Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1994, Image 171
sth ANNUAL TRAIN & TOY MEET SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1994 AT ONO FIRE COMPANY ONO, PA. BUY, SELL TRADE TRAINS - TOYS - TRACTORS - MODELS • BASEBALL CARDS - NASCAR CARS • DOLLS AND BANKS OLD & NEW! —ADMISSION 52.00 — CHILDREN UNDER 6 FREE 50 TABLES DOORS OPEN 8 A.M. TILL 3 P.M.!! PUBLIC AUCTION OF TRACTORS - TRUCKS - FARM EQUIPMENT - HOUSEHOLD Location; 2nd farm on right going from Sudlersville, Md. to Barclay, Md. Sot., March 5. 1994 10:00 A.M. TRACTORS & TRUCKS 4840 John Deere diesel tractor w/cab, air, QR trans., 3 remotes, 24x38 tires, 2076 hrs. 4440 John Deere diesel tractor w/cab, air, 2 remotes, QR trans., 20.8x38 tires, 3900 hrs. 7000 Allis-Chalmers diesel tractor w/cab, air, 3 remotes, 18.4x38 tires, 2954 hrs. 3000 Ford diesel tractor w/772 loader, 2324 hrs. 1970 Int. 1600 Loadstar w/14' flat metal dump & grain sides, 5 speed trans., 9x20 tires. 1970 Int. 1600 Loadstar 16' grain body, w/2 speed trans., 9x20 tires. TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIPMENT #333 A.C. 15 row no-till planter w/fert. & insecticide boxes, #6OO A.C. 7 row 19" planter, #3OOO A.C. on land 6x16” plow w/ kick back bottoms, BriHion 3 ph 16 prong chisel plow, #B3OO J.D. 23 tyne grain drill w/Unverferth cultiplanter in front, double disc openers & press wheels (7" spacing), #l2OO A.C. 19’ field cultivator w/buster bar, #2600 A.C. center fold 20’ disc w/ buster bar (11" spacing), 12’ A.C. disc, 19’ crowfoot P.M. packer w/transport wheels, 15’ BriHion crowfoot packer, 12’ Dunham solid wheel packer, Harlee #H-360-60 5’ ditch mower, #1360 Mohawk 15’ folding rotary mower, 6’ Servis 3 ph rotary mower, BriHion 8 row 30” folding 3 ph cultivators, 4 row Lilliston 30” cultivator, #9lO J.D. 5 prong V ripper w/automatic reset bottoms, 2 prong 3 ph Ford subsoiler, 2 metal funnel body wagons, flat bed wagon w/sides, 8 ton flat bed wagon, Rhino #l5OO 3 way 10’ blade, 3 section springtooth, 3 section drag, Deutz-Allis #917 riding mower w/ hydro & 48” cut, wooden land roller. MISC. 2 hole com sheller, two 275 gal fuel tanks w/electric pumps, barn scales. PTO seed er, portable air compressor, anvil, metal work bench, vise, s.s. washer, shop air compressor, misc. HOUSEHOLD Kenmore coppertone electric stove w/ continuous cleaning oven, Kenmore cop pertone washer & electric dryer, Kenmore portable dishwasher, kitchen cabinet, beige & orange recliners, multicolor sofa, blue velvet arm chair, silver wing back chair, maple dresser & chest, metal war drobe, bookshelves, console Philco TV, large window air conditioner, small vanity & chair, misc. Order Of Sale; 10 A.M. Household 10:30 Small Items 11:00 Farm Equipment Terms: Cash or Approved Check Day of Sale. Owners AMBROSE ft GLADYS STARKEY Sales Mgr. & Auctioneers C.T. Scuse & Sons, Inc. 1-302-653*7530 Lunch LATE MODEL FARM MACHINERY , TRUCKS A TRAILERS AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION Discontinuing their farming operation, MERCER BROTHERS will sail the following at absolute auction at 340 HOODS MILL RD., WOODBINE, CARROLL CO., MD. From 1-70 taka Rt 97 North 2% mi. (cross R/R tracks) to Hoods Mill Rd. & turn right to sals on: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. COMBINES: (2) 1991 CASE INTERNATIONAL 1680 Axial-Flow (rotary style) combines w/8.3 liter Cummins 505 cu. in. engines, (1) 1477 hrs. & (1) 1500 hrs.; (2) INTL. 