E3O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Fabniary 26, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 23 - 9AM Farm equip, shop equip. & anti ques. RD Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Luella Smith & the late J. Brooks Smith. Hassinger/Courtney, aucts. SAT. APR. 23 - 9AM Trac tors, combines, farm equip, riding mowers, car, misc. Southern York Co., Pa. From I-83 exit #2 (Glen Rock) follow Rt. 216W±3.2 mi to sale on left. Owner: Delores (Debbie) Dehoff. Melvin Haines, Ralph Bren neman, Russell Wright, auct. i SAT. APR. 23 -10 AM, Spring Tractor Sale. Located A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc., 100 West Jackson Street, New Hol land. Pa. 17557. Alan Dif fenbach Auct THURS. APR. 28 -10 AM, Lamb Sale Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc, 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland. Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts FRI. APR, 29 -1-30 PM, (This Change Is Due To Good Friday) State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. FRI. APR. 29 - 6PM Lawn and Garden Equip. Terms by Stauffer's Fruit Farm Fr Rt. 272 and 897 at Weaver Markets, take 897 S, approx 2miles; turn left on Lauschtown Rd to Panora ma Dr. turn left cross over turnpike bridge to Ist lane left. Brecknock Twp Lane. Co. Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts. AUCTION SAT., MARCH 26, 1994 1:00 P.M. Valuable REAL ESTATE Located In the Heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Three miles East of Lancaster, opposite the Locust Grove Mennonlte School, along Route 340 at 2258 The Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster Co., Penna. 12.5 ACRE , more or less FARMETTE Double Brick 2-unit Home. Four and six room units. Baths, Full base ment. Full attic. Slate roof. Large Bank Bam with two drive-floors. Room for horses and cattle on ground level. Attached com shed. Bam and shed scaffolded for hanging tobacco. Stripping room and dampening cellar. Concrete Block 34’x60’ two story warehouse. 50’x34’ area of this building is healed with 14’x20’ overhead door. Equipped with toilet and sewer facilities. Concrete Block and Frame building 28’x56’ two story combination Offices, Garage and workshop: Toilet facilities. This building has many possibilities. This well located property deserves your inspection. Approximately 10 acres tillable. Inspection of Property Sat., Feb. 26 and Sat., Mar. 19 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. TERMS: 10% Down Day of Sale. Balance on or before May 11, 1994. Possession at settlement. Ken Covelens, Atty. Dlffenbachs, Auct. 225 L 717-393-4464 FRI. APR. 29 - 7PM Club pig & lamb sale - Rodger Banker! family, Hanover, York Co., Pa. Harry H Bachman, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - Arnold/ Risser club pig sale, Leba non Area Fairgrounds, Leb., Pa. Harry H. Bach man, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Real Estate, Car & Truck, Yard & Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Equip, Mechanical, Power, Garden, Hand Machinery & Tools, antique furniture & collectibles, glassware, dishes & china, household goods. Approx. 4 miles N. of Clarks Ferry Bridge along Rt. 147, Reed Twp., Dauphin Co. 12 miles from Harrisburg. Estate of: Harry & Arlene Peck. David, Deibler, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Real estate, household, anti ques, Bolens riding mower. In Paradise turn off Rt. 30 first road West of railroad bridge turn S. on Bethany Ave., Paradise Twp., Lane. Co.. Pa. By Martha H. Landis Robert E & Jeffrey R Martin, aucts. SAT APR. 30 -9.30 AM, Ringo Hill Farm Equipment Auction. Located Burtville (Potter Co.) Penna. William Weierbach Family. Pirrung Auctioneers. Inc., Way and, New York, 716-728-2520. SAT. APR. 30 - 9:3OAM Estate of Alice Wian, 1251 Jacksonville Rd , Bellefon te, Pa Centre Co Brick 3 bedroom ranch home on 2 acres, 1985 Chevy van, wheel chair equipped 26,000 miles, household goods Aucts: Ron J & Ron Township Sewage JONATHAN E. AND LIZZIE ANN FISHER Owners 1339 L & S. Gilligan #i #AA2223L. SAT. APR. 30 -10 AM Real estate, 10 parcels totaling 66 acres. At Cross Roads Boro. York Co.. Pa. From Rt. #24 N. of Stewartstown, turn right at Sammis Chev rolet go to Cross Roads, approx. 