AfrUncNt* Farming. Saturday. Dacambar IS, 1993 Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Haduttatonrn, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tueedey, December 14. 1993 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .20-.75. LEGHORN FOWL .30. MIXED FOWL .35. BANTAMS BACH .25-1.80. GUINEA PIGS EACH 3.50. FRYERS .20-.30. PULLETS .65. BUNNIES EACH .75-4.00. ROOSTERS .40-1.10. GEESE: .20-.40. TURKEYS .30-.80. DUCKS .30-1.00. RABBITS .70-1.40. PIGEONS 1.50-2.00. GUINEAS .75-1.80. CALL DUCKS 8.00-9.50. WHITE EGGS: EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .57 .77; LARGE .4S-.72; MEDIUMS .55. BROWN EGGS: EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .77 .86; LARGE .64-.77; MEDIUMS .43-.55. STEERS FOR SALE 425 Steers @ 350 Lbs. Each - 125 Steers @ 500 Lbs. Each TEND-R-LEEN®PROFITABLE @ $3.31 CORN!! Profit Guide 350 Lbs. To 1225 Lbs. Market Prices Lbs. Fed Product# Description r^.mih Tend-R-Leen 36% Finisher Concentrate $ 62.83 with Bovatec and Oxytetracycline 360 Lbs. 73600 79600 60 Lbs. #504 Go-Calf Starter Flakes Price is for the week of Dec. 20 and Includes 2J4 % Cash Discount pennfield feeds PA 1-800-732-0467 | MD, DE & NJ 1-800-233-0202 1994, THE AGRICULTURAL MARK ETING SERVICE WILL NO LONGER CONTRIBUTE MARKET NEWS REPORTS TO THE CIDS SYSTEM. You may contact Steve McConnell on (202) 720-9000, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM E.S.T. for information on alternative methods of receiving an electronic venion of this report. Eastern PA & NJ Poultry Report Atlanta, Ga. Tueaday, December 14,1993 Trading on light type fowl continuei at doie to unchanged levels compared to last week. Offerings for next week’s reduced holiday processing schedules are at least adequste to fully adequate. Sales are too few to report prices on heavy hens. Availa bility, though currently limited, is noted as sufficient to cover requirements. Under tone generally steady. LIGHT TYPE HENS CENTS PER LB.. DAY OF NEGOTIATION. GENERALLY FOR SLAUGHTER WITHIN THE NEXT 10 DAYS RANGE MAJORITY AT FARM BUYER LOADING 2-3 CENTS/ LB. 2 FOB PLANT TOO FEW TO REPORT HEAVY TYPE HENS (7 POUNDS AND UP) • PRELIMINARY PRICE. CENTS PER LB.. GENERALLY FOR SLAUGH TER THE WEEK OF 20-DEC-93 RANGE MAJORITY AT FARM BUYER LOAD ING TOO FEW TO REPORT FOB PLANT TOO FEW TO REPORT • WEIGHTS UNDER 7 LBS. SUBJECT TO DISCOUNT. Tend-R-Leon Free Choice Mineral with Sodium Diacetate TOTAL PENNFIELD COST $ 83.61 66.8 Bushel Shelled Corn @ $3.31 Per Bushel $211.10 350 Lb. Calf ® $l.OO Per Lb. $350.00 TOTAL COSTS $644.71 Four States Livestock Hapentowa, Md. Damn bar 15, 1999 Report wppllod by AikUm SLAUGHTER COWS: 92 HEAD, 2.00- LOWER. UTILITY 44.00- SO; HIGH DRESSING 49.00- I AT SI.7S; CANNERS 41.00- SHELLY 41.00 DOWN. BULLS; FEW YG#2 1500-2050 LBS. 54.00- LOW DRESSING 1200 LBS. TO 53.25. FED STEERS: NO HIGH CHOICE OFFERED. H SELECT TO LOW CHOICE 1100-1400 LBS. 64.00-66.50; SELECT 61.00-63.50; FEW SELECT 1000-1100 LBS. 62.00-67.00. FED HEIFERS: CHOICE 1000-1200 LBS. 64.00-67.00; SELECT 60.00-63.00. VEAL CALVES: LOW CHOICE 200-300 LBS. TO 85.00; CULLS 85-110 LBS. 54.00-62.00; SO-80 LBS. 45.00- WEAK/ROUGH 40.00 DOWN. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 10.00 HIGHER. #1 95-125 LBS. 150.00- FEW TO 178.00; 85-90 LBS. 125.00-1S0.00; 80-85 LBS. 95.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 95-120 LBS. 160.00-197.00; 75-90 LBS. 120.00- BEEP X BULLS 75-90 LBS. TO 130.00. BUTCHER HOGS: LIGHT RUN. NO HANDY WEIGHTS OFFERED. 