DlB-Lancast«r fanning, Saturday. March 5. 1994 USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • 2200 Gal. DeLaval Spreader Tank 16.5x16.1 Tires, Good Condition • 3300 Gal. WIC Spreader w/lnjectors 21.5X16.1 Tires Good Condition RENTAL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • Calumet 3250 Spreader 19LX16.1 Tires • Houle 32 Ft. Multi-Purpose Lagoon Pump For Earthen or Straight Wall Pit. CALL FOR PRICING SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 84, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 PH: (717) 966-2736 ASK FOR ERNEST OR DEAN “WE’RE HERE TO SERVE YOU” Ford LNBOOO Cat - Diesel Powered Van Body Truck ' 1985 Good Engine 5+2 Trans., hi No Rust, Good Interior & SMMV Upholstery, 22’ Van Body w/Hyd. Liftgate, GVW. 33,000 Current Inspection, 11,000x22.5 Radials Will Sell Cargo Body Separately $12,900 080 USED FARM MACHINERY EQUIPMENT (1) John Deere 4 Bottom Rollover Plow, Come & See FOB Price $9OO (2) UM2439 New Idea 224 Web Spreader w/Hyd. Endgete, Good Cond. Approx. 300 Bu., Tandem Axle (3) UM2408 New Holland 795 Tandem Axle Web Spreader w/End Gate, Top Beater, Good Condition (4) UM2376 Degelman Model 570 H Rock Picker With 8 Foot Dump Height (5) UM2IBB Degelman MS7OS Rock Picker 154 Cu. Yd. Hopper, Semi-High Lift, 42'* Dumping Height, Traded For Larger Unit (6) UM2435 Krause Model 4200 7 Shank Coulter Chisel (7) UM2423 Krause Model 2200 13' Disk w/Cyl. & Hose (8) UM2415 IH 3 Pi. 4 Row Cultivator w/Shields (9) UM2414 Kent 21* Folding Field Cultivator Walking Tandem w/Buster Bar (10) UM2429 24* Tri Axle Trailer w/Ramps (11) UM2426 New Idea Model 218 Box Type Manure Spreader With Hyd. Endgate, Tandem Axle With Gratz Web, Good Sidea Only $1,500 (12) UM2437 60” Manure Fork to Fit Gehl 4500 or 4600 Skid Loader. As Is $195 (13) UM2416 Krause 13 Ft. Transport Disk Harrow With Cyl. & Hoses, In Very Good Condition (14) UM2418 John Deere 3 Bottom Spring Trip Plow In Very Good Condition $750 (15) UM2417 Brillion 12 Foot Cultipackcr, Nice Condition! (16) UM2409 Krause 13 Foot Disk Harrow With Packer Hitch (17) UM2412 Taylorway 9 Shank Coulter Chisel, Good Cond (18) UM2411 IH Model 1250 Grinder Mixer With Scales, Magnet (19) UM2404 John Deere Model 65 Blower with 54" Drum (20) UM2403 Fox Forage Blower With 54” Dram (21) UM2402 Gehl Model 135 Grinder Mixer With Self Contained Hyd., No Scales (22) UM2398 3 Axle Tag>Along Trailer With Beavettail and Ramps (23) UM2364 M&W 500 Bu. Grain Cart (24) UM2290 John Deere Model 315 Transport IS Foot Disk Harrow (25) UM2206 No-Till Heavy Duty Drill 18x7 With Double Hopper, Double Disk Openers, w/Hyd., Rear Hitch, Acre Counter (26) UM2198 New Ideal 325 2 Row Narrow Pull Type Com Picker With 12 RoU Hulking Bed In Good Condition (Make Offer) (27) UM2360 John Deere 6 Row x 3(T 3 Pt. S Tine Row Crop Cultivator With Depth Wheels, Good Condition (28) UM2380 John Deere 