Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 1994, Image 125

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    Ford 861, diesel, 40hp, 3pt,
PS, hydraulic outlets,
$3,500.(301 >B9B-7426..
Ford 9000 farm tractor
needs motor work, $2,000
Ford 9000 farm tractor
needs motor work, $2,000
Ford offset heavy disc
transport, 10', field ready,
nice, $1',500
(301 >B9B-7426.
Ford plow, semi-mounted,
5x16, automatic reset, very
nice, $1,500
(301 >B9B-7426
For most any combine,
gram and/or corn header,
or self propelled choppers
Call Larry Stalter, “The
Combine Man’
For Sale John Blue 400
gal skid mount pickup
sprayer with Dickey John
monitor and GVM foam
marker, John Blue toolbar
24' with NH3 nitrolator
Fox harvester parts, heads
from Max I cutter head,
teed roll trans., electric
knife sharpener, fan,
gooseneck, etc. Heads
3RN, 3RW, hay pickup,
parts & heads good condi
tion 717/866-2525,
Gehl 170 grinder mixer, di
gital scales, very good con
dition, $7900.
Gehl 4610 skid loader,
2550 hrs . good condition,
$7,400 Gehl 2170 haybine
$4,400. NH plow disc,
$3,000 (717)866-6167
Gehl 6620 skid steer Per
kins diesel, nice machine
(814)793-3874 or
Generator 10KW, 3-phase
distribution Sockes
3 phase 115 and 230
30-amp Built to run on a
Farmall 400 $4OO
Hard! type LZI2OO 3pt.
hitch sprayer, 60 foot hyd.
fold booms, 2 pumps, like
new, $10,000; IH 10' offset
disc, $lOOO Masser Pota
toes 717/682-3709.
Harsh 240 TMR Mixer,
Demo Unit
Hesston #lO stacker, sell
or trade, for breeding age
Holstein heifers
Hesston 4800 big square
baler, field ready. $15,500
STARTERS with 3 yr.
warranty for most domestic
tractors and select imports
With 6 month no risk
money back guarantee
Call Gary D Sneath at
1 800-622-7892
Hough loader, forks &
bucket, needs motor
301/898-9841 after 6pm
IH 25008 industrial loader,
3pt PTO, 1800 hrs., recent
overhaul. 717-682-3991.
IH 315 roller harrow, 25'
w/knotched packers, very
good condition.
IH 4 bottom 16' semi
mount plow w/culters $750;
IH 3 bottom semi-mount
plow. $750; JD 3 bottom
3-pt. plow. $500; IH 12 ft.
transport disc, $475, Ford
4 bottom 16’ auto reset'
plow. $950
IH 5488, 1982, cab and air, |
2900 hrs , like new condi
tion. $27,500 IH 1066'
black stnpe, cab, dual hy
draulics, dual PTO, good
TA. nice, $8,500.
IH 574 diesel tractor, S2hp,'
$5,000. Year 'round cab for
574, $5OO (717)532-9373
IH 595 manure spreader, 2
beaters, tailgate, 450 bu
reconditioned, VG condi
tion, $3400 Franklin Co
IH 710 semi-mount, 6xlB
plow, good condition,
$1,500 Brillion 14' packer
w/transport, $7OO.
JD B, serial *2043, round
spoke*, tout holt, brass
tag, $6500; JD AR unstyled
stored 30 years, $2500.
518-392-4096 evenings.
JD F345H 5X16 molboard
plow, hydraulic reset, coul
ters (717)672-2213.
JD High Quality Flex
Heads 220, 216, 213
Shmabery Equipment,
JD High Quality Corn
Heads' 843,643,443, 444,
343 Shinabery Equip
ment, 517/523-2883.
JD High Quality Combines
7720, 6620, 7700, 6600,
4400, Shinabery Equip
ment, 517/523-2883.
JD Model D, electric start,
right off farm, $2,500. No
Sunday ca.lls.
