01619 P 12VV PERIODICALS DIVISION sriw PENNSYLVANIA ''.rAH- UNIVLRSNV W2ov FAT IEI LIBRARY UN I VERS 11Y I'Af.'K ’PA IABOL'-3 AOJ - *J‘ •■ t *1 Vol. 39 No. 10 Sale Of Junior Livestock Champions Nets $180,635 Winebark Donates Money To Scholarship Fund, Church Group VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Farming Staff HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) The sale of Farm Show Junior Livestock Champions Thursday grossed $180,635 for 62 steers, 163 pigs, and 122 lambs. While no records were set per se, for the second year in a row, a youth who has shown a grand champion Farm Show livestock animal has donated the majority of the price paid to benefit the Farm Show Youth Scholarship Fund. Janine Winebark, 9, daughter of Kenneth and Janet Winebark, of Myerstown, showed the grand champion market hog in the junior, or youth, division of the state Farm Show. On Thursday, her grand champion was sold for $10,200 to Hatfield Quality Meats Co. Winebark kept only the market price for her 257-pound Hampshire/Duroc crossbred swine, “Leah.” That meant she kept $lll, and announced that the remainder would go toward the Farm Show Scholarship Fund and to the Youth Ministry of Richland Church of the Brethren, where Janine is a member. Normally, money paid for . champion Farm Show animals and the other exhibited animals is used by the youth to save for education or to help them get started in a career. However, in the past several years, individuals, and several groups of buyers, began to pay large amounts for certain animals, and, starting with Daryl Bomgard Farm Show % Booth Drawing Winner Named Many farmers stopped at the Lancaster Farming booth at the Farm Show this week. Not everyone registered for our drawing for The Original Old Fashioned White Mountain ice cream freezer, but 1,600 of. you did. Thanks! And the winner is Earl E. Breneman of Millersville in Lancaster County. Governor Casey Greets Farm Show Crowd EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) —Sunday is traditionally the day the Pennsylvania governor tours the farm show and presides at the official opening ceremony. This year Robot P. Casey took the opportunity to make his first public appearance since resuming his post as governor after receiving a heart and liver transplant While he left the annual tour to Lt Gov. Mark The 78th Pennsylvania Farm Show: Photos, Stories This Issue Hilled as the largest indoor agriculture fair in the nation, 1,500 exhibitors competed for $200,000 worth of prises at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in 609 Per Copy ner, who happened to be among the six who received a $l,OOO scholarship this year, some of the youth began donating amounts above what they thought they needed back to support organizations. Bomgardner donated his to FFA and 4-H. Last year, prior to the start of the sale of champions, it was announced that Mark Simmon, who showed the grand champion market swine, would donate any thing he was paid above $5,000 toward a scholarship fund. Several buyers worked together and paid $15,100. This year, prior to the sale of champions, six youth received scholarships primarily from the sale of Simmon’s animal. With Janine’s contribution, approximately the same amount is to be added to the coffer this year to continue to scholarship. Kenneth Winebark, who is also Lebanon County’* Penn State for all livestock, said that the decision to donate the money came Out of a belief that it is the right thing to do. “We did it because this program and the other program (the church youth ministry) the kids are in ... are programs that can really make a big difference. “We’ve come to the conclusion that there are a lot of things in life a lot more important than money. Not that we’re rich, but we are doing alright, and these two prog rams are important in our lives (Turn to Pag* A 22) Singe), Casey entered the large are na in a horse-drawn carriage and waved to die crowd before taking the stage to deliver his annual address. “I always like to come to the farm show.” Casey said, “because this is the real Pennsylvania, the ones behind the headlines, the real people of the nation.” The governor also released $463,000 to improve parking areas (Turn to Pag* A2O) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1994 From the left, the HatfiekJ Quality Meats Co. Pig andthe Penn State Nittany Lion join, from the left, Butch Clemens (kneeling), buyer of the grand champion market swine, Janine Winebark, who raised and showed the champion, and state Secretary of Agri culture Boyd Wolff, who holds the champion banner. Dave Slusser Named General Manager Of Pennsylvania DHIA EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —The new general manager of the Pennsylvania DHIA, as the TV commercial says, “hit the ground running” on the first day on the job this week. Dave Slusser, among other things, attended the board of directors meeting, held staff reassurance meetings and attended member meetings in the field. This was done, not as one beating the air. but rather in the quiet, humble, self-assured way that in the past has given Dave the respect of the entire dairy industry. People just naturally look to Dave for leadership. And the strength of his integrity and first-hand know ledge of DHIA as a user of the ser vice for 23 years in his family farm dairy ojieration in Crawford Coun ty is expected to begin immediate ly to heal the divisions in the association. (Turn to Pag* ASS) Dave Slusser, seated, became the new general manager of Pennsylvania DHIA this week. Frank Orner, president, made the announcement. Harrisburg this week. We have full coverage of the show throughout this issue. See the index on Page A 3 for story locations and other features. Four Sections $18.75 Per Year