Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1994, Image 176
E2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT APR 9 - 9 30AM, Camp Espy Farm, Modern Farm Machinery Like New Equipment, Trucks & Etc Located Huntingdon Co, Spruce Creek, Pa Aucts Ron Gilligan & Son #AU339L & AA2223L SAT. APR. 9 - 9:3OAM, Household Goods, Farm Eq , Butchering Eq., Tools, Real Estate- 12 Noon. Located Rt 419 North Of Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa Owners, Ellwood & Dorothy Lutz Sylvan Wit mer & Ben Habecker, Aucts SAT. APR. 9- 12Noon, 112 Acre York County Farm Located From Maryland Take Rt#B3 North To Exit 1, Take Rt#Bsl To Stew artstown Then Rt #24 North Towards Red Lion Go Approx 7 Miles, At Wal temyer's John Deere Deal er t/r Onto Herbst Rd , Go Approx 'A Mile Farm Will Start On Right At Comer. Follow Around Then Right Onto Pleasant View Rd , Buildings On Right Signs Posted. From Lancaster Off Rt.#3o West Almost To York, Take Rt.#24 South Towards Red Lion. Stay On Rt.#24 To Wmterstown At Waltemyers John Deere Dealer t/l Onto Herbst Rd., Go Approx. '/> Mile Farm On Right, Signs Posted Seller, Robert E. Young Bradley K. Smith, CAI, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - IPM Arnold’s Hog Production Sale - Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Leb, Pa. Harry H Bachman, auct. SAT. APR. 9 - 2:3OPM, WINELAND EQUIPMENT INC. Martinsburg, PA Inc. -1 Mile East of Martinsburg, Pa. 0(814) 793-2109 Fax (814) 793-4235 AM Auction Conducted By ART KLING IB LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO DAILY BUSINESS JD FINANCING AVAILABLE ON PREAPPROVAL JD 2030 2 postß.G. New Engine; JD 2030 1700 Hrs.; JD 4320 Open; JD 4320 Cab; IHC 966 Cab; JD 4430 Cab Quad; JD 3020 Dsl WFE; JD 3010 Dsl. WFE; JD 4520 w/Roll Guard Canopy: JD 4520 Open Tractor; White 2-70 w/ Loader; Case 730; Farmall M; JD 3155 MFWD Cab 2200 Hrs.; NH 555 Deluxe Skid Loader, 1380 Hrs.; JD 4230 Cab & PS; IHC 584 Dsl w. 2250 Loader; JD 4520 w/Powershift. NI 2 Row Corn Picker 8 Roll; NI #lO Corn Picker; JD 4400 Gas Cab & Heat; JD 4400 Dsl. Cab Heat & Air; JD 4400 Dsl. Cab Heat & Air; JD 6600 Dsl. Cab Heat & Air; JD 6600 Dsl. Cab Heat & Air; JD 4420 Dsl. Cab Heat & Air; MF 510 Combine w/4RW & Grain Table; JD 6600 Salvage; JD 4400 Salvage; JD 6620 Brunt-Salvage. JD 643 Cornhead; JD 444 Comhead; JD 443 Comhead; 3-JD 215 Flexheads; JD Cutting Platforms 13’; Straw Spreaders & Choppers. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT JD 2500 5 Bottom Spring Reset; JD 4 Row Cultivator Wide Row; IHC 700 4 Bottom Spring Reset; JD 970 Roller Harrow 12’; JD 110 Disk 11’5”; JD 5 Bottom 1350-1450 Plow; JD F 145 5 Bottom w/Coulters; White 21’ Wing Fold Field Cu;t. w/Spike Attach.; JD 3 Bottom 3 Pt. Box Beam; JD 6 Bottom Trip; JD 6 Bottom Trip; JD 2 Row Cultivator lor 2 Cyl. JD; Pittsburgh 6 Bottom Spring Reset Plow; Vic on Power Harrow; JD 16’ Drag Harrow; JD 12’ Disk; IHC 710 Safety Trip 4 Bottom Plow; JD 950 Roller Harrow 12’; JD 1350 1450 5 Bottom Plow; Oliver 566 5x16 Plow; JD 115 Disk 12’ 10’ 9” Spacing: JD 210 Disk 12’ 10” Cushion Gang; JD 220 Center Fold Disk; JD BW Disk; Tine Tooth Attach. For Disk; JD 1710 Mulch Tiller; IHC 370 Disk; JD 1610 Chisel Plow 10’ 3 Pt. Farm Toy Auction. Located Mifinburg High School, Off Rt. 45, Mifflinburg, Pa. Info. 717-966-3483 For Consignment. SAT. APR 9 - 7PM Harper Valley Landrace production sale, Annville, Leb. Co., Pa. Harry H. Bachman, Auct SUN. APR. 10 - 12:30PM Modem woodworking tools & other tools from the estate of Donald Newman, Milesburg, Pa., Centre Co. Aucts. Ron J. & Ron S. Gil ligan #AU339L & #AA2223L. TUES. APR. 12 -10 AM Hillside farms complete machinery dispersal includ ing: (4) IH tractors, com bine, hay equip. & grain bin, Bristol, N.Y. Roy Teits worth, Inc., aucts. rpu^icATJCriGN^ ! CLEAN FARM MACHINERY j ! TRACTORS I 1972 CHEVY PICKUP TRUCK i TUES., MARCH 15, 1994 Auction Time 10:30 AM Location; 40 Wabash Rd., Ephrata, PA. From Ephrata take Rt. 272 North approx. 