Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wedneeday, Jan 11117 19, 1994 Report euppHed by USDA CENTRAL U.S. CARLOT PORK REPORT FOB OMAHA BASIS INCLUDES MAJOR PRODUCTION AREAS IN MIDWEST AS OF 11:15 A.M. COMPARED TUESDAY’S 3:00 P.M. CLOSE: FRESH LOINS STEADY; BUTTS STEADY IN VERY NARROW TEST; SKND. HAMS GENERALLY STEADY TO 3.00 LOWER; SDLS. BELLIES STEADY TO WEAK IN LIGHT TEST. TRADING SLOW. WITH MODERATE TO GOOD DEMAND FOR LIGHT OFFERINGS. 43.5 LOADS PORK CUTS 17.0 LOADS TRIM/PROCESS PORK/ PORK CUTS LOINS, REGULAR, FRESH 14-18 LBS., * 4.0 LOAD, RANGE 120.00, WGHTD. AVG. 120.00. 1/4" TRIM 14-18 LBS. 4.0 LOADS, RANGE 136.00-140.00, WGHTD. AVG. 138.00. 1/8" TRIM/LESS 14-18 LBS., RANGE 141.00-144.00, WGHTD. AVG. 141.50 A. 18-22 LBS., • RANGE 116.00-118.00, WGHTD. AVG. 117.00 A. 1/4" TRIM 18-22 LBS., RANGE 132.00-134.00, WGHTD.AVG. 133.00 A. COMBOS 22 LBS. AND UP. 1.0 LOADS. RANGE 68.00. WGHTD. AVG. 68 00. LOIN, BNLS CNTR CUT 5-9 LBS. STRAP-ON, RANGE 205.00, WGHTD. AVG. 205.00 D. 5-9 LBS.. STRAP-OFF, 1.0 LOADS. RANGE 265.00, WGHTD. AVG. 265.00 BNLS SIRLOIN 75-1 LB.. 0.5 LOADS. RANGE 155.00, See Your White-New Idea Dealer Listed Below. New Jcncy Bruit Mon Leslie G. Fogg Columbus Reed Brothers Equipment Shiloh Firm Rite Inc. Peaasylvaula Airville Firmer* Equip. A Supply Co. Bechtelsville Miller Equip. Co. Bethel Zimmerman Farm Service Bloomsburg William F. Welliver Carlisle Carlisle Farm Service Easton Fancy Furrow Farm Ag Equip. Everett Sollcnbergers Equipment Gettysburg Yingling's Implement Uonesdale Marshall Machinery Elingerstown Stanleys Farm Service Lebanon Umbcrgers of Fontana Mahaffej Hutton Farm Equipment Manheim GAD Farm Equipment Company Mercer Ralph W Kyle Inc. Middlebury Canter Houghtaling's Oarage New Oxford Thomas E Sibert Farm Equip. Oakland Mills Peoples Sales A Service Inc Oho Shuey Sales A Service Quarry rill* A L Herr & Brother Somerset Lincoln Supply A Equipment Co. nerforwnno* WGHTD. AVG. 155.00. PICNIC FRESH SMKR TRM, RS.. COMBO; RANGE 53.00, WGHTD. AVG. 53.00 D. BOSTON BUTT 4-8 LBS., * 1.0 LOADS. RANGE 68.50, WGHTD. AVG. 68.50. 1/4" TRIM 4-8 LBS., 1.0 LOADS. RANGE 86.50, WGHTD. AVG. 86.50. SPARERIB FRESH 1.5- LBS., RANGE 101.00, WGHTD. AVG. 101.00 A. 3.5- LBS.. RANGE 83.00. WGHTD. AVG. 83.00 C. LOIN BACKRIB (BOXED) FRSH/FRZN 1.5 LBS. AND DOWN.RANGE 242.00, WGHTD. AVG. 242.00 D. HAM, SKINNED, SELECTED FRESH 14-17 LBS., RANGE 65.50, WGHTD. AVG. 65.50 C. FRESH 17-20 LBS., 6.0 LOADS. RANGE 65.50-70.00, WGHTD. AVG. 67.00. . FRESH 20-26 LBS., 9.0 LOADS, RANGE 67.00-70.00. WGHTD. AVG. 69.11. HAM, SKINNED, COMMODITY FRESH 17-20 LBS. 1.0 LOADS. RANGE 61.00, WGHTD. AVG. 61.00. FRESH 20-26 LBS., 5.0 LOADS, RANGE 59.50-61.00, WGHTD. AVG. 60.10. FRESH 32 LBS. AND UP, 1.0 LOADS. RANGE 58,00, WGHTD. AVG. 58.00. BELLY, SOLS, SKIN-ON, FRESH