8200 Grain Drill 18x7 (29) UM2336 Owatonna Model 229 9* Mower Conditioner (30) UM2291 Hesaton Model 1070 Mower Conditioner T Cut, In Good Condition $2,650 (31) UM2283 JD 7000 6 Row Planter, 30" Spacing w/Liquid Fertilizer, Reconditioned & Teited (32) UM2267 JD 7000 Planter 6x30 Liquid Planter, Reconditioned (33) UM2263 Gehl 2170 Mower Conditioner 9'. Sold New (34) UM2260 JD 210 Dkk Harrow 14’ (35) UM22SB Hesston 1085 Mower Conditioner 9’ New Guardi, Knife and Slip Clutch, Nicel (36) UM2250 12* Oliver Transport Field Cullviator w/27 Shovels, Fair (37) UM2236 A.C. 16’ Hyd. Fold Field Cultivator, No Cylinder (38) UM2323 Case IH 510 Loader w/84” Bucket To Fit Maxxum SI 30 & Sl4O Model Tractors BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd.. Lititz, PA 17543 Located Va Mile North of Rothsville 17) 626-4705 i-soo-it pays u Surplus Equipment Sale MF 2805 MFWD, cab, 24 sp., duaia, 2200 hra $16,800 IH Supar C cult, aubaollar $1,600 IH A Plow, cult, hyd. hoara, sprayer $1,375 JD B Cyclone, cult, overhauled $1,150 Irrigation Pipe, Wade Bain 2000'- 6"x4o' $1.85 per ft. 2-Fiald Irr. Big Guns on Rubber $450 ea. 2- Transplantare - 3 pt. toolbar 2 row s4*o 3 r0w......................................................... $750 Plug Tray Seedsr “288” • 150 per hr $l,lOO Stationary Fsed Blower System Mill to Bins - 4 Ton Per Hr. .$B5O Tobacco Equip. 24' Ladders, 30,000 lath, Mlnnlch A Grslder Press 15.000 Gal. Steal Tank $750 12.000 Gal. Steel Tank on 13' Overhead Stand, 12” Valve $O5O 1000 Gal. SS Tank Heated $750 Grain Auger-Stationary 10”x40‘ $1,150 Hopper Seales 7500 1b............ $3OO Eccentric Grain Conveyor 12”x32'............. $3OO 2 Super Flo Drag Conveyors 7”x80'... $3OO ea. Miac. 12” Grain Valves, Transitions, 8” Pipe, Livestock Gates 3 - Coolalr Fans - 48”, 1 HP, Like new $3OO ea. Mlec. Fans 20”, 30" fan Jets $5O-$ 100 2 - Zimmerman HO Scraper Winches. $175 ea. 3- Auger Drives 500', Auger A Tube Will Consider Offers 717-872-2781 UT2946 IH 1086 Cab. Air, Heat, 1980 Model. 4SOO Hrs., 20.8x38, Radials. 60”. New TA, Dual Remotes, 540/1000 PTO (39) UM2222 JD Grain Drill Model FB-B, 13x7 Single Diic w/Fettilzier & Grass Seeder.. $1,350 (40) UM2203 White 508 4x16 Auto Reset Plow New Moldboards (41) UM2190 New Holland 316 Square Baler w/Th rower (42) UM2395 Ford 5 Bottom 16” Spring Auto Reset Plow With Hyd. Slide Hitch Only $1,750 (43) Case IH Model 510 Grain Drill 16x7 With Staggered Disc Openers, Grass Seeder, Lift Cylinder & Hoses, Fertilizer Attachment But Not Used, 7!50x20 Dual Rib HtesOnly $2,950 (44) UM2393 Sunflower 21 Foot Hyd. Fold Wing Disk Harrow, Model 1232, Ready To Work (45) UM2421 Pequea Model 786 Hyd. Drive Hay Inverter Manure Handling Equipment (1) UM2297 Better Blit FTO Preenire Pump 3 Pi. Hitch, 900 GPM (Ask for Merv) $1,200 Used Skid Loaders (1) UT2955 Cafe 1845 Gas With 73" Bucket 45 HP With Good 12:00x16.5 