JD MT, barn kept with
snowplow, chains, 1-btm.
plow and cultivators, very
good condition, $2,200
firm 717-366-2809
JD no-til 1440 corn planter,
4R. 30‘. dry fertilizer,
$l,BOO. (301)898-7426
O-Frick sawmill complete
W/471DD, 54" saw, Shdblk
steel carriage, sawdust
drag, rollers, grinder,
$6,000 175 hp Cummins
power unit $3,200 6
blades f/54* band resaw,
$5OO (215)431-2987
Oliver 1465 utility tractor,
70hp, $4500 Good shape,
runs good 203/354-5631
Oliver 1955, 4400 hours,
excellent condition, $6500
Taneytown Farm Equip
ment 410/751-1500
Oliver Cletrac parts crawler
tractors only, hundreds of
parts, reasonable
PTO Alternators 50kw
(50,000 watts) brushless,
5-year warranty, 140,000
watts surge motor starting
40hp, $4200 Wallis
best time to call 5-Bam and
after 4pm plus weekends
and 12A, good shape,
$l,lOO. Rewooded 17A
and 10A $2,200. Excellent
shape. Also have "as is"
spreaders, $250 and up
9’/> ft cultipackers (1)15*
packer and (1)12* packer
Thom Wtieary
Rissler 238 TMR feedcart
$4OOO, Rissler 14' dbl
cham conveyor w/40 de
gree incline $5OO, Rissler
12' sng-cham conveyor
$2OO 814-267-3165
Saddle-tank spray system,
300 gallon, used for hay
drying agent, complete se
tup. pump and spray boom,
$l,OOO (610)298-2870.
E()in u n i‘• m {
Rtpltcem6tl HmCm That
0100 12 HP $328.00
oxl2o 4HP $274.00
oxl6o S.SNP $293.00
0x270 9.0 HP $474.00
0x390 13 HP $BBO.OO
ox6lo 16 HP $908.00
0x620 20 HP $1020.00
Pa. Residents Add
6% Tax • Send Cheek
With Order To:
Blue Mt. Small
Engine Scrv.
Three Bq. Hollow Rd.
Newburg, PA 17240
All Units Have "Oil
Alert" Except 2.2 HP
NH 890 forage harvester
yr/picHup head, 2RN com.
condition fair to good,
$2500, 1 set of axel
mounted dual for 1486,
tires 18 4x36, poor tread
condition, $350
NH TRBS combine. 1981,
excellent condition, 2500
hours. 6R corn head, 15-
flex head. (610)779-3284
Nl 12A spreader, recondi
tioned, new wood, $1075;
IH 37 10' disc, good. $875;
18 4x34 tire, 60%, $lOO
NO Sunday calls. Juniata
Co 717-463-3938
Nl 14A spreader, real nice,
$925, Ford 501 3pt mower,
$350; Int. 4X fast hitch
plow. $250 610/562-4464
Nl 326 2RW pull-type corn
picker, very good condi
tion, $1,650
Nl 5209 discbme Case IH
3450 round baler Case IH
5100 soybean special 18x7
DD gram drill w/press
wheels All in very good
condition. (717)437-3469.
wwwv ww anara mi w iw.
NH2B Blower
NH 40 Blower
NH 38 Crop Chopper
MF 255 Diesel
Sitoh Beaver, 4WD
Ford 88 ID w/Loader
AC WD Tractor
NH 488 Haybine
NH 478 Haybine
6* 3 pt Brash Cutter
Work Saver 7' Rear Blade
Fox Blower
MF S 2 Disc
NH 668 LH Tank Spreader
Shaver HD 12 Port Drivei
F/NH Skid Steers
IH Hay Rake
Gehl CB6OO w/2 Heads
Gehl 99 Blower
JD 336 Baler w/Thrower
IH 430 Baler w/Thrower
Woods CBO Rotary Cutter
NH 782 Forage Hwvester,
2 Heads
Pltmsn, PA
A '
Wholesale Feed Services
20347 Morgiwc. RcL mfnsph uca
KMHMdyvHto,MD 21648 eie-MS-SSOo'
410-348-8147 oio-»«-oa«o
JO WFE, $860; Late 4020
diesel block; 3010 robuilt
injection pump $395 plus
Air Mast Sprayars
FMC 4000CP, Deutz
FSL diesel engine, 31”
12 blade fan, SOO gallon
fiberglass tank, new
pump, electric controls,
other extras, 1900 hrs.
