Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 131

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** White 2-70 w/loader, low hrs $9,050
M IH 574, diesel w/BBHHter $8,950
* Uuitan| 442 Unlloeder, Kubota diesel $5,950
Harvesting Equipment
* UP hay head, Fits 200 harvester $460
* Fox 3Rlf head, belted $B6O
Planting & Tillage
* MF 57 3-16’ rollover plow $2,450
* Oliver 4-16" reset plow $1,625
* M 3 btm. semi mount regular trip plow $B5O
* Oliver 4 btm. semi mounted plow, regular
tap $975
** Dunham Lehr 10' Cultlmulcher,
late model ... .... $8,550
* Brllllon Packers ll'& 12' $975
* K 12' Vlbra Shank w/leveler, 3 pt .$075
** NH 358 OrimßDzer, like new $5,950
" NH 355 GrlndfißDer. scales . .. $3,550
*' Art sway 425 grinder mixer w/scale $1,550
* Ford 3 pt. post hole digger .. $576
JBL Feeders, Hay Savers . . .$725
* Double S Hay Feeders FOB-PA $595
* Fannco Feeders, 24' transport $775
* Bale-Bie Grabbers w/cyllnder, for plastic
wrap bales $905
I "Village of Relstville
** VA Salas Lot
Call Dan Rhodes
a.m. to p.m.
■ P ■ 703-879-0926
1600 oi
Icr, li]
sr, ex<
(SO; n:
s com]
1,5 Gi
ih Hi
B222DUIND inc.
Excellent For Dry Hay &
Hl-Molsture Bales
Made in USA
One Man Operation
“Two machines in one." This hydraulic
bale wrapper wraps bales fast and can
be used to move bales to barn or feed
3164 Oregon Pike, Leola, Pa. 17540
Lancaster County
717-656-7499 Call Collect
Dealerships Available
r Diesel I
I Injection Pumps I
5 CAV 1
I Cummins A
| Diesel Kiki |
Minimec *
Nippon Denso I
Roosa Master f
Roto Diesel X
Simms I
Stanadyne 1
United Tech 1
Yanmar I
= Zexel 5
| Don't Gambia Tha Heart Of Your Engine On |
X An Unaulhorlzadi Shop. Wo Hava What It Takes X
I To Do The Job Rlghtl I
f - Technical Expertise x
| - Experience (40+ years) I
I - Advanced Computerized Equipment I
* - Current Specifications »
A - Factory Training i
I - Factory Warranty Service I
S - Original Parte S
A - Custom & Standerd Rebuilding A
I Free Injector Cheek With Each Pump Rebuild. I
JWe Will Honor Other Suppliers Coupons. *
Alt Makes Serviced I
Penn Diesel Service Co. {
I Interstate 81, Exit 27 i
I Harrisburg, PA 17112 I
i (717) 545-4207 (800) 535-2913_Jj
“Will buy or trade tractors”
JD 4240 SGB, QR, new paint & tire5....518,500
JD 2940 SGB. 2 hyd. hl/10, original $15,600
JD 2140, MFV/D, 75 hp, same as 2750 $13,200
JD 2940 hl/lo 2 hyd.. ind. PTO $11,500
JD 4030, QR trans., SGB. original $11,200
JD 2840, late model, 3088 hrs. new tire5...59,500
JD 2440, 1982 Ind. PTO, nice $9,200
JD 4000, 1972, WF. Good Rubber, Nice..s9,ooo
JD 2440, ind. PTO. w/turbo, 1982 $8,700
JD 3020, side console WF, diesel $7,800
JD 650 4x4 301 orig. hours, diesel $7,000
JD 3130 Hi-lo 2 Hyd. Cab. 80 hp $6,600
JD 1830, overhauled. 65 hp $6,500
JD 3020 diesel, WF. SR trans, 0rigina1....56,500
JD 1530, diesel, fair condition $6,500
JD 2030 dsl., ind. FTO, 60 HP $6,300
JD 2120, diesel, hl/10, 60 hp. lair $5,800
MF 178, nevJBRI & paint, overhauled...s4,Boo
JD 4010, diesel. WF. dual hyd $4,800
JD 3010, NF, good rubber, new clutches.s4,2oo
MF 65 dsl., nice condition $3,400
Westfield Bxsl, PTO. auger, new $2,200
1H 300, good TA, overhauled engine $2,000
Wide front ends for JD 4020, brand,3oo
Yellow roof roll bar off JD 2640 $BOO
JD green roof roll bar to fit 2350 $BOO
JD 4020 or 3020 topllnks brand new... 5150 ea.
Zimmerman Elevators, Hay Tedders
Wagon Gears & Forage Wagons
Farmco Metal Feeder Wagons, Bale
Bodies & Country Boy Gravity Bins
JD Front & Rear Weights J&L Hay Savers
Reiff Farm Service
275 Goodhart Road, Shlpponsburg, PA 17257
Interstate 81, Exit 10. 174 East, Goodhart Rd Right
(717) 532-8601 Can Finance
New JD 7600 Tractor, 110 HP
', List $62,521.00
Cash $49,999.00
Model F 81540 Blower
Model 1267 12 Ton Wagon w/Tires,
8U970 16’ Forage Box w/Roof
M 5322 Spreader
DC2360 MoCo
SS 10,10’ Grass Seeder.,
BRS 6302 6R Cultivator.
SSLP Grass Seeder
White 2-85 w/Cab
JD 3020 Weights & Roll Guard, Side Console....
JD 4250, SG, PS, Wts, Triple Remote & Redials.
JD 7200 6R Planter
NH 849 Round Baler
JD 4400 Combine w/13’ Head.
JD 670 Hay Rake
Kasten 250 Spreader
JD 8350 Drill
JD 244 Comhead
JD 3R Head
Gehl 1200 Harvester, 2 Heads
IH 720 5B Plow
Carlisle Loysville
(717) 249-2313 (717) 789-4343
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March S, 1994-Dl5