1063 (6) row lateral float field tracker corn heads; (2) INTL. 1020 (1714 ft. cut) flex grain heads; (4) head carls inc. (2) 'B9 Farm Bilt. Combines and heads will be sold separately. TRACTORS: 1980 STEIGER COUGAR ST2SI 4WD tractor w/Cummins 250 HP diesel eng., 20 fwd. & 4 rev. gears, all weather cab, 18.4-38 duals, 3 pt. hitch, all universal joints just done, 2750 hrs.; 1990 CASE INTL. 7110 tractor w/130 HP diesel eng., power shift trans., dual PTO, 20.8-38 tires, all weather cab, 3 pt. hitch, 944 hrs.; INTL. Model 710 loader; 1981 INTL. 5088 tractor w/136 HP diesel eng., power shift trans., 20.8-38 tires, all weather cab, 4624 hrs., like newcond.; 1975 INTL. 1066 Farmall Turbo tractor w/torque, 125 HP diesel eng., 20.8-38 tires, 4100 hrs.; 1979 JOHN DEERE 450 C track loader w/4 in 1 bucket, new undercar riage, repacked cylinders. PLANTING * GROUND EQUIPMENT: Shoup Frame 12 row 30* end transport corn planter equipped w/J.D. 3 bus. planting units, Rawson coulters, Kenzie hyd. markers & monitor; JOHN DEERE 7000 Conservation 6 row corn planter; KRAUSE 5200 (21 boot) no-til grain drill; JOHN DEERE 8300 (18 boot) grain drill; BRILLION X-108 25 ft. fold-up cultimulcher; WILMAR fer tilizer cart (only used for seeding wheat); JOHN DEERE 1210 A (400 bus.) gravity flow wagon; (2) INTL. 14 chisel sub-soilers; KRAUSE 2400 fold-up (24 ft.) transport disc harrow; INTL. 496 fold-up transport disc harrow; RHINO 20 ft. fold-up bat wing mower. TRUCKS ft TRAILERS: 1981 INTL. 40708 Trans tar COE T/A tractor w/13 spd. Fuller Road Ran ger trans., 400 Cummins eng., 10:00-20 rub ber, wetline & sleeper cab; 1978 INTL. 40708 Transtar COE T/A tractor w/13 spd. Fuller Road Ranger trans., 350 Cummins eng., 10:00-20 rubber, wetline & sleeper cab; 1980 INTL. 52575 T/A Conv. tractor w/9 spd. trans., 350 Cummins eng., 11:00-22.5 rubber, wetline; 1979 INTL. SI 724 S/A truck w/MV 404 gas eng., 5 spd. trans. & 2 spd. rear, 9:00-20 tires, 16 ft. Knaphiede grain body, bows & tarp & 31,937 orig. miles; 1967 GMC 6500 truck w/351 V 6 eng., 5 spd. trans. & 2 spd. rear, 15 ft. Knaphiede grain body w/cattle racks, 45,760 orig. miles; 1985 FORD F 250 service body truck w/351 V-8 eng.; 1979 GMC Sierra 3500 truck w/350 eng., 4 spd. trans. & Knaphiede service body, 59,000 mi. on new motor; 1966 Mack R6OO T/A truck w/Mack 237 eng., 20 spd. Duplex-trans. & Stoltzfus wet/dry lime body (spinners & dry booms); 1974 MORGAN tri axle alum, dump trailer w/lift 3rd axle, 34 ft. frame, 32 ft. box, roll tarp, 2 way gate & 11:00-24.5 tires; 1972 FRUEHAUF alum. Tub tri-axle dump trailer w/Turner lift 3rd axle, 32 ft. frame, 32 ft. box, roll tarp & 10:00-20 tires; 1971 FRUEHAUF alum. Tub Dump trailer w/28 ft. frame, 28 ft. box, roll tarp & 11:00-22.5 tires. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: Westfield WBO 51 ft. 8’ auger; sm. homemade dump cart; and wagon full of new truck parts for Mack & INTL. AUCTIONEERS NOTE; Everything selling has been well maintained and stored under cov er. There are not many small Items to be sold BE ON TIME!! SALE ORDER: Truck parts; trucks; trailers; planting & ground equipment; tractors and combines. TERMS: Cash, Certified Check or appropriate bank letter unless personal or company check is approved by Seller or Auction Co. Titles will be mslled when check clears (except when paid by cash or guaranteed funds). No warranties are made express or implied. Not responsible for accidents. MERCER