Replacement costs
$25,000, sale $10,500.
Chrysler, 318 motor on
propane, new pump, 500
gallon S/S tank, dual 26”
fans, electric controls,
nice condition $6,500.
Both machines purchased
new by owner.
(215) 262-3674
(215) 262-8494
New 6640 SL
Used 7000
New 650 Round Baler
New 40 Forage Blower
New 816 Forage Box
New 463 disc mower
Used 770 harvester
Used 272 Baler w/SS
Used 469 Haybine
Used 442 Disc Mower
New Bolens H 152 Dsl.
Used Fsimall Cub w/Mwr.
New Kuhn FC3OO Disk
Mower Conditioner
New Ford 140 3x16”
Moldboard Plow
New Ford 133 High Clear
ance Chisel Plow
New Ford 151 48x16”
Auto Reset Plow
New Ford 152 58x16"
Auto Reset Plow
Used IH SOT Baler w/
We Ship Parts UPS
Same Day
Bros. Inc.
3882 Patera Mtn. Rd.
Halifax, PA 17032
Since 1937
> NNBI arid Mt bat sMB
ROMBI takas tha vlbraHoa
SSSSftoltow IMy to
Mwl* to taMp yaw bam.
✓ Loaaar Ida of jm akW
loaaar ar tractor.
i/Claaaaf bam paiOa.
✓ Claaaar aai baaWilar
✓ Vblaa appreciates dally.
NH 30 torn
o u n
NH 353 grinder/mixer JD
1520 diesel engine New
roll-bar for utility JD’s Lan
caster Co. PA
NH 411 discbme, 540 PTO,
3 years old, sharp, shed
kept, $7,500
Smith’s Implements, Inc.
12258 Buchanan Trail West, Merccrsburg, PA
Phone (717) 328-2244 & 2226 WLJM
International 2400 Industrial Loader Tractor - gas engine
3 pt. hitch, PTO, Canopy, Cond. Fair. Coming
In Soon
JD 1327 Rotaiy Disk Mower Conditioner (Completely
Gone Over) Call for Extra Detailsl
NH4B9 9Ft Mower Conditioner w/Llft Cylinder - very
good condition
NH499 12Ft Swing Arm Mower Conditioner - Gone Over
& In Excellent Condition! Call for Add’l Information!...
JD1460 9Ft 6ln Rotary Disk Mower Conditioner w/Rolls
In Excellent Condition! Coming Ini Call For Details!
IHII9O 9Ft Mower Conditioner - Good Condition $2,200.00
NH4B9 9Ft Mower Conditioner-Approx. 3 Yrs. Old Call For Details!
GEHL2I7O 9Ft Mower Conditioner w/Hyd. Tongue
Positioner, Approx. 2 Yrs. Old. Coming In Soon/.. Ca1l For Details!
NH495 12Ft Endpull Mower Conditioner - Rolls Good
Coming In Soon! Call for Add’l Info Call For Details!
NH492 9Ft Mower Conditioner w/Hyd. Tongue Positioner
Only 2 Yrs. Old. Must See. Coming In Soon! Call For Details!
JD43O Round Baler w/Standard Monitor. Gone Over
& Field Ready!
GEHL BHISOO 3Pt Round Bale Mover
JD #39 7Ft Sickle Bar Mower
JD 3940 Forage Harv. w/Hydra-Electrlc Controls, 1000 PTO,
Completely Gone Over & Field Ready!!!! Call For Details!
