Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 19, 1994, Image 102
C34-.Uncaster .fttrnJPfl, .Saturday, JWnm ,19.. 1994 Rl HELP WANTED Ambitious organic minded individual wanted to man age startup compost oper ation including food pro duction on a 1300 acre farm in Central Pennsylva nia Needs a farming back ground with an education in agronomy helpful Salary negotiable Send resume to Advanced Scientifics, Inc . RD#2, Box 52, Millers burg, PA 17061 Assistant herdsman, She nandoah Valley, VA Milk ing and feeding Refer ences w/phone numbers required Housing pro vided 703-363-6538. Bucks County dairy farm seeks full time herd assis tant, M/F Positign avail able early March, salary commensurate withexpen ence Housing available, references required (215)598-3054 Caretaker couple to work on large upper Bucks County estate/farm Work includes child care, house work, extenor/lawn mainte nance, animal care and farming operation Benefits include salary, health in surance. on-site residence and automobile Please send resume and refer ences to P O Box 26767, Ektms Park, PA, 19117 or call (215)537-8400 Couple for part time main tenance on 12 acre place Very attractive house pro vided, 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, garage, in Baltimore County, MD Re ferences required (410)429-4955 CROP PERSONNELL- Ex penence w/mamtenance and handling of equipment Some TMR mixing and feeding required, regular time off, vacation and ben efits Central New Jersey Area Send resume with re ferences to Lancaster Farming (G-135), P O Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Custom harvest truck and combine drivers, May through November em ployment, excellent wages and benefits Louderbaugh Harvest Team (913)538-2230 Drivers Wanted Class A CDL w/wo Tanker En dorsement Farm Pick-Up (Bulk) Excellent Wages and Benefits Clover Farms Dairy 215-921-9111 WANTED Mechanic for larm and lawn/garden trac tors Call 610-298-2011 for Ron or Kerm FULL TIME BREEDING POSITION available on an 800 sow farrow to finish farm in Northern Lancaster County. Benefit package. Call (717) 336-3710 leave message if no answer MOORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY; A COMPANY ON THE MOVE Attn - Franklin, Cumberland Co., Washington Co., Md. Lancaster • Lebanon • Berks Counties, Pa. If you would like to get involved in your local community and contribute to the success of America's livestock producers, we need to get acquainted. Moorman Manufacturing Company, an American owned livestock feed company, curVently has openings for local Sales Representa tives. We’re seeking people who want to make a difference for their custome's and make an impact in agricultural sales. To learn more of our training, benefits and opportunity, contact: Jeff Evanyk 1-800-377-3004. We are an equal opportunity employer ui*WUUa.iiyijyjaiiiiiiLJ.iiiiiJiiJJWiM Moorman Mfg. Co., Person for Holstein dairy, milking and feeding, man agement ability- required, references, house and pri vileges. (717)464-3752 Person in New Holland or surrounding area w/flatbed truck (or driver and we furnish truck) Part-time, self employed, good oppor tunity Lancaster County (717)656-9596 Person wanted on dairy farm, must be experienced milker 908/859-1731 Seeking applicants for job opening in spring, 1994 Mega-Sized dairy herd, milked and fed 2x Entry level position, milking or feeding. 44-52 hrs/week. Hourly rates and benefits matched by few dairies. Send resume to FREY DAIRY FARMS. INC. 2646 River Rd, Conestoga, PA 17516 or call 717-872-6071 for applica tion. W Lane Co., South of Route 30 CARPENTERS WANTED Immediate Opening Must have drivers license. J.M.S. Builders Ask for John 717/354-2887 HELP WANTED Looking for farm work? The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau can computer-match your qualifications and experience to its members' employment needs. No fee is charged. If interested, send self-addressed, stamped envelope to: PFB, Ag Employment Opportunities PO Box 8736, Camp Hjll, PA 17001-8736 CONSTRUCTION HELP WANTED • AG building experience preferred • Immediate openings • Call 1-800-422-4587 LANCASTER DAIRY FARM AUTOMATION ROUTE SALES ASSISTANT Responsible for taking orders on established dairy supply routes in Lan caster, Lebanon, Berks, and York Counties. Guaranteed salary, hospitali zation, retirement fund, paid vacation and holidays. LANCASTER DAIRY FARM AUTOMATION 717-627-4824 WANTED Experienced Parts Counter Person For Farm & Lawn Equip. Dealership Send Resume w/References & Minimum Wage Requirements.. Attn; General Manager Lehigh Ag Equipment 6670 Ruppsville Rd. Allentown, PA 18106 WINTER-TIME WORK. Earn $25,000 this winter working part-time in the livestock or farm equip ment appraisal business. For information call 1(800)488-7570. Truck drivers and combine operators needed for 1994 harvest run. CDL license required, guaranteed wage, room/board pro vided 316-486-3213 evenings WANTED DHIA TECHNI CIAN Immediate openings in Lebanon and Franklin Counties. Please send re sume to. David Shenk 111, RD2, Box 5, Newport, PA 17074 or 717/567-9100 for further information, leave message Person, Couple or Family to work on 70 cow dairy farm. Stall barn. Must be good with cows. Interest in registered Holsteins a plus. Barn and field work. References required. Housing available. 