Dennis Menefee, right, of Berryvllle was named the Herdsman of the Year at the 1994 Virginia Angus Associa tion's Annual Meeting In Roanoke. Presenting the award Is Tom Templeton, executive secretary of the Virginia Angus Association. Va. Angus ST. JOSEPH, Mo. The Vir ginia Angus Association recently gathered for its annual meeting in named the Promoter of the Year at gin.- ig Association’s Annual Meeting In Roanoke. Presenting the award is American Angus Association regional manager Bill Powell. Are Soaring Health Costs Keeping You And Your Family From Chiropractic Care? At Quentin Chiropractic we realize that millions of people need Chiropractic care and are rot receiving the care they need for financial reasons. We refuse to be part of the problem. How do we overcome this problem? Simple. Patients Set their own fee. FINALLY! An approach to life and health according to people’s needs rather than their ability to pay. pwail) I|*' 1 a? -ir u 3 :,,i •:! -I vji [m :\Jm [i ; i v t.- ®vnAftM ji lh r fM Uwgfl lua sndsnil iitsihCßiwnßi Sia tiifri i i in ti^'iilita n? 7 I aii QUENTIN CHIROPRACTIC r Association Hosts Meeting Roanoke. The group elected offic ers and presented special awards. Serving as president for 1994 is Eli t 1 5a ni ffl k $ IN i'' A i 1 Michael A. Smith, D.C, These Angus breeders are serving as officers and directors of the Virginia Angus Association for 1994. Seated from left are Tom Templeton, Waynesboro, executive secretary: Whitney Grove, Forest, president; Doug Dalton, Altavista, vice president; and Jon Repair, Natural Bridge, treasurer. Standing from left are directors; Bill Wampler, Harrisonburg; Keith Matney, Cedar Bluff; Jim Saunders, Piney River; Roy Simmons, Bridgewater; Scott Weller, Staunton; Roger Steele, Dalevllle; and Vernon Kindlg, Lawrencevllle. Whitney Grove of Forest Doug Dalton, Altavista, was elected vice president, and Jon Repair, Natural Bridge, will serve as treasurer. Tom Templeton serves as execu tive secretary. Newly elected directors are Roy Simmons, Bridgewater; Keith Matney, Cedar Bluff; Pete Hen derson, Williamsburg; and Scott Weller, Staunton. Hall of Merit awards were pre sented to Robert Davenport of Hollins Farm. Delaplane; Joe Schwerin of Creswcll Farm, Fore st; and B.A. Rucker of Tazewell. MM FARM MMeouipment 1066 IH turbo tractor, only 2700 hrs., dual tires; 710 IH automatic reset 16* plow; (2) 20' hay wagons, 10' high, w/10 ton chassis, w/ big tires; Harvest Handler, 16', aluminum elevator; 14' 750 MF diesel combine, used for small grain; 1964 IH tandem dump truck 345 V-8 engine, 3 speed acoel ery, 5 speed trans, double hoist to raise IT 1 steel box w/wooden sides, 13 ton legal All items excellent condition. 717-683-5887 12 no-til coulters fit JD 7000 planters; 6412 row squeeze pumps. 717/745-3579. 1495 NH self-propelled haybine, 1973 Ford cattle truck w/12' body. Stump Acres, York Co, (717)792-3216. 1600 Gal. Stainless Steel horizontal spray tank, will fit on truck, excellent condi tion, $2OOO. 410/692-2629. 16' BFW JO disc. 16' Bril lion cultipacker; Case IH #6O shredder 215-868-5781 ; 215-258-6854. 16' wooden feeder wagon, very nice, $6OO. (301 >B9B-7426. In 16' wood hay wagon, tows 50 ' mph, $6OO. (301)898-7426. 