AIS-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Match 5, 1994 LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) —The Lancaster County Holstein Tour is scheduled for this Tues day, March IS. They plan to leave the Farm and Home Center at 7:45 a.m. to visit several fine Franklin County farms. The schedule is as follows: 7:4S AM; Leave Farm & Home Center, Lancaster. (BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH.) 9:30 AM: Arrive Fountain Farm and Tower Vue Holsteins, Carlisle. The Harry Thompson and David Walton families have 75-80 registered Holsteins in milk. They have a 73 cow tie stall bam with 6 box stalls and a double 4 milking parlor. The bam was built in 1989. It is the home of the All-Pennsylvania Spring Calf, Tower Vue Counselor Elle. Harry is doing his own embryo transfers with the quick thaw method under the guidance of Dr. William Pettit They will classify March 2, and have daughters of Leadman, Blackstar, Vanguard and Cleitus. The Waltons have been familiar faces at local and state shows and were featured in the PA Profiles a few years ago. This farm will include a brief stop at their heifer facility approximately three miles from the dairy. 11:15 AM: Arrive Tri-Day Farm, Shippensburg. The Curtis Day Family operates this 60 cow dairy with no outside help. Cows are housed in free stalls, fed TMR at the bunk for 70 lbs. milk and milked in a tie stall bam. BAA is 108 with 8 excellent cows in the herd. Curtis has extensive judging experience and is a candidate for V.P. of the Pa. Holstein Board. Sons Matthew and David were on FAST WATER ANALYSIS DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE IMPORTANCE OF CLEAN WATER FOR GOOD HEALTH OUR LABORATORY USES APPROVED 9 TEST METHODS m.a»\% uoi. To STOp BY QUR J° c \ Hoii.nd CONVENIENT. ■ AGRI CENTRAL LANCASTER ANALYSIS*). COUNTY LOCATION P OR CALL FOR MORE (g INFORMATION AND SL2« IZ YOUR FREE mwreouiM WATER TEST KIT. A GRI J^NALYSrSjr^ “We Measure Quality Quickly" 280 NEWPORT RD. • PO BOX 413, LEOIA, PA 17540 717-656-9326 Lancaster Holstein Tour To Franklin County the winning Dairy Bowl team at the 1993 Nationals. Matthew was high individual and a member of the Ist place 4-H Judging team at the Eastern National, 1993. 1:00 PM: Arrive Tidy-Brook Farm, Greencastle. Mark and Alan Meyers families, with hired hand Joel Mills, run this 85 cow herd with an extensive embryo transfer program. Herd average is 19.700 M, 740 F & 630 P. BAA is 104.8. Seven out of a total of 21 cows in the U.S. over 100# PTA for Prot, were bred at Tidy-Brook. The top 2 cows are Eltons that ate still in this herd. This herd is fed TMR in one group with a compu ter feeder. Cows are housed in free stalls and loose housing and milked in a parlor. 3:00 PM: Arrive Stoner Hijos Farm, Mercersburg. Stoner Hijos Farm is a new commercial facility for 500 cows, currently milking 440 cows 2x. A new Germania parlor includes double 16 milking capacity with rapid exit. Stoner Hijos consists of six brothers with no “outside” hired labor. They farm 1500 acres. Additional fea tures include automatic ally scrap ers, four-bay commodity shed. mattress beds and a 500 hog operation. In addition, this stop will include a special option for inter ested persons to visit an historic house on the Stoner property. It was built in 1785 and was the Make check payable to. LANCASTER CO HOLSTEIN CLUB c/o Larry Kennel, D.V.M. 1489 Grandview Road Moimt Joy PA 17552 FOLLOW THE LEADER THE BIG DUTCHMAN 4 HIGH LAYER CAGE WITH DROPPING BOARDS IS FAST BECOMING THE MOST ACCEPTED SYSTEM OF ITS KIND. DON’T EXPERIMENT WITH IMITATIONS - BUY BIG DUTCHMAN THE MOST TALKED ABOUT CAGE SYSTEM IN THE INDUSTRY NOW AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO. All Decks Feature A Straight. Full Top Cage, Not Slanted As Manufacturers. You Get More Decks Giving More Cubic Inchi Wire On Cage Floors, Backs, Partitions Are Double Galvani; Longer Life. They Are Galvani Before And After Welding. Onl Dutchman Offers This Feature. Heavy PVC Dropping Board Bi Each Deck For Long Life, Not Which Can Not Be Properly Wi Between Floors Vertical Inside Edge Of Feed Against Front Of Cage Acts Ai Shield To Keep Eggs Cleaner Special Scraper Channel Desii Blade Down For Full Scrape,’ Blade From Jumping Up And Cage Floors. Channel Availabl Steel Cage Bottoms Actually Measu 20Vi ” Giving More Area Per Bird Cage Cross Arms Are Straight Across For Superior Strength, Not Bent Which Weakens System • Perfect For New Or Existing Buildings T9€RSH€V ■■■ EQUIPMENT CO. Lancaster .Holstein Club Tour March 15, 1994 annlnq t Total no. of parsons X 520.00 - If It's 'World ybur Investment, Trust It To Mersdey home of Pennsylvania’s fourth governor, Finley. The house includes nine working fireplaces. 5:30 PM: Dinner at the Light house Restaurant 8:30 PM: Arrive back at Farm & Home Center. Cost: $20.00 per person Only 63% ” Between Cage Legs. Putchman. 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5607 (includes the evening meal). Please send a list of persons planning to attend along with a check to: Larry Kennel, D.V.M., 1489 Grandview Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552. Deadline is Tuesday, March 8. 63.25" >er NOW AVATT.Am COMMERCIAL LAYER CONTRACTS GIVE US A CALL
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