U SM NURSERY Douglas Fir • Blue Spruce Seedlings and Semi-transplants Our beds are sown thin and undercut to insure quality plants and root systems. We Eire located in South East, PA. This allows us to lift beds early. Please call for prices. Offering large selection of yews and arborvl tae up to 9' at reasonable prices. gl P. O. Box 539 • Lee*port, PA 19533 (610) 926-4264 • Fax (610) 626-1274 EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS Beautiful fir, hemlock, pine & spruce transplants are now available for Cpring '94 TWIN BROOK PLANTATIONS RR 2, Box 2070 Shickshinny, PA 18655 1-800-595-GROW 717-256-3440 FAX Order Now For Best Selection “Proudly Serving The Fussiest Boys In The Business” LAWN & GARDEN Exmark mower, belt drive, 48', 12 shp, Kawasaki, Ssp w/reverse, 21 blades, grass basket, sulky seat. 2 extra decks, boxes of parts, nice shape, $1,750 080 6pm (717)382-0514. Exmark mower, belt drive, 48' 12 shp, Kawasaki, Ssp w/reverse, 21 blades, grass basket, sulky seat, 2 extra decks, boxes of parts, nice shape, $1,750 080 6pm (717)382-0514 Kubota lawn tractor, GlBOO, 54" deck, HST, ZWS. only 70 hrs , garage kept 610-869-7943. Myers'‘9oo gallon high pressure sprayer w/6125 Myers pump on turf tires PTO driven, $550 (814)255-2189 Snow system Gravely, modern 5660, 12hp, electric start Kohler walk behind tractor, 48" snow dozer blade. 2 stage snow blower, runs and is like new, $2,950 6PM, (717)392-0514 THE GRASS WILL RISE AGAIN' JOHN DEERE F9lO front mount deck, hy drostatic, 18hp riding lawn mower, $3OOO Berks Co 610/944-0686 Ml SERVICES OFFERED Backhoe & Dump truck ser vice Wingenroth Brothers, 717/392-4996 Concrete Work, all types, tree estimates Wingenroth Brothers. 717/392-4996 Expert copier repair and service to all makes. Hon est. prompt service. Also, used copiers, reasonably priced 717-733-3499 DAIRY CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING Foot Problems Treated Father & Son Team No Help Necessary NELSON NOLT (717) 866-6045 HI SERVICES OFFERED ANIMAL CLIPPER SER VICE Sales. Oster/ Sunbeam Wahl. Henmger Aesculop distributor parts Specialize, repairs brown Stewart/Sunbeam Refurb ished units for sale, guar anteed. Send UPS, Parcel Post HEMP'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE. Dept LF, 3546 Olive School Road, Knoxville, MD 21 758-881 5, 301-685-0043 Clipper Blade Sharpening - Cattle Blades $2 50/set, sheep blades $3.50/set Please add return postage Aaron E Beiler, 915 W Mam St., New Holland, PA 17557 [CATTLE HOOF c TRIMMING 1(215) 345-0897 limber Wanted • Land Clearing • Lumber Sawed To Order Pine. Hemlock, Oak, Poplar "Wfe Farm The Forest” Witmer Tree Farming (7 17) 286- 1 064 • ’Noithumbnland ( o HENRY'S WELDING CO. PORTABLE WELDING CERTIFIED PIPE WELDING REPAIRS ON HEAVY EQUIPMENT 620 Galen Hall fed. Telephone i Relnholds, PA 17569 (717) 454-att3Sj I I LLOYD Z. NOLI (717) 733-7226 HI SERVICES Farmers, Going away?? Will house sit and milk cows for the weekend Trustworthy, non-drinkers, non-smoking couple 610-857-3346 Hauling, rigging, machin ery. equipment, moving, rollback service, light, heavy, hauling, local, long distance, small buildings moved or demolished Call us for your needs (215)541-0400 HOOF TRIMMING, Cum- berland, Perry & Franklin Counties Tim Fuller, Carli- sle, PA. 717/249-3174. Looking to manage/ operate one of the follow ing Broilers, breeders, lay ers Have knowledge and experience Can be big plus for you ll Write Dr John, %Poultry Unlimited, General Delivery, Scherr, WV 26726 Willing to relocate POLLINATION Tony B HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST Wasps & Hornets Venomous Insects Honey and Bees wax 1 -800-47-STING Soybean roasting on your farm Dale L Schnupp, RO 6, Lebanon, PA 17042 717-865-6611 We repair milk weigh iars and piping (610)444-5803 PROFESSIONAL I HOOF TRIMMING: ¥ Over 20 years experience. ’ [ Fast and accurate work, i 70-100 cows per day. A Increases milk production.«>■ Easy and gentle on the i ‘ cows and farmer. No ' [ farmer's help needed. SATISFACTION I GUARANTEED $ 717-755-0770 i 410-484-6191 ¥ Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience Equipment disinfected between farms References Available (717) 927-9775 (800) 770-TRIM 8746 MOBILE PHONE 575-5035 1301 LINCOLN ROAD Uirrz, PA 17543 CUSTOM WORK PLOWING/MOLDBOARD $ll 95 per acre. $239 or 20 acre minimum 40 mile radius Hanover, PA Sche dule for spring and fall 1994 plowing today. 717-637-9870. SEED CLEANING on your farm- soybeans & small grain. Newcomer Seed Cleaning, (717)653-4123. Warner Liquid Transport. Liquid Manure Spreading, Septic. Water. 1717)464-0841 after 5 00 LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS!, Liquid Manure Spreading Pump or Vacuum (717) 548-2968 Soybean Roasting On Your Farm Horst Grain Roasting Oxford PA 215 869 8834 NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Gooseneck Trailer w/Wlnch Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 Custom Planting - ALL CROPS So. Franklin Co.