Tires (2) UT2929 Gehl 4600 40 HP Diesel With 64” Bucket (3) UT2947 Case 1845 C 60 HP 1991 Model 2300 Hrs., 80" Bucket $1,175 Used Tractors, Backhoes ft Forklifts (1) UT2964 AC 5050 Diesel Rated 51 HP, 16.9x28 Rear Tires, 1 Remote, Block Heater, 5 Front Weights (2) UT2962 Case IH 395 Rate 35 HP, 1993 Model, Shuttle Shift, Only 155 Hours, Dual Hyd. Reasonable Pricel (3) UT2949 IH 656 Utility Gas With 3 Pu Hitch $1,895 (4) UT2942 White 2-180 Rated 180 HP Very Nice One Owner Tractor w/Cab & Air, New Engine, 200 Hrs. Ago., 18.4x38 Duals $4OO $4OO (5) UT2941 John Doom 2550 1 Owner, 63 HP Tractor With 243 Quick Attach Loader w/73” Bucket, Approx. 2300 Hn. and In Nice Conidtion, 18.4x30 Rear Rubber. (6) UT2952 Care 70 HP Model 1494 With Cab, Heater And A 1 Condition, 2WD, 1800 Original Hn., Power Shift, Nice) (7) UT2946 IH 1086 Cab Air Heat, With 20.8x38 Radial Tire*, New TA (8) UT2943 Magnum 7110 2 WD With 18 Sp. Power Shift, Low Hn. (9) UT2840 1988 JCB 4 Wheel Drive Forklift With Cab, Power Shuttle, 6000 Lb., 21‘ Matt With Side Shifter, Excellent Condition (10) UT2907 David Brown 990 Selec-O-Matic Dieiel Tractor (11) UT2900 Caae 1070 Dieiel Pender Tractor Rated 108 HP With Power Shift, 20.8x38 Rubber (12) UT2894 IH 574 Dieiel Tractor With 16.9x30 Rear Ttret (13) UT2884 Very Good Van Body Dieiel Ford Louisville, LNBOOO Track With 5+2 Tram, 26 Foot Van Body With Hydraulic Lift Platform For Easy Load and Unloading (14) UT2BBI Caw IH 1594 83 HP Dieiel Tractor, Leu Than 2100 Hn., 18.4x34 Rear Tins, Rope With Roof $13300 Nice! (15) UT2860 Alii* Chaim an 80 HP Dieiel Model 6080 With 4 Pott Ropi and Roof With Like New 18.4x34 Radial Rear Tirei In Good Condition (16) UT2848 John Deere 2640 Loader Tractor, Nice 70 HP Rating (17) UT2B3S IH 986 4 Pott Ropi, 18.4x38, Dual Remotei, 540 and 1000 PTO, Rebuilt Rear (18) UT2918 IH 656 Dleael Hi-Crop Special With 3 Pl Hitch, ROPS With Roof. 16.9x38 Rear Tirei 90%, New Paint, Dual Remotei (19) UT2919 IH 140 Ofhet Tractor With Hi-Crop Featurei, 9.3x36" Dia. Rear Tins, With Cultivators With Side Drenen For Both Sides $1,950 $2,950 Only $2,200 $2,650 $3,980 ....$950 $2,150 .$4,980 tmt UT2948 7110 2WD Magnum, 1988, . Model (We Sold New) 20.8x38 i I ■iiffiJll - r - Radials. 65%. 14Lx16.1 Front, oMIbHHHL Triple Remotes, 540/1000 PTO Front Wts., 1100 Hrs. * 5.9% Financing Oliver Super 77 diesel, excellent $1750 Farmall 300 $1,150 JD R $2,850 (914) 895-3995 saaocacsac TRACTOR CHAINS Still Have Good Stack 20.8 x 38 Duo-Crip...s4Bo 18.7 x 38 Duo-Grip...5375 15.5 x 38 Duo-Grip...sS2B 12.4 x 38 Duo-Grip...s32B 16.9 x 34 Duo-Grip... $325 18.4 x 30 Duo-Grip...5335 14.9 x 28 Duo-Grlp...sSls 13.6 x 28 Duo-Grip...5295 14.9 x 24 Duo-Grip...5296 11.2 x2B Road Grlp..sl7B NEW A USED TRACTOR PARTS GOODRICH Ur TRACTOR p PARTS RT. 38*388 NEWARK VALUT 607-642-3293 $7,950
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