Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 1994, Image 105
gjf Urk Qag-3 s^r BQ TRUCKS £ VH TRAILERS 88 Chevy Scottsdale 2500. ext cab, 305 FI, 5 spd, PS, PB, AM-FM w/ utility boxes & ladder rack. 58.000 1 owner miles, $9 400 717-733-2873 38 Ford XLT Elso 8 pas senger van, 302 EFI, auto, PS PB, PW, PDL, cruise, tilt dual air, privacy glass, red & while, local 1 owner, like new, $9,200 717 733-2873 Snowmobile trailer, Bxlo tilt bed, fully enclosed, new lights, spare, very good condition, $795 080, 1950 Dodge w/12' gram dump, 230000 GVW. 2-speed rear very good condition, $595 080 301-898-3407 Huntingdon Equipment £££, USED eS£ ment Huntingdon Valley, PA • 215-672-9667 • 1-800-543-3833 • Eddie ▲ FALL CLEARANCE T-600 Earth Wheel 8' Cut x 54' Deep, Diesel, Street Pads Holan 70' Double Bucket 75' working Need a Lilt? We Have A Large Selection height mounted on 1981 Western Stan- Of Boom Trucks Up To 14,000 lbs. Cap. dard, 6x6 Flatbed, CAT 3206, Auto. Some With Post Diggers. DIGGER DERRICKS/AERIAL BUCKETS/UTILITY EQUIPMENT Cummins 190 HP Fuller 6 Speed Rockwell Axles F/A 12000#, RA 21,000# 1 / 4 ” Frame Insert Michelln Tires 11R22.5 AC, PS, Deluxe Interior GVW @ 33,000# PHIL HIGGINS 000 OS-O w«vfiO frpr bn** ip*i bps snail iMom 89 Chevy BeauviUe 8 pas- 1992 Ford F 350 crew cab, senger van, 350 FI. auto, dually 460 gas, XLT Lanat, PB, PS, PW, PDL, cruise, equipped to pull trailer w/ hlt.'duil air, privacy glass, electric or vacuum brakes red Jr-white, 54,000-miles. 610-969-7943 excellent condition, 1 owner, $ 1 0,500 717-733-2873 90 Dodge 150 LE Club Cab. 4x4, 318 FI. auto. PS, PB, AM-FM cass . charcoal & silver 26,000 miles, 1 owner $l3 500 717 733 2873 90 Dodge 0150, 4x4, 318 EFI, auto, PS, PB, AM-FM cassette, 2 tone blue, 33,000 miles, local 1 owner, excellent condition, $11,500. 717-733-2873 90 Ford XL F 150.300 6 cyl EFI, sspd, PS, PB. AM-FM cassette, dual tanks, Rally Whls. 45,000 1 owner miles, black, $8,300 717-733-2873 (SI DUTCHMAN’S TRUCK SERVICE. INC. 2355 N. READING ROAD, P.O. BOX 325 PA TURNPIKE EXIT 21 DENVER, PENNSYLVANIA 17517 “A GOOD DEALER IS A GOOD INVESTMENT" 1-717-336-2867 1-800-769-9887 -PA FAX 1-717-656-9943 $43,587.00 COMPLETE 35' Aluminum Steob Dump Trailer, Nice Shape, 1984 S model Int. 466 engine, long wheel base, air brake, $7500 (610)944-9871 •76 Ford F-250, 4x4, pickup, runs good, $l,BOO 080 79 General gooseneck trailer, 16' gram dump w/sldes, $4,000 080 (609)935-4060 83 Ford F 250, super cab. 460 auto, towing package w/9' stake body. $3,600 717-733-2873 'B6 Chevy Custom C2O, HD. V. ton, 350 auto. PB, PS, AMFM, 8,600 GVW, red, 66,000 miles, 1 owner, excellent condition, $7,400 717-733-2873 Dump Truck 71 CMC Fleet Maintain with All Service Records, VB. Auto, Intpt A Job Ready. ROGER AUKER International Presser Digger This Unit Is Ready To Work, Priced For Quick Sale $•£00 $8,500 Bucket Trucks 28' to 65* Oas and Diesel. Call For Details. .vy EBY DUMP BODY Aluminum Body 16’ Length x 8’ Wide 54” Sides Gray Fitted Tarp RL-F-60 Hoist 4” I-Beam X-Centers BLAIR MOYER Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 1*94<C37 Moritz Stock Trailers • 1994 - Spare holder & wheel Gooseneck 7x7x15 5200# axles Pa. set-up Red Retail $5593 Reduced $4500 Bumper 6x7x12 3500# axles Pa. Set-up, Gray Retail $3526 Raduced $3200 Pphderosa - 1994 spare holder & wheel Torsion Axles Bumper 6X6V4 xl6 3500# axles Pa. set-up Blue, Black, Brown Retail $2950 Reduced $2850 Gooseneck 6x6V> xl6 6000# axles Pa. set-up plywood lined-red fill nose Retail $4075 Reduced $3875 Custom Fab - 1993 Pe-set-Up 3500# axles Utility with tads 16* Black $1556 Reduced $1250 Custom Fab - 1993 8x7x26 7000# torsion axles Pa set-up Aluminum Heavy duty Retail $10,500 Reduced $BBOO Other new and used trailers in stock or custom order Fisher Trailer Sales RD #2 Middle Rd. (717) 242-0941 McVeytown, Pa. 17051 * LEASE! PLEASE! a Before you sell or trade your diesel In somewhere else for LESS. CALL USI We Pay More For Used Diesel Trucks Than Anyone. TRY US! 717- 949-2000 _ _ RD 7, 80x405 Ask lor KEUER BROS. Lobanon, PA *'l7o42^ T a h' IV