Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 8
AUMMMetf fimlMg, vgtoufiy, iiMwetfi s^fOati^J fS^Ks Seventh from the Sew On March O 17SI William Herschel was making a routine telescopic suises ol the skv when he made an important discoserv At first, he thought the diskhke light he saw was a comet, so he carefully Hacked its motion lor some weeks It was not until several months later alter a prelum nars orhil was calculated, that he realized he had discovered a ness planet Ihe name lor this cosmic hodv occasioned much discussion (And still does among children!) Hcrschcl proposed Geoi>no« i/dm in honor ol England's George 111 Others suggested naming it alter Hcrschcl Finally, the tradi tion ol naming planets alter gods ol Greek mythology was upheld The newly found seventh planet was named alter the father ol the litans and grandfather ol Jupiter Uranus ♦ * * *# * ■csr Use a spring clothespin to clamp small items together after gluing. EARTHWISE Sometimes we hurl the Earth without even know ing it For example, some thing as seemingly innocent as our choice m toilet paper can have a negative environ mental impact Considering the use we make ol toilet paper, is it reallv essential that the toll he perfectly color-coordinated to our bathroom decoi ’ Or that it be absolutely while’ Both dveing and bleaching create toxic chcmi cals during manulac- trulv an luring unnecessary risk National Aarovark Week Everything is good in its place. Lumberjack Corn 5 slices bacon % cup chopped onion 212-ounce cm* whole kernel corn, drained 1 teaspoon sugar 14 cup sour cream salt and pepper to taste Cook bacon until crisp and set aside to drain on absorbent paper Saute onion in bacon drippings until soil, discard drippings Add remaining ingredients Heat through, but do not boil C rumble the bacon and stir into corn before M‘ OLD FARMER’S weather FORECAST Northeast: Ram and snow snowstorm west, sunny and mild, then cold, ram, and snow Southeast: Mild and rainy, sunny and hot Florida, clearing, few showers Midwest: Freezing rain and snow, then sunny and warming, turning colder, some snow easti and north. Northwest: Snowstorm, heavy mountains, clearing briefly, then colder and more snow Southwest: Cold, ram. snow mountains. warming and clearing, then colder, rain, snow mountains lakes Eighty-Four Livestock Eighty-Four, Fa. Monday, February 28, 1994 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE; 233 HEAD. STEERS HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME (59.50-72.00; SELECT 64.00-69.00; STANDARD 58.00-63.50; UTILITY 57.50 AND DOWN. HEIFERS: STANDARD 57.50-62.00; UTILITY 57.Q0 AND DOWN. COWS. BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 47 50-52.50, A FEW TO 55.00; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 44 50-47 00; CANNER AND LOW CUT IER 39.00-43 50, SHELLS DOWN TO 38.50 BULLS- YG#l 50.00-67.00; YG#2 52.00-59.00. FEEDER STEERS: 200-300 LBS, 70.00-95.00; 300-500 LBS. 66.00-99.00; 500-800 LBS. 56.00-84.00. HEIFERS: 200-300 LBS. 72.50-85.00; 300500L8S 65.008’.50. 500800 LBS, 52 5 079.00. BULLS: 200300 LBS 70.0092.00; 300500 LBS. 70.00104.00; 500800 LBS. 55.0084.00. CALVES- 182 HEAD. VEALERS, CHOICE 91.50-103.00; GOOD 80.0090.00; STANDARD AND GOOD 71.0079.00; UTILITY 66.00 DOWN. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 125.00-140.