Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 126
DWLtnoister Ftnnlng ) "9*WMayr'l*rth-'flr"t«94' NN 411 discbine, 540 PTO, 3 years old, sharp, shed Pair 18 4x36 tires, kepi, $7,500 ‘ 80 b / o tread, $350 (301)898-7426 (301)898-7426 REBUILT LIKE NEW • 1 Fetter AC 6 HP • 1 Fetter PHI ?y 2 HP • 1 Lister LDI 5 HP • 2 Lister SR2 16 HP • 2 Lister ST3 30 HP • 1 Lister TS3 30 HP • 2 Deutz F2L912 30 HP • 2 Lister LRI 6 HP • 1 Deutz FIL 712 10 Hp 1800 RPM 4800 GN-Set Twin Disc Clutches & Speed Clutch Write or Call 717-483-6446 DISTRIBUTOR Bylers Diesel Refrigeration i HCR6I Box 32 Belleville, PA 17004 I _ CLIP - SAVE - I i PTO KATOLIGHT ALTERNATOR COMPLETELY BRUSHLESS DESIGN 5 Year Warranty • 35,000 Watts • Power Cable • Trailer ON-HAND Write or Call 717"483"6446 BYLERS DIESEL & REFRIGERATION HCR 61 Box 32, Belleville, PA 17004 HARDI 3 Point Hitch Sprayers ...performance HARDI - The World Leader Quality assurance - all components are manufactured m house with state of the art production equipment. From basic to sophisticated, HARDI has the widest range of 3 point hitch sprayers available with CtlGlTliCdl tank sizes from 25 to 350 US gallons and booms from 20’ to 50’, Fllt©r manual and hydraulic Add ■ Safe & quick mixing of boih convenience & safety to your spray powdered & liquid job with one of our many Mtk. chemicals accessories • Many other accessories available HC6SO/45’ HYD. BOOM TRSOO/45’ HYD. BOOM ESCSOW4S’ HYD. BOOM TLSOO/SINGLE AXLE/42’ BOOM TL3OO/35’ BOOM Bangor Implement Bangor, PA 215-588-5922 JD 630 disc, tS', very good, used little, $4500 717-649-5945. JD 630 standard, good condition 410/795-0308 after 6pm JD #6B auger cart, good condition, $5OO 301-349-5432 80 John Daara S9OB „ ~ olij . Excavator w/Full Cab, Pilot 90 o 83 ! 0 . S J? d . L ,f d Control*, VG Cond. w/6P Bucket, Flotation a - nrtrt Tlroa, VG Cond, $lO,OOO Bobcat 943 w/Dirt bucket, flotation titei Bobcat 743 w/flotation Urea, 60” dirt bucket Ci 1835 C Ni tit •&' Jase New paint, new tirea, ram . operatei v.g Koering 1050 skid loader w/aux. hyd, 60” bucket $7,280 Bobcat 843 w/Ootation tires, new paint, aux. hyd, $12,000 Bobcat 743 w/flotation tirei, aux. hyd., 60" dirt bucket $8,500 HYDROMAC 11C GP bucket, runs & operates good $3,900 Toyota 2SDK7, dirt bucket, flotation tires $8,500 BACKHOES 1987 Case 5808 TLB w/Full cab, ex-hoe, 4WD 86 Ford 65SA TLB w/full cab, ex-hoe, 4WD..„ 92 Case 580 SK Turbo 4WD Cab, ex-hoe 1987 Case 580 K TLB, full cab, extend-a-hoe. Case 580 E TLB, full cab, extend-a-hoe Case SBOO, TLB, w/ROFS canr & standai . o canopy su. Ford 555 TLB w/ROPS Canopy, Standard Hoe JD 4108 TLB w/ROPS Canopy, Standard Hoe. Ford SSSA, ROPS, extend-a-hoe LOADERS 77 JD 5448 4WD wheel loader w/full cab GP bucket $25,000 FORKLIFT Case 585 21' Mast. (i) (i) (i) ESC 500/45’ Eagle Boom $7500 at New Ringgold JD G. 