AB-Lincaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 1994 ,oi Shays’ Rebellion Daniel Shays was a reluctant rebel. A captain who served “with distinction” in the American Revolution, by 1786 he was, like so many others, a very poor farmer. During the depression that followed the war, farmers in Massachusetts lacked the political clout needed to obtain relief from their situation. When petitions proved futile, a group of 1,200 des perate farmers persuaded Shays to be their leader. On January 2S, 1787, they marched on the arsenal at Springfield, Massachusetts. The farmers were defeated by the militia and Shays fled to Vermont, but their efforts gained the support of Thomas Jefferson. Ultimately, relief measures were passed and in June 1788 £hays was given a full pardon. I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Tkomas Jefferson u- Make sleeve protectors fo feat off old took* and allde the Eab^isE While we’re waiting for the ultralight hybrid supercar to reach the marketplace (Rocky Mountain Institute estimates four to seven years) we can make wise choices buying today’s cars. To get the most energy-efficient car in your size range, study mileage test results in con sumer magazines or obtain the latest list from the EPA. Choose accessories wisely. Although many electric gad- / gets don't use much ener- i gy, they add to the weight ' of the car, and fuel econo my drops 1% for each _ additional 100 pounds, f mossy llttl* eaters: cut the lag sections over little arme. Chestnut, Grape, and Celery Salad 1 cup belM or routed chest nuts, shotted X cup chopped cotery 1 cup blue gripes, hslvsd end seeded H cup orsnge juice lettuce vlnslgretle dressing Chop chestnuts, add celery and grapes, and marinate in orange juice for about 1 hour. Drain and serve on lettuce with vinaigrette dressing. MskssS servings. STATEWIDE All markets during the week of January 16-21 experienced reduced commodities if they took place at all, according to reports from around the state. Calls placed to all the regular markets that normally run in Lan caster Farming indicate many markets were not held at all because of severe weather. 0* OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECAST Following is a list of markets, divided into those with '‘reduced commodities,” “no sale,” and “no report.” In some cases, “no report” indicated insubstantial receipts for a market report. Attempts were made to contact sales under “no report” with no success. Northeast: Rainy and mild, then turning cold with snow and freezing rain; clearing New England. Reduced Commodities • Hackettstown Poultry, Eggs • Hackettstown Grain, Hay, Straw Southeast: Clear and warm, then showers; turning very cold with freezing rain and snow. • Hackettstown Livestock • Belleville Livestock, too little to quote. Midwest; Mild weather alternating with cold and snow. Northwest: Cold; ram, snow mountains; then warmer with some showers. Southwest: Sunny and warm; cold and snowy mountains; some showers. Weather Impacts Markets TOWN AND COUNTRY POURED WALLS • Manure Pits TTk • Retaining Walls • House Basements • Trench Silo Walls (215) 593-5794 Ask For ike IT. Market Hogs g* * Sows • Boars I. Cu || p|g S t x ■ X S<, \( NOW RECEIVING: RECEIVING STATION All Marital Hogs Raealvtd At Station Must Ba Schaduled Ona Waak In Advance Rt. 897 • 1 mils North of Flvepolntvllle (215) 445-5776 » FAX (215) 445-6099 IMMMRUFD HOOBER EQUIPMENT, INC, Middletown, DE « TWO LOCATIONS (302) 378-9555 FEDERAL EXPRESS HOURS Mon.-Fn. 7 AM-5 PM; Sal. 7 AM-Noon cm us... It CouU Be We Have If • Diffenbach Hay • Lancaster Livestock Reports No Sale • Belleville Hay • Westminster Hay • Keister’s Hay • Frederick Livestock • Grantsville • Friends • Eighty-Four • Leesport • Hemsey’s Poultry. Plan Now To Attend Big Winter Event LIVERPOOL. N.Y. The 9th annual New York Farm Show is every farmer’s field of dreams. The Northeast’s biggest indoor farm show brings some 400 agri businesses to the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, Feb. 24-26. Show hours Tuesday The Saving Place Via FED. EXP. mm Authorized UPS Station No Report • Dewari Hay • Morrison’s Cove • Shenandoah • Carlisle Livestock • New Holland Feeder Pigs • Greencastle Livestock • Greencastle Hay • Aberdeen Livestock • Lebanon Valley Livestock • Keister’s Livestock • Vintage Livestock • New Wilmington • Mercer. through Saturday are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This premier farm event gives farmers a chance to scout out the latest in farm equipment, tech nology, inputs and services, just in time for spring planning and planting. Want to know the newest ad vancements in milking equip ment? The New York Farm Show will have them. How about recent developments in tillage equip ment? You can find it at the show. What’s the latest in com hybrids and pesticide packaging? The (Turn to Page A 35) WE SHIP PARTS DAILY UPS YOU STAY PUT Pick Up Your Phone And K< ,\Place Your vriißk Parts pp'Tt Order II with t ~ J - UPS - PPSH -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers