Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 133
BINKLEY & HURST BROS. HAS A UNILOADER FOR YOU! WE ARE YOUR UNILOADER DEALER WITH SERVICE & VOLUME SALES FOR A SUPER D Mode^ IS4C 50 Hp Diesel Slop In for s “hands-on" demonalistlon. New Uni-Loader Skid Steers ■ Now power lor more ■ Hydrostatic drive, productivity forward and reverse ■ Two hand levor* (no ■ 4WD traction treats pedals) control slippery footing, direction, speed, all . ■ Great dump reach at loader functions. maximum height. Get Ready For Spring With A NEW Case IH 8465, Mesh Wrap Round Baler In Stock. Call For Details And Size In Stock. Rubber Tracks Give You More Traction And Flotation For Faster Snow Removal foyifl/lIMEPCASE RUBBER-TRACK lOHrll/ lOtuu skid steers in stock .part jn • Ridueid surface • hnpi'ovtd flotation damage • Smoother ride • Tire protection Binkley & Hurst Has Quality Case IH Balers Which Pull Easier & Allow Horses To Walk On Either Side Of Windrow. p%. r* * WE HAVE HORSE DRAWN & TRACTOR- 1 PULL SQUARE BALES WITH OR WITHOU'i THROWERS IN STOCK! Always Check With Binkley & Hurst Pw A Demonstration 0* The Baler You Cm Count On! BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd.. LiUt*. PA 17843 (717) 628-4708 WWffWWV r On morn surfaces Improved flotation lets Case rubber-track skid steers work on soils, sand or gravel and even mud More comfortably Rubber tracks provide a smooth ride with less bounce • also less chance ol tire punctures Mono places Excellent for working on dirt and concrete lots • rubber tracks cause less ground disturbance • can dnve on bedded areas without sinking in More of the year Work through wet, muddy conditions typical in spring and fall CASE IH 1350 GRINDER MIXERS See Binkley A Hurst For A Super Deal On A Quality Grinder Now! .. FROM FIELD TO 501 L... You Can Count On The Performance And Reliability Of Case IH Forage Equipment ~ if* 1845 C 60 hp ■ Range of operating loads 550 to 1700 lbs. ■ Construction equip ment weight and strength ■ One-stop Case IH parts and service ►l5O Bu: Capacity Stwfv» , MF 285, Rebuilt Motor, Low Hours, Nice Paint, flurts Good. $7OOO 080. (717)694-9271. MH pony, rebuilt, painted, excellent condition, best of fer 717-225-3826 between 8-4 Monday-Friday MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE PARTS'NEW AND USED AND TRACTORS EVERETT BROS 614-922-3335 MOWER WOODS 15’ Batwing, new, $5,000 410-833-9091 M&W rotory hoe, 30’. hyd. fold, handles high residue conditions, used little 717-649-5945. Don’t Wait, If You Need A Speciality Planter For Spring Time Planting, You Need to Call Binkley & Hurst Now! MONOSEMt Meters to Perfection 7- Plants with Precision \ • Cast aluminium \ A||3|v g | metering box \ riP 5 I • Easy access to seed V disc and quickly \ changed to plant row crops rows The New Generation of Planters Specializing For Over 20 Years in Vacuum Planters In Order To Have It On Time You Must Order Now! * Available In 2 to 12 Row Mounted & Pull Type In Certain Models RTNKLEMURST 133 ss* Rd 4, (717) 626-4705 BRO S. INC. — 7 1-800-1 T PAYS U After Hour* Emergency Parte Call: r~ian (717) 626-0885 (717) 626-5159 Q Farm Plan. WWWga Mnull (717) 859-8768 ® IUSBi VACUUM OR TOP-FILL TANKERS ARE HUSKY! Available With Heavy Duty Injection Systems To Eliminate Ordors And Create Happy Neighbors. j JL> BUY THE BEST... BUY FROM BINKLEY & HURST BROS. INC. NOW! sm aOflg TMf / (717) 626-4705 m Farm Plan Jfl|Ul9> lilt*. ■ 1,800-IT pays U 03 LOADER TRACTOR JD 2510, diesel, power shift, WF w/JD 46A loader. $6,000 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR IH 24008 w/rebuilt gas en gine, new clutch, reverser, 3 pt , PTO, weights, chains, good rubber & ROPS, $5,500 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER NH 675, tandem, works daily, $l,OOO 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER JD N, ,0106, $BOO 410-833-9091 McKee £2’ field cultivator, hydraulic -fold w/rollmg ba skets, $22,500. Call after 6pm, (301)334-3897 VACUUM PLANTER We Have Lagoon & Pit Pumps Built Like Their Name Wi Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994*017 McKee round baler, $2900. Taneytown Farm Equip ment 410/751-1500. Messick Farm Equipment, Elizabethtown, PA, annual Consignment Sale, Satur day April 2, starting at 9AM 717/367-1319 MF 165 D 6-spd , excellent, $5900 Taneytown Farm Equipment 410/751-1500 MF 205 diesel, 20 h p , 1,100 hrs , excellent, $3,000 410-633-9091 MF 2745, CAH. 140 h.p , 2,500 hrs , duals, twin out lets, 540/1000, 24 spd., good runner, $8,500 410-833-9091 • Low Maintenance * Durable Late Int. 715, German diesel, gram head & corn head, $7,950. Larry Stalter 'The Combine Man’ 1-800-248-2151 LOADER ATTACHMENTS New Du-AI, fils all makes & models, 20% off 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT JO 46 A, $1,200 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT IH 2001, like new, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 SPRING PARTS SPECIALS MARCH 9-19 FNH Oil Sale 10% Cash & Carry Discount on Most FNH Parts FORD TRACTORS New 6640 SL Used 7000 NEW HOLLAND New 650 Round Baler New 40 Forage Blower New 816 Forage Box New 463 disc mower Used 770 harvester Used 272 Baler w/SS Used 469 Haybine Used 442 Disc Mower OTHER TRACTORS New Bolens H 152 Dsl. Used Famuli Cub w/Mwr. OTHER EQUIPMENT New Kuhn FC3OO Disk Mower Conditioner New Ford 140 3x16” Moldboard Plow New Ford 133 High Clear ance Chisel Plow New Ford 151 48x16" Auto Reset Plow New Ford 152 58x16” Auto Reset Plow Used IH SOT Baler w/ engine Sweigard Bros. Inc. 3882 Patara Mtn. Rd. Halifax, PA 17D32 717-896-3414 Sinca 1937