Complete pallet manufacturing and sawmill operation on 15 acres w/ house, barn, workshop and tenant house. All equipment under 1 building. We have a good relationship w/pailet brokers and will sell as an on-going business. Can be seen In operation. $185,000 negotiable. Write to: Path Valley Lumber and Pallet 17475 Path Valley Rd. Spring Run, PA 17262 Commission sales representatives wanted to sell hay and silage pre servatives. Conduct business out of your own home. If interested, send response with name, address and telephone number to: Box J-59 c/o Lancaster Farming P. 0.8. 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 |2j| BUSINESS tSi PETS OPPORTUNITIES Established farm supply and service business In ventory and equipment only i Located in Mifflin County Call daytime, (717)899-7400 Established 16 year local market food stand, subs, sausages, hot dogs and drinks. Lancaster Co. 717-442-4279 evenings. Zjj&IOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Central PA's oldest A largest used only appliance store now open In Lebanon. Over ISO rebuilt appliances to seleet from. All appliances guaranteed 1 year. w.s. Enterprises 15 S. 9th St. Lebanon, PA . * 717-272-2405 m PETS 8 month old male, Blue Merle Shelly. Would make excellent breeding dog or show dog Asking $5OO 717-673-3503 AKC Shetland Sheep dog puppies, (ShekJies), shots, wormed, and ready to go (717)362-9930 AKC Siberian Husky pup pies 1 male and 11 pup pies, shots and wormed, ready to go 2/22/94, $175. (717)656-8531 AKC black standard poodle puppies, 12 weeks old, 4 males, $lOO/ea., adorable and loveable. 215-444-1020 weekdays; 410-885-3243 weekends. AKC German Shorthaired Pointer puppies, hunting bloodlines, 5 females, 3 males, $250. (717)927-8405. AKC German Shepherd pups, shots, wormed, select now. Will hold on de posit Ready March 7, $2OO Lancaster Co 717-664-4857 AKC male Beagle, bom 9/27/93, ready to tram, $9O. Chester County. (610)593-6390. AKC Old English Sheep dog Pups; black and yellow Labrador Retrievers; shots, wormed. 71 7/862- 1071 or 717/656-1995 AKC Pug Puppy Female, 4 months old, pet only, $lOO 717/865-3488 BREEDERS AKC champ ion bloodlines, Cocker Spaniels, red/white male, $2OO, black/white female. $250, golden female $2OO, 4 year old, or 3/$6OO. Also, Chow Chow males, red, rough and smooth coat, $2OO-$250. Delivery possi ble 703-337-7277. Aust cattle dog puppies, AKC and NSD reg, born 12/1/93, red's and blues w/ great face markings. 717-899-6481 AKC Boxer Pups, fawn with white markings, shots and wormed, ready 3/8, males $275 each, females $3OO each. Amos E Zook, 320 Catsback Road, Ephrata, PA 17522. TTTT7T7T7T7TTTTTT WANTED Hounds | and S Hound Crosses g young and adult | Call after SPM | 203-546-9969 » Jack Russell Terrier Puppies $l5O/each 717/677-8770 BIG DOG KENNELS FOR LARGE OR ACTIVE DOGS * Extra Heavy Built Using 2” Heavy Wall Galvanized Pipe Framing * Welded Construction According To Code * Heavy 9 Gauge Industrial Type Galvanized Wire * Buy It Right The First Time * Various Sizes Available Or Will Build To Your Specs 717/822*7820 Bet. 7 to 8 A.M. or Leave Message Cattery breading stock for sale Himalayan, Persian, exotic oriental. Sold in lots only Barks Co. 610-777-8042. Free cats and kittens, house and barn cats, some neutered and spade (717)665-6263 Miniature registered Baby doll pet sheep, unique, very tiny and friendly start ing at $450 215-297-0767 Newfoundland, only one left, AKC reg female, born Dec 16, has first shots, solid black, $6OO