290-325 LBS. 34.00-37.50; 330-375 LBS. 33.50. SOWS: 300-450 LBS. 30.00-33.50; 450650 LBS. 32.00-33J0. BOARS; 400650 LBS. TO 28.50; 200-300 LBS. TO 32.75. STOCK CATTLE: 198 HEAD. HAY. STRAW & GRAIN S/kLE Every Thursday at i p. m . (Rt. 30,10 miles east of Lancaster In Paradise, PA) $ 20.78 For Info. 717-442-4181 business 21S-458-8518 home MONDAY 10;00 A.M. Vi mk§D horses iff( mules C|. I*3o P»M. EjP BEEF SALE I S n CALVES , HEIFER SALE 11;00 A.M. COW SALE 12:00 NOON ai* c °»s Wo hava tha uaual run ol SO to 100 Halfara, all ago*. Loada of fraah oowa and aprlngara front our rogular ahippara. Alto aoma local (raah oowa and aprlngora; NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster Off Route 23, New Holland, Penna. Luka Ebarly -215-267-66 M 786-1565 Homar Ebarly • 215*267-3047 Ron Ranek • 717-656-9349 Auction will continue all year long Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC; THE ACTION AUCTION LIVESTOCK IS OU] SLAUGHTER HOGS EARLY BIRD HOG SALE 7:3Q A.M. Sail Your Hogs At New Holland Salea Stables, Inc. Saa them weighed, sold and pickup your check. Norman * Dr STEERS MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 300-400 LBS. 71.00-93.00; 400600 LBS. 72.00-84.00; 600-700 LBS. 70.00-81.00; 750-950 LBS. 62.00-73.00. HEIFERS: SMALL AND MEDIUM FRAME 300-500 LBS. 62.00-70.00; 500-700 LBS. 61.00-72.00. BULLS: MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 300-500 LBS. 75.00-87.00; 500-700 LBS. 60.00-73.00; 700-800 LBS. 57.0069.00. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS; LARGE FRESH AND SPRINGING 950.00- MEDIUM 750.00- SMALL 600.00-750.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS BYTES POUOND 300-500 LBS. TO 85.00; 600-800 LBS. TO 6 8.0 0. LAMBS: CHOICE 90-100 LBS. 63.p069.00; 70-90 LBS. 71.00-75.00; 4065 LBS. 77.00-88.00, FEW GOOD SMALL 30.00-40.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: SO HEAD. BY THE HEAD FROM TESTED HERDS 30-40 LBS. 17.00-25.00; 4060 LBS. 22.00-26.00, 5 HEAD 65 LBS. AT 35.50. DEC. 22 WILL BE THE LAST DAY THAT MARLIN AND EVA MARTIN WILL OEPRATE OUR LUNCH ROOM. WE DESPERATELY NEED SOME BODY TO TAKE OVER ON DEC. 29. PLEASE HELP US FIND A REPLACEMENT. OUR SALES WILL BE HELD AS USUAL THROUGHOUT THE. HOLI DAYS. WE EXPECT GOOD PRICES FOR CULL COWS THE NEXT 2 WEEKS AS MOST VIRGINIA SALES CLOSE DOWN AND PACKERS WILL STILL NEED CATTLE PRICES WILL DROP AFTER NEW YEAR WHEN THE RUNS PICK UP AGAIN. L Robert Frame, s. president Glenn S. Frame Mgr. 'l7-397-5538 70.00-72.00. GOATS: MEDIUM SO.OO-66.00; National Egg Market Wednesday, December 15,1993 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices were unchanged u> high er in the Northeast and Midweit, and unchanged elsewhere. The market tone wai needy to film. Demand remained moderate to veiy good, best into retail channels. Supplies were barely adequate to adequate with graded eggs in the closest balance, and tome plants increased grading schedules to fill orders. NOTICE TO MY TOBACCO PARMER FRIENDS If you fed the price Is right and you are ready to market your tobacco, or some of It, we will be buying at my ware house across the street from the auction. Receiving days are Monday, Wednes day & Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. and Tuesday & Thursday form 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Buyer: Donald Rohrer Eves. 717-687-6802 SOUTHBOAT LEAF TOBACCO 661 Vintage Rd. 24 Meadow Ln, PO Box 192 Christiana, PA 17509 Paradise, PA 17562 . Answering Service - 215-593-6729 ONLY BUSINESS THURSDAY J Beef Auction 10;00 AM. mwmp bulls, steers, ÜBh beef cows X;QO£iM. STOCKERS ft FEEDERS 11:30 A.M. SHEEP GOATS fff \1 CALVES 1:30 P-M. FEEDER PIG SALE Pig* v* accepted after 630 A.M. Star* graded from 8 to 12. Dairy Bam and Feeder Pig Bam are cleaned and dWnlected weakly lor your protection. Rogar Floyd - 717-354-4341 FAX #717-355-0706 Order Buwar Paul Good - 215-445-6662 Green Livestock Location; 1 mile N. on North State St., Ephrata SALE EVERY FRIDAY 11:00 A.M.- Beef 6:00 P.M.- Smal Animal Sale Office 717-733-2444 Home 717-838-4318 WALTER H. RISSER Propristor Buyer. Bill Macon Eves. 215-593-5950
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