Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 44
SS-teer .a rlmsM vsbnd«A .nnlmio* 84-L«ncaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994 A Symbol Of Hope (Continued from Pag* B 2) we asked everyone to pray. We figured we needed all the help we could get,” said Linda. Although it was difficult dealing with the stress of a diagnosis that shattered the family’s day-to-day lifestyle so quickly, it was hearing the other children on the ward cry that Linda found so devastating. I absolutely learned to enjoy each moment,*to focus on yvhat we have and not on the way I wish it would be . Their stories were so heartbreaking. Doctors encouraged Linda and Barry to sit in on aparents’ support group that met at the hospital. “When we are in situations like that, we tend to wallow in our own horror story and grief,” Linda said. But as she listened to other parents tell of dealing with life-and death illnesses, Linda was amazed at the compassion these parents showed toward each other.' “One mother’s 7-year-old had been hit by a car and was brain dead. She needed to decide when ALUMINUM GRAIN BODIES & ALUMINUM REPAIRS by These ultra-light bodies are designed for strength I through engineering, not strength with bulk. For| example, a 16* grain body with tail you any length or any side height up to 60”. • Double swinging hay hauling tailgate • Barn door type tailgate • Slide out cattle chutes HEWEY WELDING Box 2312, RD4 Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 867-5222 to remove life support, yet when they called to say Jonathan was being taken to surgery, she had the presence of mind to turn to me and say that she hopes the operation goes well for my son,” Linda said. Jonathan’s surgery required a day-long operation to remove an adrenocortial tumor, formed on top of the gland that sits on top of the kidneys. It is a rare tumor that had grown into the size of a base ball in Jonathan’s small stomach. The doctors have no explanation for this type of tumor. Although the Bruce family was assured that this type of cancer is definitely not hereditary, Barry’s uncle recently died from it. The doctors said the coincidence is a rare fluke of nature, and not a sign that it is here ditary. Surgeons were able to com pletely remove the tumor from Jonathan and no chemotherapy or radiation therapy was performed. “After the operation, there was liable; • Diamond flooring • Pull out panel tailgates • Any size grain chute no guarantee that it would not return or anything. No one had any real answers at that point and it was not reassuring,” Linda said. She saw that she had a choice. She could either worry that the tumor would return or learn to live one day at a time without borrow ing trouble from the future. “I absolutely learned to enjoy each moment, to focus on what we have and not on the way I wish it would be,” Linda said. Jonathan returns for testing on a regular basis. Each test is clear, a ARLINGTON, Va. Applica tions for the 1994 National Dairy Promotion and Research Board Undergraduate Scholarships are being accepted from college stu dents who will be in their junior or senior year in the fall of 1994. Up to 19 scholarshipos will be award ed to junior-and senior-year col lege students in dairy-related fields of study. Winners receive a 51,500 scholarshipo check and a plaque. In honor of its recent Chair James H. Loper, Jr., who died July 19, 1993 after an accident on his Santa Teresa, N.M. dairy farm, the National Dairy Board has added one special award the the James H. Loper, Jr., who died July IJBL/ I CLOSED SUNDAYS, NEW YEAR, EASTER MONDAY, ASCENSION DAY, whit Monday, oct. 11, thanksgiving, CHRISTMAS A DECEMBER 26TH. fUMITMt! FISHER’S FURNITURE, INC. NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED COAL A WOOD HEATERS COUNTRY FURNITURE A ANTIQUES Dtie udc. onv ct MON.-THURS. 8-5 1129 GEORGETOWN RD. FRI. 