Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 136
D2O-Lincaster Farming. Saturday, March 5, 1994 shaver Post Drivers hds USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques We ship UPS. Hill- T Farm Sales = Service, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road. New Madison, Ohio 45346 513-548-0718 Vermeer round balers, new and used Rakes, teddars, Supef A n|ce condition Snow blower. HD. 3pth, hay moving and stacking sic m e -bar mower, $2 700 7V ’'• 9°°d condition, equipment Round bale 080 (717)66 5. 6614 $2,500 (717)369-2540 wrappers and choppers . _ „ —■—rqqr and wood chippers C. W Three shank sub-soiler, Sod Cutter, 3 pt., PTO Neiderhiser Sales, automatic reset, good con- powered. $l,OOO (412)423-4076 dition (717)935-2011. 410-833-9091 Ferg 35 New (0 Hours) Not Redone- Brand New!!! $24,500 IH 1568 Cab- Fair Runner $5,900 IH S-H Last Year Super H In Restorable Condition $1,700 JD 320 S 3 Pt.- Clean Original- Above Average $6,900 JD 320 U Clean 1 Owner- Fair Repaint- Easy Restore $6,500 JD 330 S Runs Good- Nicely Redone- Good Tag $10,500 JD 420HC High Crop- Runs- Needs Restored $3,300 JD 430 W Factory PS- 5 Speed- Runs Good- Last Year $3,900 JD 530 3 Pt- Power Steering- New Frt Tires- Redone $4,900 JD 620 Try- 3 Pt.- Decent Tin- Rare All Fuel- $3,500 JD 620 S Standard- Nicely Redone- Well Above Average ....$5,900 JD 720 Pony- WF- 3 Pt.- Runs OK- Nicely Redone $5,100 JD 730 DE- WF- 3 Pt- Fenders- Good Tin- Runs Faif $3,900 JD 730 S Pony- Standard- Nicely Redone $5,900 JD 80 Off Farm Condition- Fair Tires- Good Tin $4,600 JD 820 Pony- PTO- Needs Restored- As Is $2,500 JD 820 Runs- No Pony- Poor Tires- Fair To Gd Tin $2,900 JD 820 Pony- PTO- Clean Untouched Tractor $4,900 JD 830 Pony- Poor Tires- Good Tin- Runs $5,300 JD 830 PTO- 2 Remotes- Overhauled Engine- Redone $8,500 JD 830 DE- Overhauled- 80% Tires- Good Tin Redone $8,900 JD A Unstyled- Runs Good- Easy Restore- Good Tin $2,700 JD A Unstyled- Good Tires & Tin- Decent Paint $3,100 JD A Unstyled- Factory Steel- Runs Good $3,200 JD A Unstyled- Factory Round- Runs Good $3,500 JD AR Styled- Nicely Painted- New Rear Tires $4,900 JD AW WF- Fenders- Clean- $2OOO Engine Work Done $3,900 JD B Unstyled- New Paint- Spokes- Runs Good $3,200 JD B Unstyled- New Rear Tires- Decent Paint $3,500 JD B Unstyled- Spokes- Nicely Redone- GD Tin $4,200 JD D Styled- Loose But Not Running $1,750 JD D Styled- Runs- As Received $2,500 JD D Styled- Hand Start- Good Tin- Decent $2,700 JD D Styled- Runs- As Received $2,700 JD G Try- Decent Tin- Runs Good- Needs Paint $2,700 JD G Runs- As Received $2,900 JD G Good Tin- Runs Good- New Tires- Nicely Red0ne....54,650 JD G Unstyled- Good Tires- Good Tin- Runs Good $5,200 JD G Unstyled- Last Full Year Of Prod.- Nice Unit $5,300 JD GW WF- As Received $4,600 JD H PTO- Hyd- Starter- Running Condition $2,300 JD M Good Tires- Fair Tin- Runs Good- To Restore $1,400 JD MT Fenders- Weights- Fair Tin- To Restore- Runs $1,600 JD MT Widefront- Runs- To Restore $l,BOO JD R Runs- Needs Restored $2,800 JD R PTO- Hyd Good Tin- Runs Good $3,900 JD R Overhauled- Good Tin- Repainted- Good Cond $4,900 MF 97 4x4- Cab- Runs- Good Tires- Good Tin $4,900 MF 98 GM Diesel- Runs Good- Thin Paint $4,800 MF 98 GM Diesel- Runs Good- Nicely Redone $5,900 MH 55 Diesel- Standard- PS- PTO- Good Tin- Stuck $1,700 OL 66 Widefront- Fenders- Nice Tin- 2 Remotes $l,BOO OL 880 Diesel- Standard- New Tires- Very Nice $4,900 OL 990 GM Dsl- Poor Tires- Good Tin- Runs Good $4,900 420 Crawler Loader Coming In I Will Buy Clean Or Odd John Deere’s. Buy-Sell-Trade. Lots Of Older Sales Literature, Toys And Pedal Tractors For Sale. Lots Of Owners Manuals/Parts Book Call. LLOYD WENGER * 251 S. Race St., Myerstown, Pa. 17067 717-866-2130 Days 717-866-7147 Evenings Stanhay four row seeder, very good condition, $3,500 Sickle bar mower (or Allis “G" tractor (717)684-0777 days Steiger Bearcat 210 hp, 23 Ix3o duals, make offer 717/745-3579 neytown Farm & Hard ware, 410/751-1500, Snow blower, JD 680,3 au ger, B’ wide, front mounted, 1000 RPM, will fit most 2 or 4WD tractors, excellent condition, $3,650 (814)846-9753 EECOINC. SMALL ENGINES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES BRIGGS & STRATTON HONDA KOHLER TECUMSEH Lawn & Garden Equipment, Parts, Service MTD AIR CAP MURRAY IRRIGATION PUMPS • SUPPLIES • PIPE • HOSE Gorman Rupp, Hale, Hypro, Blue Angel, Scot, Berkeley, Pierce, Pacer Traveler (Hobbs/Amadas) FARM, CONSTRUCTION SITE, NURSERY, QUARRY, GOLF COURSE, ATHLETIC FIELD Preventive flood control, water damage control. Are you sure you are ready for the snow to melt?? LARGE INVENTORY, Priced to sell! Call today! 24 hour fax service FAX: 717/238-7635 Showroom & Counter Sales Welcomed! Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 to 5:00 EECO INC. 4021 North Sixth Street Harrisburg. PA 17110-1699 Phone 717/238-9424 800/759-8326 The I & J Cultivator CULTIVATORS: 3 point or horaa drawn avail* abla In 1-2-3- or 4 rowa can ba uaad aa a Wald cultivator with a (aw attachmanta. Graat tor vag atablaa. Wa can cuatOm build. Optlona: roiling ahlalda, dlac hlllara, liquid alda draaaara, row tracking ayatam. RAKES: available In ground drlva or PTO ataal whaala or rubbar tlraa Faaluraa: forma a vary fluffy windrow, can alao ba uaad aa a windrow Invartor. Doaa not ropa hay. A raal laaf aavar. I & J MANUFACTURING Dapt. LF, 5302 Amlah Road • Gap, PA 17527 717-442-9451 (Call Baiwaan BriMiOO AM. Waakday Aak Far Jaka) Datroll $12,000 wwwjrn 1.000 Ik Otoar Motor, Yolo, Itol. M hra, tto naw — s}3>ooo 1400 Ik Hydor IMI hN Dm LN, dwMtoll aato._.l 0.000 10.000 Ik CAT Dual PnaumaUk Oka, »♦ aato.___— l 0,000 4 jm Ik Bator alaatrla, naw tollary I 4,000 4400 Ik uo alaalfla, 9 ata«t M, vary §»*t aoto._i 4,000 UNO Ik Cat DaM lira LM, vary goto can*. $3,800 MOtE TOUGH MOTOR 01 55 GALLON PRICES HEAVY DUTY 30 $219.95 HDX SO DIESEL $214.95 HDX 15W40 FLEET $219.95 (Roflnory Filled Drum* - IsStTl No Dopooil, No Rotuni NocooMry) NOLT S AUTO PARTS |BhflU JftuJuim. FlYWMrtntYlllt (717) 735-1171 (717) 655-3216 (215) 445-6714 Caee 465Tt*ck Loader Ceee 860 Crowder Loader Com iaaSBSMd Loader CweSSOS^erDCab, NHLASSSWd Loader Hoe Kuban F2loowA'Mawar Whealhoraa 312-8 w/ & Dump Qraaa Catcher Mower & Greet Arlens Rider Catcha^ FotCDw H.P. Feeder Snawbtownrthßtffise Vlcon 300Tedder Rake Wood* 1290R0nl Oliver 62T Baler w/ Mower Thrower JD74oField CuMvator- Brillon Chlael Iff Plow NH JOlO Ft. Dllk QEHL 309 Scavenger Harrow Spread Like Little Giant Bale New! Elevator GEHL MX9S Grinder/ 1 ei umiu now NH 304 Spreader Mixer Feed Eaev 210 Mixer Come In—Oliver 555 w/Schwarts Loader Come In—JD 2240 David Brown 1212 IHCMAfctor VVfCwRm JD 3960 Harvester wft- OahlCß4ooHarveeter Row Head* Pickup Ms6oHarveetar AeaortmartofCMilM NH 27 Blower Forego Blowers Qehl 72 Flail Chopper Haeaton 8200 Self- (I)Caaa 565 Mower Propelled 12 PL- CondMoner Very Good CondMon CaaaSSOSalFPropeiled Vlcon 281 Diec Mower IHIIBO Mower CondMoner Conditioner QehiaOO NH 1495 Self-Propelled JD 830 Self-Propelled IH 400 Cycle Planter Saiea, Parts & Service For_* case uniJry*GEHL • VICON • WFE • KUBOTA • HESSTON • SAME —MECHANICS SPECIALS— BIANT OTHER FORKLIFTS IN YARD - CALL FOR SPECS !2) 5,000 Lb. Champ's All Tarraln, SIS, Gaa, PQ, Vary Good Condition $5,000/ea. apoo u. arc saws Tba, a siaga, oidaahHt lpo, Vwy Ossd Caw*. 0,000 Lb. Raymsnd Daaah Truck, Qood Cand. ~ g,OOO 1.000 Lb. Clark, EJaatrlc w/chargar, vary good eend— 0.000 1.000 Lb. Hyatar dnaumalle Oaa, Goad Cond g.OOW 4MO Lb. Claik gnsumatle gas ""•“■••7;- g'SjK 4.000 Lb. Clark dual gnsumaKe gaa, vary aaad • O.OOO 2.000 a I,ooa Ha Badtrle Walk Bahlnd 92,000 Kacb 7000 Lb. Hyatar, LPG, SldaahlH, Vary Good Condition $5,000 I