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90.00185.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS #2 100.00- BEEF BULLS 90.00- BEEF HEIFERS 85.00160.00. HOGS: 103 HEAD. US#l-2 200-220 LBS. 40.00-46.00; US#l-3 220-240 LBS. 4S.SO-46.00; US«2-3 240-260 LBS. 45 25-45.75; US#I-3 277 LBS. 44.50. SOWS: UNDER 500 LBS. 26.00-36.75; OVER 500 LBS. 32.00-35.75. BOARS. 31.00-32.25. FEEDER PIGS- US#I-3 20-40 LBS. 11 50-25.00; 40-60 L 85.28.00-31 50; #2-3 Today’s alfalfa producer needs optimum yield to stay in business! The Ohio Seed Company West Jefferson, Ohio 43162 Cy 800-879-3556 Peter Johnson - PA Rep. Mifflinburg, PA 717-966-2580 100125 LBS' 15flT4&2** SHEEP AND LAMBS: 188 HEAD. HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME NEW CROP 25-50 LBS. 92.00104.0 ft SJ)-75 LBS. 75.0081.00; CHOICE 75-100 LBS. 68.0072.50; 100125 LBS. 60.0068.00; 150 LBS. 40.00; FEEDER LAMB GOOD AND CHOICE 75.0081.00; UTILITY 65.00 DOWN; EWES 27.5037.00. GOATS. BY THE HEAD LARGE 40.00-71.05; MEDIUM 29.0041.00; SMALL 25.0031.00. Friend’s Stockyard Inc. Accident, Md. 2X520 Report Supplied by Auction February 28, 1994 SIOCK BULLS AND STEERS (200500 LBS.) 70.0088.00. SIOCK HEIFERS: 60.0083.00 SLAUGHTER STEERS. GOOD TO CHOICE 70.00-74.50, MEDIUM TO GOOD 64 0069.00, HEAVY CHOICE OVER 1450 LB 64.00-68.00 HOLSTEIN STEERS HEAVY 56 0063 75, LIGHT 48 50-56.50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS. GOOD lO CHOICE 67 0 072.00. MEDIUM lO GOOD 46.0066.00 BULLS. HEAVY 55.0060.25. LIGHT 46.0057 00. COWS FEW HIGH DRESSING 45 00-51.50, UTILITY (HOLSTEIN) 44 0 048.00, COMMERCIAL TO GOOD 39 0045 00, CULL COWS 38.00 AND DOWN VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE 70 00 85 00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 50 00-69.00 808 CALVES 40 00 AND DOWN HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM (90 TO 120 LB) 100 00-146.00. Penn State University Michigan State University 13 Data Years lowa State University 53 Cuttings University of Wisconsin Shows: Stetson 1 Plus 6.00 (Tans 01 Magnum 111 5 77 „ Arrow c Stetson II Plus tW/ has yield advantage! "HOLSTEIN HEIFER CAtVES RE TURN IX) FARM (100 TO 120 LB.) - 100.00-188,00. BEEF' CROSS-CALVES RETURN IO FARM UP TO 140.00. HOGS TOP QUALITY 45.00-47.00, HEAVY 43 00-46 00. LIGHT 39.00-43 00. SOWS '28.00-32 75 MALE HOGS. 26.00-31 00 LAMBS 62.00-70 00 FEEDER LAMBS. 60.00-75.00 SHEEP 15.00-24 00 1 1 VESTOCk PRICES ARE ALI GIVFN PER HUNDRED WEIGH'D New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, March 2, 1994 Report supplied by auction DAIRY COWS 61; HEIFERS 89 AND 9 BULLS. MARKET STEADY. LOCAL FRESH COWS 525.00-1140.00. FRESH HEIFERS 615.00-1010.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 1060.00- 1325.00. BETTER 1200.00- HERD OF 21 HEAD- ALL STAGE COWS 500.00-1275.00. SPRINGING HEIFERS LARGE 925.00- SMALL 610.00-865.00. SHORT BRED HEIFERS 615.00- REGISTERED HEIFERS 875.00-1300.00. OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 585.00-730.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 300.00-510.00. BULLS: 425.00-770.00, PUREBREDS 400.00-1075.00. Feeder Cattle Sale Wednesday, March 16 ■ nn Black, Black 8 ■ Bill White Face Cattle weighing 800 - 800 lbs .. All Local Catda PLUS: 250 Other Cattle weighing 800 - 700 lbs. Whiter M. Dunlap and Sons ftutcMt** w®cfcj«*a» Tel. 1717) 307*5136 Experience New Holland Dairy FRESH COWS %