C3B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 1994 ’B7 Frelghtliner, 425 cat, 15 speed, 760,000 miles, rebuilt & new clutch at 550,000. New tires, both rears rebuilt at 700,000 ’B6 Bull Wagon 47x102 Merritt ’BB KW T6OO 444 Cummings 18 Speed 720,000 Miles, Rebuilt Engine & Rears at 520,000, 70% Tires ’B7 Bull Wagon 47x102 Merritt Would Prefer Selling As Units $120,000 For Both Units Gardner Trkg. Getting Out Of The Business. Can recommend Phone #’s & names for loads '717-673-3503 ICIil TRUCKS & TRAILERS 1969 Chevy dually 4x4 crewcab, 454, AT, 70K 717 396-8987 ATTENTION SAM’S Clu IVLrrT .is r A ra [S ra 1£ NEW FORD CARS ft TRUCKS USED VEHICLES ALSO _SJ WOT PAT RETAIL? 1-800-856-0032 Sam'* Club M*mb*r* Only! E-TOWN DODGE 1990 Dodge 350 Diesel Pickup, 23K 1992 Dodge Dakota Club Cab LE VB, 4x4 1994 Dodge Full Size Pick Ups In Stock ASK FOR MILTON HESS Certified Truck Specialist 717-367-6644 717-653-6667 Elizabethtown, PA 86 Chevy Scottsdale CIO, 5 passenger Suburban, 350 auto. PB, PS, cruise, tilt, air, AM-FM cassette stereo, red & tan, 62,000 miles, local 1 owner, excel lent condition. $7,800 717-733-2873 86 International 0T466, air 32800 GVW. 9 speed 16 Agway teed box dump blower open top, extra clean 412-588-8470 Seri ous inquiries only esr USED equipment TRAILERS 1987 Barrett 4S'xg6"xl3'6"i Hog/Cattle Trailer 1985 Eby 46’x96“x13’2"' Cattle Trailer 1985 Wilson 48'x96" Hog/ Cattle Trailer 1984 Barrett 46'x96"x13'6" Cattle Trailer Jailhouse 1978 Barrett 45'x96” Fat Cattle Pot 1976 American 45'x8'x13'6" Cattle Pot GOOSENECKS 1989 S&S 18'x6'6"x7' BH 1988 Eby 20x8 BODIES 33 Ft. Eby Aluminum Dou bit Decker Hog Body 28 Ft. Eby Aluminum Dou- bio Docktr Livestock Body 21 Ft. Eby Body on Interna- tlonal Chassis (2) 12' Eby Aluminum Cattle Body 1988 10 Ft. Eby on 'BB C3SOO 1982 20 Ft. Hostetler Cattle Body on 'B2 CMC Truck M.H. Eby, Inc. 1194 Main Street (Route 23) Blue Ball, PA 17506 (717) 354-4971 (800) 292-4752 FAX: (717) 355-2114 4435 State Route 29 West Jelteraon, OH 43162 (614) 879-6901 (800) 752-0507 FAX: (614) 879-6904 MOTORS New & Rebuilt 350, 366, 427, 454 6.2 Diesels Rebuilt & Used Will Install Roll Back Service (at cost) 717-763-6415 Rotary Cutters Rotatlllers Chain Harrows Dump Trailer Scraper Blades $1350 5 *385 4' $499 40 .. $1420 r $466 r 5* $535 45” SI47S *' $590 5 ’ $l4O 6 1 $725 50 ” $1550 11 $720 6xlo 6 ‘ $l7O Other Sizes Available Other Sizes Available 13 ' $B5O 10,000 G.V.W. T $240 Up to It Ft. Up to 90" Other Sizes Available $2,995 8' $4OO Compact Spreader 25 Bu Ground Drive $799 50 Bu Ground Drive $1499 75 Bu Ground Drive $1699 Ringo Hill Farms Equipment Co., Inc. 1624 Route 212 • Quakertown, Pa. 18951 Phone: (610) 346-7340 Fax: (610) 346-8041 • STOCKING DISTRIBUTOR • 1 \mSm9 W FOR EBY LIVESTOCK GOOSENECKS, TRUCK FLATBEDS i BODIES SERVING N.W. PA., £ OHIO i CANADA- BBl—, HinHiliAa. ERIE, PA At 1-90 and Rt. 430 (Exit 9) FI lIH 2 Phone: ®l4-899-6636 BJ W FAX 814-899-7787 VACUUM HYDRAULIC BRAKES OUR SPECIALTYI WE HAVE PARTS S SERVICE ALL BRANDS OF STEEL A ALUMINUM TRAILERS EBY Quality Specs Don’t Cost -They Pay! Eby livestock gooseneck trailers make top quality affordable. Both Wrangler and Ruff Neck models feature premium quality components and all aluminum construction for greater payload efficiency, minimum maintenance and highest resale value. The economical Wrangler series offers rugged design in lengths from 12’ to 24’, with a choice of <w M.H. Eby, Inc. 1978 LN9OOO Ford. | 6V92TT Detroit. 13 over- I drive trans., CU Stoltzfus I fertilizer box, fully operat- I able booms from cab, air I slide lime trailer I 717-733-7674 I k * Howard Price E-Z Dumper Insert Commercial Mower 48” Cut 12 HP Bell Drive $2,200 Deposit Will Hold Till Spring HERE’S WHY YOU CAN’T AFFORD ANYTHING LESS. 4 heights. The work horse Ruff Neck series is available in lengths from 20’ to 32’ and three standard widths, with a full range of custom options (including stainless steel front end). These trailers are engineered for efficient operation and dependable service. So whatever your agri-transportation needs, Eby equipment satisfies the demands of your business. 1194 Main Street (Route 23) Blue Ball. PA 17506 (717) 354-4971 (800) 292-4752 4435 State Route 29 West Jefferson, OH 43162 (614) 879-6901 (800) 752-0507 FAX: (614) 879-6904 PICKUP INSERT DUMPER For FREE brochure, call toll free 24 hr. 1-800-755-3867 Deckover Trailer $1,895 BxlB Tandem Axle 10,000 G.V.W. $2,995 Call or Write For A FREE Catalog BUY • SELL • TRADE visa/ MASTER CARD
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