717/367-3667 DAIRY HERDSPERSON POSITION Self-Motivated, Prefer Non-Smoker and Non-Drinker. Some Field Work, References Required. Housing and Usual Benefits Lancaster Co. 717-786-3503 After 8 PM NURSERY MANAGER Established Nursery in Monmouth County, NJ is looking for someone w/proven experience in growing practices, pruning, fertilization and other general nursery practices. Housing Available. Send resume, salary history and references to; Triple C Farms 138 Treton Lakewood Road Creamrldge, NJ 08514 WANTED Experienced Farm Equip/ Diesel Mechanics Good Starting Pay, Benefits, Uniforms. Must Have Own Tools. Send Resume w/References and Minimum Wage Requirements... Attn; General Manager Lehigh Ag Equipment 6670 Ruppsville Rd. Allentown, PA 18106 R. W. SAUDER, INC. has an opening at our Hegins Valley Farm 'or a full-time poultry complex manager. Individual must have experience in managing layer houses w/emphasis on production, health care of birds and layer operations. Applicant should be mechanically orlen ed, self-motivated and a hands-on individual. Send resume to: R. W. Sander; ffife.' P. O. Box 427 Utitz. PA 17543 WANTED Parts Manager for Farm & Lawn Dealership, Salary Depending On Experience. Send Resume w/References & Minimum Salary Requirement... Attn: General Manager Lehigh Ag Equipment 6670 Ruppsvllle Rd. Allentown, PA 18106 General Office Full time position for General Office includ ing customer service, telephone, accounts payable, inventory and billing. We are looking for a detail oriented person with good math skills, and neat, organized and accurate work habits. Good benefit and wage package at this Ag-related small business. Send resume to: Haverstick Bros, Inc. 2111 Stone Mill Road Lancaster, PA 17603 Telephone 717-392-5722 Progressive Vegetable/Graln Farming Operation has year round work available on Mary land’s Eastern Shore. Seeking reliable, self motivated individual with agriculture experience or will consider college gradu ate with agriculture background. Must be able to operate farm equipment - Mechan ical ability a plus. Excellent wages and benefits commensurate with skills. Paid vacation, overtime, and advancement op portunity. If inteiested send response with name, address, phone number, salary his tory, references and qualifications to Lancaster Farming (G 137) PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 >EN CENTER MANAGER Looking for a self-motivated Individual who has the ability to manage and work along with people, operate machinery and have the ability to sell a full line of trees and shrubs. Must understand that customers come first. Individual should have some plant knowledge. Send resume, salary history and references to: Triple C Farms 138 Tnton LakMMOd Road, Craamridga, NJ 08514 Accounts Receivable Clerk This intermediate position, averages 32-40 hours/week; M-F 9am-3:3opm with additional hours as needed for departmental coverage. Duties include filing, processing receipts, com pany mail preparation and distribution, and supporting the lead clerk with AR responsibili ties. We are looking for someone with data entry skills and experience, a high school math aptitude, a high degree of accuracy in numeri cal data entry and document preparation, and a high level of organization and planning. Ex cellent benefits and wage are offered. Please send resume to: Lori Sagerer Wenger’s Feed Mill, Inc. P.O. Box 26, Rheems, PA 17570 or apply at 111 Harrisburg Avenue, Rheems, PA 717/367-1195 HELP WANTED Aggressive and growing lawn & garden dealer needs an ambitious and talented mechanic. Small engine knowledge helpful but being conscientious and common sense essential. Opportunity to setup new equipmAht/* and do repairs and maintenance on used equipment. Pleasant working , conditions and excellent ( benefit package. 1 ‘ ‘ i Apply In person ' 5 Umbergers of Fontana Rte. 4 Box 545, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 8 Miles East of Hershey on Rte. 322 , 717-867-5161 m:\vs (.'okrkspondkm For Maryland Lancaster Farming is looking for a cor respondent for the area listed above. This correspondent should live in the coverage area. The part-time position requires the cor respondent to attend farm meetings, fairs, and shows and report on them. In addition, the correspondent will also write feature articles about fanners and farm families. Applicants should possess good writing and general communications skills. Farm background a plus. Also must have a 35mm camera able to take news and feature photos Payment is guaranteed upon publica tion. If interested send a letter, writing samples and resume to: Everett Newswanger LANCASTER FARMING 1 East Main St., Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 VZMsituations WANTED Looking for farm work in Conestoga, Millersville, Willow Street, PA area 717/871-9548 Want position on dairy as herdsman or manager, 30 years experience in all ph ases of dairy. Must be par lor! (703)926-6454. Young married couple seeks employment in swine industry Husband has 4 years experience in confinement, wife has as sociates degree in swine production and 2 years confinement experience Currently manage 540 sow unit. Desires housing and insurance Call (410)343-0363.