New Wilmington Livestock New Wilmington, Pa. Monday, December 13,1993 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 167.. PDA.. Supply included 39 feeder cattle ..Compered with hit Mon : day’s market: al. cowi steady. STEERS: one Choice 1130 lbs. 64.75, few Select 58.50- few Standard 49.00-55.00. HOLSTEINS: one Select 58.00, few Stan dard 50.00-52.00. HEIFERS: few Select 60.00- few Standard 50.00-55.00. COWS: few Breaking Utility and Com mercial 43.75-47.00, low yielding 40.00- Cutter and Boning Utility 42.75-47.00, Canner and Low Cutter 37.25-42.75. Shelli down to 29.00. BULLS; Yield grade No. 2 1100/2425 lbs. 45.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Steen; few Large Frame No. 1 500/580 lbs 65.50- few Large Frame No. 2 450/900 lbs. 44.50-49.00, couple Large Frame No. 2 275 lbs. 55.00 & 63.00. Heif ers: Medium Frame No. 1 400/600 lbs. 54.00- Bulls: few Medium Frame No 1 500/625 lbs 54.50-63.00. CALVES 213..VEALERS: one Choice 220 lbs. 80.00, Standard and Good 70/95 lbs. 39.00-60.00, Utility 50/75 lbs. 15.00- FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 120/125 lbs. 127.00-131.00, 90/115 lbs. 160.00-170.00, 80/85 lbs. 91.00- No. 2 100/115 lbs. 140.00- 80/95 lbs. 72.50-90.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 90/115 lbs. 190.00- few No. 2 75/120 lbs, 100.00- Few Beef cross 85/100 lbs. bulls and heifen 130.00-175.00. HOGS 273...8arr0wi and gilti uneven, .25 higher to .25 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 220/255 lb*. 41.25-42.00, US No. 1-3 220/260 Iba. 39.00-41.00, few US No. 1-3185/200 Ibi. 45.00. SOWS: US 1-3 300/550 Ibi. 30.00-35.50, couple to YOU CAN GET THE PERFORMANCE YOU’RE LOOKING FOR. I - There’s never been a better time to plant Pioneer* brand soybean vari mßHl cries. Our new and dependable vari mmm et j cs o ff er higher yield potential, strong agronomic traits and improved disease and pest resistance. So don’t wait. Ask your Pioneer sales representative about the varieties that are right for you. Bulk seed options also available. A Extremely high yield potential Zr A with very good standability. Excellent shattering resistance, outstanding field emergence and moderately bushy canopy. 9341 responds to highly productive soils and Better beans start with better genes. BRAND*SOYBEAN SEED PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. All silts art subjtct to thi ttrms of labHinfl and salt documtnts. ORtfldtirtO trademark of Pionttr Hi-Brtd Inttmalional. Inc., Ota Molntt, lowa, U.S A. 01993, PHII 38.00, couple US No. 2-3 545 A 610 lbs. 28.00- few Medium 260/385 lbs. 29.00- BOARS: few 335/675 Iba. 28.00- FEEDER PIGS 49.. US 1-3 25/30 Iba. 15.00- 40/85 lbs. 25.00-36.00, cou ple to 47 JO, few US No. 2-3 20/25 Iba. 13.00- per head. SHEEP 179...W001ed Slaughter Lambs: High Choice and Prime 55/90 Iba. 76.00- Choice 90/125 lbs. 50.00- 60/90 Iba. 62.00-75.00. Slaughter Sheep: 18.00-32.50, Yearlings 40.00- GOATS 21...Latge 45.00-71. 00, few Medium 36.00-44.00, Small 22.50-36.00.-—all per head. Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. Tueeday, December 14,1993 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 262.. PDA ..Compared to last Tuesday's Market: al. steers and heifen STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 1240/1440 Iba. 70.00-71.75, Choice 1000/1470 lbs. 64.75-70.60, Select 62.00-65.85, Standard 54.50-63.00. HOLSTEINS: couple Select 57.10 A 58.00. HEIFERS: few High Choice and Prime IQSQ/1230 Iba. 66.25-68.10, Choice 915/1365 Iba. 64,60-69.25, few Select 62.50- Standard 49.75-59.50. COWS: few Breaking Utility and Com mercial 45.00-46.60, Cutter and Bon. Utili ty 43.00-47.75, one 49.00, Cantaer and Low Cutter 40.00-43.00. Sheila down to 34.