Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 19
JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent GETTYSBURG (Adams Co.) Laszlo Moses, Greenville, is the new president of the Pennsyl vania Holstein Association, with Jay Houser, Spring Mills, stepping into the vice-president position. The pair was elected to head the PHA board during the annual meeting, held February 24-26 at the Gettysburg Ramada Inn. Moses moved up the officer ranks into the key leadership role following a two-year term as vice president under retiring president, Lewis Berkley, Berlin. He has served as a state Holstein director, national delegate and on numer ous state and local committees. Laszlo and his wife, Lana, oper ate a 75-head herd of registered Holsteins and Jerseys on their Mercer County farm, where they began dairying in 1966. In addi tion to feed crops of hay, com and soybeans, they operate a seasonal retail fruit and vegetable market from their 300 acres of owned and rented land. The Moses have five children, four daughters and one son, and one grandson. Their son, Peter, a junior at Penn State, plans to return to the family farm. PHA vice-president Jay Houser was elected to the second-in command spot after serving a year on the slate board of directors. He has been active in Holstein activi ties for many years, served as a national delegate, and worked with numerous state and local Centre County club activities. Jay and his wife, Mary, began dairy farming in 1963 and milk a herd of 70-plus registered Hols teins. Their 280 acres of owned and rented land is cropped in hay, com, soybeans and wheat The Housers also have five children, all still involved in agri- Have You Lost A Building To Snow? If You Have... Replace That Building With A © MORTON BUILDING BO YEM SNOW WARRANTY WITH NO WEIGHT LIMIT This warranty is not pro-rated and covers materials and labor back by a 5-A-Irated Dun & Bradstreet Co. INVEST YOOB MRP 666660 MONET WISELY BUILDINGS, INC. Excellence Since 1903 CONTACT: 3368 York Rd. P.O. Box 126, Gettysburg, Phlllipsburg, PA 17326 NJ 08865 717/624-3331 908/454-7900 Call or write May . Illinois only, call far nara hUanaaMaa 1 ■ooo-447-7436 1406428-6686 Moses, Houser To Head State Holstein Board Incoming PHA president Laszlo Moses, left, presented the past president’s recognition plaque to Lewis Berkley. culture to some extent. Two daughters each help part-time in daughters farm with their families, addition to pursuing off-farm one in Minnesota and one nearby careers, in Centre County. Their son has In a caucus following the annu retumed to the family’s home al business meeting, PHA direc farm in Spring Mills and two other tors, delegates and members Headtng up the Pennsylvania Holstein Association tor the next two years are from left, seated, president Laszlo Moses, immediate past president Lewis Berkley; standing, treasurer Dean Johnson, executive director Bill Nichol and vice president Jay Houser. elected to support Ronald Wood, Mansfield, in his candidacy for a seat on the national Holstein board of directors. Wood will make a bid for the board opening to be vac ated by current director Thomas Kelly, Tyrone, whose term expires. The election will take place during the 1994 National Holstein Convention in Seattle. Washington, in late June. Members supported three resol utions offered during the business session, including one which would exempt from emergency travel restrictions vehicles trans porting feedstuffs, milk and other farm commodities. That resolu tion was offered in the wake of travel restrictions placed on trucks during recent winter snow and ice Two headman Daughters Top PHA Convention Sale JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent GETTYSBURG (Adams Co.) Perm-Gate Leadman Faith, VG-86 at 2 years, topped the Pennsylvania Holstein Conven tion Sale, selling for $7900 to Lylehaven Farm, East Montpelier, Vermont. Consignors of the high-selling two-year-old were Steve and Chris Wood, Penn Gate Farms of Littlestown, who chaired the 1994 annual Pennsylvania Holstein Convention held last week at the Gettysburg Ramada Inn. The Inn’s spacious ballroom was the site of the February 26 convention sale, wrap-up event for the convention activities. A to tal of 8S head went through the ballroom sale arena, averaging $2524. Cattle were housed and on display through the convention at Waybright Farms, operated by the Quality Grain Equipment At Affordable Prices S GSI ■ jr • Welght-Tronix • Bucket Elevators • Feed Bins Feed Mill • Stirring Systems • Wet Tanks • Transport Augers • Utility augers • Grain Bins • Air Drying Systems • Grain Dryers (Leasing & Financing Available or 90 Days Same As Cash For Qualified Applicants!) YOUR EXCLUSIVE (GSI) FACTORY WAREHOUSE • Augers • Pip* • Bolts • Nuts : n r Serving The Industry For Over 35 Years Lancaster Firming, Saturday. March 5, 1994-Al9' emergencies. PHA members elected to show support for the efforts of the Pen nsylvania Foundation for Better Living, which implements the Ag In The Classroom teacher education efforts. A resolution to support the re-election of Obie Snider, Imler, to the Board of Trustees of Penn State was unani mously passed. Working with other ag-interest groups within the state, PHA will support the Agriculture Agenda, a statement of policy directed at the long-term preservation of viable agriculture in Pennsylvania. The Ag Agenda focuses on four key concerns: profitability, regula tions, the environment, and fund ing for agriculture education and research. Paul and Mary Waybright family, Gettysburg. Selling open and ready to flush, Faith carried a contract for $3500 with Eastern A.I. cooperative. Her 2-01 lactation record projection was a 24,366 milk and 1004 fat, with a 4.1 percent test. She carried a CTPI of +1263. Faith’s Penn-Gate-bred Mater nal pedigree includes a VG-86 dam by Eagle, with records over 28,600 milk, a 4.3 fat and 3.4 pro tein test and CTPI of +1149. Sec ond dam was an EX-92 Enhancer daughter and third dam was a EX-94-4E, Gold Medal, Elevation daughter. Second high seller was Solid- Gold Lead Lou Ella-ET, also a Leadman daughter, scored VG-86 at three years of age. She sold for $5900 to NY Wind Ridge Farms, Madison, N.Y. and was consigned (Turn to Page A 25) • Caulking • Motors • Pullays • Dryar Parts ★ Full Line Parts Dept. ★ Sell, Service & Install ★ Rt. 272 South, Willow Stroot, PA 17584 Ph: 717-464-3321 or Toll Froo 800-732-0053 Store Hour*: Mon.-Sal. 7:30 AM to 8:00 Pl.‘ 3-5 ise • Fans • Hoppars • Powar Haads • Flax Plpa