1 mi le straight on Main St. on right, Geraldine E. Smith, estate. Bradley K. Smith, auct. SAT. APR. 30 -10 AM, Public Auction Of Wood working Equipment And Tools, Lumber And House hold Goods. Located At 630 A Brunnerville Road, 2 Blocks From Lititz, Warwick Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Owners, Larry E. and Charmaine Royer. Snyd er's Auction Service. MAY WED. MAY 4-SPM House hold items & real estate, 1 sotry home, sale 4 miles S. of State College, Pa. on Rt. 26 in Centre Co. Sale by Harold & Jane Heniy, Auc ts. Ron J. & Ron S. Gilligan #AU339L & #A2223L. FRI. MAY 6 -10 AM Pen nsylvania State University Salvage Warehouse & Vehicle Auction, University Park Campus, State Col lege, Pa. Aucts: Ron J. & RonS. Gilligan #AU339L & AA2223L SAT. MAY 7 - Lawn & Gar den Equip. Auction. Located at Beaver Springs, Pa. Owner Darwin Wilt. Bryan D. Imes. auct. SAT. MAY 7 - Public Con signment Sale Of Farm Machinery, Tools, Guns, Etc. Ronald Hoover, 3544 Enola Rd., Newville, Pa. Cumb. Co., 1 Mile East Of Blosetvllle. Art Rife Auction Service. SAT. MAY 7-10 AM, Heifer Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc , 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts PUBLIC AUCTION CARRIAGE & BLACKSMITH TOOLS WED., MARCH 16. 1994 Sale at 9:30 A.M. Locasd 3 miles Southwest of New Holland, 1 mile North of Intercourse, turn off Rt. 340 in Intercourse on 772 West gdtylO of mile bear right on Centerville Road to sale, Lane. Co., PA. SHOP TOOLS 10' Tilt Table Saw, RYOB114" Cut Off Saw, 6 Amp Air Motor. Bench Drill Press, Conestoga 6“ Jointer, 14* Planer, Hyd. Pump & Tank, 30* Band Wood Saw, Toledo 14’ Steel Band Saw/Air Motor, Floor Mounted Drill Press, Router Air Tools, Ring Bender w/Wood Barrow Tumbler. Dillon Torch Set, Blacksmith Anvil, Bantan Iron Worker, Pipe & Thread Cutter, Air Tools, Portable Air Fan. Air & Hyd. Motors, Hyd. Press, Vise, 6-8-12 Volt Battery Char ger, 300 Gal. Air Tank, 275 Fuel Tank, D.S. Machine Bucket-A-Day Stove, Dust Pipes & Collector w/Hyd. Motor, Hyd. By Pass Valves, Welding Rods, 3 Cly. Perkins, 2 - 5 H.P. Compressors Hausfeld & Auto man, Horse Blankets, Kick Mineral, Bolts & Nuts, Wagon Tongues. New Steel Yokes, 3-4-5-6-7-S Trees, many other items not mentioned. Terms By SAMUEL S. STOLTZFUS Aucts. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Randall L. Ranck In case of inclement weather sale held indoors. No Out of State Checks Lunch Available Iff I 1 ***) NOTICE: Having sold their farm and moving to Florida, will sell the following for MR. AND MRS. HOWARD GUEST, located at their Windswept Farm at the Intersection of Kauffman and Gultner Roads. DIRECTIONS: Windswept Farm Is located approximately 3 miles North of Green castle or 8 miles South of Chambersburg off U.S. Route 11 turning onto Kauffman Road to It’s Intersection with Gultner Road (Watch for AUCTION SIGNS). FARM AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (2) 1954 Ford Jubilee gas farm tractors with 3 point hitch hydraulics (one of which was purchased new by Mr. Guess and is in excellent condition with 1168 original hours); International 350 backhoe with front loader, gas engine, power steering, good rubber; Michigan 6 ton truck crane, 45 foot boom, 2 sheaves, power up and down; Cation 3 ton roller; Clark 3000 fork lift with gasoline engine; Galion concrete mixer with 2 