JD3960 Forage Harv. w/Long Tongue, Hydra-Electric Controls,
1000 PTO. Will Be Completely Gone Over! Coming In
Soon Call For Details!
NH9OO Forage Harv. w/Metal Alert 11, Electric Controls
Auger Base w/3 RN Com Head & Hay Pickup
Head Call For Detailsl
JD 5 1/2 Ft Hay Pickup Heads - Early Style $650.00
JD 5 1/2 Ft Hay Pickup Heads - Late Style w/Sllp C1utch.... 51,700.00
JD 7Ft Hay Pickup Heads w/Gauge Wheels & Slip
Clutches Both Have Center Support on Bars.
Both Gone Over Completely & Painted!. ..s3,ooo.oo ft $2,750.00
JD 2 Row Narrow Com Heads w/Sllp Clutch Both
Checked Over!!! : $2,400.00 ft $2,600.00
JD 3 Row Narrow Com Head w/Sllp Clutch & New Style
Cutoff Knifes! Being Sold As Is. Operational! $3,200.00
JD 3 Row Narrow Com Head w/Sllp Clutch & New Style
Cutoff Knifes! Gone Over Field Ready! Call For Details!
JD 3 Row Wide Com Head w/Multl-Luber. Being
Sold As Is!
JD7I4 Forage Wagon Without Roof, Has 3rd Beater, on
JD1275 Tandem Running Gear. In Fair Cond $3,750.00
JD2I6 Forage Wagon W/O Roof, has 2 Beaters, on JD1064
4 Wheel Wagon Gear. Being Sold As Is. Where Is! $900.00
International 335 4-Wheel Wagon Gear in Excellent Cond. ...$950.00
JD2500 sor 6 Bottom Plow, Seml-MTD, Spring Reset $3,900.00
JD2IO Disk Harrow w/C-Cushion Gangs (HFt 51n) hyd.
Lift Cylinder Included! $2,600.00
JD235 Center Fold Dura-Cushion Disk Harrow (15Ft 8In)
Overall Cond. Good. Coming In Soonl Call ForDe tails!
JDB7S 4-Row Cultivators w/All Extras Available! Used
Just 1 Hour!! This Unit Like Brand New!!!! Coming
In Soonlll
JD7OOO 4-Row Conservation Com Planter w/Unlt MTD
Coulters, Dry Pert. & Openers, Monitor, Markers,
Insect. Att’H Planter In Excellent Cond.ll
Coming In Soonlll „....
JD7SO 15Ft No-Till Grain Drill w/Grass Seed Att’H
has Dolly Wheels On Front. 3 Yrs. Old. Planted
Approx. 3000 Acres But Taken Excellent Care 0J1.... Ca1l For Details!
Snow Blade to Fit On Front of 260 or 265 JD Loader w/
Hyd. Angling Spring Trip. Selling for Customer. ...Call For Price!
Hyd Markers to Fit John Deere 7000 Planter - New.... Call For Price!
Used Spout Trak for on JD3950 or JD3970 Forage
Used MF Manure Fork for on Loader in Very Good
Also A Dealer For Sunflower
Tillage Equipment And HAS Equipment
; unc«w’'£&o. s^raS^'itri^M
Kubota L3350,4Wt>. 40hp.
tractor, W/BFBOO loader,
14 5 cf bucket, 165
hours. (610)437-4763
40hp, gas, 3 pt PTO, PS,
runs strong, $4,500
Loader Arm Assembly for
IH 2250, good condition,
$3OO 410-633-9091
John Obere 3010g#strac
tor, engine completely re
built, exc. condition, steel
wheels available, $4OOO
John Deere 24T baler with
#3O ejector York Co
Kendall Oils 55 gal drums
#l5-40 #3O super D IM,
tractor transmission fluid
Cam 2 $lB5, off the road
diesel fuel additives
.Call For Meet
Call For Details!
Call For Price!
Call For Price!