Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 94
Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994 16th Annual Wye Angui Sale April 2, 1994 1 PM Queenstown, Maryland Sailing 16 Cow/Calf Pairs • 27 Bulls Contact; Daan Bryant Wya Angus P.O. Box 16S, Ouoontlown, MD 21S5S (410) 827-6016 (410) 827-5327 avanlngs HORSES 4 MULES 10 Year Old Saddlebred Carnage Horse, Traffic Safe Sound Lancaster Co (717)627-3567 2 Welsh Stallions at stud, Sec A and Cob, brood mares in foal, 2 year old gelding 412/238-0212 7 Year Old Standard Bred Carriage Horse, Good Broke (717)733-2648 (2) Beautiful 3 year old donkeys (jacks), 600 lb., Coggins tested, used for breaking show cattle, $350- $ 2 5 0 . (301)898-7426 Big Valley stock trailer 1989, 18'L 7’H 6'W, garage kept, mint condition 215/367-5898 James Flashy team of Belgium geldings 5-6 years old, 17 IH. 1900 lbs , blondes w/white mane and tail, sound, good broke, $4900 804-457-4647 after 6PM FOR SALE Storm front carnage good condition Eh S King, 202 Tabor Rd , New Holland, PA 17557 For Sale sorrel draft mules, 16 hands, full sis ters, 9 and 10 years old, 100% broke, do anything, traffic broke, $4,000 Call 607-698-4193 Miniature donkeys, 2 Reg Jacks. 4 months old, Gray Dunn $4 75/ea 201-579-3740 Pair of 17 Hand Belgium Work Horses, Good Broke (717)733-2648 Purebred Arabian horses tor sale Dispositions ex cellent Most broke to ride Good 4-H project or plea sure horses $l,OOO-52,000 Call (717)295-5454 weekdays Registered 4 year old dapple gray Morab broke the best Western Will make a top notch endur ance horse Very fast and atheletic Must be ridden to appreciate $2,000 12 year old. blue roan walking horse built like a quarter horse safe, $9OO Smooth mouth Appaloosa, $B5O Both excellent broke West ern, quiet and gentle for anybody to ride, child safe Call (717)899-6419 Reg saddlebred mare, 10 years drives the best, no bad habits 717-533-5113 Sorrel work horse White mane, docked tail, 3 years, stand 17H, broke, $l4OO One mile West of New Pro vidence on 185 Truce Road, PA 17560 Jonas S Esch Specializing in spotted and solid colored walking horses SPOTTED FEVER FARM 717-582-7831 HORSE -j -r?=r [HUM QO HY-TECH Mushroom Compost, Inc. West Grove, PA 19390 * '215-869-0202 TB/QH filly, 3, green broke, good attitute, cute disposition, most meet to appreciate (71 7)336-6346, (717)336-6602 between 6 30-9 30 pm Tennessee Walking Horse mare, 6. smooth as glass, sweet disposition, $2,000 TWH mare, 13, great horse for avid trail rider, must be experienced, $2,300. (717)336-6346 (717)336-6602 between 6 30-9 30 pm Matched pair mare and gelding Suffolk*Beiglan cross coming 2 yrs. old David F. Seller 229 N. Hollander Rd. Gordonvilla, PA 17529 MULES FOR SALE 17 hand, 3 year old blonde sorrels from the south. Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shirktown Road Narvon, PA 17SS5 for Information 717/445-8956 Clydesdales 9 STALLION SERVlCE—Numarous Grand Champion fl 9 Awards. Bay, 4 whits lags, 18 hands. B B Crossss wsll with Thoroughbrsds. B B Gsldings and young stock for salo B B Liberty Knolls Farm LLC 9 B Gano Emswllor B B 10702 Maplovills Road B 9 Hagantown, MO 21742 I \ WOOD SHAVINGS/ J J SAWDUST S J FOR BEDDING t J 3Yz Ton Truck Loads $125.00 J 717-299-6288 J J Free Delivery In J Lancaster County CLIP AND SAVE X_»»,,,,_ ■X MANURE ■in SADDLEBRBD & MORGAN HORSES Broka to rlda and driva Ban F. Stoltzfua Box 688, Rt. 2 Wataontown, PA 17777 On Rt. 44 Batwaan McEwanavilla and Turbotvitla MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce • RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 (717) 949-3246 MULES FOR SALE Top Quality Mulaa Right Out Of The South ** COME AND SEE **, WILL