Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 70

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    830-Lancastw Farming, Saturday, March 5,'1994
NORCROSS, Ga. Quality
forage is critical to success of the
dairy enterprise and a quality for
age program starts with variety se
lection and crop establishment,
and ends with an intensive and
timely cutting schedule.
But what makes it work and
keeps it going are the soil fertility
and pest management programs.
What makes the yield differ
ence? Research in Ontario showed
that intensively managed alfalfa
produced 86 percent more yield
(17.4 tons per during a three
year period than the average pro
duction system (9.4 tons per acre).
The intensive management system
compared to the average system
started with high soil potassium
levels compared to low levels, and
harvested five cuts compared to
three cuts per year.
High soil potassium levels are
the key to a high yield/high quality
forage program. To produce best
Farm Show
Potato Judges
Garner Blue
ampton Co.) North
ampton County Potato
judging teams did
exceptionally well at the
1994 Pennsylvania
Farm Show.
The A team consist
ing of Jamie Hower of
Bethlehem, Heather
Ford of Northampton,
and Kevin Martin and
Sarah Geiger both of
Danielsville placed first
in the state. The B-l
team consisting of Jen
nifer Hower of Beth
lehem, William Ford
and Michael Ford of
Northampton, and
Nathaniel Martin of
Danielsville won first in
the state also.
The B-2 team consist
ing of Joel Geiger of
Danielsville, Nicole
Kondziela of Bath, and
James Ford of North
ampton won sixth in the
state. Of the top ten jud
gers in the state, six
were from Northampton
County. Those placing
in the top ten were Wil
liam Ford, Jamie How
er, Heather Ford, Jennif
er Hower, Joel Geiger,
and Sarah Geiger. Thir
teen teams competed
from various counties.
With a great team
effort, Northampton
County placed first in
the state for the first
time in 1994. Much of
this success is due to
two very dedicated vol
unteers, Paul and
Rachel Hower of North
ampton. The Mowers
have been coaching
Northampton County’s
potato judging teams for
more than 20 years.
4-H is available to all
youth ages 8-18. For
information, call (610)
High Potassium Boosts Alfalfa Profits
yields, both production systems
required the same amount of pot
ash about 325 pounds K z O per
acre in each of the three years.
But, for the average system, start
ing the alfalfa on a low soil test
jeopardized yield opportunity in
each of the three production years
even though potash was supplied
in excess of what the crop remov
ed. In terms of production poten
tial, annual fertilizer applications
to low fertility soils are not as ef
fective as those applied in high
fertility soils.
For the intensive management
system, very high soil potassium
levels provided the basis for high
yields. During the major produc
tion year, more than 600 pounds
of potash was removed by a yield
of more than 8 tons per acre. As a
result of the high production de
mand, there was a significant draw
down or mining of soil po
In Developing FORCE soil
insecticide, Zeneca Ag Products simulated and
improved on the powerful chemistry found in
chrysanthemum flowers. The result is the first
pyrethroid insecticide designed for soil
Because of this unique chemistry, FORCE
ranks low in mammalian toxicity, which means
very low hazard to humans. In addition, the
low water solubility and soil mobility of FORCE
greatly reduces any risk of leaching or ground
water contamination.
i# r ‘ «*■
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Interestingly, when both pro
duction systems received annual
potash applications of 325 of K z O
per acre, the final soil potassium
levels were similar. So what made
the difference? Nutrient manage
ment systems made the difference
a big 86 percent mote alfalfa
Effective and efficient nutrient
management does not simply con
sider the field, crop by crop. Ra
ther, as one crop is being grown,
it’s done with the next crop in
mind. Alfalfa can make big yields
because its taproot aggressively
explores subsoils to utilize stored
moisture and nutrients. Research
in Missouri documented this ef
fect. Since alfalfa can deplete sub
soil potash levels, it’s doubly im
portant to start with good fertility
and maintain it for the next crop.
In every sense of the word, main
taining high soil fertility levels is a
sustainable farming practice.
The potash/harvesting/variety
management combination results
in top yields, quality, and profits.
A five-year research study in
Michigan indicates that alfalfa
producers have some discretion in
making the “quality vs. yield” de
cision. Certain varieties produced
DEKALB, 111. Matthew
Maximuck, Doylestown, Pa., won
a state first-place award in the
National Com Growers Associa
tion (NCGA) yield contest, no-till
non-irrigated division. Winners
are selected from the highest yield
entered in each category.
Maximuck won with Dekalb
DK623 seed, which produced
203.92 bushels per acre. The crop
was planted on May 11, 1993 in
' FORCE at Bto 10 oz. per 1,000 linear row feet.
The lbs./acre equivalent rates are:
6.6 lbs. per acre on 40* rows
6.9 lbs. per acre on 38” rows
7.3 lbs. per acre on 36’ rows
FORCE may be applied in a T-band in front of
the press wheels, in a band behind the press
wheels, or in-furrow.
No other soil mite tickle controls as much as FORCE* whet) it comes to
performance against a wide variety of pests Not only does FORCE control
rootworms it outperforms Lorsban 85% to 76% on cutworms according
to 1992 field trials Counter can't even touch cutworms FORCE also works
better than Counter or Lorsban against wirewornts and white grubs
FORCE works in all weather conditions and won’t interact with the rescue
herbicides Accent and beacon It's easy to see why FORCE is a generation
ahead—for the generations ahead
IW WCNEC A Ilk I* is a itadriiiaik
erf an 1C I C>nnip( tmi(*iny Am tv Is a uadi
nuik irf E ! JtiKtnt ch NiiikkJts(» C «
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C iMpniaikXi Ctnmni is a itadknvi'k
»rf An«tkanC yabamnK ivnrwm
fCW E artf C ivuntit an* rrsihrifd
use prstkiJn Always n-aJ aikJ
Mkw label dim tmu larrlully
Ikfa Sou fie Umvimry erf
Hindis 199 J
more protein per acre while others
provide higher dry matter yields.
Select the variety to produce what
you need. The key to growing
either type of variety, according to
this research, is high potash fertili
ty and frequent harvesting.
Farmer Wins
NCGA Contest
30-inch rows at a population of
25,300 and harvested on Nov. 8.
He will be honored by Dekalb
Plant Genetics at a reception dur
ing the NCGA Com Classic in
Denver, Colo. He also will receive
special recognition from the
Maximuck, who has been farm
ing 20 years, grows 67S acres of
com, soybeans, and wheat.
7.7 lbs. per acre on 34* rows
8.2 lbs. per acre on 32” rows
8.7 -lbs. per acre on 30* rows
A Generation Ahead
For The Generations Ahead.