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART, PA 17503 i. We’ll build Dairy Board Offers Scholarships GOOD FOOD OUTLET STORES See Our Original Line Of Golden Barrel Products Plus All Kinds Of Beans, Candies, Dried Fruit, Snack Mixes, Etc. At Reduced Pricgs * BAKING MOLASSES * MAPLE SYRUP * BARBADOS MOLASSES A PANCAKE ft WAFFLE * BLACKSTRAP SYRUPS MOLASSES A SORGHUM SYRUP A CORN SYRUPS A LIQUID ft DRY SUGARS /* HIGH FRUCTOSE * PANCAKE ft WAFFLE A SYRUPS SYRUPS fj A CANOLA OIL 1/ ' -i A COCONUT OIL I A CORN (EL \ A COTTONSEED ML A OLIVE OIL A PEANUT OIL A VEGETABLE (ML A SHOO-FLY PIE MIX Processors Of Syrups, Molasses, Cooking Oils. Funnel Cake Mix. Pancake ft Waffle Mix ft Shoofly Pie Mix GOOD FOOD OUTLET Located At Good Food, Inc. W. Main St., Box 160, Honey Brook, PA 19344 215-273-3776 1-800-327-4406 Located At L & S Sweeteners 388 E. Main St., Leola, PA 17540 717-656-3488 1-800-633-2676 - Wl£ UPS DAILY - B SH reassuring confirmation that ail traces of cancer are gone. Now Jonathan receives only annual testing. Since then, the Bruce’s had another child, Christopher, who is now 3. “I held my breath during his 9-month-old checkup,” Linda said. Both sons are sources of endless energy and a delight to their parents who said the experience has caused them to enjoy each day -more fully. While most people perceive cancer to be a greater fear than nor- 19 after an accident on his Santa Teressa, N.M. dairy farm, the Na tional Dairy Board has added one special award the James H. Lo per, Jr. Scholarship. This $3,000 scholarship and plaque award will be given to the most outstanding undergraduate dairy science stu dent in the U.S. The recipient will be selected from candidates apply ing for a National Dairy Board Undergraduate Scholarship. Glenell Loper, Jim’s wife, will present the first James H. Loper, Jr. Scholarship at the National Dairy Board’s annual meeting May 17-19 in Washington, D.C. Scholarship recipient s will be selected based on the followng criteria; If your local non doea not have it, SEND FOR FREE BROCHURE r - i IW-H'.-r U ri 1 L „ J mal day-to-day living. Linda points out that no one has the promise of tomorrow or a guaran tee of anything. She said, “You never know who could have an accident or get sick. We can only do our best and leave the rest to God.” Linda, who is 4 home economist and was director of the Lancaster Better Business Bureau for 10 years, is now a full-time mom and an accredited volunteer leader for LaLeche League. Her husband has his own advertising business. • academic performance; • commitment to a career in dairiy science or lechnoloty, dairy marketing, or a food-related sci ence with an emphasis in dairy products; • involvement in diary/food sci ence extracurricular; and • evidence of leadership ability, initiative, character and integrity as confirmed in letters of recom mendation. Scholarship applications are due April 1,1994. For an applica tion, contact dairy or food science college department heads, or write or call the National Dairy Board, Atm.: Rose, 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22201, (703) 528-4800. #%ow MATTRESSES The Answer To Cow Comfort] • Fits Any Stall • Polyester Bag Filled With Rubber • Bag Sewn Every 4” To Prevent Shifting • Heavy Nylon Fabric Top Cover With 3 Year Warranty • Easier for cows to get up & down • Reduces Bedding costs • Installation available 215-593-6959 CALL FOR DETAILS SAMUEL S. PETERSHEIM 117 Christiana Pika, Christiana, PA 17509 Answering Service 215-593-2242 SPECIALS FOR MARCH GOLDEN BARREL HONEY BROOK TOPPING 24 Ounce Regularly $1.29 NOW $.99 GOLDEN BARREL PANCAKE ft WAFFLE MIX 2 Lbc. Regularly $1.59 NOW $1.39 GOLDEN BARREL FUNNEL CAKE Miy 2 Lbc. Regularly $1.49 NOW $1.29 * FUNNEL CAKE MIX * PANCAKE * WAFFLE MIX dr ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES * DRIED FRUIT •k SNACK MIXES * BEANS * HONEY * PEArIUT BUTTER A BAUMAN APPLE BUTTERS * KAUIFMAN PRESERVES * spre;o glen relishes