C36-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, February 19,1994 Heat With Waste Oil Turbo Z Series Free Air Applications ■ 90,000 - 260,000 BTU Units 10 years combustion warranty. A safe way to dispose your waste oil. Over 13 years experience. Electronic air, Fuel control modules give dependable performance. Prices starting at $2,195.00 Power Systems Electric, Inc. (717) 933-5617 kZmmscellaneous “Sun-Mar” The World Leaderm COMPOSTING TOILETS •NO Septic System •NO Chemicals Save the Environment l Recycle Back to Nature l Colour Brochurv eveui models available I*9 me nen electric MB New Pain Relief Product The ultimate preparation for the management of pain. ATAC" lotion delivers pure aspirin directly to the area of dis comfort. Other lotions, creams and rubs do not contain aspirin. Send $22.45 postage included or write for more information. 2007 INDUSTRIAL HWY -* A YORK, PA 17402 KCMtaii (717) 840-4177 (717) 751-0446 Fax TRUCKS 4 TRAILERS "FREE CATALOG" CALL OR WRITE DIRECTIONS TO OUR MIDDLETOWN STORE- On your road map, wa ara on Roula 230 mid way batwaan Middlatown & ncDiDTucur ■ c ElzabatMown. Taka tha Toll Houia Rd. axH oil Rt. 283, turn and go to atop at Rt. 230, go 4294 EAST HARRISBURG PIKE aaal on 2301-1/2 ml. on tha right. MIDDLETOWN, PA 17057 I 4xB, 5x10,6x12 UTILITY TRAILERS STARTING AT *499 w/Teflon Better Than Slick 50 ■ At Only CB $9.95 Per Quart Plus U.P.S. Rate Also Available * Smokeless 2-eycle Engine Formula * Automatic Transmission Treatment * Manual Transmission Treatment * 4-Cycle Smalt Engine Treatment 8 Page w "IN OUR SHOP TRAILER PARTS 11 ANGLE & CHANNEL IRON, BOX lUBING, LIGHTS AXLES, COUPLERS, WIRING, CHAINS ft TIEDOWNS, Etc., Etc. CLASS 111 HITCH RECEIVER 10,000 Ik. MOTOR h Sock to IM DmMfc I Impart Adup Tufa tVn. FOR MOST POPULAR FORD CHEV. • DODGE PICKUPS and FORD EXPLORER KIT ’QM OTHER APPLICATIONS V UP TO «MAi fn trucks & TRAILERS 1992 Ford Thunderbird V 6, AT. Loaded, Black, 58,100 Mi $9,900 1992 Chevy Lumina V 6, AT, AC, CR, Tilt, PDL, AM-FM Cass., Blue, 53.000 Mi $B,BOO 1992 Pontiac Grand Am SE Quad 4 AT, AC, CR, Tilt, PDL, AM-FM Cass., M.aroon, 51,600 Mi $9,400 1992 Chevy Cavalier RS SW, 4 Cyl., AT, AC, CR. PDL, AM-FM Cass., Maroon, 62,300 Mi $6,900 1991 Buick Century V 6, AT, AC, CR, Tilt, AM-FM Cass., Black, 55,200 Mi $7,900 1990 Plymouth Acclaim V 6, AT, AC, CR, Tilt, AM-FM, Blue, 41,300 Mi $6,900 1990 Chevy Beretta GTZ, Quad 4 H.O, 5 Spd., Loaded, Black, 46.000 Mi $8,900 1988 Chevy C-70 Box Tk., 33,000 GVW, VB, 5 Spd., 2 Spd. Rear, White, 33,000 Mi $9,800 1988 Pontiac Firebird Formula 350 VB, AT, Loaded, Red, 67.000 Mi $5,900 1987 Buick Grand National 3.8 V 6, Turbo, AT, Loaded, Black, 58,900 Mi $8,900 1987 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE, 7 Pass., V 6, AT, AC, CR, Tilt, AM-FM, Gray, 78,000 Mi $6,600 Brubaker’s Auto Sales Myerstown, PA 717-866-5237 STANDARD FEATURES - 16' DIAMOND STEEL DECK. BOX TUBE FRAME, JACKS. CHAINS. ALL WHEEL ELEC. BRAKES A MORE. USE YOUR OWN WHEELS/TIRES A SAVE SEES OFF OUR LOW PRICE OF SI.IM. WOOD DECK AVAIL AUTOBODY PARTS. PAINTS & SURPLUS • 73-79 CHEVY. FORD, TK FENDERS 639.95-649.96 • BODY FILLER CASE OF 4-QAL. 633.95 • ACRYLIC ENAMEL PAINT AS LOW AS 628.93 • URETHANE HARDENER DOES A QAL. 612.95 • SANDPAPER-6" DA SELF ADHESIVE. 