BROTHERS 340 HOODS MILL RD. WOODBINE, MD. 21797 410-795-9536 . SIMCSMO VIrOUt ] I Auctioneers, IncJ “Experience Doesn't Cost • It Pays” 15 N. Court Bt, Frederick, MD 21701 301-MS-1555 Food A FacMok Avattablo Ffocuo Clip Ad Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication FRI. MAR. 25 - 9 AM Farm Machinery. Loc: From Rt. 30 East to Rt. 896 to Stras burg traffic light, turn left past the Railroad Station go to second crossroad turn left on Espenshade Rd. to second farm left. Terms by Lloyd Kreider. Krelder, Kline & Good Auctp. FRI. MAR. 25- IPM Valu able real estate. Located 8 miles S. of Quarryville, 2 miles S. of Kirkwood, 6 miles N. of Oxford, just west of Rt. 472 from Village of Union, Rt. 401 Academy Rd., Colorain Twp, Lane. Co., Pa. For Samuel M. PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS, COINS SAT., MARCH 5, 1994 10:00 A.M. Located at 410 ML Sidney Rd., Wlt mer, Lancaster Co., PA. Directions: From Rt. 340 at Smoke town Elementary School, take Mt. Sid ney Rd. one half mile to sale on left. Watch for yellow sale signs. A certain tract of land with 57’ of road fron tage by 334’ in depth, erected thereon a: 2Yi STORY DOUBLE FRAME DWELLING With vinyl siding. Storm windows. Kitchen with built-in cabinets, inlaid linoleum. Family room with inlaid linoleum. Enclosed sun porch. Laundry. Two bedrooms with closets. Full bath. Attic storage. Full basement with outside entrance. Both apartments are practi cally identically designed. Town sewer. Well with pressure system. Blacktop driveway. Lawn, garden, shade trees, shrubbery. TWO STORY FRAME BARN With box stalls, storage area, pasture adjoining bam. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before May 1, 1994. OPEN HOUSE: Saturdays, February 19 and 26 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Real Estate At 1:00 P.M. ANTIQUES - HOUSEHOLD GOODS Sideboard; Empire Bureau; Oak Kitchen Cabinet; Six Arrow Back Chairs; Four Cane Seated Chairs; Oak Rocker; Gale Leg Dro pleaf Three Board Ext Table; Oak Lady’s Slant Top Desk; Two Metal Double Beds With Spring and Mattress; Chest of Drawers; Night Stand; Small Oak Table; Knee Hole Desk; Desk Chair; Two Metal Wardrobes; Sofa Bed; Maytag Wringer Washer With Engine; Singer Treadle Sewing Machine; Warm Morning Stove; Kerosene Heater and Lamps; Gas Lights; Clocks; Card Table; Iron ing Board; Wooden Clothes Dryer; Bench; Hamper; Magazine Rack; End Table; Canning Jars; Meat Grinder; Cherry Seeder; Stainless Steel Cookware; Agateware; Tin Match Box; Silverware Box; Flatware; Cut Glass: Candy And Veg. Dishes; Sugar-Creamer, China Sets; Full Line Of Kitchenware; Lot of Bedding and Linens; Quilt; Pillows; Hook Rug; Plus More Items Not Listed. DELAWARE RAILROAD POCKET WATCH B’xl2* UTILITY SHED TOOLS - COINS Yardman Lawn Mower; Parker Lawn Sweeper: Garden Cultivator, 24’ Alum. Ext. Ladder; Wheelbarrow; Misc. Garden And Hand Tools; Bushel Crates. COINS: Two Silver Dollars, 1921-1972; 1892 Dimes; 23 White Pennies; 3-One Cent Pieces. As Is. Come early and enjoy the day with us. Sale for: REBECCA HOSTETLER Auctioneers Nevln Martin and Sons AU-1078-L Lunch Served - No Out Of State Checks Not Responsible For Accidents Lancaster Farming. Saturday, February 26,1994-E23 and Annie S. Lapp Diffenbachs,aucts. SAT. MAR. 26 - Located 5 mi. SW of Mifflinburg, Pa. near village of Swengel, Union Co. 90 Acre Farm, farm machinery & house hold goods. Bernice Car baugn, owner. Wayne Hess, Lori Hess-Lauver, aucts. SAT. MAR. 26 - Sale loca tion, 2 mi. S. of East Water ford. Excavation Equip., Trucks & Lumber. Clyde Flood, Owner. Long’s Auc tion Service. SAT. MAR. 26 - 56 Acre Farm w/7 Room Sandstone Dwelling, Also Nice Line Of Antiques Etc. Located Next To Mtehters Distillery South Of Schaefferstown, Leb. Co. Owner, Mrs. Alvin Dos ter. G. Harvey Weik, Auct. SAT. MAR. 26 - SAM Sharp, tractors, combines, trucks, cars, Lawn & gar den equip. 