FRESH 10-12 LBS., RANGE 45.00-47.00, WGHTD. AVG. 46.00 A. FRESH 12-14 LBS., 1.0 LOADS, RANGE 53.00. WGHTD. AVG. 53.00. FRESH 14-16 LBS., 2.0 LOADS. RANGE 51.00-53.00, WGHTD. AVG. 52.00. FRESH 16-18 LBS., 9.0 LOAD, RANGE 47.00-49.00, WGHTD. AVG. 47.89. Accurate & Precise In Reduced-Till Fields, Too. White 6100 planters have gained a well deserved reputation for planting with incredibly accu rate spacing at precisely the right depth. Our short 18" aerodynamically designed seed drop and indepen dently acting walking beam gauge wheels See to it. And our low pressure, air metering system and edge drop seed disc singulates seeds to avoid doubles or skips. Best of all, the row splitter FRESH 18-20 LBS., 2.0 LOADS, RANGE 45.00, WGHTD. AVO. 45.00. FRESH 20-25 LBS., RANGE 40.00-43.00, WGHTD. AVG. 41.00 A. PORK TRIMMINGS/ BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (CHEMICAL LEAN) COMBO 42% FRESH, 1.0 LOADS. RANGE 26.00, WGHTD. AVG. 26.00. COMBO 72% FRESH, 11.0 LOADS, RANGE 53.00-54.00, WGHTD. AVG. 53.18. BOXED 72% FROZEN. RANGE 55.00, WGHTD. AVG. 55.00 A. BONELESS PICNIC MEAT COMBO 72% FRESH, 5.0 LOADS. RANGE 54.00, WGHTD. AVG. 54.00. SHANK MEAT FROZEN, RANGE 64.50, WGHTD. AVG. 64.50 A. SKINNED JOWI-S COMBO FRESH. RANGE 22.00, WGHTD. AVG. 22.00 A. BOXED FROZEN. RANGE 24.00, WGHTD. AVG. 24.00 A. NOTEI (*) REFLECTS V, " OR '/. ” TRIMMED PRODUCT BROUGHT BACK TO A REGULAR COMMODITY BASIS. ABCDE AFTER QUOTES REPRE SENTS DAYS SINCE LAST ACTUAL MARKET TEST. QUOTES ARE DROPPED AFTER 5 DAYS OF NO TEST OR BEFORE IF THEY NO LONGER REFLECT CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS. NOTE! (*) REFLECTS 1/4” OR 1/8” TRIMMED PRODUCT BROUGHT BACK TO A REGULAR COMMODITY BASIS. PORK CARCASS CUTOUT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1994 ESTIMATED GROSS CUTOUT VAL UES OF A 175 LB HOG CARCASS BASED ON USDA CUTTING YIELD TESTS AND CARLOT PRICES. WED- and wide array of attachments allow you to plant in nearly any field condition — no-till, mulch till, or finely worked— with row widths ranging from 15" to 40". White BY WHITE-NEW IDEA NESDAY'S CARCASS GRADES AND PRICES PER CWT: US«I 66.28, CHANGE FROM TUES DAY’S VALUE -0.62; US#2 64.23, CHANGE FROM TUESDAY’S VALUE -0.59; US#3 62.18, CHANGE FROM TUESDAY’S VALUE -0.56; US#4 60.12, CHANGE FROM TUESDAY’S VALUE -0.54. TODAY’S CALCULATIONS FOR USA 42 175 LB. PORK CARCASS: SKINNED 11 AMS. 14-20 LBS,, 21.01 % OF CARCASS, 67.00 FOB VALUE, -3.00 CHANGE FROM TUBS.; LOINS, V. " TRIM, 14-22 LBS., 20.33% OF CAR CASS, 129.00 FOB VALUE. BELLIES. SDLS, 12-14 LBS., 13.90% OF CARCASS. 52.00 FOB VALUE. -0.25 CHANGE FROM TUBS.; SPARERIBS, 3.5DN LBS., 3.03% OF CARCASS, 101.00 FOB VALUE. PICNICS.B-12L85., )O.3I%OFCAR CASS. 36.75 FOB VALUE, 050 CHANGE FROM TUBS; BUTTS. '/, ” TRIM, 4-8 LBS , 7.25% OF CARCASS. 