2Vt ml. At Eckhert Sign Shop turn right onto Wabash Rd. to farm on right. Watch for auction signs. E. Coca lico Township, Lancaster County. Terms by EARL E, & ELIZABETH MARTIN 717-733-7818 Auction conducted by Randal Kline, Lloyd Krelder Roy Good, Jr., Auctioneers AU2II6L 215-445-4309 TRACTORS COMBINES HEADS MON. APR. 11, -11 AM, Richard Cummins Com plete Dispersal Of Large Scale Modem Grain Farm Equipment, J.D. Tractors And Combine, 10-Wheel Trucks, Etc.l Located Gainesville (Wyoming Co.), New York. Pirrung Aucls., Inc., Wayland, New York, 716-728-2520. MON. APR. 11 - 4PM 3.2 acre farmette with stone house, household goods, farm equip, tools. West of York, Pa. 4 mile along Rt. 234, East Berlin Rd., on left. Elwood L. & Ruth N. Rohrbaugh, seller. Rentzel's Auction Serivce. TUESDAY, MARCH 1 JD 2 Row 3 Pt. Corn Planter; IHC 56 Planter 4 Row; IHC 56 Planter 4 Row; JD 1240 Planter 4 Row; JD 7000 4 Row Planter Liquid; JD 7000 6 Row Dry w/Augcr. DRILLS JD Van Brunt Grain Drill. NI 272 Cutditioner; 2-JD 1219 Mower Cond.; JD 1209 Mower Cond.; NH 38 Rail Chopper; NH 851 Round Baler; NI 486 Round Baler 5-JD 336 Baler w/Ejector; NH 488 Haybine 9’; NH 68 Baler; NH 495 Haybine; NH 273 Baler w/Ejector; NH 282 Square Baler Bale Wrapper; NH 479 Haybine; ICH Hayrake. JD 3940 Harv. Elec. Controls 1000 RPM; JD 3940 Harv. Elcc. Controls 540 RPM; NJ 782 Forage Harv. w/Metal Alert 2 Row Narrow & Grass Head; NH 770 Forage Harv. & Heads; JD 3 Row Narrow Row Crop; JD 2 Row Narrow (Green 2 Yrs. Old); JD 2 Row Wide Row Crop Head; JD 2 Row Wide w/Slip Clutch; JD 2 Row Row Crop Heads; JD s'/ 2 ’ Pick Up Heads: UNI SYSTEM 705 Harvester: N 1767 Super Chopper; NI 737 Husking Unit; NI 735 3 Row Row Crop; NI 710 Combine Unit; NI 713 Cutting Platform; JD Adapter Plate, Snapper Head; Gehl 800 Forage Harvester & Heads. MANURE SPREADERS NH 790 tandem; NI V Spreader; NH 790 Tdn MISCELLANEOUS Wcavcrline Feed Cart; JD 260 Loader; JD 148 Loader; Case Rotary Mower; Woods M-5 Rotary Mower; Howse Rotary Mower s’; Red Utility Trailer; JD Loader Buckets; No Till Coulters JD Planters; NI Loader; Hesston Stock Mover; JD 216 Forage Boxes Parts; Dual Wheels; Misc. Tires; Bale Mover. PUBLIC SALE OF . REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & TOOLS EPHRATA MON., MARCH 7, 1994 AT 12 NOON REAL ESTATE AT 4 P.M. Located at 520 Lincoln Ave , Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA BRICK RANCH STYLE DWELLING w/COVEREO CARPORT Call auction service. FURNITURE Blanket Chests; Oak Washstand; Maple Dinette Set; Maple China Closet; Pine Bedroom Suite w/Box Spring & Mattress; 3 pc. Bedroom Suite; Bookcase; Depression Chest of Drawers; Desk; Living Room Suite; Rediner; Wing Back Chair; Coffee Table; End Tables; Dropleaf Table; Blue Glass Table; Card Table; Braided Rug. APPLIANCES: Refrigerator; G.E. Auto. Washer & Dryer; Freezer; Organ; Color TV; Small Kitchen Appliances; Dehumidifier; Cookware; Sewing Machine; Cuckoo Clock; Lamps. CHINA & GLASSWARE Copper Lustre; Bone China; Mother's Day Plates; Royal Collector Plates; Fiesta Teapot; Hobnail Vase; Carnival Type Glass; Imperial Glass; Art Glass; Mini atures. LINENS TOOLS: Cub Cadet 830 Riding Mower, Self propelled Mower; Wooden Tool Box; Hand Tools; Fishing & Hunting Gear. A Anthony Kilkuskie, Atty. Sale For: MILTON A. FENNINGER ESTATE No Out Of State Checks Unless Accompanied By A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Horst T. Glenn (717) *5O-1331 - (717) 738-30*0 Timothy G. Fax * (717) 738-2132 Thomas A. ■ VOICES OF EXPERIENCE 9:30 A.M PLANTERS HAY EQUIPMENT FORAGE EQUIPMENT lEsrißumni Valuablißual Estate consisting of 61.29 