E2-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, March S, 1994 Plant Population Guidelines Benefit Com Growers tial to reach the yield goal for each driving too fast can all cause field and adjust populations for uneven seed drop within the row. grain or silage. In addition, grow- In fact, a wide variation in plant ers can base populations on the spacing can make & several seed company’s recommendations bushels-per- acre difference in for each hybrid and the expected actual yield, environment in each field. In addition, Mattingly cautions The Northrup King agronomist growers to pay close attention to notes that planter performance seed company recommendations, methods also can impact plant Northrup King, for example, populations. He advises growers offers a range of populations for to check and adjust their planter stressful, favorable, and optimal units to assure that the units drop growing conditions. These recom seed at the most uniform spacing mendations are designed to help possible. Worn metering median- growers match each hybrid to the isms, the lack of calibration, and prevailing planting environment. GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. While com plant population deci sions ultimately depend on indivi dual grower operations, general guidelines can benefit all growers. Mark Mattingly, Northrup King agronomist for the Northeast, said achieving proper plant popula tions is essential to reaching other com production goals. Mattingly suggests that growers match populations to the soil types and fertility of each field. Growers should also choose populations that maximize the hybrid’s poten- MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE Mennomte top buggy w/ hyd. brakes, good cond. on steel, $lOOO. Lane. Co. 717-336-4542 15' flatbed, dump cyl. & pump included, good cond , $l3OO. Leb Co. 717-865-2079. IH 710 mold board plow sx-18, coulters, auto-reset, sidehill hitch. Snyder Co. 717-539-8625. Ford F7OO dump truck 391 engine 4x2 1970, $2BOO, Int model 540 4x16 plow $5OO, MF 82 manual. Perry Co. 717-834-3882. 4500 Ford backhoe dig more boom $6,500, Baker telescoping extension scaf fold 45' reach $l5OO. Perry Co. 717-582-4672. 270 Rem. Bushnell axa scope 7 manure fork's, Dunham loader throat attachment for NH harves ter 900, Nl 323 picker. 717-837-1675. 1937 Packard model 115 C 6 cyl. 4 door Sedan excel cond. frame off restoration asking $16,500. Franklin Co. 717-375-4468 Press your toes on the pedal and you go forward. Put your heel down and you back up. Simple. This four-wheel drive compact tractor is powered by a Kubota liquid-cooled diesel engine. Mid and rear PTO plus hydraulic three point hiu great implement selectioi to perform many chores. So if you're looking for a hard worker, look no further than Kubota's worker 87100 HSD Tractor. Ws Ship Parts UPS m 4* 1 A»WM OMAN**; Clay 24' manure pump w/1000 RPM, & flexible fill pipe, $1450. Cumb. Co. 717-423-6188. New '/« HP industrial door opener, Howard "Little Gem V" rototiller w/orig. 810 CC engine, 4' steel lockable sidemount toolbox for pickup. Franklin Co. 717-349-2244. A sputnik in excel, cond., also filler box. Lane. Co. 717-442-3104. Berks Co. home grown clover seed med red good quality, also oats for sale 610-926-3595 call eves. 6 to 9. NH 256 rake $1375, JD 336 baler w/thrower $4500, nice, Bnllion 10' packer 4" axle, $875 Berks Co. 610-562-4464. Paint $3 gal Latex or oil base alfalfa hay $1 75 bale Dau. Co. 717-944-5389. Mostly alfalfa mixed hay delivery possible locally Juniata Co 717-694-3923, after 6 30 p m , no Sunday calls please Oliver Hartpower $B5O, Oliver 77 $5OO, Super A Farmall $l4OO, Farmall C $7OO North'd Co 717-758-4645 Kubota 87100 HYST. 4 W/D Diesel, Std. 3 Pt. CE FIGHTER Nothing works harder than iur 87100 HSO tractor. From lome use to commercial ap ilications, this 16 HP tractor is ust right for all kinds of jobs. The 87100 HSD comes with a lydrostatic transmission that means there are no gears to shift. | TRACTORS«. EQUIPMENT | IdfiSSSihsr muMNIMMHM* Serving Central PA Since 1821 [? PILOTS) KELLER BROS, mr euMwiy wr?