Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 12, 1994, Image 110

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    Cl4-Lancaatw Firming, Saturday, February 12, 1984
Farmers wishing to have their
farms certified by the Organic
Crop Improvement Association
(OCIA) should move quickly to
qualify for the 1994 round of farm
inspections, according to the pres
ident of the state’s OCIA chapter
No. 1.
The OCIA, with more than
1,700 certified organic farmers in
a dozen countries, is the world’s
largest and best-known certifying
organization. The association has
two chapters in Pennsylvania,
with about 40 farms certified in
Sclinsgrovc vegetable farmer
Tom Beddard, head of chapter No.
1, which covers the eastern half of
the state, said that while the
OCIA’s 1994 inspections will not
occur until May, farmers should
act now to get their paperwork in
“As public interest continues to
grow m the areas of food safety
and environmental protection,
we’re getting more and more
inquiries from farmers about our
organization,” Beddard said.
“We welcome as members any
farmers, or non-farmers as well,
who arc committed to the OCIA
principles of farming without syn
thetic fertilizers and chemical pes
ticides and managing our soil in a
Electronic Monitor Measures Working Acres
And Ground Speed
• Easy-to-see digital readout • Easy-to-operate touch sensitive keys •
Operates with any field imple
ment requiring acre measure
ment - pulled, mounted, or self
propelled sprayers, combines,
At Last! A Reliable, New Stainless Steel
MARKER Reg. $925.00
$830.00 mm
'si iH
I .Ml
Each Foam Marker
• Mixing chamber for each boom.
• Drop hoses for each boom.
• Electronic harness for in-cab
controls (on-off/left-right).
• Hose for boom lengths up to 47’.
The Ag-Chem foam marker offers you efficient operation with a 12 volt
compressor that draws only 9 amps. Independent left and right boom
markers can be controlled from the cab for on-the-go operation. That lets
you operate either boom marker for precise, economical foam placement.
And best of all the Ag-Chem Foam Marker produces a dense foam within
seconds of agitation, and has a dependable output that can be adjusted for
Use with the new 80-to-l™ high concentrate foam.
Handy Half Gallon FOAM DYE
AG FOAM I For Higher Visibility Foam
Reg. $10.20
special $9.25 $12.50 Pint
r e Also Stock A Complete Line Of:
Sprayer Nozzles
Certification Needs Should Be Addressed
caring way. On a day to day basis,
farmers in Pennsylvania and other
areas are demonstrating the wis
dom of this approach.”
A basic requirement for OCIA
certification is that a farm, or the
portion of it for which certifica
tion is sought, must have been
without synthetic fertilizers and
chemical pesticides for at least
three years. Certified farms also
must follow rigid standards gov
erning the use of off-farm inputs
and they must carry out approved
soil improvement programs.
‘The guiding principle of the
OCIA is soil improvement.” Bed
dard said. ‘.'Our chapter is eager to
enroll farmers who are interested
in moving their operations away
from high-chemical usage. Once
they have converted to a non
chemical approach they can
become eligible for certification,
which in turn will open their pro
ducts to new markets.”
Farmers in the eastern half of
Pennsylvania who wish to leam
more about the certification prog
ram and its costs should contact
the chapter certification chairman,
Preston Boop, Route 2, Box 168,
Mifflinburg, PA 17844. The west
ern Pennsylvania certification
chairman is Broaden Young, RD
1, Box 540, Frombell, PA 16123.
Boop noted that all certification
iT* 1 , i
Reg. $199.00
M , 1 1
j i I,' 1 iiir
• Sprayer Hose
• Ball Valves
• Nylon Fittings
• Poly Tanks
w* •tt* • • -r ▼ * ff-* #«r-* -•<**^arr«»-* , «' ,, *w v 'r r
applications, complete with soil
test results and other data, must be
returned to his committee by early
April to qualify for inspection and
possible certification.
Webster Joins Progeny Test Program
DcFOREST, Wis. Betty
Webster, Jamestown, Pa., recently
joined die American Breeden Ser
vice (ABS) progeny lest (PI) pro
The PT program enables test
herds, such as die Webster Jersey
Farm, to use semen from young,
unproven ABS sites. In return,
these test herds provide ABS with
information about the offspring
from these young bulls.
After supplying ABS with this
information, Webster will receive
compensation for each ABS-PT
calf bom and for each ABS-PT
daughter included on the sire’s
second USDA summary. This
program is unique because test
herds have the option to select
specific young PT bulls they
would like to sample.
The program’s goal is to have
each progeny-tested young sire
graduate the program with a high
ly-rcliable sire summary and give
test herds the opportunity to use
the most current genetics.
t ' Vml
Self-Priming Centrifugal
• Self-priming to 20 feet
• Total heads to 120 feet
• Capabilities to 200 U.B. GPM
• Built in check valve
• Equipped with 11/*”I 1 /*” or 2" femali
threaded connections, NPT
Full Line Of Hose And Couplings In
• 3 H.P.
‘S’ Series
1 V” Or 2” Ports
Reg. $214.50
‘S’ Series Pedestal Pump Only, I'/TOrr
Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks
w ,| ''wliii i iiii | ii»»
■ ‘ : J
Boop said that no farm can be
inspected for certification until
Held histories are verified and
other perdnent information about
each operation is reviewed by the
Since genetic evaluations rely
on the data supplied by PT herds.
ABS screens potential herds care
fully before adding them to the
program. The Webster herd was
selected based on superior man
agement practices, efficient re-
Waybright Accepts Position
Joel Waybright, who has
accepted the position of member
ship chairperson for the second
consecutive year of the Adams
County Farmers’ Association, has
announced the membership kick
off campaign has begun.
The kick-off committee held its
first meeting on December 29,
with a breakfast/brunch at Span
gler’s Truck Stop. The purpose of
the meeting was to gather as many
members as possible in the
remaining weeks of the campaign.
-i sj -ttiCL . y.'
> ~ > fi-
• 5 H.P.
‘S’ Series
2” Ports
Reg. $260.00
cord-keeping, and accurate animal
Producers interested in more in
formation about the ABS Progeny
Test program should contact their
local ABS representative or call
(800) ABS-STUD.
The Adams County Farmers’
Association is a general farm
organization with more than 890
farm families. It is affiliated with
the Pennsylvania Farmers’
"Waybright will be the key per
son responsible for membership
sign-up in our organization for the
1993-1994 year,” said President
Ed Wilkinson.
“The 1993-94 membership
campaign has begun in good fash
ion and shows immense potential
in reaching our goal,” said mem
bership chairperson Waybright.
A"" i' I '.' l
• 5 H.P.
‘S’ Series
With I/C Briggs
2” Ports
Reg. $352.00
- Reg. $ 136.00 SPECIAL $119.00
For New Or Replacement
TANKS > For 25 GAL.
Liquid Fertilizer Storage to 2500 GAL.
chapter certification committees.
Inspections are carried out by'
independent inspectors, usually
from another state.
KaiitfriMC fejl||j|)irsjrt ‘ > mwi 1
** h *
V XiSi "Mib
< J^P
/%< t h -m ‘‘ & , °u ; J*'
* 8 H.P.
‘S’ Series
With Honda Engine
2” Ports
Reg. $468.50
With Cage $459.38
Mon., Than., FH.: 7*SO
Tom., WM.: 7-8:80
Sat.: 7-4:00