CATTLE 1 12 bred Jersey heifers, will freshen in March and April, bred A< bulls, (304)788-2154. (2) 3001 b. Holstein steers, real nice, 717/524-2673. 2 Grade 2 year old Brown Swiss heifers, ready to freshen. 1 week old Hols tem heifer calf 717/666-4245 (2) springing Guernseys due in March, 1 bred heifer All for $2,200 (301)898-7426. WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 GBRLACH SIMMBNTALS Mt. Joy, PA 717/898-9723 Cows, Bulls & Heifers WANTED Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades (215) 286-9096 (717) 656-8420 - 1 — —————■—I "" V 1>" >\ PENNSYLVANIA?2IST/ \m/1 I \ PERFORMANCE TESTED # I \ BULL SALE / It* FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1994 4a II AT NOON I II AT PENN STATE’S AG ARENA I Registered 11 to P bulls from the respective I » 1 herds were put on test. They are fully ■ Highland Cattle l evaluated for ADG on test, lifetime WDA, I I adjusted 250- and 365-day weights. The ■ * I bulls are ultrasonically scanned for backfat ■ ♦ Discover the breed that still retains special I thickness and loin-eye area and are given I traits acquired from its ancestors of Scotland. 1 a complete breeding soundness and semen I ♦ Great foragers, clearing most pest plants 1 exam. The bulls will have health I common to poor pastures \ papers to go anywhere. After the I ♦ Thrive In cold, damp climates 1 evaluation, the top two-thirds of the ■ ♦ Produce excellent lean beef In adverse 1 * )u^s °? er^‘ u i n ? ast> ese ■ conditions where other cattle would fail I bulls nave been real ■ ♦ OocftennOHna,* i herd-improving bargains. I ♦ Calve easily due to small birth weights 1 Current EPD’s will be available I something of interest to dairy people for I niII . G TDCT ■ servicing first-calf heifers \ BULLS ON TEST ■ ad „ . ™ J 125 Black Angus 27 Polled Hereford ■ ♦ Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and inoculated \ 2 Red Angus 18 Simmenuls I against rabies I I Charolais I Limousin I Come visit our farm and meat your I For Bull Sole Information Contact -1 future herdl Transportation Available I Glenn Eberty ■ Breed Information Available Upon Request I Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's I I Meat Animal Evaluation Center I Day Dream Acres 1 SSifli'SSi I (908) 303-0798 I Phone: 814-238-2527 or 814-865-5857 / Buffalo Calves (717)2221-9810 55 Cow Herd Grades Price $1,200/Head Ready To Sell (717) 626-5830 (717) 626-0855 Looking for a cheap, unroglatarad bull? You may ba making a vary expansive mis take. Study by Penn State, shows cost ef fectiveness of bull with known genetic value (EPD) on small Pa. farm. We’ll send copy of this work plus Info on 65 perfor mance tested, registered Angus bulls for sals Sat, March 26. BRANDYWINE BREEDERS BULL SALE Open house, first come, first served, 10 AM - 2 PM 7 ml. so. of Coatesville, Rte. 82 (Frank Walton, 215-486-0972) 55 Head Angus & Black-Baldie bred cows due in April, young herd, complete dispersal, synchronized bred to Al bulls. Also 20 head of yearling heifers. Fallen Oak Farms 814-926-2570 REGISTERED ANGUS PERFORMANCE TESTED PRODUCTION PROVEN Top quality bulls & females Bred with the commercial producer in mind. Bull Sale 20+ stout, rugged yearlings ready to work for you March 19,1994 WAFFLE HILL FARM 3332 Coolbranch Rd Churchville, MD 21028 410-734-7136 Registered Texas Longhorns CALVING PROBLEMS ? Try a Longhorn to end your problems on your first calf heifers. Great calving ease with the added bonus of usually grading choice. Quality bulls, cows, snd calves for sale. For further information call (717) 566-8131 or (717) 944-1951 10 looking for a herd? %n We have parlqr and tie stafl herds for sale. We move herds from farm % a i to farm with experienced help and »*** °ur own trucks so that you the buy- I®! or have disease-free cattle. We buy the best and let the rest. Financing for qualified buyers In Lane. Co. rty FORA HERD WITH QUALITY, call Marvin MUler or Ron Bard TOP PRICES FOR ALL TYPES OP CATTLE - Also Down ft Crippled Cattle 'Tom Mulvaney, Jr. QBf E" 1 ™* PA mWS (6 l°) 258-1670 71' In NJ-Wtrren, Sunex And Hunterdon Count!ei NOW IN NEW YORK • ORANGE COUNTY { In PA-Notthimpton, Bucks, Lehigh, Betki And Schuylkill Counties A All Cattle Paid On Hanging Dressed Weight SEMEN CHECKED. PREFORMANCE BRED. ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE Included In this offering are several bulls that would be excel lent for use on heifers, and bulls with stacked pedigrees for carcass traits. We believe in the quality of these bulls and would be Interested in buying the calves out of these bulls. Tag Sire Birth Dam's Sira BW/EPD 205D/EPD Milk YW Data EPD EPD 0443 Hi Flyer 2/15/93 Prompter 85Z+3.3 709/+4l +lO +6O 1043 EuHoch 2/09/93 Scotch Cap 80/+1.9 539/+27 + 8 +46 0083 Hi Pockets 2/11/93 Scotch Cap S6/+3.4 641/+2B + 8 +4B 1203 Eudoch 2/09/93 Prompter 80/+2.1 581/+29 +l3 +53 0473 Hi Pockets 2/06/93 Esso 98/+6.0 700/+33 +l2 +47 9004 Traveler 11481/06/89 Hoss +4.5 +42 +l9 +66 0166 Piere 12/23/90 Traveler XPP +3.5 +3l +l3 +57 8551 Maw Trand 315 2/18/91 Bold Ruler +7.3 +52 +l3 +Bl 9061 9004 9/26/91 Dynamo +.4 +l9 +l2 +32 Comercially priced females (spring and fall calving), and fall born Farm Show prospect steers are also available. SOUTH BRANCH FARMS 2700 Water Street York, PA 17403-9306 Robert Livingston, Manager 717-428-3526 messages 717-741-3841 ga FROM THE HOOF UP If you have cattle you have hoof problems. 45 minute video demonstrating. How to safely restrain a cow. * Hoofs relating to confirmation. Hoof Infections, cures, and preventions. Demonstrations on how to trim a hoof and why. $39.00 US Funds includes shipping, handling and taxes. Visa, Mastercard, Check International Hoof Trimming School Box 14, Delaware Ontario, Canada NOL IEO 519-652-9266 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994-C2l BUT DOWN ft INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop I $ fi f Private Sale j CANADIAN \ I COWS AND HBIFBRS <( | Shipments Arriving Regularly. ? a Cut Enter New Jersey ft Pennsylvania £ f Accredited Herds \ i GEO. V. SEIPLE AND SON \ f 1531 Vsn Buren Road \ i Easton, PA 18042 <( $ Phone 610-258-7146 J milk Kond VO (2y)), i 1700 pound Tempo 3 M jrr old (exciting show proapect), a tremen- JM dona VO (2y) Boutonniere, and other bean- 1M tlea by Bell Trap. Commlaaloner, Lancer, t 5
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