100 PER' ROLL LOW AS 616.5 a ALSO DRY BACK DA. WET A DRY SHEETS. LONG FILE! 100's OF OTHER ITEMS AT BIG SAVNGSII KCKlbecbeattonal ■H VEHICLES 1983 Polaris 340 Cross Country IPS, $1,600 1974 Arte Cat Ettigre 400, $6OO 1972 Evmrude w/reverse, $6OO 4-sled snowmobile trailer, $750 (610)374-4051 days. (610)777-3260, eves 300, excel- Arctic Cat Jaj lent running, handle war mers and gauges, Bolens snowblower, 42* lor,a mid size Bolens tractor (215)536-8624. PSI Lake Blaster pipes for 600 or 650 Polaris, XXL Polans parts, also fix, re pair and service Sell new parts for all makes of sleds Work done right J W Zim merman Repair, Stevens, PA 71 7/336-4279, 717/336-3632. tCfcl TRUCKS & WBM TRAILERS 1973 Fruehauf 42' drop deck equipment trailer, ex cellent shape, but needs new wood, $3,500 1973 Chevy 60 series steel flat bed with gooseneck hook up completely rebuilt 366 HOURS; Mon.-Fri. 9-6 Saturday 9-2 Sunday - Closed (717) 944*0318 CMMWiITSMC f\ OMMUHie. IH E) —■ it inmr motor tranr and rear end, $3,500. 1973 KW single screw air ride 1 tractor, ex cellent shape, 318 Detroit, $3,950 Evenings and weekends (914)255-1621 12 aluminum van, rear barn doors, excellent con dition, $1750. 18-ton Wisconsin tilt bed equipment trailer, 6 new ra dial tires, $5OOO 080 717/264-9544 1972 custom built Bellamy motor home and horse truck combined, needs mo tor work, 30' long, cost to build today over a $lOO,OOO $7,500 Even ings and weekends (914)255-8400. 1987 Dodge D3SO V-8, auto trans., PS, PB, A/C, 60,000 original miles, new 13' flatbed body, $6300 302/653-4143 J & B Auto Body now offers sandlbasting on all sizes of equipment and flat bed trailers. We offer 2 day turnaround service. J & B is a full service paint and body shop for all types of vehicles and equipment Please call (717) 656-0064 for an appointment J & B AUTO BODY 7 WEST EBY ROAD, LEOLA, PA 17540 Free Estimates 1993 Ford E 250 Super Cargo, 7300 GVW, EFI 300. AT, PS, PB, AC, Glass In Tailgate Doors, 22,000 Miles $13,900 1991 Isuzu NPR, 3.9 Turbo Diesel, ATO, PS, PB, A/C, 13,250 GVW, 15 Ft. Box With Walk Up Ramps, Radial Tires, 65,000 Miles. $15,800 1992 Ford F7OO, 6.6 L Turbo. 170 HP Diesel, 5 Speed Trans, 2 Speed Rear 10x22.5 Radials, Hyd. Brakes, A/C, 24' Box With Lift Gate, 24,500 GVW (No CDL) 23,000 Miles, Like New $22,900 FOUR WAY AUTO SALES 770 West Main St., New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-3199 • 1978 Chevy C-60, 35,000 GVW, works good. $5,900. (717)286-1064. 1979 R Model Tandem Axle Mack Tractor, 300 En gine. 60 Transmission, 11R24 5 Rubber w/ Wethne $7500 (215)383-7042 1980 Mack Cruiselmer, new 350+ Mack engine, 56,000 miles, new clutch, brakes, rebuilt radiator, just passed DOT Mack inspec tion excellent shape but needs paint, good tires, re cords available (609)397-1459 1982 Chevrolet Pickup Truck, 6.2 diesel. $1750 717/656-2631 1985 QMC 7000,8.2 diesel engine. 5+2. 28,000 GVW, hyd brakes, 15' aluminum gram dump body, low miles, excellent condition, $13,900 814-652-6718 (717) 656-0064 1992 Ford E 350 Super Cargo, 7.3 Diesel. Auto O/D, 9,400 GVW, PS, PB, Clean 1993 Ford F7OO 6BTA Cummins, Alli son 545, AC, 26,000 GVW, 24’ Box w/ Lift Gate, 10RX22.5, 7,000 Miles. 1993 International 4700, DTA 360, Alli son 545, Air Brakes, 11x22.5 Radials, 26' Waco Moving Van, 31,000 GVW, Like New, 13,000 Miles $32,500 1986 Ford F-250,4x4,302, VB. AT. 00, AC. dual tanks, AM/FM cassette, new radials, 116 K, $5500 717-865-5583 1986 Mack Lime Spreader, 350 hp, 12-sp . 18 front, 44 rear all Mack, w/16' new liter 3020 hyd lime spreader Will separate Excellent condition, $36,000 814/848-9753 1974 40' all aluminum flatbed trailer, good brakes and tires, $3,000 (717)532-8601 1976 Ford LBOO tractor 391 auto. $1100; 1960 Ford C9SO, 24' Henderson roll off. needs motor work, $3OOO 080, 1986 Ford Ranger pickup, 5-speed, needs motor work. $lOOO, 5 yd dump body, $350, 2-yd dump for 1-ton truck, $250 215 968-4808 evenings PA State inspection
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