146 Jacobstown-Cookstown Rd.. Wrightstown, NJ 38562. Norman Parker Farm. Lee Parker, auct. SAT. MAR. 26-9 AM Large, euqipment, 423 S. Cole brook Road, Manheim,, Lane. Co.. Pa. Rapho Twp., 1 mile S. of Sporting Hill. 2 miles west of Manheim Auto Auction Rt. 283 to Manheim/Mt. Joy exit, turn East on 772 • 3.5 miles, turn right (South) on Cole brook Rd. Estate of Charles L. Hummer. Jonathan B. Hummer, Jan M. Waltz, aucts. SAT. MAR. 26 - 9AM Fine Art, Antiques & Household Goods, 19 Gilbralter Rd. Reading Exeter-Twp, Pa. For Mr. & Mrs. Rick Gra mas. E.M. Murry Assoc., Auct. SAT. MAR. 26 - SAM Real Estate, house goods. Loc: 8 North Lime St., Quarryvil le, Pa. Take Rt. 222 So. of Lancaster into Quarryville turn left on Lime St. Terms by Joyce Rmtz. Kreider, Kline & Good. SAT. MAR. 26-SAMSnyd er Co. Spring Consignment Sale. Crafts, quilts, farm machinery & horse drawn farm machinery. Located in PortTrevorton, Snyder Co., Pa. S miles S. of Selins grove on Rts. 11 &15 or 40 miles N. of Harrisburg, at the Snyder Co. Produce Building. Aucts, Roger A. Lauver, Dean E. Longacre. SAT. MAR. 26 - SAM nice tractor, machinist guages & equip, cars, office furnish ings of the Late Frances T. Plank & Wilbur L. Plank estates. At rear of 48 & 50 S. St, Gettysburg, Pa. from sq. take US Rt. 15 S. (Balti more St) to to S St. (oppo site High School). C. David Redding, auct. SAT. MAR. 26 - BAM, Large Public Sale Of 8 Farm Tractors, Riding Mowers, Farm Machinery, Combine, Caterpillar High Lift, Lots Of Tractor Parts, 2 Ford Model “A” Pickups. Lincoln Automobile. Trail ers, Signs, Welder & Butch er Equipment. Located At 265 Big Rock Dr.. Dover, Pa. Near Rossville, Pa Traveling On Rl 30 Take Rt. 74 North, Go Approx 10 Miles, Turn Right On Big Rock Dr. First Farm On Left OrTakeßt 74 South Off Of Rt. 15 At Oillsburg, Pa Sale Signs Posted At Sale Location. Owner, Mr Harry Newcomer Little Ike Eich elberger Auct SAT. MAR. 26 - 9AM, Anti que Tramp Art, Folk Art, Children's & Doll's Furni ture, Glassware, Continen tal China, Primitives, Etc Located At Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd (Corner Of Rt 322 & Dur lach Rd , West Of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lane Co., Pa Owners, Mr & Mrs. Ray mond G Wishard Horst Aucts SAT. MAR 26 - 9AM, 3rd Annual Whitley Co Antique Tractor Auction Located Columbia City, In Auction King Service SAT MAR 26 - 9AM Lamb 1 Webster Annual Inven tory Auction Largest uaci ton of NH, Case, IH & other brands of used equip in W N Y. Spnngville, N Y. Roy Teitsworth, Inc Aucts SAT. MAR 26 - 9 30AM Modern Farm Equip Rt 2 Annville, Leb Co , Pa From Rt 422 in Annville N on Rt 934 (or 3 7 miles to Bellegrove - at Y bear left onto Blacks Bridge Road, pass fire co & turn left on Hostetter Lane to Ist farm on left. From 1-81 Exit 29 Fort Indiantown Gap, S. on Rt. 934 for 3.7 miles to stone church on left, turn right onto Hostetter Lanes to auction sits on left. By Cart & Mary Hostetter. Mel Man as see, auct.