interstructure.
And we have the climate, soils, and
animals to do the job. But over the
long haul, we need better manage
ment. marketing, and cooperation
to keep the dairy industry viable in
Dairy fanners, educators, legi
slative, food and processing rep
resentatives were in attendance at
the meeting.
Maryland Holstein
Convention Highlighted
Maryland Correspondent
Washington County Holstein
breeders hosted the 30th annual
Maryland Holstein Association
Convention last Saturday at the
Hagerstown Ramada Inn. «
The event drew approximately
ISO people for the day meeting,
and about 300 attended the even
ing banquet. Members came from
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
and North Carolina for the annual
Kenlin Martin, Smithsburg, was
The newly elected officers of the Maryland Holstein Asso
ciation are from left, Charles lager, president; Anita Hill,
secretary/treasurer; and Jason Myers, vice president.
Rva Sac Hons
Wayne Schutjer, official rep
resentative of Dean Hood, told the
group that Pennsylvania's dairy
industry is strong because of its
diversity. "We have a large variety
of fanners from ‘Amish to Engl
ish,’” Schutjer said. “And we have
some of the smallest operations
and also some of the very largest
dairy farms. This tremendous
diversity gives us great strength
and more stability.
“But our diversity also hampers
our cooperation. It’s more difficult
for us to come together. That’s
what this process (dairy futures
(Turn to Pago A3O)
chairman of the convention. Oren
Bender, outgoing president of the
Holstein Association, thanked the
members of the state organization
for their ongoing cooperation. In
his final address to the association,
he stressed the need for continuing
the‘‘spirit of cooperation and con
cem tor each other as Maryland
Holstein breeders” on into the
New officers for the association
were presented at the banquet later
in the evening. Charles E. lager,
Jr., of Fulton, MD is the new presi
dent. He assumes the role follow
(Turn to Page A22J
$19.75 Per Year