Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1994, Image 1
0161 - i;-v9 f'ERI (uiICAt '■ UIVJSJDN I'EMNSVLVAN! A SliVII: UNI VCRSJ TV PATH! L I WARY UNIVERSITY PARE PA X*UO.2 IUOP mbijt iI Tn (l| Vol. 39 NO. 17 The Word Is Out: Grass Is In At Plum Bottom Farm EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor BELLEVILLE (Mifflin Co.) “When you think about all the government regulations, envir Plum Bottom Farm Is home for John Rodgers, president of the American Forage and Grassland Council, which cele brates its 50th anniversary at the Lancaster Host Resort next week. John, left, and his son Jim discuss their new NMAB Approves Interim Criteria Modifications, Reviews Draft Regs VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Farming Staff HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) The Nutrient Manage ment Advisory Board to the State Conservation Commission on Wednesday approved modifica tions to the interim criteria for cer tification of a nutrient manage- Two Named To Pa. Holstein Hall JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent GETTYSBURG (Adams Co.) E. Wayne Beshore, New Cum berland, and John Umble, Atglen, are the newest members of the Swine Producers Discover Manure Management Alternatives ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Co.) Opportunities to manage manure through alternatives such as cropping, grazing, pack bed ding, and nutrient redistribution are holding the doors open for swine farmers who may be uncer tain about what to do now that Pen 600 Per Copy onmental concerns and just plain economics—all these things together-the word is out, grass is in.” You would expect the president ment specialist and reviewed a par tial draft of proposed regulations under the Nutrient Management Act. A quorum of the 15-member board met in Room 309 of the state Department of Agriculture build ing in Harrisburg, despite a winter storm warning and calls for accu- Pennsylvania Holstein Hall of Fame. The two were named to the elite Hall of Fame during the state cattle annual banquet February 25 at the Gettysburg Ramada Inn. nsylvania has a nutrient manage ment law. Farmers have a variety of alter natives once a plan is in place to ensure the balance of nutrient needs and environmental steward ship for their high-producing crop land, according to specialists at the N utrient Management for Pennsyl (Turn to Page A2B) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1994 of the National Forage and Grass land Council to make statements such as this. But for John Rodgers, an eighth generation farmer at Plum Bottom Farm, this is what he heifer-raising program that will utilize the new rotational grazing method to feed cattle—after the green grass emerges from under the snow cover, of course. Photo by Everett Newswanger, managing editor. mulations of 1 to 2 feet of snow. The board last met in January, having canceled its February meet ing because of work delays caused by a number of winter storms. And while the Stale Conserva tion Commission (SCC) is under a tight deadline schedule to create regulations and criteria for nutrient Honored with the Pennsylvania Holstein Association’s Young Holstein Breeder award were Dave and Phoebe Bitler, Fleetwood. York Countian Wayne Beshore has had a lifelong career in agri culture. A PHA member since 1946, he has served as president and state director from York County, state delegate to the national convention for many years, state convention chairman in 1981 and on numerous county and state committees. From his first 12,000-pound herd average in the late 1940’5, Beshore built the herd to one of the county’s first besting the (Turn to Page A2O) believes. When Rodgers started in 1955, the family farm that had been purchased in 1754 from John, Tho mas and Richard Penn, son and two grandsons of William Penn, was management control, as set by the Nutrient Management Act, no additional meetings are being scheduled to make up for the loss of the February meeting. The scope of business before the board Wednesday ranged from reviewing and approving modifi cations to interim criteria for certi Wayne and Athena Beshore accept the PHA Hall of Fame recognition plaque from Dr. Dave Morrow, left, who chaired the selection committee. Also honored with the Hall of Fame recognition for 1994 was John Umble. Five Sections somewhat run down for several generations. But this farm became the inspiration to develop an envir onmental consciousness long before die term environmentalist became popular. “When I came along, I had a feeling I wanted to do something to leave the land better than I found it,” Rodgers said. “Through 'for age giants’ like Dr. John Washko and Dr. John Baylor at Penn State, and Dr. Raymond Hoglund at (Turn to Page A 36) Maryland Sets Holstein Convention HAGERSTOWN, Md. There’s still time to make reservations for the 1994 Mary land Holstein Convention and Sale, scheduled to be held March 11 and 12 at the Ramada Inn, in Hagerstown, Md. According to convention offi cials, those wishing to make reser vations should call Kevin Mellott immediately at (301) 223-9220 to reserve banquet and luncheon tick ets for the convention. The annual convention schedule for regular business is on Friday, March 11, starting at 9:30 a.m. with registration, a dairy bar and exhibits. At 10:30 a.m., Kenlin Martin of the Washington County Holstein Club is to welcome the stale’s breeders and delegates to the northern part of the state. He is to be followed immediate ly by Oren Bender, president of the Maryland Holstein Association, (Turn to Page A 34) ficauon of a nutrient management specialist, to reviewmg proposed regulations for some of the initial portions of the Nutrient Manage ment Act. Backround The Act was created and made into law as a foundation and out (Turn to Page A 32) $19.75 Per Year