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For more than 15 years, the Keystone Pork Congress youth public speaking event has become a cornerstone of youth competition in the swine industry. Up until about seven years ago or so, it has stood alone as part of the activities of the 16th annual Congress, scheduled this year on Wednesday, Feb. 16 at the Penn Harris Inn in Camp Hill. 604 Per Copy product created through “genetic approved for use in femEparaction late last year by the FDA, with a moratorium for sides until Fteb. 3. Though not necessarily an industry term, “genetic farming” refers to the technique of taking genetic material responsible for making a certain substance, attaching it to the genetic material of a harmless bacteria, and grow- Keystone Pork Congress In the years since, the contest has had strong competition from the annual Pork Bowl, held at the same time. While attendance has been split between two events, those who attend the Congress may want to listen to what some of the youth are saying regarding pigs and the environment, animal rights/welfare, and the future of 'the industry. You could learn a lot, according (Turn to Pag* C 2) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Fabruary 12, 1994 Corn Growers Need To Counter Big Oil, Get Ethanol Use Act Passed ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) —The com industry stands to ben efit in a big way if President Clin ton’s Clean Air Act Anally passes. ‘ ‘This is going to happen unless ‘big oil’ (companies) can convince the EPA and the (Clinton) Admi nistration that we can’t meet the requirements that ate in the prop osed rule,’’ said Mike Wagner, executive director of the Ohio Com Growers Association. Wagner spoke to about 200 com growers and industry representa tives about the many uses of com in a wide array of environmentally friendly products, including etha nol, last week at the annual Pen nsylvania Com Conference. According to Wagner, growers ing the resulting bacteria in order to harvest the desired substance in bulk. It is a process used to manufac ture insulin for treating diabetics and it is also the process Used pri marily to manufacture BST. During the sales moratorium, Monsanto operated a 24-hour, seven-day per week, toll-free tele phone, Posilac-information ser vice, but was prohibited from tak ing any orders for the product The company wailed a day after the moratorium expiration, and on Friday. Feb. 4. the company began sales. Two days later, as of Feb. 6, Sunday night, there were 2,000 State Young Farmers Name Winners EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) The three-day annual .meeting of the Pennsylvania Young Far mers Association was highlighted with an awards banquet Wednes day evening. Each of the regions presented their award winners in community service, outstanding young farmer over 30, and under 30. State winners were named from each of these regional division winners. Glenn and Barbara Snyder, Get tysburg, were named state winners of the Outstanding Community Service Award. Glenn and Barbara own two farms, one that has been in the family for over 100 years. They have three children and seven grandchildren. Their crop and livestock enterprise is well managed, but they have time to help others. Barbara sings in the church choir and is the organist. Glenn has won many awards and is a past state Young Fanner Presi dent and serves Mt. Joy Township as a supervisor. They have been active in the Farm/City Week activities in Adams County. (Turn to IJpgc A 22) should continue to urge their sena tors and representatives to support the proposed rule, which will man date use of ethanol in fuel oil to the annual tune of SOO-600 billion gal lons, equivalent to more than 200 bushels of com. He said that lobbyists from the major oil companies have testified against com growers. In recent tes timony before committee, Wagner said big oil was claiming that growers “are making too much money. Corn’s at a five-year high. They say that we’re the worst pol luters in the world. That all you do is raise more com, pollute more air, pollute more water. They name you by names.” In reality, according to the Ohio Com Growers Association direc tor, big oil didn’t mention they orders placed from across the nation, ranging in dose amounts of SO to 5,000, according to regional" company representative Dan Card. The threat of consumer rejec tion, especially that caused by fears spread through professional protesters, such as Jeremy Rifkin, is apparently not as strong as it had been because of a more recent action taken by the FDA. According to a New York Times article published Tuesday, those opponents of BST who seek to per suade producers from not using the product through the intimidation of a threat of labeling were deliv ered a serious blow by the FDA. According to the arcticlc, FDA Glenn and Barbara Snyder from the Gettysburg Chapter in Adams County received the state outstanding communi ty service award. Ft>ur Sections were getting $6 billion a year in subsidies, and have received, since about 1916, about $123 billion in subsidies, while com growers get under a half billion dollars a year. “They don’t rry to tell the press and the people that.” Also, oil is imported at a rate that is startling. “We have a national debt probably because we’re spending $ ISO million a day for foreign oil," he said. Com growers could see the floor price of their product drop any where from a nickel to 20 cents if the act isn’t passed, according to Wagner. In Ohio, where a statew ide ethanol fuel oil blend program is in effect, ethanol use is up to about 13.3 million gallons a month, “more than any state in the (Turn to Pag* A 32) on Monday “warned dairy produc ers and distributors ... not to mis- NMMMMMumers with labels on milk and other dairy products that improperly refer to” Posilac or BST. The FDA effectively said that it is illegal to advertise falsely and that “BST-free” is not true because all milk contains BST; that states should monitor and prevent such false labeling of dairy products; and that if milk is to be sold as being from cows not treated with Posilac, then an accurate record keeping system for each cow following the flow of milk from individual cow to consumer (Turn to Pag* A3O) $19.75 Ptr Year