-No.Washington Co. Great Plains - No-til Drill New White 6100 6RN (717) 328-2336 ADAAI'S MM, sunnLv % P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA 17508 717-656-6508 We Deliver 1.3 Point Hitch Bala Agrl-Pac New A Used Wrappara Bagging Machlnaa / Agri 2. Bale Wrap Pac Silage Bag* CUSTOM GRINDING PORTABLE TUBGRINDER Torn Wood Waste into Valuable Mulch, ft 0 (fl •d c •H £ GRINDS Pallets Christmas Trees Construction Brush Debris Newspaper Demolition Lumber Cardboard Saw Mill Waste Yard Waste Wood Chips Round Bales Mulch Plastics Bark Glass 717/584 3975 Lane. Co. LIQUID MANURE HAULING LIQUID MANURE PUMP FOR RENT 218/286-0188 218/286-0706 LIQUID MANURE HAULING (717) 284-5710 (717) 464-1344 Steve Lehman Hay and Straw Hauling Days (717) 044-8800 Evenings (717) 888-8127 WANTED Workers for wheat harvest Texas to Idaho. Room and board provided. CDL preferred. No Sunday Work. Starting In May Bulky" 'l Material 50 to 75%J ‘—_ for hanllng^^ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 18, 1994-C33 OBERHOLTZER’S GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Valley View Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (215) 286-2062 Wtl HELP WANTED Highly motivated combine operators, CDL license truck drivers for 1994 harvest crew Traveling from California to Montana. Competitive wages, bonus incentive offered MIKE KEIMIQ HARVESTING 316-278-2334 Experienced carpenters to repair storm damaged barn Please call (717)657-2348 Experienced full-time work on dairy and crop farm Le banon Co. Would consider house. 717-866-4883 7AM-BPM NO Sunday calls Experienced farm equip ment mechanic, competi tive wage, benefit package, South Central PA. Send re sume to Lancaster Farm ing (G-136), P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Farmhand Needed on Modem Dairy Farm. Duties Include Milking and Gen eral Farm Work Prefer Non-Smoker, Non-Drinker 2BR Housing. Salary and Benefits References Re- quired Lehigh County (215)298-2381 Farm manger needed, Hunterdon Co., NJ Gen eral maintenance, feeding, experience w/farm machin ery helpful. 908-537-7600 Full Time Help Wanted for Milking and Field-Work Le banon Co. 717/865-0337. Full-time experienced per son wanted to milk 135 cows, house and utilities, references required, in Myerstown, PA area (717)933-8278 Full-time person for diary operation Milking, field work Mt Joy area, Lan caster County (717)898-8685 Full time position available for dependable man on dairy farm Should have mechanical ability and good knowledge of cows and LIKE working with them Good wages, time off, housing and benefits References required Dau phin Co 717-367-3814 HARVEST Texas to Mon tana Need combine, truck and tractor operators for farm work wheat and fall harvest Must have experi ence operating trucks and farm equipment May thru November FRANZ HARVESTING 316-227-7679 Help Wanted for 1994 Wheat Harvest Oklahoma to North Dekota Room and board provided Starting in May Call Christensen Harvesting. (405)663-2735 Herdsperson for registered beet operation AI re quired Must have desire to produce nationally compe titive cattle Salary, house, excellent benefits Refer ences required Resume to Lyn-Lee Farms, 568 Rock Rd , State College. PA, 16801 Herdsperson to work w/ and manage a herd of 80 high producing Holsteins along w/young stock House w/AC, modern kitchen, other benefits 301 428-8095 Exenenced help wanted stripping tobacco Washington Boro, PA (717)285-3420 HORTICULTURE assis tant manager, to work in fruit and vegetable produc tion at Delaware Valley College BS degree in plant science or AA degree in plant science plus 2 years experience are required Must be able to train and work well w/college stu dents Send resume, names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 re ferences tp Dr Barbara Muse. Chair, Horticulture Dept. Delaware Valley College, 700 E. Butler Ave , Do vies town, PA 18901 EOE/AA HORSEMAN. Exper ienced For broodmare farm Balt Co Mamte nance, sales prep. New house. Reference re quired Box 68, Butler. 21023 or 410-771-4580 NEEDED: Experienced small fruit and vegetable farm manager, salaiy will be based on experience Send resume and qualifi cations to Brad Zacek, POB 173, Williamstown, NY 13493 or call 315-964-2294. Now hiring full-time small engine mechanic and parts counter person Apply in person COURTLAND HARDWARE. 6 N. Bond ST . Bell Air. MD NO Phone calls please Owner/Operators for local hauling Home every night, weekly settlement. Paul Miller Trucking. (800)347-5786 Part time greenhouse help needed. Transplanting and retail sales. Experience not needed. Strasburg area Call for more info 717-687-0980 EASY WORK' EXCELLENT PAY' ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS AT HOME CALL TOLL FREE 1 800 467 5566 Ext 8079 Sell Animal health products farm to farm Must have dairy farm background and be agressive Guaranteed salary plus commission and excellent benefits Send resume to Sales Manager, POB 575, Man chester, PA 17345 Supvervisor Job Opening on Poultry Farm Must live on farm, must have me chanical and electrical ex perience Apply at Hi-N- Ute Poultry Farms, RD 3, Box 179 A, Tamaqua, PA 18252, 717/386-5777 ask tor Jay TRUCK DRIVERS FOR HARVEST RUN, mechani cal experience, COL re qu.red, clean MVR, no drinkers or drugs George Stolzenburg 913/446-3353 Immediate Opening For Diesel Mechanic Must have basic engine knowledge for rebuilding engines. Many benefits with 40-45 hrs per week Apply In person at Parkview Garage. Inc. 39 Parkview Hta. Rd. Ephrata, PA
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