Acres, improved by a larga and unique & Contemporary Style Home. Also 5 tfl APPROVED BUILDim LOTS. Good balance £ w of clear and tillable land, timbar and a w % stream, minutes off SHREWSBURY Exit #1 % C of 1-83 Expressway! W X OFFERED BY J. ROSS X # MCGINNIS, EXECUTOR OF THE # I ERNEST A. KROEDER ESTATE | | TO BE AUCTIONED ON V. SAT., MARCH SHI, 1994, '* AT 10:00 A.M. M The Executor will offer the real estate on M W the premises which can be reached by pro- t? V ceeding off Exit #l, West on Rt. #B5l V 0 towards Shrewsbury, turn right on Mt. Airy m § Road at Coach Light Restaurant, to right | V on PLANK ROAD, proceed to left on MT. Sj, tg OLIVET RD. to property on both corners V of Mt. Olivet Rd. and SHANGRI-LA n •W Road, North Hopewell Twp., Jf Stewartstown, York County, Pennsylvania M (signs posted). J® Tf\ The parts of the property will be offered 't T for sale in the following way: Y % PARCEL #6 - 1.465 Acres - f % CONTEMPORARY HOME with main % jg floor having approx. 2,748 sq. ft. of living area, which includes: 3 spacious B.R.’s; 2 P Af large full bathrooms; modern kitchen and ,4f kT adjoining D.R.; laundry room; large L.R. ft % w/floor to ceiling fireplace and a large m V#. window w/great view; Den or possible 4th V# V bedroom; Focal point of home, the 432 sq. V C? ft. atrium, sits on natural earth, has walk ways and cathedral ceilings. Atrium in | center of home. From atrium, a spiral stair- qk case leads to large family room w/floor to ceiling stone fireplace. Utility room and f. shop also contains toilet, oil-fired hot air furnace, central vacuum and central air ta Tl conditioning. Also has attached 2 car W garage. OPEN FOR INSPECTION: V* V Sunday, February 20th & 27th 2:30 to 4:00 V CRM., or phone auctioneer, David Shrodes, jf at (410) 692-5667. |, PARCEL #7 - 52.92 Acres, consisting pri- /* *f(l marily of tillable land, with approximately *p ,aJ 5 Acres of timber and a stream. 5 APPROVED BUILDING C LOTS AS FOLLOWS: V PARCEL#! -1.132 Acres, 175.17’ fron- Ctage on Shangri-La Road. PARCEL #2 - 1.107 Acres, 175’ frontage on Shangri-La Road. PARCEL#3- 1.105 Acres, 175’frontage on Shangri-La Road. Jr PARCEL #4- 1.105 Acres, 175’frontage qL on Shangri-La Road. £ PARCEL#S-1.106 Acres, 175’frontage on Shangri-La Road. CALL OF THE LOTS HAVE BEEN f PERKED AND APPROVED FOR f, RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. > AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The above lots % If have very desirable contours and are ft, immediately adjacent to the public road, ft, jW Offered just in time to build your dream ,if V home this spring. C V MANNER AND TERMS OF SALE - M Parcel #6, with dwelling, will be offered first. Parcel #7, and each of the 5 building % lots, will be offered separately. Executor > V reserves the right to offer the entire tract as ,0 a total unit. DEPOSIT IN CASH OR V ft CASH EQUIVALENT will be required at ft H time and place of sale as follows: Parcel % H #6, $10,000; Parcel #7, $10,000; Parcels W V #l, 2,3, 4 and 5, $2,000 on each lot. V (BALANCE OF PURCHASE PRICE will M be due in full on or before APRIL 26, sT 1994. Time shall be of the essence. Cost of % all realty transfer taxes shall be divided u. Il equally between Buyer and Seller. The pre- P ,j!/ iruses are offered in its “as is” condition. ,4f ft Other terms, conditions or modifications, if ft p any, will be announced on day of sale, w V#. Interested Buyers are invited to contact J. Sf V Ross McGinnis, Esq., at (717) 846-9800 or V ?(717) 382-4407, for a copy of the Plot Plan Jf and additional information. S' AUCTIONEERS: I 1 Charles W. Shrodes 1 , Q David W. Shrodes D ft Pa. Lie. #’s 845 A 1177 ft M (410)692-5667 M V EXECUTOR FOR ERNEST A. V CKROEDER ESTATE: 0 J. Ross McGinnis, Esq. I to STOCK AND LEADER tg (717) 846-9800 or Jr (717) 382-4407 V i