£» e«e»*> Welder 150 amp Lincoln engine driven excel, cond , new 1991 cables mounted on cart. Lane. Co. 717-738-1291, 7.45-8 a m. 2 row potato planter w/fert boxes working cond , $3OO, JD no 30 2 row level bed PTO potato digger, good cond., $9OO. Chester Co 610-593-5371. Farmall H new paint tires F new, R-75%, live hd. engine overhauled field ready $1750 best offer. Cumb. Co. 717-243-9600 after 5. Dump truck 78' Int. $1,600, Loadstar, gas 22,000 GVW, 4-5 yd. dump, never plowed, runs well, looks good $3200. Warren Co. 908-496-4623. MH model 44.5 standard serial *60320 very good, new tires $2200. 908-359-5934. Clover seed- nice, clean, homo grown. York Co. 717-235-1479 eves. Cab for Oliver 2255. Wanted fenders for same tractor. 2528 Elizabethtown Rd., Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022. Timothy hay round bales. Franklin Co. 717-532-8381. MONDAY FRIDAY 7:30-5:00 SATURDAY 7:30-12:00 1975 Ford tri-axle dump truck setback axle tires 75% new paint clutch brakes alum, bed steel floor, nice. Lane. Co. 717-367-6084 Masycroler ladder 4-in-1 enc. needs work 1975 Ford cab-over Irak air breaks $7OO, Farmall 140 A&M parts. 1982 CMC 6000 series 366 gas cab & chas sis, $3BOO offer, elect, fans, Igr. Adams Co. 717-337-0362. Brillion 14’ cultimulcher $1500,25' wing fold packer $2500, NH 675 manure spreader $lOOO, 1 row sweet corn harvester $3OOO. Bucks Co. 215-536-5182. Several tons mixed hay early cut, no rain $BO ton, 4 extra large springing hols teln heifers, $5,000. Craw ford Co. 814-694-2500. Camper for pick-up truck good cond., ’‘Alaska" type $875. Middlesex Co. 609-448-1241 after 8 p.m. Honda BHP speed clutch & 2 to 1 reduction $475 free shipping. Cumb. Co. 717-423-5358 eve. Kids desks & chairs steel wheels, corn shelter, 1941 Chevy wheels, pair new running boards, 3- 12 ga. shotguns. Berks Co. 610-682-2011. Thin-line pump, for repoint ing bricks, used very little, $2600 080, ask for Elmer. Lane. Co. 610-593-1172. Use elect, refrigerator & hot water heater, also big bull headgate. Lane. Co. Enos Petersheim, 1643 Lane. Pike, Quarryville, Pa. 17566. - JD 1240 plateless corn planter on steel w/fert. & Insect., $5OO. Lane. Co. 2522 Meadowland Drive, Ronks, Pa. 17572. Very good cushion 72"x76" for Somma waterbed $lO, select-o-speed trans. parts for 601 Ford. Lane. Co. N.W. Shirk, 263 Bootjack Rd., Narvon, Pa. 17555. 2 seated Mennpnite car riage on steel good cond Lane. Co 717-656-8511 Upheaded, black stan dardbred trotter, 100% safe & sound 11 yr. old 15 hands, top buggy horse Clinton Co. Elmer Stoltzfus, RD #1 Box 278 A, Mill Hall, Pa. 17751. Gehl 3000 hydro cat skid loader overhauled last year $3500 firm. Leb. Co. 717-272-4293. Guernsey cow freshened on Thanksgiving, good milker, $6OO, fast hitch Far mall 2 row cult, $B5. Lane. Co. 717-445-9743. Poultry equipment 121 & IST feedbins- motors fans- flatbelt pulley fits JD 2010-4020- Moline cornsheller- JD 440 crawler- haywagon woodbed- Ml #lO cornpick er Carroll Co. Md. 410-549-6798 9 yr. old sorrel work horse sound, good off side work er. Lane. Co. John E. Fisher, 3872 E. Newport Rd., Gordonville, Pa. 17529. Used carriage 8 yrs. old, brown interior oak dash good shape $2OOO 080. Jake Glick, 841 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryvllle, Pa. 17566. '7B Dodge custom dub cab PS 6 cyl. auto AM fair cond., $5OO 080 717-445-4977, Ear com good quality, can deliver, 12x38 tractor tire chains (165‘x21") midwest cattle racks. Berks Co. 610-367-7256 no Sunday calls. 1970 Huff loader, rebuilt motor, bucket scoops v/> yds., ridged frame con struction, $7,000 good cond. Schuyl, Co 717-345-3752 or 717-345-4236. Butcher Boy elect, meat saw extra blades Lane Co. 717-442-8277, AKC males 6 to 8 mths old for pet or breeding, collie, dalmation, samoyed, poo dle, husky & pomeraman $lOO to $2OO Lane Co 717-442-4259. Ford 3 pt. cults, 2 row w/ fenders fairly good cond $125. York Co' 717-229-2192