Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 61
Lancaster Society 18 Lancaster County Farm Women Society #lB held the February meeting at “The Gather ing Place” in Mount Joy for a noon meal. Thirty-four were in attendance. Husbands were guests not only to enjoy the food and fel lowship, but also to learn about the Pa. Dept, of Agriculture’s program in the competitive area of Foreign Trade. Speaker Peter Winner, Chief of Domestic International Trade Agency of the Dept, of Agricul Spread your risk by planting a combination of these HyPerformer soybeans. HSC 317 Brand HSC 339 Brand lAW.Y OWOW 111 UAWLY MWU> HI uimm ■ Ideally suited to narrow rows or drilling with high populations ■ Very attractive showy plant type ■ A “racehorse" lino. Pour the manage ment to HSC 317 and It raapondal ■ Very good Phytophthora field tolerance ■ Strong altndar with very good seed shatter resistance ■ Excellent yields in lowa, Illinois, and Indiana Performance Trials HYPERFORMER VARIETIES ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE FOLLOWING DEALERS: John J. Hoover Tim Schadler Lehr’s Feed & Farm Supply Grange Store Blain, PA Fogelsville, PA Pine Grove, PA Green Park, PA 717-536-3597 610-285-6876 717-345-3309 717-789-3416 OR THE FOLLOWING Woodstown, NJ Shrewsbury, PA Mifflinville, PA Warriors Mark, PA Wellsboro, PA 609-769-0147 717-235-7961 717-759-1311 814-632-5177 717-724-5800 Performance of seed may be adversely affected by environmental conditions cultural practices changes m disease races insects and other (aclors beyond HyPerformer Seed Company s control The brnnahons of warranty and hatoMy on each bag of HyPerlormer Seed Company s seed sold are part ol their terms of sates thereof ture, reported that booths are rented at 30 world wide trade events for Pa. companies to share their products to foreign buyers. The Food Trade Show is the world’s hugest of its kind. Members were amazed to learn of the diversity of these Pennsyl vania companies. The society had a positive reac tion to the aggressive program of the Pa. Dept, of Agriculture and pride in the report of 6.1 billion in exports of Pa. companies. ■ Widely adapted, with outstanding per formance as you go oast, all the way to the East Coast ■ Strong Phytophthora gone reslalance and hrown slam rot resistance ■ Strong emergence, quick early growth, canopies quickly ■ Very versatile, adapts well to wide or nar row tows, high yield or almas conditions ■ An excellent agronomic package cou pled with high-yielding stability ■ Four years of replicated yield trials show a 5% yield advantage over Resnlkl T&S Sales Bethel, PA Marion Center, PA 717-933-4725 412-397-2100 001!' Marion Center Milling Co. HELENA CHEMICAL LOCATIONS Berks Society 6 Six members and one guest attended the February luncheon meeting of the Berks County Soci ety of Farm Women Group #6. Roll call question: Did you give or receive a valentine? Members were reminded to bring items for the Greater Berks Food Bank to the next meeting. Members were asked to ■ bake goods and help to make noodles, for a community pot pie dinner on' Sunday, March 20 from 12:00 to 4:00 at the Oley Valley Elemen tary School. Spring Rally will be held May 11 at the York Fairgrounds. After the business meeting, members had a guided tour of the New Oley Valley Elementary School. The March meeting will be in the home of Mary Youse, 115 Stit zer Rd., Oley, at 8:00 p.m. HSC 355 Brand cam owoun 111 ■ Proven mid Group 111 loador from •»( to wool acron Group 111 production araotl ■ Outstanding emergence, standability and seed shatter resistance ■ Vary versatile, adapt* wall to conven tional or no-tlll planting, wide or nar row rows ■ Very good Phytophthora and iron defi ciency chlorosis tolerance ■ A vary Impressive yield track racord from the East Coast, across Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, to the western Combelt York County Society 26 met at Yocumtown Church of God on February IS. Incoming president, Doris Beshore, conducted the business meeting. January’s meeting was cancel led due to bad weather so reports on the state convention were given r National FFA Week Connie Noll Reporter Cloister FFA National FFA Week was observed February 21-25 to better inform the public about FFA. FFA encourages members to develop their leadership skills and to strive for excellence. There are many contests avail able to participate in, such as publ ic speaking, parliamentary proce dure, animal judging, mUk judg ing, land judging, and many more. FFA students are to have their own projects. The project can be anything related to agriculture. Lancaster FWmlng, Saturday, March 5, IW4-821 York Society 26 at this meeting. Sixteen members were in at tendance. Birthdays for January and February were celebrated. The next meeting will be March 8. There will be a speaker from Pa. Foundation For Better Living at this meeting. HAPPENINGS raising strawberries, bees, hogs, lambs, rabbits, and many more. Members can also work at an agriculture-related bsuiness, such as working at a hardware store or, of course, working on a farm. A detailed record book must be kept for every project a student has. A student can have many projects. I think FFA is a very worth while organization to gel involved with. It gives you many challenges and opportunities. You meet many new friends at contests too. As a freshman, I am very excited about FFA and I hope you become interested, too.