cylinder Wisconsin engine; OK twin cylinder garden tractor with implements; 3 point- 2 bottom plow; 3 point rigid shovel cultivator; 3 point crane; rear mount 3 point scraper blade; 3 point single bag concrete mixer; 3 point 12 inch post hole digger; 3 point scoop; six foot hydraulic snow blade; Woods 6 foot pull behind rotary mower with extra blades; Ford 3 point 5 foot field mower with extra blades; Root-Lowell rubber tired orchard sprayer with gasoline engine; Farm wagon with pneumatic tires; Four wheel rubber tire wooden pony wagon and seat with antique hardware; dump trailer on rubber; one horse sleigh; 1918 Ford Model T depot wagon; Antique horse drawn scoop: 1958 Chevrolet 40 stake dump truck; 1937 White highway trac tor; 20 ft. single axle van trailer (sth wheel): and other related equipment. SHOP EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT • BUILDING SUPPLIES AND MISCELLANEOUS Curtis 40 gallon one horsepower 220 V air compressor; Kohler/Lincoln gasoline AC Weldcr/4500 watt generator; Gasoline powered generator; General Gl6OO Gasoline powered generator in new condition; Manual mobile crane; 250 gallon horizontal fuel tank with pump; 220 gallon vertical fuel tank with pump; 20 gallon lube oil tank with pump; sections of scaffolding; 3 ton hydraulic floor jack; foot operated brake shoe riveting machine; Floor model drill press; 24 inch wood lathe with motor; 6 inch 3/4 hsp. jointer 110/220 volt with extra blades; 22 inch surface planer; 14 inch jointer; 6 inch grinder on pedestal; Craftsman 10 inch table saw with extension and miter; Craftsman 110 power hacksaw; Assortment of power tools; Hand wood-working tools; Hand soil working tools; Plumbing tools; vises; Heavy duty work bench; Pattern makers work bench with (2) vises; Exten sion ladders; Wheelbarrows; Bag wagon; Foot operated whetstone; Various motors; Shelving; Old tool chests; Steel wheels; Sears 5 horsepower rotary tiller; John Deere 14 hsp riding mower with hydrostatic drive and 48 inch deck; Jacobsen 14 hsp/5 speed riding mower with 48 inch deck; Craftsman 14 hsp/6 speed riding mower with 42 inch deck; Gravely 30 inch rotary walk behind mower and other gasoline rotary lawn mowers; Lawn and garden fertilizers; (2) Mott hammer knife mowers with Wisconsin engines; Hog Feeders; Electric fences; Wire; Chains; 40 year air dried rough sawed black walnut, oak, cherry wood; Cherry paneling: Insulation; Window glass; New 10x10 overhead door; Cabinets; Scrap metal; formica; Large assortment of hardware; Plumbing and Electrical supplies; Space heater; Diebold safe; Brass Reading Railroad locomotive bell; General Electric upright freezer; 1971 Karmann Ghia convertible coupe and many other items not listed. TERMS: Include cash or approved check with positive identification required for registra tion. Not responsible for accidents. James G. Cochran Auctioneer PA A5000749-L COMPLETE DISPERSAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION # Cochran ® AUCTIONEERS A ASSOCIATES LTD. Prohuiontl Comliucuon t IntHuUM Equlpnml Auction—r* iim n*inuit m.. p.o. ■» m, iMutm, mo niu-ont (301) 7310531 • TOU FREE (MO) 1-MO-3H3M4 « F« (301) 433-3H4 Please Clip This Ad For It Will Appear Only Once Attention Ropers and Stock Contractors The Date: March 19, 1994 The Time: 11 A.M. The Place: Marriott Ranch, Hume, VA The Event; We will be offering for sale approximately 38 head of Longhorn Steers and 28 head of Longhorn Heifers. Cattle will be sold In groups of four to six head; some may be offered Individually. Not Responsible For Accidents Marriott Ranch Rt 1 Box 113, Hume, VA 22639 (703) 364-2627 FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 10:00 am WINDSWEPT FARM near GREENCASTLE, PENNSYLVANIA 1994 Thomas E. Blkle Associate
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