1947 John Deere A; John Deere 420 crawler; BN. 215-267-2497 after 4PM. I . > fUwV• - _ tenslager Award at the 1994 Virginia Angus Association’s Annual Meeting in Roanoke. Yeltons represent Justafew Angus Farm at Max Meadows, Va. BUY. SELL. TRADE OB RENT THROUGH THE PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 ' PAX 717-733-6088 Mon.. Tues., Wed.. PH. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thors. 7 AM to 5 PM 1949 MH 44 gas row crop, completely restored, new tires, motor overhauled, ready for shows or go to work. $2750. 717-745-7172. 1951 MM BF Avery gas tractor, runs. Located in WV $750. 215/766-0393 1968 GMC 5500 14’ dump, $1800; '74 GMC aluminum box truck, diesel, $2500, 71 GMC 5500, 22' alumi num body, $BOO, '53 Reo 12' dump, $5OO, 72 250 4x4, not running, $3OO, '6B 250 4x4, not running, $300; '72 F 250 4x4, $750. 215-348-5514. 1981 F-2 corn and soy bean Special Gleaner diesel. 2 heads, hydraulic roll-over auger, low hours. Reason for selling, buying feed Kept in shed. $14,000 (717)864-3359. 1982 JD 2240, ind. PTO, dual remotes, 16.9-28, ex cellent condition; JO 503 rotary mower; Woods 72' Cadet rotary mower; JD 3pt 7-shank chisel; 3pt. 6; rear blade; 3pt. 1-shank subsoiler. 610/489-3827 1988 16' 5 ton Centerville 10-boy trailer. 609-935-0613. 1989 Stirco Rotomaster feed mixer with scale, $12,000. 610-488-1632. 1 JD 210 C Backhoe' Loader. 717-573-2215. . /intern* < LnICIIRr rfflWlß, MpCI) 1 MF 1560 round baler; NH 275 baler w/thrower; NH 30 ft elevator, Nl 213 manure spreader w/endgate, MF 65 row crop diesel tractor. Gehl 60 chopper w/2R wide & 2R narrow w/grass pickup (717)762-2807 Franklin Co 1R Pixall bean picker, even feeder, viberating table, packing belt, 1R Pixall corn picker, 3pt, CAT 11, Durand- Wayland, 4-size, 2-lane, fruit/vegetable sizer 609-561-1153. (t) White 5100 No-Till 6 Row Corn Planter w/Uquid Fertilizer, (1) JO 2510 Tractor w/Roll-O-Matic, (1) Nl 6000 4 Row Double Frame Corn Planter Tho mas L Dunlap. Rt. 220, Mam St Exit, Jersey Shore. PA (717)398-1381 (2) hay rakes 1 NH 56 $5OO and 1 JD roto-bar $4OO (717)527-4785. 2 NH 28 silage blowers. 302/684-3464 day, 302/684-0125 nights. Sus sex Co., DE (2) Rissler conveyors, (1) push feed cart, (4) 2' circu lating fans, 70 cow mats (717)529-6488 3hp Irrigation Pump, gas, B S motor, 2' outlet, $l5O. If interested contact Marvin or Brian, 717/354-4981 3 PTH Equipment, Me chanical 1R Transplanter, Bartville 1R Water Wheel Planter (New), 5' disc, IX 12" plow, 1R cultivator, 5' MC flail mower w/bagger & roller Thom Wheary (717)687-0102 3pt, SHP Honda irrigation pump, used, $350, Agryl row cover, NEW, 50'x800', $350 717-436-6611 3 pt hitch 40* tiller, used approx 6 hrs , $ll5O 814-676-8152 4620 JD. NH 892 silage chopper, 3 Badger silage wagons, (2) bale wagons; JO chisle plow #l6OO, 12’. Athens 131 disc, 12V4' 717-352-7256. 4640 JD, quad range, cab, air, 20.8x38 tires, 6200 hrs 302/684-3464 days, 302/684-0125 nights, Sus sex Co, DE 494 A JD Plate Corn Planter, 4RW w/T Band In secticide. (717)463-3270 4 BADGER SILAGE WA GONS. 3 beaters with roots, shed kept, good con dition 302/684-3464 days. 302/684-0125 nights, Sus sex Co, DE 4R7000 JD cornplanters. Choose from 6. 4/6R 7000 dry fertilizer auger fill On row band sprayers for any type cormnplanter Used 2R planters Pequea Planter, 1-3/4 mi North of Gap on Rt 897 Call ABC Groff, (717)354-4191, ask for Bill Beck
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