1937, Ser #2495, 1949, GW. 1947, 1948, '1952 Farmall High Crop HV, MV, 460 D. M/Moline U, High Crop 319-266-5567 after 7PM JO no-til 1440 corn planter, 4R, 30", dry fertilizer, $l,BOO (301)898-7426 J.L. HOLLINGBR & SONS INC. 717-664-2444 SKID LOADERS SPRAYERS IN STOCK (2) (3) 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Eckrotll Bros Farm Equipment 7 New Ringgold, PA 717-943-2131 Farmall Super M, belt pul ley, good condition, $l5OO. 610-323-5617. Farmer selling 1 of 3 shed Kept JOs 2940 w/3000 hours, $12,500, 2940 w/5500 hours, $11,300, 3020 WF, PS, w/6100 hours $6,800. Lancaster Co (717)665-2561 RT. 72N, Manhelm, PA. 717-665-2354 FAX 717-664-2835 NEW & USED Farm & Construction Equip. $12,500 810,800 910,000 ....$25,000 521,000 541,000 523,500 517,500 rd hoe $15,500 818,500 813,750 $lB,BOO NL 210/33* BOOM (I) NLISS/33’ BOOM (2) NL 105/26' BOOM (3) COMBI HY CANNON (1) CRAWLERS JD 4508 crawler loader w/GP bucket Caie 455 C crawler loader, ROPS canopy, sweeps, 4NI bucket Benati 7.16 LOP. full cab, GP bucket Cate 4SSC, crawler loader, GP bucket EXCAVATORS ’BO JD 6908 w/full cab, 30" bucket, very good cond ’BO JD 890 A 40” Bucket, runt & operate! good, low hours. ’BB JD 490 D LC w/full cab, very good coni •85 JSW BHIIO LC ’7B Cat 235 LT 42" Bucket Takeuchi TBBOO ROPS canopy, runt & operates very good. Takeuchi TBBOO w/full cab Takeuchi TB3S w/ROPS canopy, hydraulic braker hammer.. Eager Beaver 20 ton tag-a-long trailer, air brakes $6,800 1978 IH S22SO w/290 Cummins, 10-Spd. Trans., Tandem Axle Truck Tractor $6,500 1972 Ford LBOOO Single Axle Dump Tmck w/3208 Cat Dsl., 5-Spd. Trans. w/2-Spd. Rear $lO,BOO National 4T46 Track Crane Mounted On Ford FBOO Track... $14,800 TRACTOR Kubota M69SO w/4WD, Ropr, 3 Ft. PTO, 4 Outlets 80 John Deere 755 A Crawler/Loader w/GP Bucket, Full Cab $lB,OOO TR TRAILERS for pre-and post-emergence applications with a high level of performance • Safety accessories • Snap Fit Color Tips •chemical Inductor * Top draln 4 lop suctlon • clean water dispenser • boom flushing and tank rinsing systems , i 1 'lf'p, [ l i! 11 “ifi." & I*' 1 1 1 , 1(1 1 . , Joi/33’800m (Demo) i - Located at Bangor i, r , Farmall Cub w/Full Cultiva tors, 250 Lb. Capacity Side Dresser, Front and Rear Weights, Excellent'Condi tion $2OOO (410)655-7094 IH 1066,2,800 hrs.,CAH, 1 owner, must see to appre ciate. Coming In. $9,850. 410-833-9091 TRUCKS ft TRAILERS D&E Equipment Bloomsburg, PA 717-784-5217 John Deere 3010 gas trac tor, engine completely re built. exc condition, steel wheels available, $4900 717/354-6197 John Deere #6B auger wa gon, Oliver 77 diesel w/ sickle bar mower; New Hol land #55 rake Call 814-422-0313 evenings $10,500 $33,500 $14,500 $33,500 125.000 125.000 138.500 120.000 140.000 110.500 112.500 115.000 $12,800 Caaa 3SOB Loader Tractor w/ROPS Canopy, 3 Pt. Hitch, PTO $12,800