Ag Still Number 1 ANNAPOLIS, Md. Mary land Secretary of Agriculture Ro bert L. Walker has announced that recent reports from the U.S. De partment of Agriculture’s (USDA) Economic Research Ser vice confirm the importaitce of agriculture to Maryland’s eco nomy. “In our highly urbanized state, agriculture is still Maryland’s number one industry. According to USDA, farm and related indus tries in Maryland still employ Lancaatar Firming 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, Fa 17522 717-344.3047 ■ •r UIIU ■ 717-424*1144 ■ FAX 717-733-4054 ■ PHONE HOURS I Man, Tuaa, I w»d afh | NOTE. Please do not use this form (or * * "rhura 5 p m ■ Mall Box Market Ads, see instruction* 7am to spm I with Mailbox Markets. OFFICE HOURS ■ Name Mon thru Frl ■ lam to Spm I Addresi Tha following eatagorlaa ■ £'*7 •r« available for your m elaaalllad advarllalng. ■ Zip , In Saetlon 0. Daadllna- ■ Thuraday morning at 40l | Please publish my aach waak * publication r 3 t-Farm Equipment I Starling With the 2-Farm Eq Wanted I „ ■ # I enclose Tha following eatagorlaa ■ ——. ■ •re av.iiabi. in youi ■ Box Replies; Ads with answers coming to a box niuiind lemiising in ■ number, c/o Lancasler Farming: 51. 50 per ad per S.ction C O.adlin** ■ week additional o"* Kh'S'.rt . plb°".'on ! Th | s newspaper will not be responsible lor more than | one Incorrect insertion of any advertisement. U'Contlruclion Equipment 3 Silos and Unloaders 4 Building and Supplies 5 Gram Equipment 6 Dairy Equipment ■ Livestock Equipment 6 Cattle 9 Horses 4 Mules I 10 Sheep 4 Costs B 11 Swine * i: Artificial Breeding ■ t 3 H~g Eq & Supplies I 14 Ppullry 4 Supplies fl Is Peed & Seed I 16*Ferliliier 17 Plants ■ 19 Fruits 4 Vegetables ■ is Nu'sery | 20 Lawn 4 Garden _ 21 Services Offered I 22 Custom Work | 25 He ip Wanted H 24 Situation* Wanted * 2S'Bu»me«s Opportunities! ■ 25 Household ■ 2~ Pets ■ 25 Lot ■ I 2- Found 30 Computers 31 Notice 33 Miscellaneous 33 Recreational Vehicles 2i Autos Ss Trucks & Trailers 3' Real Estate A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTSI some 12.7 percent of the work force, or 336,347 jobs,” Walker said. Agriculture, along with agricul ture dependent businesses, gener ates more than $ll billion in an nual revenues. There are approxi mately 15,000 farms in Maryland on about 2.S million acres. This accounts for 40 percent of the state’s arable land. . “Every measure we have con tinues to show that a healthy agri- CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY MAIL TO; LANCASTER FARMING P O. Box 609, Ephrala, PA 17522 .Phone word ad. .issue Classif' DEADLINES; SECTION C WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK'S PUBLICATION 37 38 39 40 I (Phone Numbers Count As One Worm | BSI Route 206 North, P.O. Drawer E M LJ Newton, NJ 07860 (201) 383-3370 \J|io£jL ■ Outside NJ 1-800-545-1278 ■■■ ' ToU Free NJ (Parts) 1-800-382-9207 oemcejinc. JD financing available to qualified buyers FAX: 201-383- 5756 1973 Dresser TD2OC, 75% bottom Tilt Blade .. 1969 JD 350 dozer, 6 way, ROPS 1971 JD 35<KBfiBtOPS. VG bottom 1988 JD 7508 w/Cab, 1900 Mrs 1987 JD 7508 w/ROPS, 1950 Mrs 1988 JD 450 G, 6 way blade 1990 JD 450 G, WT. 24” pads. 6 way, 600 hrs. 1990 JD 550 G, WT. 24" pads, 6 way. 620 hrs. 1992 JD 550 G 6 way blade. 