84 00 FOB VALUE JOWL, 2.85% OF CARCASS, 2200 FOB VALUE; NECKBONES, 1.52% OF CARCASS, 13.50 FOB VALUE FEET, 1.05% OF CARCASS, 27.00 FOB VALUE, 2.00 CHANGE FROM TUES.; TAILS, 0.22% OF CARCASS. FOB VALUE 22.00. TRIM 72%. 2.19% OF CARCASS, 53.00 FOB VALUE; LARD 10.85% OF CARCASS, 13.25 FOB VALUE. TOTAL CARCASS 94.51%. US#2 CARCASS VALUE PER CWT. 64.23. New 6600 Planter two-bar design features mterplant row units Lmcntf FamttoQ, Saturtty, January 22, 19M-A5 Because of recent inclement weather, several markets indi cated reduced sales and several were . unavailable. Prices were unchanged. The trade senti ment was generally steady. Demand was mixed, best into retail channels, and only light into food service accounts. Supplies of extra-large were short to adequate, large were at least adequate, and mediums were barely adequate to adequate. The New Jersey inventory was 14% above last Mon day’s level, and the New York inventory was 21% above last week. PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A. WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR. CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE EXTRA LARGE .67-.69. LARGE ,64-.67, MEDIUM .S9-.62. Friday, January 14, 1994 Report Supplied by Auction TOTAL LOADS: 85. MIXED HAY: 96.00-165.00. ALFALFA: 75.00-150.00. TIMOTHY: 115.00-140.00. CLOVER: 102.00-117.00. ORCHARD GRASS; 102.00-135.00. STRAW: 125.00-157.00. EAR CORN: 102.00-109.00. HAY. STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 1 p.m. Auction will continue all year long Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30,10 miles east of Lancaster in Paradise, PA) For Info. L Robert Frame, Sr. 717-442-4181 business president 21S-4SB-BSIB home Glenn S. Frame Mgr. WHAT’S AHEAD FOR CORN & SOYBEAN • We Deal In Futures And Options • Our Only Business Is Commodity Futures And Options • Same Location And Principals For Over 20 Years • When Buying options, your risk is limited to the loss of the premium paid plus all transaction cost. Buying futures and options have inherent risk and should be done only with risk capital. FOR INFORMATION...LITERATURE... CHARTS... PLEASE CALL 215-821-8111 800-543-8939 LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. Suite LL6, 2200 Hamilton St., Allentown, PA 18104 The rkk of lou In trading luturaa and option* on tutor** can be •übatantlal. Future* and option* trading may not be aullabl* lor avaryon*. You (hould carefully consider tha rl*k* In light of your financial condition In deciding whether to trade Hay And Straw Sales Will Start At 10 A.M. Every Wed. GOOD’S AUCTION 111 North Maple Avc. Leo'a, PA 17540 717-656-8911 New York Egg Market Wednesday, January 19, 1994 Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa.
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