Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 121

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    In The Dairy Of Distinction Program. Use Application Below.
Managing Editor
EPHRATA (Lancaster
Co.) —The Northeast Dairy Farm
Beautification Program, Inc., is
prepared to receive applications
for the 1994 awards. This program
rewards clean, well-kept farm
steads to help with consumer
acceptance of dairy products in the
State President Dan Baker,
dairyman from Covington, Tioga
County, said the program has been
well received, and officers look
forward to an excellent program
again next year.
“There are plenty of good look
ing dairy farms out there that have
not been judged,” Baker said.
“And even those who have entered
the selection process in the past
years, without success should
enter again.”
The program provides rewards
of recognition to producers who
maintain attractive production
sites. This recognition benefits the
entire dairy industry, as well as
individual dairymen. Not only
does the favorable publicity gener
ated by the program in the general
press help bring modem farm prac
tices to the attention of urban peo
ple, farmers use the distinction to
promote their own operation or
seek and hire farm labor.
Paul Nichols, the secretary for
the Pennsylvania program, said
applications may be sent to him
any time after January 1, 1994.
Deadline for applications is April
IS. Judging is completed in May
and is based on the roadside
appearance of buildings, grounds,
and surroundings. The states are
divided into districts and a local
committee oversees the program in
each district.
A team of judges designated by
the local committee visits each
farm and uses a score sheet to rate
each farm. In Pennsylvania, in
addition to this team of judges, the
sanitarian for the farm’s coopera
tive or dealer-handler is asked to
be part of the judging process.
“One of the things I always tell
Pennsylvania Districts
Pennsylvania is divided into ten districts. Approximately 10
Dairy of Distinction awards will be made each year in each
district. There is no cost to the applicant.
Pennsylvania area chairpersons are: District 11, Leslie
Firth; District 12, Wally Jackson; District 13, Susan DuJour,
District 14, Janet and David Hileman; District 15, Norman
Coons: District 16, Robert and Bernice Gable; District 17,
Larue Thomas; District 18, Allen Roszel; District 19, Lisa
Risser; and District 20, Russell Rooks.
As a winner, you will receive a certificate and a nice metal
sign to install at the end of your farm lane. In addition, LAN
CASTER FARMING will present a color farm portrait print to
each of this year’s winners in Pennsylvania. If your farm is a
winner, be sure you or your district committee takes a color
photograph of your farm and sends the negative and proof to
LANCASTER FARMING in time for the awards ceremony.
Lancattor Fanning, Saturday, March 5, 1994-D5
Is The Time To Have Your Farm Entered
people is that even though they
may not now have the most fancy
place, they can work toward the
principles of the Dairy of Distinc
tion program” Nichols said. “By
doing this, they work toward a goal
that encourages consumers to use
• k* ■
The North View Farm of the Calvin and Mary Will family in Somerset County is an
example of the farms that were designated Dairy of Distinction last year. You are
invited to use the application to have your farm named in 1994.
more dairy products.”
Winners receive a colorful,
18x24-inch Dairy of Distinction
sign to be placed at the entrance to
the farmstead. In addition, as in
past years, an llxl4-inch color
portrait of the farm will be given by
Lancaster Farming to each win
ning farm in the Pennsylvania
“As a dairy farmer, you work
hard all year long, taking care of
your farm,” said Helen Fountain,
program executive secretary. “In
of ■
My Font BnuWieallon Pragnm
addition to managing your herd,
there are lawns to mow, flowers to
plant, and overall maintenance to
keep farm buildings Idoking great
You deserve to be recognized for
all the hard work, dedication and
pride you put into your farmstead.
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Officers of the Pennsylvania Dairy of Distinction program were reelected at the
annual meeting In January. They are, left to right, Steve Spencer, advisor; Donna
Gearhart, treasurer; Russ Rooks, vice president; Dan Baker, president; and Paul
Nichols, secretary.
> 'i **
Application For Dairy Of Distinction "!
Farm Beautification Recognition J
Mailing Address:
Cooperative or Dealer-Handler
Location (driving directions for judging team):
I hereby apply to the Northeast Dairy Farm Beautification committee to
have my dairy scored in accordance with the rules of the program for the
purpose of obtaining a DAIRY OF DISTINCTION sign to be displayed on
my premises. (No producer will be charged with scoring or sign expense).
Signature of Owner or Operator
Return this cupon by April IS, 1994, to: Northeast Dairy Farm Beautifica
tion Program, do your area secretary. PENNSYLVANIA, Paul Nichols,
ADADC, Tower Business Bldg., 239 Schuyler A ve., Kingston, PA 18704; NEW
JERSEY, AugustKinispel, RDI, 80x325, Pittstown, NJ; NEW YORK, Evelyn
Lightfoote, 3053 Depew Rd., Stanley, NY 1461.
“It’s time you and your farm
received some recognition for your
hard work. The coveted Dairy of
Distinction award will give you
that recognition. In addition your
attractive farm will enhance con-
sinner confidence in the whole
someness Of milk, thereby stimu
lating milk sales and encourage
public support for the dairy
Active dairy farms in New York,
New Jersey and Pennsylvania arc
eligible to apply for the award.
Criteria for Dairy of Distinction
awards include: clean and attrac
tively finished buildings; neat
landscaping, ditches, toads and
lands; and well-maintained fences.
Cleanliness of animals, barnyard,
feed areas, as well as manure man
agement, are also taken into
Applications are available from
each state’s program secretary or
local cooperative extension. In
New York, contact Carol
Weddle, New York Holstein
Assn., 957 Mitchell St., Box 190,
Ithica, N.Y. 14851. In New Jersey,
contact Angusl Knispel, RD 1,
Box 325, Pillstown, NJ 08867.
In Pennsylvania, you may con
tact Paul Nichols, American Dairy
Associalion/Dairy Council, Tower
Business Building, 239 Schuyler
Ave., Kingston, PA 18704.