510 hrs 1981 JD 544 C, cab, 6415 hrs., 2.70 yd. material bucket, rebuilt trans 1985 JD 544 C w/cab 1988 JD 310 C cab. 4X4, 2400 hrs. 1990 JD 310 C cab, low hrs 1992 JD 310 D w/cab, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, 700 hrs $47,500 1988 JD 410 C cab, 4x4, 3400 hrs $37,000 1986 JD 4158, 4x4, ROPS, aux. plumbing $lB,BOO 1987 JD 4IOC w/cab, ext. dipper, 2280 hrs $32,800 1967 JD 500, good condition $B,BOO 1987 JD 510 C w/cab, 4x4 extendable dipper $38,800 1985 JD 5158 with cab & side shift Backhoe aux. Plumbing $19,800 Md.’s Industry PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. 38C per word per week -1 or 2 times 32c per word per week - 3 or more times Stale. .limes under culture is important both to . state’s economy and quality of life. The strength of agriculture in Maryland is a tribute to our farm ers who toil daily to provide us with a bounty of unparalleled di versity and quality,” said Walker. Maryland’s leading agricultural commodities in terms of cash re ceipts are broilers, greenhouse and nursery items, dairy products, soy beans and com. 11 word minimum 2 Times 3 Turns up to 11 4.18 8.36 10.56 12 4.56 9.12 11 52 13 4.94 9.88 12.48 14 5.32 10.64 13.44 15 5.70 11.40 14.40 16 6.08 12.16 15.36 17 6.46 12.92 16.32 18 6.84 13.68 17.28 19 7.72 14.44 18.24 20 7.60 15.20 19.20 Wonts 1 Tims $17,800 ...$9,500 $12,500 $48,000 $42,000 $35,000 $50,000 $54,000 $58,000 SMI! $33,800 FOR $35,000 $36,000 ■EI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Hyster 60’ man lift with Deutz diesel, good condition, 2000 hours ■UJLI |J] v, 1986 Case 450 C Crawler w/6 way Blade, 1280 Hr., U/C Excellent $23,000 1976 85J 955 L 90% Heavy U/C, Machine In Excellent Condition TRAIL SONG TRAMAC MUSTANG Want To Buy John Deere Equipment - Any Model x ~ We Buy & Sell Financing Or Lease Purchase Available AA Equipment —x 1797 Robart Fulton Hwy., Quarryvllla, PA 17566 ▼ A 717/529-2512 A Y No Sunday Calls w 1985 Bradco (Ford 1910) Loader Backhoe 4WD $13,500 1988 JD 950, 600 Hrs., 4 WD. Turf Tires $9,000 CRAWLER LOADER 1980 JD 555, ROPS, 4&1 bucket SKID STEER LOADER AND ATTACHMENTS 1977 JD 24A Diesel .B3EK 1988 JD 490 D Long Stick, 28" Pads. New U/C $Bl,OOO 1975 JD 6908 good condition 1989 JD 490 D, 1600 Mrs 1990 JD 590 D, long & wide. 2300 hrs $69,000 1987 JD 790. Clean, New U/C, aux. plumbing $65,000 1988 JD 70D w/blade, long stick, 2315 hrs $33,000 AGRICULTURAL & MISCELLANEOUS Toyota skid steer loader buckets RM Demco Sprayer, like new, 3 pt. 21’ 800 m... New JD 350 Crawler Loader Series 4-1 Bucket Replacement clam and back JD 603 Rotary cutter 3 Yd. 444 E Material bucket, new New York Rake RW 7' wheels & blade (4) Stanley MB 550 hammers TRAILERS & TRUCKS 1968 Mack R Tractor 237/5 Speed 1988 25 Ton Ridgid Eager Beaver Trailer 1984 F 350 Reading Utility, 4WD, Diesel.. 1972 Eager Beaver 18HA Eager BSD IOHDB elec brakes $4,300 (2) Trailers Make Offer Mighty Mover Landscape Trailer, 2 axles, long bed.. .. 51,700 1975 Gas International 1600 rack body truck $2,000 ar 1 *^ib 345 Mustang skid loader, original rubber, 950 hours, with Deut2 diesel $5,500 1986 580 Super E Tractor, Loader, Backhoe With Extendahoe With Cab & Air, Nice 1987 Kawasal In Excellent Condition WV* \ « 1 I . ’*< aiejiaß y Ford 8210 4x4 All New Dual Power All New Rubber Nice & Clean $21,500 51,600 $B,BOO/ea $16,000 $4,500 $22,000 $BB,OOO POR $l,OOO $l,BOO ....$7OO $2,400 .$B,BOO $9,000 $4,200 $6,000
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