Cumber land Co Phone 717/697-7574 Reg Australian Cattle Dog pups, guaranteed to work. Parents excellent disposi tion 301/842-2578. Registered Border Collie puppies, working parents (717)442-9727 Reg Norwegian Elkhound pups, shots, wormed, ready 3/14/94 717-354-9196 St Bernard Puppies, AKC, shots & wormed, males & females, 7 weeks old. $3OO. 717/933-8496 Toy terner, male, 4 years, black w/brown feet, $4O 717-738-3918. WANTED TO BUY' Pup pies and kittens, mixed breed & AKC for resale in pet store Call when young tor pick-up at 7 weeks Fair price paid Call Norman Wheeler 215-380-1445 WANTED TO BUY African Pygmy Hedgehogs and Af ncan Doormice 717/865-4473 Want to Buy. AKC English Bull dogs, suitable for breeding Will travel. Call (717)933-5399 evenings or leave message Welsh Corgi Pembrooke puppies AKC registered, champion bloodlines, ex cellent pets, home raised, house broken, (717)436-6598 'WANTED f/A Puppies y! | l i For Pets Vj [ji AKC, Purebred, Mixed Litters. Stud service for most breeds. Transportation provldad. Forest Ridge Kennel 296 S. Vintage Road Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-4259 AKC PUPPIES WANTED All Breeds - Part and Whole Utters Resold As Pets - We Pick. Up PONT SELL TILL YOU CALL US “CALL NOW" Free Breeder Females 2 Adult Dobermans & 2 Rottweilers Available on Breeders Terms. Must Live In Berks. Chester or Lancaster County 215-933-3600 sssssssssssssss CASH FOR PUPPIES IN LITTER LOTS For Resale As Pets $ Cash Paid e 5 Will Pick Up Z : Call Charlie Hackett 5 * For Prompt Pickup $ $ 215-681-5236 $ sssssssssssssss WANTED I PUPPIES JACK’S DOG FARM RT 611 PIPERSVILLE, PA 18947 215-766-8802 PUPS WANTED MJO JOP’NEILL Daily Pickups In Penna I Need All Typjs, Pure and Cute Mixed Breeds and Barnyard Specials. All Pups Must Be Cleaned And Healthy And Free Of- Bugs To 8 Weeks Only. L !|i P.S. A $lO.OO Prize If You Have JO This Coupon Hanging Up In Your Bam For Extra Prompt Reliable Pick-up Call Early Mon., Tues., or Wed. for best results call all day Monday 1-800-392-4953 or 1-609-452-8903 i Clip & Save BCmB ufiTlf'P ceived by the LANCAS ■■■ TER AIRPORT AUTHOR ITV until IPM, March 14. 1994 For information and Invitation to bid Farmland bid forms call 125 acres. Bids will be re- 717-569-1221 830 to 4 30 INVITATION FOR BIDS The Perry Conservation District is request ing bids tor the construction of a poured con crete manure storage to be funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Construction of this project is expected to begin during April. The site is located in N.E. Madison Township, Perry County. Prospective contractors will receive a bid package which contains instructions to Bid ders, a sample contract form, the plans and specifications for the project and a bid sheet. Small and minority businesses and wo men’s business enterprises are encouraged to respond to this invitation for bids. Sealed bids will be accepted until the public bid opening at 10 o'clock a.m. on March 25. To obtain a bid package contact the Perry Conservation District at 31 West Main Street, New Bloomfield, Pa. 17068. (717) 582-8988. The Dauphin County Conservation District is giving notice to all interested contractors that would like to bid on any Agricultural Waste Storage System to be installed in Dauphin County in 1994, funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Anyone interested in bidding on storages in Dauphin County in 1994 should send their name, company affiliation, address and telephone number to: DAUPHIN COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT AG WASTE BIDDERS 1451 Peters Mountain Road Dauphin, PA 17018 Phono (717) 921*8100 Small and minority businesses and women's busi ness enterprises are encouraged to respond to this invitation for bids. WANTED TO BUY! Seasoned Hardwood Firewood • Minimum Purchase of 3 Cords • Paying 85.00 Per Full Cord Delivered To Our Stores. of Kissel Hill Call any of our stores for details •Lillt* c/o Pete Schmidt 717-627-7654 • Lancaster c/o Larry Stoltzfus 717-569-2688 • Rohrerstown. e/o Steve Gallion 717-397-4717 • Leola c/oGene Bruckhart 717-656-2336 • Harrisburg c/o Dave Sehirmer 717-657-1760 • East York c/o Hans Groff 717-840-4026 • North York c/o Bruce Denllnger... 717-848-5568 25KW,PTO, in stock Units 'ELLANEOUS must go below cost!* New and used l-800-564-2128 50 2-ply cedar silo doors, 16x21 A.K Miller, 80x77, SmicKsburg, PA 16256 7' snowblower w/ extensions to B', dual au ger w/fan, ready to go, $1875 717-672-3139. BAHAMA CRUISE* 5 days/4 nights. Under booked' Must Sell' $249/Couple Limited Tick ets 407/767 0208 ext 5886, Mon-Sat Sam to 10pm Farm Toys-Collector Se nes, Show Tractors, Pedal Tractors, Trucks-for sale at all times Visit our large dis play during business hours Wengers Farm Ma chinery. Inc , 251 S Race St Myerstown. PA 717/866-2130 1 FISHING TACKLE WANTED Old reels, wooden lures, rods, nets, advertisments 610-660-9995 Louch hot water Stocker out of 5 unit apartment building, $3OO Call 717-367-7403 Maytag wringer washers, twin tubs, both round and square LEACOCK SHOE STORE 717-768-7440 Meat Grinders, Band Saws, Sheers, Tenderiz es Splitting saws $269 Gerry, Ooylesburg, PA , on RT 75, 200 yards North of RT 274 Sat-Sun, 10AM-4PM 717-349-7654 or evenings 215-549-7584 Wool cleaned, rovings and bans, ideal for quilts or spinning (717)865-4729 TRONIC'S TARPS 717.584-2928 1/800-874-2928 LIVE GAME FISH Fingerllngt and Adults, Large and Small Mouth Baas, Spotted and Rock Bau, _ Braam Crapploa, Trout, Channel Cats, Bullheads, # Walleyes, Percii, Minnows, Northerns, Plckarel, ' . " MusKles, Rad Qllls. Mullets, Carp, Eels. Turtles, Frogs. Israeli Carp. Also AquMlc Plants and Water MmTyf Ulas. COLORFUL CATALOG 12.00. SHEjrT * Truck, Air and Parcel Post Delivery. ZETTB FISH HATCHERIES iSISE^ - DRIFTING, PENNA. ISS34 , Phono: 014-345-1357 O R S Once used burlap bags, $1 00 per bag Large supply Call 717-275-3309 after 4PM PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR ORIGINAL WIDE AT TIC FLOORS WE RE MOVE 717/229-2806 Store checkout counters belt drive, $5OO ea ob o 814-467-4764 Tired of CD's low rates’ First mortgage 100% sec ured by real estate 7 9% Also. Second mortgages at 98% 215-997-6811 NO Sunday calls Two 3-phase electric mo tors shp 2hp used, offer, one IT I-beam B"xs’/7 ”, $5O used 16” tires $5/up, class 111 hitch 78-'BB Monte. Cutlass. Regal type asking $4O, two good used 350 Olds motors asking $lOO/each 610/932-3977, 610/932-4513 Chester WANTED Notebooks. 3 ring binder type Surplus, overstock, discontinued, obsolete system 100 or more 717-249-3753 WANTED Used tools and machinery Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder B J TOOL & SUPPLY, RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA 1-800-772-9845 Woodstove for barn or gar age good condition $5O 717/445-7699 ryyiyYyYWW * Woodiot Handling Equipment • Fuel Wood Processing Equipment Conveyors, Splitters, Processors Carl W. Neutxel Services, Inc. (410) 330-6791
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