Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 84
Cl2-lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994 SUo-MaSc Cs£ V*^ AA USED SILO 12’x50’ 14’x60’ 16’x60' 18’x60’ 20’x60’ 24’x60' SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON SPREADER AND 9" FILLER PIPES VINYL OR GALVANIZED Good Until April '94 OMPANV, inc <S cS-ui&ebd/ /'JITo NEWVILLE. PENNSYLVANIA 17241 717-776-3128 • 1-800-224-SILO FICKE Tiberdome Incorporated ‘fiberdOmeiNc • P-O. Box 11 • Lake Mills. Wl 53551 Phone 414-648-8376 or contact your local silo company with TUMBLE MIX ROTATION • Beam Seal* System • 7 Different Sizes • Low Maintenance • Long-Lasting Stainless Steel Barrel • Low Power Requirements Silo-Matlo'a R / EMINI r /D Silo Unloamr •» • Full 26-Inch Stainless Steel Rotor Housing With 4 Stainless Steel Pawls 'S* ' SILO REPAIRS CALL FOR INSPECTION AND ESTIMATE Chute System Finally... No more bags, No more hodgepodge (cut ting of metal chutes or add ing on), No more ob structed climbing, No more dark, damp, or dirty chutes, No more feed build-up on doors, and No more rust or corrosion. A complete one piece fi berglass chute and clean chute system with a Life time Warranty. A perma nent feed control center with all the features you've been waiting for! The Fiberdome all fiberglass Bubble Chute System is a proven and patented ultra-clean chute system for all new or existing silos. For Full Details On Bubble Chute System Send $5.95 For Video Tape, Literature and Brochure Packet Bubble Eliminates Dirty Chutes ...maeittbia&t H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES Let Capital Steel Buildings supply you w/affordable, easily etpcted steel build ings Custom designed, any size. Call today for free quote 1(800)207-8283. New Lumber for sale, 3 foot to four foot long. 717/336-2534 Old barn, large hand hewed timbers, wide oak plank flooring, wall stone, highest offerll 717-273-7661. PAINT $3 gal., latex or Oil base Dauphin Co Call 717/944-5389. Original floor, grainery boards. 2' flooring, barn beams, tobacco sheds, siding (717)229-2806 mo bile in (717)880-4549 Pallet Rackes, new condi- tion, consists of; (61) 13' up rights, (79) 14' up rights, (39) 18' up-rights, 42” depth, (600) 9' bars, 2500 lb./pallet capacity, new price S3SO/section, sale $75/section. Ask for Doug (610)926-1311. Pine boards #3,1"x12"x14' long, $2/ea, minimum IS on orders Crates and wooden boxes. 717-764-8337. York CO. Pre-engineered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Quit States Dealer We will build from your plans or will design WEAVER CONSTRUC TION, East Earl, PA 717-445-5165. STEEL BUILDINGS, all types and sizes. Call for current ‘Specials*. 410-329-6757. Used Gondola shelving, excellent condition, also heavy duty stock room shelving, and heavy duty pallet racking. Priced to sell 717-263-3404 WANTED TO BUY' Old at tic flooring and log houses Lane Co 717/626-4520 WANTED Used Corngated Roofing or Similiar Type Steel Sheets Leave Mes sage (610)489-4293 & G FLOORING^ 2xB Southern Yellow Pine 380 Accepting Orders Now bf (814) 349-8228 H Allied Steel Buildings, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural Buildihg YOUR Business is OUR Business A.S HOOVER INC. 3125 Manor Road, Coatesville, PA 19320 1 -800-942-259 1 . 215-942-2591. Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc 717/249-2304 *B” Grade Glass Board and Plastic Sheets up to Vi" Thick, (Special 4’XB'XV4" Plastic Sheets $l2 00) Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, PA, Snyder County. (717)539-8993. Black cement block sealer available at no charge. (717)397-7695. Cham Link Fence, new, slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3'-$ 90/ft, 4'-$l.OO/ft, s'-$1,55/ft, 6'-$1.65/ft, 7'-$1.85/ft, B’-$1.95/ft. Call 717/822-7820 7-Bam or leave message. Resawn Long Leaf Yellow pine and resawn chestnut flooring; 35*x60’ chestnut barn, antique white pine flooring. 717/374-7122 Cramer's Discount Roof ing, lowest prices in 3 states See display ad sec tion 4 (717)567-6782. FLOORING- New kiln dried T&G, 2xB Y.P. Can deliver. NOAH SHIRK SAWMILL 717-354-0192 FLOORING. "Golden Oak". (Ash). Kiln-Dried, T&G, 5* face. VS "xs"x6’-12', 5000 sq ft Priced nghtl! 610-565-6038. FREE for removal, chicken pen, 100x36, 3 floors. Lots of good lumber 717-668-1549 GEBHART'S POLE BUILDINGS' & Let quality and value stand for you Custom design and built, commercial, resi dential or agricultural. Put your building up today 717-259-9438