Two Named To Pa. Holstein Hall A $l,OOO donation from Huntingdon County Holstein Club kicked off PHA fundrais ing efforts for the 1995 National Junior Holstein convention being hosted In Pitts burgh. On hand for the check presentation were, from left, national Holstein vice pre sident and 1995 convention chairman John Cope, national director and convention treasurer Tom Kelly, and Huntingdon County Holstein breeders Wayne Harpster, Jim Grove, Galen Baney and John Foster, Jr. You’ll also like the feet that Roundup comes in convenient bulk containers. Plus, it can be tank-mixed with liquid ferti lizer for one-pass savings. ROUNDUP OFFERS THIS PEACE OF MIND FOR ONLY $1.75 PER ACRE MORE. If you haven’t checked the price of Roundup lately, you might be surprised. That’s because Roundup provides a unique combination ofproven per formance and superior handling i characteristics for only $1.75 more I per acre than Gramoxone! 1 So askyour dealer for Roundup ■ herbicide from Monsanto, and discover why it’s the best no-till herbicide on earth. And under it. Alwqys read andjblkm label directions Rrniduio is a registered trademark gf Monsanto 01904 Monsanto tompam ‘BasedonsttggestedpmcaS ISpt/acrc RUP4G4SIR (Continuad from Pago A2O) five children. He finds lime to help with the present Swampy- Hollow dairy herd, owned by their daughter and son-in-law Sandy and Joe Luby, as well as do some auctioneering, golfing, hunting and fishing. Young Holstein Breeder award winners Dave and Phoebe Hitler became the owner-operators of Vista-Grande farm in 1987. Their 93-head registered Holstein milk ing string averages 21,468 milk, 737 fat and 682 protein, with a BAA of 106.1, and earned them their first Progressive Breeder Registry award in 1993. The Berks County operation also includes 428 acres cropped to com, alfalfa, wheat and soybeans. Breeding stock sales of 20-30 head, plus the 20-head of dairy beef last year, offer cash-flow diversity. In addition, Dave oper ates a custom manure-haul service and Phoebe teaches craft “Classes in the Country.” Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, Dave and Phoebe have both served as national Holstein con vention delegates, on the state program development, youth and milk promotion committees, and in offices and committee activities of the Berks County club. They were co-chairpersons of the 1991 state Holstein convention and are currently the co-chairs of the 1995 national junior Holstein conven tion to be hosted by PHA in Pittsburgh. In 1989, Atlantic Dairy Cooperative named them its out standing Young Cooperator cou ple. Phoebe has been named the National Spokesperson for Agri culture by the National Young Farmers Association. Among their other leadership activities have been coaching 4-H dairy judging, Berks County dairy princess coor dinator, Young Farmers chapter president and work with their Hope Community Church. Robert Fitzsimmons, gen eral manager of Lylehaven Farms, told Holstein breed ers that merchandising herd genetics “is hard work,” re quiring time and ongoing ef forts in showing and adver tising. Dave and Phoebe have one son, Jesse, and hope he may be inter ested in a future career in the fami ly’s dairy operation. As Pennsyl vania Young Holstein Breeder winners, the Bitlers will be entered as state representatives in the national contest. Two donated embryos were awarded as special doorprizes. Ken and Rose Wenger, Littles town, won an embryo donated by Robert and Audrey Mong of Franklin County. Sire is Mountain and dam is Afton Spring Tong Sharon, VG-85, with a 2-06 in progress record to date of 14,420, 4.1%, 593 fat, and 3.5%, 508 protein. Dr. Dave Morrow, who chaired the Hall of Fame committee, was the winner of the second embryo consigned by Steve Myers, Frank lin County. By Counselor, the embryo’s dam is Brigeen Hanover Hill Nolie-ET, EX-90, 2E, with a 5-year, 365-day record of 36,670 milk, 3.4% and 1248 fat, 3.3% and 1217 protein. Festivities for the annual ban quet included a visit by 16th Presi dent Abraham Lincoln, alias James Getty, and an auction of donated art and handcrafted items that raised more than $5700 to benefit the 1995 National Junior Holstein Convention. High selling-item at $l5OO was a glass front dollhouse furnished in Hols tein decor. It was hand-crafted by Lucille Day, mother of Franklin County Holstein breeder Curtis Day, and was purchased by John 7