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 2 1065/1760 Iba. 50.00-55.75, one 44.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers: few Large Frame No. 1 375/500 lbs. 75.00-76.00, Large Frame No. 2 260/560 Iba. 58.50- Heifers: Large Frame No. 1 280/620 lbs. 60.50-64.50, one 67.00, Medium Frame No. 1 313/900 Ibi. 39.00- ButU: few LainPtame No. 1 30Q/S2O lb.. 70.00-77.00, few Medium Frame No. 1 800/1070 lbs. 49.00-33.23, few Medium Frame No. 1 263/400 Ibi. 39.00- few 12 Holitein heifer. 213/723 lb.. 76.30-93.00. CALVES 122..VEALERS: Sundtrd Bid Good 70/100 lb«. 40.00-60.00, Utility 35/70 ibi. 20.0(Ma00. RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein bull. 120/123 lb*. 13a00-160.00,90/113 Dm. 160.00-177.30, 80/83 lb*. 100.00-103.00, No. 2 90/130 11m. 110.00-133.00; few Na 1 Holitein heifer* 90/103 Ibi. 170.00-210.00, few Na 2 80/103 lb*. 80.00-130.0 a Beef cron 80/103 lb*, bull, and heifer. 80.00-170.00. HOGS 176..Batrowi Bid gilts .23 to .30 hither. BARROWS AND GILTS: US No. 1-2 230/260 lb.. 41.00-41.73, US No. 1-3 220/270 Ibt. 38.73-40.73, few US Na 2-3 230/260 lb*. 33.00-39.00. SOWS: few US Na 1-3 430/363 Ibi. 30.00-33.00, few US Na 2-3 600/733 lb*. 27.00-30.00, few Medium 335/470 lbs. 26.00-29.00. BOARS; couple 365 A 383 Ibt. 20.00-22.00. FEEDER PIGS 5...N0 market test SHEEP 0...N0 market test. GOATS 1...0ne Large at 60.00. Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, Okla. Wednesday, December IS, 1993 CORRECTION ON HOLSTEIN STEERS OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCKYARDS WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY; Compared to last week; Feeder steers steady to $ 1.00 lower. Feeder heifers steady to $l.OO higher. Trade mod erately active with moderate demand for feedlot bound cattle. Steer and heifer calves steady to $2.00 higher. Bulk supply short yearlings and yearling cattle with soft good management. Above average tolerance to Phytophthora root rot. Mid-Group lE. Record-setting yield potential. /J/A Very good Phytophthora root rot tolerance. Excellent field emergence and shat tering resistance. Outstanding standability. Late Group m. Q yl A Exceptional field emer / ll« gence; gets off to a good start. Excellent yield potential and strong standabil ity. Moderately branching plant canopy. Excellent resistance to shattering. Good Phytophthora field tolerance. Mid-Group IV. Skis MRanw*brand <wMMmpnHeMdun(MrlMnmMiMy PVP Prowcßon Act UnMtmlnd propagation .pfoWWd calve, well into the minority. Demand very good for thin fleshed calve, that were more numerous in supply than past several months. Demand moderate for reft calves. Wet weather helped create attractive weigh-up., gaunt to average. Flesh condi tion of feeder cattle off wheat average to slightly fleshy. Calves in wide range of flesh condition and moderately thin thru moderately fleshy. Quality of calf and yearling supply plain to average, end attractive. Slaughter cows Sl.oo-52.00 higher. Slaughter bulls steady to $l.OO lower. 693 Cows and Bulls sold. Receipts this week 7,375; last week 10,787; last year 5,525. Supply consisted of 64 percent year lings and few calves over 600 lbs.; 27 per cent calves under 600 lbs.; 9 percent cows and bulls. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 1; 300-330 lbs. (337 lbs.) $112.00- $119.00 ($113.56); 400-430 lbs. (424 lbs.) SlOl.OO-SllO.OO ($106.86); 450-300 lbs. (480 lbs.) $96.50-$103.73, load fancy 495 lbs. $108.23 ($102.17); 500-350 lbs. (523 lbs.) $92.00-$98.00 ($94.89); 330-600 lbs. (363 lbs.) $89.00-$94.00 ($91.63); 600-700 lbs. (650 lbs.) SBS.2S-590.50 yearlings ($87.73) calves ($83.83); 700-800 lbs. (730 lbs.) $84.00-$89.00 ($86.37); 800-830 lbs. (812 lbs.) $81,73-$86.25 ($83.99); 830-900 lbs. (881 lbs.) $78.75-$82.60 ($80.33); 900-950 lbs. (904 lbs.) $79.00-$Bl.OO (79.72). Holstein Steers; Large Frame 2: 433 lbs. $80.75; 312 lbs. $75.30; 629 lbs. $67.00; 700-800 lbs. (750 lbs.) 562.00-563.00 ($63.33); 800-900 lbs. (850 lbs.) •• $60.10-62.00 ** ($60.31); 999 lbs. $3.00; 1111 lbs. $31.00. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1: 300-330 lbs. (327 lbs.) $97.00- $105.00 ($99.63); 350-400 lbs. (378 lbs.) $93.50-$97.00 ($94.94); 400-300 lbs. (430 m UnoUf ftwMWQ. Srturtiy, Dtetmbir 14 199347 Ibc.) thin $87.50-896.00, average fleih 884.00-590.75 ($91.40); $OO-600 Um. (550 Dm.) $t2.7S-SSB.SO ($86.85); 600-700 lbs. (6SO Ibt.) $79.00-882.50 ($81.20); 700-800 Ibi. (750 Ibi.) 578.00-581.50 ($79.58); 800-850 Ibi. (817 Ibt.) $75.25-$76.00 ($75.57). Slaughter Cowi: Cutter, Boning and Breaking Utility Y.C. 1-4 average dreuing 543.00-546.25; high dreuing 546.75-549.50, few young or very high dreuing SSO.OO-SSI.7S; low dreuing 539.25-542.50. Canner low Cutter 534.50-537.50. Slaughter Built: Y.G. 1 1500-1925 lbs. few average dreuing $55.00-$57.00; low dreuing 550.25-554.50. Replacement Cowi; Pre-tested for Bangs, pregnancy, and age Medium and Large Frame; High quality Angus, Bran gut and Beefmatter: Heifers 725-1175 lbs. 4-7 months bred 5725.00-5825.00 per head; 3-5 year old 950-1050 lbs. 5-6 months bred SBSO.OO-5925.00 per head, lot 4 year old 850-875 lbs. 5-6 months bred $lOOO.OO per head. Average quality; Heifers 850-1150 lbs. 3- months bred 5600.00-5765.00/head 4- year old 950-1200 lbs. 3-7 months bred 5650.00- 10 year old 900-1175 lbs. 4-6 months bred 5430.00- Pairs; Medium and Large Frame few 5-8 year old 950-1175 lb. cows with 100-225 lb. calves 5700.00-SBOO.OO per pair, pkg 10 year old 925 lb. cows with 175-250 lb. calves $635.00. THIS REPORT COMPILED & PRE PARED BY THE OKLAHOMA CITY LIVESTOCK & GRAIN MARKET NEWS BRANCH OF THE USDA’S AGRICULTURE MARKETING SER VICE. ROBERT MILES - TINA DOEB BLER TELEPHONE (405) 232-5425. New Holland Horses New Holland Salca Stable* New Holland, PA Monday, December 13, 1993 Report Supplied By Auction 315 HEAD. MARKET STEADY. WORK HORSES 840.00-1010.00. DRIVING HORSES SBS.OO-1225.00, 1 AT 1750.00. BETTER HORSES 1010.00-1275.00. RIDING HORSES 490.00-910.00. REGISTERED RIDING 900.00-1410.00. KILLERS FEW 975.00-990.00; LIGHTWEIGHT 485.00-710.00; HEAVYWEIGHT 770.00-890.00. PONIES: 85.00-245.00. LARGE PONIES 380.00-460.00. COLTS 185.00-430.00. WHAT’S AHEAD FOR CORN & SOYBEAN • We Deal In Futures And Options • Our Only Business Is Commodity Futures And Options • Same Location And Principals For Over 20 Years • When Buying options, your risk is limited to the loss of the premium paid plus all transaction cost. Buying futures and options have inherent risk and should be done only with risk capital. FOR INFORMA RON... LITER A TURE.. CHARTS... PLEASE CALL 215-821-8111 800-543-8939 LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. Suits LL6, 2200 Hamilton St., Allentown, PA 18104 Hit risk of (Oil In trading luturtt and options on luturts can bt substantial. Futuna and options trading may not bt sultablt (or tvtiyont. You should carefully consider tht risks In light of your financial condition in deciding whathtr to trade.
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