FURNISH TRANSPORTATION . Location ten K. Kauffina Park Road, Honey Brook, PA 610-273-3082 Call between 7:30 AM A 8 AM Pick-up Straw Only. 15 Horse Minimum Young Broke Mules -16 to 18 Hands • 1 pr. 17 hand 4 yr. old grey tj? mules —broke the best. -X®” • 1 pr. 17.3 hand mules—broke 3 pr. 17 hand mules—broke PAUL SMUCKPR (717) 299-3721 CLICK'S BLACKSMITH \ r AND HORSE DENTIST <1 4 Shoeing at your farm by appointment, jj r Teeth floating by appointment. Draft \ I? horse shoeing by appointment at place of <1 It business. Have table to trim cows feet. J ► } || 274 Cut Road f I Gap. PA 17527 i { (717) 442-9680 between 6:00 \ i and 7:00 PM J { 1 Trotters to be sold at Gordonville Fire Co. sale on 3/12 Special mention: • 1 black Speedy Crown stud, stands 16.2, record of 2.03 on the trot • 1 black Hunters Star • 1 black 6 year old trotter, was used for show horse Elam B. Stoltzfus k 717-768-8690 A ROCKING “K” STABLES 117 Paradise Lane Ronks, PA 17572 Lancaster Co. (717) 687-8408 KINGSTON TRAILERS THE FINEST Of ALUMINUM BEE TRAILERS THE FINEST IN STEEL Featuring Affordable Horse & Livestock Trailers Custom Built The Way You Want. * AH Trailers Include • Full under coating • Rust pre ventive primer • Automotive grade acrylic paint • 2“ treated, #1 grade wood floors • Complete trailer steam cleaned with acid solution *AII seams and joints totally sealed - Inside and outside. Four homo •loot load w/draaalng room and raar tack araa. Gooa«nock or Bumpar Fur Two horaa wkh I ft. draaalng room % Australian Saddles and Oilskin Coals, Tack A Horse Supplies Hitch Equipment Two through aight horaa modal* avallabt*. |K!| SHEEP A GOATS 2 Purebred Dorset Rams, 1 Staver Ram, 1 fall born PSU Ram. $2OO/each 610/756-3516 Australian Cashmere and Saanen Dairy Goats Milk- \ ers and Kids available \ 4/10 Beautiful cashmere \ buck from Lismore/ \ Capricorn lines Closed; \ health certified herd. \ 610-458-8458 5 Black Border Leister X < Dorset lambs, ewes & ram, i excellent quality. \ 412/238-0212. f Black Welsh Mountain j lam, 3 ewes f 412/238-0212 * Grow Into * LLAMAS Our New Arrivals ♦ 8 beautiful llama babies ♦ 5 babies are 1 /2 Bolivian ♦ Deposit accepted at 2 months old ♦ Welcome them Into your home this fall Backed by Personal Service: ♦ General care and handling instructions Included, ♦ Answer line to help with questions. ♦ In-depth background on each animal. \S|/ R.D. # 2, Box 738, Annville, PA 17003 £ 717-867-5472 SWINE HOG FARMERS: We offer the largest selection of performance tested and high health breeding stock available. Yorkshire • Hampshire - Duroc • Landrace - Hybrids THAMCS B€ND P€hlN JAY ft CLAUDETTE HORST Schaeffeislown, PA 1708 S Rhone 717-9494-3381 Fax 949-2204 » Mike Lelnlnger - Denver, PA • 717-336-3387 Nome 0/ "Sitin' Genetics from Canada’s Largest Registered and R.O.P. Testing Operation Th* Pi( Of Tomorrow At Our Ibct Toda^l apU. 40 yttn of Ttstod Gmrtlet rA JR* -A/T S BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Cartload Brucalloala and Paaudorablaa Fraa Herd ttono Thorn** Park Thom** M*rfc Bt*h. (717) HC-H2l (717) MO-U 44 (717) M-7P07 RO #l, Box 2449. Paavailown, M 17(13 Border' Leicester rams $lOO Berks County’ (610)689-5893. Purebred Hampshire Ram, sire of champion ram and ewe, York Fair, 1994, lambs look good York Co' 717-993-6455. Sheep and goat shearing and blade sharpening 717-862-3101 Sheep Equipment for sale feeders, fence chargers, premier panels Call 814/349-9665 Sheep Shearing, Foot Trimming, Deworming All Areas. Schedule Early Dave Delamater (410)476-3821 Spring Sheanng Time! Call now Professional shear ing, foot trimming, de worming Pete Brummer (717)527-4081 Landrace Dune Yorkshire Larg* Wrdtta FI CroMferada