Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 1994, Image 84
de-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 1994 SILOS MD MARTIN’S SILO REPAIR Moving Concrete Slav* Silos - Gunlta Rellnlng - Flit Pipes - Distributors i Roofs - Replacement Doors • General Repair 907 Centerville Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 445-9834 UNADILLA WOOD SILOS Sales & Service Leasing Available I Silo Roofing Wooden Silo Liners Distributors and Pipes Wood Feed Carts Hay Racks Silo Homes Used Silos When Available 12” Goosenecks Installed On Sealed Silos DANIEL S. STOLTZFUS R.D. 2. Narvon, PA 17555 717-354-4374 DEPENDABLE SALES & SERVICE ★ Lmeasfer SILOS SILOS P9tZ A SILO UNLOADERS PSItZ GUTTER CLEANERS RISSLER TMR MIXERS llfjl POWERED FEED CARTS Cedar Crest Equipment ; Two Convenient Locations 60* Evergreen Rd. * RD 2 Box 271 Lebanon, PA 17042 East Eari, PA 175 H (717) 270-6400 (717) *54-06*4 •00-646-4401 jjCl WE CUSTOM DESIGN SYSTEMS FOR YOU Strengthen Your Silo With Fill Pipe Telescoping p| Vinyl and Steel Section nww npe zI s 3 And Vinyl Repair 1 Arm Pipe Swivel Trenelllon ditioned \ Chute « Silos V IlbthJomß ) Fbenlaa ] a ■, u —~— ' Of Steel Available C— -2 Arm Pina c w 1030 Spreader or NUI ' Multi Flo fV Brackett Spreader I® '• *7 used with silo bag*) Specials For Silo Accessories. Most Any Type Stave Silo Work. S & S Silo Repair (215) 273-3993 Main Office (717) 295-5460' CALL TOLL FREE: 800-860-3993 fJS! * fc Sollenberger Silos Corp. a Nitfe/nouse Compjny Box N Chamb#r*buro, PA 17201 |7l7]2M-«SM Poured Concrete Silos Since 1908 % Shotcn [Se] Sollenberger Silos Corp, Sollenberger Silos Corp. Quality Concrete Structures Since Before 1910 Get The Precast Advantage Precast Bunker Panels B’6” Height Side Wall Panels S’2” or 7’6” Center Wall Panels 5’2” Corner Panels Tongue & Grooved Bolt Together Sections Office Number • 717-264-9538 For Upright Silos Call For Bunker Silos & Manure Systeltii Bob Francis 717-532-6848 —-Evenings— Tabb Justus 717-762-8663 f 1 | Sollenberger Silos Coip. - Box N, Chambersburg, PA 17201 ! I Nam * I City/Statc/Zi] Phom Please Send Info. On: □ 2. Bottom Unloading Silos □ 3. Top Unloading Silos □ 4. Precast Bunker Silos PLAN NOW FOR 1994! When Planning Your Forage Programs, Remember That Your Main Objective Is To Store The Plant And Remove It From Storage In As Good Condition As Possible. The Upright Silo Has Never Been Equalled In Its Ability To Do This. Member: International Silo Association “This is the kind of PA Forage and Grassland Council silo you need to protect AM Societ y of Agricultural Engineers your valuable feed." The Severe Winter Of 1994 Greatly Increases Your Appreciation Of The Concrete Tower Silo. Pip* rs-l Sollenberger Silos Corp. pjgj .County. □ 1. Manure Pits □ 5. Feed Bunks □ 6. Cattleguards □ 7. Industrial Silos/Tanks On Most Dairy Farms, Forage Quality Is The Single Most Important Factor Relating To Profit. Poured Concrete Silos Consistently Out perform All Other Methods Of Storing And Preserving The Total Digestible Nutrients In Forage Crops. “Nobody Protects Forage Quality Like Wc Do... Nobody!” No Used Silos! No Rebuilt Silos! No Preowned Silos! “All New For You!!”'